Source code for pkpd.protocols.protocol_pkpd_nca_numeric

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Carlos Oscar Sorzano (
# *
# * Kinestat Pharma
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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# **************************************************************************

import numpy as np
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from .protocol_pkpd import ProtPKPD
from pkpd.objects import PKPDVariable
from pkpd.pkpd_units import createUnit, multiplyUnits, strUnit
import math

# Tested in
# Tested in
# Tested in

[docs]class ProtPKPDNCANumeric(ProtPKPD): """ Non-compartmental analysis just based on the samples. The results are valid only up to T.\n It is valid for any kind of via (intravenous, extravascular, ...)\n. Protocol created by\n""" _label = 'nca numeric' #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection('Input') form.addParam('inputExperiment', params.PointerParam, label="Input experiment", pointerClass='PKPDExperiment', help='Select the experiment with the measurements you want to analyze') form.addParam('xVar', params.StringParam, label="Variable to analyze", default="Cp") form.addParam('t0', params.StringParam, label="t0", default="", help="The analysis is performed between t0 and tF. " "Make sure these values are in the same units as in the input experiment. Leave empty for analyzing from 0 to max(t).") form.addParam('tF', params.StringParam, label="tF", default="", help="The analysis is performed between t0 and tF. " "Make sure these values are in the same units as in the input experiment. Leave empty for analyzing from 0 to max(t).") #--------------------------- STEPS functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('runAnalysis',self.inputExperiment.getObjId(),self.xVar.get()) self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep')
[docs] def analyzeSample(self, sample, t, C): t=np.insert(t,0,0.0) C=np.insert(C,0,0.0) if sample.descriptors is None: sample.descriptors = {} self.AUC0t = 0 self.AUMC0t = 0 t0 = t[0] tperiod0=0 # Time at which the dose was given T0=0 TF=np.max(t) if self.t0.get()!="" and self.tF.get()!="": T0=float(self.t0.get()) TF=float(self.tF.get()) for idx in range(0,t.shape[0]-1): if t[idx]>=T0 and t[idx]<=TF: dt = (t[idx+1]-t[idx]) if C[idx+1]>=C[idx]: # Trapezoidal in the raise self.AUC0t += 0.5*dt*(C[idx]+C[idx+1]) self.AUMC0t += 0.5*dt*(C[idx]*t[idx]+C[idx+1]*t[idx+1]) else: # Log-trapezoidal in the decay if C[idx+1]>0 and C[idx]>0: decrement = C[idx]/C[idx+1] K = math.log(decrement) B = K/dt self.AUC0t += dt*(C[idx]-C[idx+1])/K self.AUMC0t += (C[idx]*(t[idx]-tperiod0)-C[idx+1]*(t[idx+1]-tperiod0))/B-(C[idx+1]-C[idx])/(B*B) if idx==0: self.Cmax=C[idx] self.Tmax=t[idx]-t0 else: if C[idx]>self.Cmax: self.Cmax=C[idx] self.Tmax=t[idx]-t0 self.MRT = self.AUMC0t/self.AUC0t print(" Cmax=%f [%s]"%(self.Cmax,strUnit(self.Cunits.unit))) print(" Tmax=%f [%s]"%(self.Tmax,strUnit(self.tunits))) print(" AUC0t=%f [%s]"%(self.AUC0t,strUnit(self.AUCunits))) print(" AUMC0t=%f [%s]"%(self.AUMC0t,strUnit(self.AUMCunits))) print(" MRT=%f [%s]"%(self.MRT,strUnit(self.tunits))) print("") sample.descriptors["Tmax"]=self.Tmax sample.descriptors["Cmax"]=self.Cmax sample.descriptors["MRT"] = self.MRT sample.descriptors["AUC0t"] = self.AUC0t sample.descriptors["AUMC0t"] = self.AUMC0t
