Source code for pkpd.viewers.viewer_pkpd_simulate_drug_interactions

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

    from itertools import izip
except ImportError:
    izip = zip
import numpy as np

from pyworkflow.viewer import Viewer, DESKTOP_TKINTER
from pwem.viewers.plotter import EmPlotter

from pkpd.protocols import ProtPKPDSimulateDrugInteractions

[docs]class PKPDSimulateDrugInteractionsViewer(Viewer): _targets = [ProtPKPDSimulateDrugInteractions] _environments = [DESKTOP_TKINTER]
[docs] def addLimits(self,plotter,previousType,minX,maxX): if previousType=="ReversibleLiver": ax = plotter.getLastSubPlot() ax.plot([minX, maxX],[1.02,1.02],'b--', label="EMA") ax.plot([minX, maxX],[1.1,1.1],'r-.', label="FDA") leg=ax.legend() if leg: leg.draggable() plotter.draw() elif previousType=="ReversibleGut" or previousType=="TimeDependentGut": ax = plotter.getLastSubPlot() ax.plot([minX, maxX],[11,11],'r--', label="EMA/FDA") leg=ax.legend() if leg: leg.draggable() plotter.draw() elif previousType=="TimeDependentLiver": ax = plotter.getLastSubPlot() ax.plot([minX, maxX],[1.25,1.25],'b--', label="EMA") ax.plot([minX, maxX],[1.1,1.1],'r-.', label="FDA") leg=ax.legend() if leg: leg.draggable() plotter.draw() elif previousType=="InductionLiver": ax = plotter.getLastSubPlot() ax.plot([minX, maxX],[0.9,0.9],'r--', label="FDA") leg=ax.legend() if leg: leg.draggable() plotter.draw() elif previousType=="TransporterGut": ax = plotter.getLastSubPlot() ax.plot([minX, maxX],[11,11],'r--', label="EMA/FDA") leg=ax.legend() if leg: leg.draggable() plotter.draw() elif previousType=="TransporterLiver": ax = plotter.getLastSubPlot() ax.plot([minX, maxX],[1.04,1.04],'b--', label="EMA") ax.plot([minX, maxX],[1.1,1.1],'r--', label="FDA") leg=ax.legend() if leg: leg.draggable() plotter.draw() elif previousType=="TransporterRenal": ax = plotter.getLastSubPlot() ax.plot([minX, maxX],[1.02,1.02],'b--', label="EMA") ax.plot([minX, maxX],[1.1,1.1],'r--', label="FDA") leg=ax.legend() if leg: leg.draggable() plotter.draw()
[docs] def visualize(self, obj, **kwargs): prot = obj fnProfiles = prot._getPath("profiles.txt") fh = open(fnProfiles,"r") Rtype = [] Rlegends = [] R = [] state = 0 for line in fh: if state==0: tokens = line.split("::") Rtype.append(tokens[0]) Rlegends.append(tokens[1].strip()) Ri=[] state=1 elif state==1: tokens=line.strip().split() if len(tokens)==0: R.append(Ri) state=0 else: if len(Ri)==0: for n in range(len(tokens)): Ri.append([]) for n in range(len(tokens)): Ri[n].append(tokens[n]) fh.close() plotter = None previousType = "" for legend, Ri, Rtypei in izip(Rlegends, R, Rtype): if plotter is None or Rtypei!=previousType: if previousType!="": self.addLimits(plotter,previousType,minX,maxX) plotter = EmPlotter(style='seaborn-whitegrid') doShow = True if Rtypei=="ReversibleLiver" or Rtypei=="TimeDependentLiver" or Rtypei=="InductionLiver" or Rtypei=="StaticLiver" or Rtypei=="TransporterLiver": Ilabel="[Ih] [uM]" elif Rtypei=="ReversibleGut" or Rtypei=="TimeDependentGut" or Rtypei=="InductionGut" or Rtypei=="StaticGut" or Rtypei=="TransporterGut": Ilabel="[Ig] [uM]" elif Rtypei=="TransporterRenal": Ilabel="[Cmax] [uM]" ax = plotter.createSubPlot("Plot", Ilabel, "R") previousType = Rtypei minX = None maxX = None else: doShow = False ax = plotter.getLastSubPlot() x = np.asarray(Ri[0],dtype=np.float64) if len(Ri)==2: y=np.asarray(Ri[1],dtype=np.float64) else: y=np.asarray(Ri[2],dtype=np.float64) ax.plot(x, y, label=legend) minXi = np.min(x) maxXi = np.max(x) if minX==None: minX=minXi maxX=maxXi minX=min(minXi,minX) maxX=min(maxXi,maxX) leg = ax.legend() if leg: leg.draggable() if doShow: else: plotter.draw() self.addLimits(plotter,previousType,minX,maxX)