Source code for pyseg.protocols.protocol_2d_classification

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Scipion Team
# *
# * National Center of Biotechnology, CSIC, Spain
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************
from os.path import abspath, join, exists
import glob
from emtable import Table
from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol, PointerParam
from pyseg.utils import checkMaskFormat, getFinalMaskFileName
from pyworkflow import BETA
from pyworkflow.object import String
from pyworkflow.protocol import EnumParam, IntParam, LEVEL_ADVANCED, FloatParam, GE, LT, BooleanParam
from pyworkflow.utils import Message, makePath
from reliontomo.convert import writeSetOfSubtomograms
from scipion.constants import PYTHON
from tomo.objects import SetOfSubTomograms
from tomo.protocols import ProtTomoBase
from pyseg import Plugin
from pyseg.convert import readStarFile, RELION_SUBTOMO_STAR

# Processing level choices
PARTICLE_FLATENNING = 0     # Particle flattening
CC_MATRIX_FEAT_VECTORS = 1  # Cross correlation matrix / Feature vectors
FULL_CLASSIFICATION = 2     # Full classification

# Distance metric choices
CC_DISTANCE = 0             # Cross correlation used as distance
EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE = 1      # Euclidean distance among image vectors used as distance metric.

# Cross correlation metric choices
CC_WITHIN_MASK = 0          # Cross-correlation within mask
SIMILARITY = 1              # Mask normalized similarity (negative squared Euclidean distance)
FULL_CC = 2                 # Full cross-correlation

# Clustering algorithm choices
AFFINITY_PROP = 0           # Affinity propagation
AGGLOMERATIVE = 1           # Agglomerative clustering
KMEANS = 2                  # K-means

# Affinity propagation condition
AP_CONDITION = 'clusteringAlg == %s' % AFFINITY_PROP
NOT_AP_CONDITION = 'clusteringAlg != %s' % AFFINITY_PROP