[docs] def runAnalysis(self,objId, xvarName): self.outputExperiment = self.readExperiment(self.inputExperiment.get().fnPKPD) tvarName = None for varName in self.outputExperiment.variables: if self.outputExperiment.variables[varName].role == PKPDVariable.ROLE_TIME: tvarName = varName break if tvarName is None: raise Exception("Cannot find a time variable in this experiment") tvar = PKPDVariable() tvar.varName = "t" tvar.varType = PKPDVariable.TYPE_NUMERIC tvar.role = PKPDVariable.ROLE_TIME self.tunits = self.outputExperiment.getTimeUnits().unit tvar.units = createUnit(self.tunits) self.Cunits = self.outputExperiment.variables[xvarName].units self.AUCunits = multiplyUnits(tvar.units.unit, self.Cunits.unit) self.AUMCunits = multiplyUnits(tvar.units.unit, self.AUCunits) AUCvar = PKPDVariable() AUCvar.varName = "AUC0t" AUCvar.varType = PKPDVariable.TYPE_NUMERIC AUCvar.role = PKPDVariable.ROLE_LABEL AUCvar.units = createUnit(strUnit(self.AUCunits)) AUMCvar = PKPDVariable() AUMCvar.varName = "AUMC0t" AUMCvar.varType = PKPDVariable.TYPE_NUMERIC AUMCvar.role = PKPDVariable.ROLE_LABEL AUMCvar.units = createUnit(strUnit(self.AUMCunits)) MRTvar = PKPDVariable() MRTvar.varName = "MRT" MRTvar.varType = PKPDVariable.TYPE_NUMERIC MRTvar.role = PKPDVariable.ROLE_LABEL MRTvar.units = createUnit(self.outputExperiment.getTimeUnits().unit) Cmaxvar = PKPDVariable() Cmaxvar.varName = "Cmax" Cmaxvar.varType = PKPDVariable.TYPE_NUMERIC Cmaxvar.role = PKPDVariable.ROLE_LABEL Cmaxvar.units = createUnit(strUnit(self.Cunits.unit)) Tmaxvar = PKPDVariable() Tmaxvar.varName = "Tmax" Tmaxvar.varType = PKPDVariable.TYPE_NUMERIC Tmaxvar.role = PKPDVariable.ROLE_LABEL Tmaxvar.units = createUnit(self.outputExperiment.getTimeUnits().unit) self.outputExperiment.variables["AUC0t"] = AUCvar self.outputExperiment.variables["AUMC0t"] = AUMCvar self.outputExperiment.variables["MRT"] = MRTvar self.outputExperiment.variables["Cmax"] = Cmaxvar self.outputExperiment.variables["Tmax"] = Tmaxvar inputN = len(self.outputExperiment.samples) AUCarray = np.zeros(inputN) AUMCarray = np.zeros(inputN) MRTarray = np.zeros(inputN) CmaxArray = np.zeros(inputN) TmaxArray = np.zeros(inputN) i=0 for sampleName, sample in self.outputExperiment.samples.items(): [t,Cp] = sample.getXYValues(tvarName,xvarName) print("Analyzing %s"%sampleName) self.analyzeSample(sample, t[0], Cp[0]) AUCarray[i] = self.AUC0t AUMCarray[i] = self.AUMC0t MRTarray[i] = self.MRT CmaxArray[i] = self.Cmax TmaxArray[i] = self.Tmax i+=1 # Report NCA statistics alpha_2 = (100-95)/2 limits = np.percentile(AUCarray,[alpha_2,100-alpha_2]) fhSummary=open(self._getPath("summary.txt"),"w") self.doublePrint(fhSummary,"AUC %f%% confidence interval=[%f,%f] [%s] mean=%f"%(95,limits[0],limits[1],strUnit(self.AUCunits),np.mean(AUCarray))) limits = np.percentile(AUMCarray,[alpha_2,100-alpha_2]) self.doublePrint(fhSummary,"AUMC %f%% confidence interval=[%f,%f] [%s] mean=%f"%(95,limits[0],limits[1],strUnit(self.AUMCunits),np.mean(AUMCarray))) limits = np.percentile(MRTarray,[alpha_2,100-alpha_2]) self.doublePrint(fhSummary,"MRT %f%% confidence interval=[%f,%f] [min] mean=%f"%(95,limits[0],limits[1],np.mean(MRTarray))) limits = np.percentile(CmaxArray,[alpha_2,100-alpha_2]) self.doublePrint(fhSummary,"Cmax %f%% confidence interval=[%f,%f] [%s] mean=%f"%(95,limits[0],limits[1],strUnit(self.Cunits.unit),np.mean(CmaxArray))) limits = np.percentile(TmaxArray,[alpha_2,100-alpha_2]) self.doublePrint(fhSummary,"Tmax %f%% confidence interval=[%f,%f] [min] mean=%f"%(95,limits[0],limits[1],np.mean(TmaxArray))) fhSummary.close() self.outputExperiment.write(self._getPath("experiment.pkpd"))
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): self._defineOutputs(outputExperiment=self.outputExperiment) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputExperiment.get(), self.outputExperiment)
#--------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------------------- def _summary(self): msg=[] msg.append("Non-compartmental analysis for the observations of the variable %s"%self.xVar.get()) msg.append(" ") self.addFileContentToMessage(msg,self._getPath("summary.txt")) return msg