Source code for pkpd.protocols.protocol_pkpd_pdgeneric_fit

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Carlos Oscar Sorzano (
# *
# * Kinestat Pharma
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************

import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import LEVEL_ADVANCED
from .protocol_pkpd_fit_base import ProtPKPDFitBase
from pkpd.models.pd_models import *


[docs]class ProtPKPDGenericFit(ProtPKPDFitBase): """ Fit a generic model. The observed measurement is modelled as Y=f(X).\n Confidence intervals calculated by this fitting may be pessimistic because it assumes that all model parameters are independent, which are not. Use Bootstrap estimates instead.\n Protocol created by\n""" _label = 'fit pd generic' #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): self._defineParams1(form,"Cp","E") form.addParam('modelType', params.EnumParam, choices=["Linear (polynomial 1)","Log-linear","Saturated","Sigmoid","Gompertz", "Logistic1 ","Logistic 2","Logistic 3","Logistic 4", "Richards","Morgan-Mercer-Flodin","Weibull","Hill", "Polynomial 2", "Polynomial 3", "Polynomial 4", "Polynomial 5", "Polynomial 6", "Polynomial 7", "Polynomial 8", "Polynomial 9"], label="Generic model", default=0, help='Linear: Y=e1*X+e0\nLog-linear: Y=m*log(X-X0)\nSaturated: Y=e0+(emax*X/(eC50+X))\n'\ 'Sigmoid: Y=e0+(emax*(X**h)/((eC50**h)+(X**h)))\nGompertz: Y=e0+a*exp(-exp(b-g*X))\n'\ 'Logistic 1: Y=e0+(a/(1+exp(b-g*X)))\nLogistic 2: Y=e0+(1/(a+exp(b-g*X)))\nLogistic 3: Y=e0+(a/(1+b*exp(-g*X)))\n'\ 'Logistic 4: Y=e0+(1/(a+b*exp(-g*X)))\nRichards: Y=e0+(a/((1+exp(b-g*X))^(1/d)))\n'\ 'Morgan-Mercer-Flodin: Y=e0+((b*g+a*(X^d))/(g+(X^d)))\nWeibull: Y=a-b*exp(-g*(X^d))\n' 'Hill: Y=e0+b*X^d/(g^d+X^d)\nPolynomial 2: e2*X^2+e1*X+e0\nPolynomial N: eN*X^N+...+e1*X+e0') form.addParam('fitType', params.EnumParam, choices=["Linear","Logarithmic","Relative"], label="Fit mode", default=1, help='Linear: sum (Cobserved-Cpredicted)^2\nLogarithmic: sum(log10(Cobserved)-log10(Cpredicted))^2\n'\ "Relative: sum ((Cobserved-Cpredicted)/Cobserved)^2") form.addParam('bounds', params.StringParam, label="Bounds (optional)", default="", help='Parameter values for the simulation.\nExample: (1,10);(0,0.05) is (1,10) for the first parameter, (0,0.05) for the second parameter\n' 'Linear: e1;e0\n'\ 'Log-linear: m;X0\n'\ 'Saturated: e0;emax;eC50\n'\ 'Sigmoid: e0;emax;eC50;h\n'\ 'Gompertz: e0;a;b;g\n'\ 'Logistic 1: e0;a;b;g\n'\ 'Logistic 2: e0;a;b;g\n'\ 'Logistic 3: e0;a;b;g\n'\ 'Logistic 4: e0;a;b;g\n'\ 'Richards: e0;a;b;g;d\n'\ 'Morgan-Mercer-Flodin: e0;b;g;a;d\n'\ 'Weibull: a;b;g;d\n'\ 'Hill: e0;b;g;d\n'\ 'Polynomial N: eN;...;e1;e0\n') form.addParam('confidenceInterval', params.FloatParam, label="Confidence interval=", default=95, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help='Confidence interval for the fitted parameters') form.addParam('reportX', params.StringParam, label="Evaluate at X=", default="", expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help='Evaluate the model at these X values\nExample 1: [0,5,10,20,40,100]\nExample 2: 0:2:10, from 0 to 10 in steps of 2')
[docs] def getListOfFormDependencies(self): return [self.modelType.get(), self.fitType.get(), self.bounds.get(), self.confidenceInterval.get(), self.reportX.get()]
#--------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------------------------
[docs] def createModel(self): if self.modelType.get() == 0: return PDPolynomial1() elif self.modelType.get() == 1: return PDLogLinear() elif self.modelType.get() == 2: return PDSaturated() elif self.modelType.get() == 3: return PDSigmoid() elif self.modelType.get() == 4: return PDGompertz() elif self.modelType.get() == 5: return PDLogistic1() elif self.modelType.get() == 6: return PDLogistic2() elif self.modelType.get() == 7: return PDLogistic3() elif self.modelType.get() == 8: return PDLogistic4() elif self.modelType.get() == 9: return PDRichards() elif self.modelType.get() == 10: return PDMorgan() elif self.modelType.get() == 11: return PDWeibull() elif self.modelType.get() == 12: return PDHill() elif self.modelType.get() == 13: return PDPolynomial2() elif self.modelType.get() == 14: return PDPolynomial3() elif self.modelType.get() == 15: return PDPolynomial4() elif self.modelType.get() == 16: return PDPolynomial5() elif self.modelType.get() == 17: return PDPolynomial6() elif self.modelType.get() == 18: return PDPolynomial7() elif self.modelType.get() == 19: return PDPolynomial8() elif self.modelType.get() == 20: return PDPolynomial9()