# Affinity Propagation reference choices

[docs]class ProtPySegPlaneAlignClassification(EMProtocol, ProtTomoBase): """Unsupervised and deterministic classification of membrane-bound particles""" _label = '2D classification' _devStatus = BETA inStarName = '' _dataTable = Table() _outDir = None _warningMsg = String() _distanceMetric = None # -------------------------- DEFINE param functions ---------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): """ Define the input parameters that will be used. Params: form: this is the form to be populated with sections and params. """ # You need a params to belong to a section: form.addSection(label=Message.LABEL_INPUT) form.addParam('inputSubtomos', PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfSubTomograms', important=True, label="Input subtomograms", help='Select the input subtomograms desired to be classified.') form.addParam('inMask', PointerParam, pointerClass='VolumeMask', label='Mask', important=True, allowsNull=False, help='Mask used for the post processing') form.addParam('clusteringAlg', EnumParam, label='Clustering algorithm', choices=['Affinity propagation', 'Agglomerative clustering', 'K-means'], important=True, default=AFFINITY_PROP) group = form.addGroup('Pre-processing',) group.addParam('filterSize', IntParam, label='Filter size (voxels)', allowsNull=False, important=True, help='A value of n means that the voxels will be grouped in groups of size n.' ) group.addParam('doCC3d', BooleanParam, label='Do 3D radial compensation?', default=True, help='If "No" is selected, the normalized cross correlation (NCC) is made in 2D, ' 'otherwise radial average is compensated for doing a NCC in 3D.') group = form.addGroup('Radial averages', condition='%s or (%s and expertLevel == %s)' % (AP_CONDITION, NOT_AP_CONDITION, LEVEL_ADVANCED)) group.addParam('ccMetric', EnumParam, label='Cross correlation metric', choices=['Cross-correlation within the mask', 'Mask normalized similarity', 'Full cross-correlation'], default=CC_WITHIN_MASK, condition=AP_CONDITION, help='Metric used when computing the cross correlation matrix among the 2D particles. ' 'Considerations:\n' '\t- Mask normalized similarity is referred to negative squared Euclidean distance.\n' '\t- Full cross-correlation (slower than ross-correlation within the mask but allows ' 'small disalignments between particles).') group.addParam('pcaComps', IntParam, label='PCA components for dim. reduction', validators=[GE(0)], default=0, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, condition=NOT_AP_CONDITION, help='Number of components (moments) after the reductions.\nIf 0 or None, ' 'then they will be automatically estimated considering the size ob the input subtomograms.') group = form.addGroup('Parameters of chosen classification algorithm') group.addParam('aggNClusters', IntParam, label='Number of clusters to find', default=50, condition=NOT_AP_CONDITION) group.addParam('apPref', FloatParam, label='Affinity propagation preference (-inf, inf)', default=-6, condition=AP_CONDITION, help='Preference parameter (-inf, inf).\nThe smaller value the higher number of ' 'potential classes.\nIf None, the median of the affinity class is considered.') group.addParam('apDumping', FloatParam, label='Dumping [0.5, 1)', default=0.5, validators=[GE(0.5), LT(1)], expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, condition=AP_CONDITION, help='Dumping parameter [0.5, 1), it controls convergence speed.') group.addParam('apMaxIter', IntParam, label='Maximum number of iterations', default=2000, condition=AP_CONDITION, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED) group.addParam('apConvIter', IntParam, label='Iterations for fitting the convergence criteria', default=40, condition=AP_CONDITION, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED) group.addParam('apReference', EnumParam, label='Reference 2D image used for classes', choices=['Exemplar', 'Average'], default=AVERAGE, condition=AP_CONDITION, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED) group = form.addGroup('Classification post-processing', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED) group.addParam('apPartSizeFilter', IntParam, label='Minimum number of particles per class', validators=[GE(0)], default=0, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help='Purge classes with less than the specified number of particles. ' 'If 0, this filter will not be applied.') group.addParam('apCCRefFilter', FloatParam, label='Cross-correlation against AP reference filter', validators=[GE(0)], default=0, condition=AP_CONDITION, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help='Purge classes with the cross correlation against the reference ' 'lower than the specified value. If 0, this filter will not be applied.') form.addParallelSection(threads=4, mpi=0) def _insertAllSteps(self): self._initialize() self._insertFunctionStep(self.convertInputStep) self._insertFunctionStep(self.pysegPlaneAlignClassification) self._insertFunctionStep(self.createOutputStep)
[docs] def convertInputStep(self): """ Create the input file in STAR format as expected by Relion. """ subtomoSet = self.inputSubtomos.get() subTomoStar = self._getExtraPath(self.inStarName) writeSetOfSubtomograms(subtomoSet, subTomoStar, isPyseg=True) # Convert the mask format if necessary checkMaskFormat(self.inMask.get())
[docs] def pysegPlaneAlignClassification(self): # Script called Plugin.runPySeg(self, PYTHON, self. _getCommand())
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): # Read generated star file and create the output objects: # 1) Set of subtomograms outStar = self._getGatheredStarFile() subtomoSet = SetOfSubTomograms.create(self._getPath(), template='setOfSubTomograms%s.sqlite') subtomoSet.copyInfo(self.inputSubtomos.get()) warningMsg, self._dataTable = readStarFile(self, subtomoSet, RELION_SUBTOMO_STAR, starFile=outStar, returnTable=True) if warningMsg: self._warningMsg.set(warningMsg) self._store() self._defineOutputs(outputSetOfSubtomogram=subtomoSet) # 2) Set of classes subtomograms classesSet = self._createSetOfClassesSubTomograms(subtomoSet) self._fillClasses(classesSet) self._defineOutputs(outputClasses=classesSet) self._defineSourceRelation(subtomoSet, classesSet)
# --------------------------- INFO functions ----------------------------------- def _summary(self): return [SEE_METHODS_TAB] def _methods(self): summary = [] if self.isFinished(): sizePostPorcessing = self.apPartSizeFilter.get() ccPostProcessing = self.apCCRefFilter.get() r3dMsg = 'Radial compensation for 3D' r3dMsg = r3dMsg if self.doCC3d.get() else 'No ' + r3dMsg summary.append( '\n*Particles pre-processing:*\n' ' - Low pass Gaussian filter sigma: %i voxels.\n' ' - %s' % (self.filterSize.get(), r3dMsg) ) if self.clusteringAlg.get() == AFFINITY_PROP: msg = ' - Cross correlation metric: %s\n' % self._decodeCCMetric() else: msg = ' - Number of components for PCA dimensionality reduction: %i\n' % self.pcaComps.get() summary.append( '\n*Distance metric calculation:*\n' ' - Distance metric: %s\n%s' % (self._decodeDistanceMetric(), msg)) summary.append( '*Classification:*\n' ' - Clustering algorithm: %s\n' % self._decodeClusteringAlg() ) if sizePostPorcessing or ccPostProcessing: msg = '' if sizePostPorcessing: msg += ' - Classes containing less than %i particles were purged\n' % sizePostPorcessing if ccPostProcessing: msg += ' - Classes with the cross correlation against the reference lower than %1.2f were ' \ 'purged' % ccPostProcessing summary.append('Post-processing:\n%s' % msg) return summary def _validate(self): nSubtomos = self.inputSubtomos.get().getSize() errors = [] if self.clusteringAlg.get() != AFFINITY_PROP: if self.aggNClusters.get() <= 0 or self.aggNClusters.get() > nSubtomos: errors.append('Number of clusters to find must be in range (0, nParticles).') if self.pcaComps.get() > nSubtomos: errors.append('Number of PCA components must be between 0 and min(n_samples, n_features).') return errors # --------------------------- UTIL functions ----------------------------------- def _initialize(self): self._outDir = self._getExtraPath(PLANE_ALIGN_CLASS_OUT) # Generate output subtomo dir makePath(self._outDir) def _getGatheredStarFile(self): return glob.glob(join(self._outDir, '*'))[0] def _getNumberOfClasses(self): return len(glob.glob(join(self._outDir, '*'))) def _getCommand(self): alg = self.clusteringAlg.get() classCmd = ' ' classCmd += '%s ' % Plugin.getHome(PLANE_ALIGN_CLASS_SCRIPT) classCmd += '--inRootDir scipion ' classCmd += '--inStar %s ' % self._getExtraPath(self.inStarName) classCmd += '--inMask %s ' % getFinalMaskFileName(self.inMask.get()) classCmd += '--outDir %s ' % self._outDir classCmd += '--filterSize %s ' % self.filterSize.get() classCmd += '--procLevel %s ' % (FULL_CLASSIFICATION + 1) # Numbered from 1 in pyseg classCmd += '--doCC3d %s ' % self.doCC3d.get() classCmd += '--ccMetric %s ' % self._decodeCCMetric() classCmd += '--clusteringAlg %s ' % self._decodeClusteringAlg() classCmd += '--distanceMetric %s ' % self._decodeDistanceMetric() if alg == AFFINITY_PROP: classCmd += '--apPref %s ' % self.apPref.get() classCmd += '--apDumping %s ' % self.apDumping.get() classCmd += '--apMaxIter %s ' % self.apMaxIter.get() classCmd += '--apConvIter %s ' % self.apConvIter.get() classCmd += '--apCCRefFilter %s ' % self.apCCRefFilter.get() else: classCmd += '--pcaComps %s ' % self._estimatePCAComps() if alg == AGGLOMERATIVE: classCmd += '--aggNClusters %s ' % self.aggNClusters.get() else: classCmd += '--kmeansNClusters %s ' % self.aggNClusters.get() classCmd += '--apPartSizeFilter %s ' % self.apPartSizeFilter.get() classCmd += '-j %s ' % self.numberOfThreads.get() return classCmd def _decodeCCMetric(self): res = None ccMetric = self.ccMetric.get() if ccMetric == CC_WITHIN_MASK: res = 'cc' elif ccMetric == SIMILARITY: res = 'similarity' elif ccMetric == FULL_CC: res = 'full_cc' return res def _decodeClusteringAlg(self): res = None clusteringAlg = self.clusteringAlg.get() if clusteringAlg == AFFINITY_PROP: res = 'AP' elif clusteringAlg == AGGLOMERATIVE: res = 'AG' elif clusteringAlg == KMEANS: res = 'Kmeans' return res def _decodeDistanceMetric(self): # It deopends on the clustering algorithm, being CC if AP and vectors otherwise distanceMetric = self.clusteringAlg.get() if distanceMetric == AFFINITY_PROP: res = 'ncc_2dz' else: res = 'vectors' return res def _fillClasses(self, classesSet): classesSet.classifyItems(updateItemCallback=self._updateParticle, updateClassCallback=self._updateClass, itemDataIterator=self._dataTable.__iter__()) @staticmethod def _updateParticle(item, row): item.setClassId(int(row.rlnClassNumber)) def _updateClass(self, item): classId = item.getObjId() fn = self._getReferenceImage(classId) item.setAlignment3D() item.getRepresentative().setLocation(fn + ':mrc') def _getReferenceImage(self, classId): # Search in exemplars directory. If file does not exist, search in averages directory representativesLocation = None exemplarssLocation = glob.glob(join(self._outDir, '*_exemplars')) averagesLocation = glob.glob(join(self._outDir, '*_averages')) if exemplarssLocation: if exists(abspath(exemplarssLocation[0])): representativesLocation = exemplarssLocation[0] else: if exists(abspath(averagesLocation[0])): representativesLocation = averagesLocation[0] return glob.glob(join(representativesLocation, 'class_k%i.mrc' % classId))[0] def _estimatePCAComps(self): pcaComps = self.pcaComps.get() if not pcaComps: x, y, _ = self.inputSubtomos.get().getDimensions() pcaComps = round(1/100 * 0.5 * x * y) return pcaComps