Source code for pkpd.protocols.protocol_pkpd_dissolution_loo_riegelman

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Carlos Oscar Sorzano (
# *
# * Kinestat Pharma
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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# **************************************************************************

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from .protocol_pkpd import ProtPKPD
from pkpd.objects import PKPDExperiment, PKPDSample, PKPDVariable
from pkpd.pkpd_units import createUnit
from pkpd.utils import uniqueFloatValues, calculateAUC0t, smoothPchip

# tested in

[docs]class ProtPKPDDeconvolutionLooRiegelman(ProtPKPD): """ Calculate the absorption profile of an in vivo concentration profile using the Loo-Riegelman approach. This is only valid for profiles that have been modelled with a two-compartments PK model. The formula is Fabs(t)=(Cp(t)+Cperipheral(t)+K10*AUC0t(t))/(K10*AUC0inf) where K10=Cl/V and Cperipheral(t_n)=k12*Delta Cp*Delta t/2+k12/k21 * Cp(t_n-1)(1-exp(-k21*Delta t))+Cperipheral(t_n-1)*exp(-k21*Delta t) In this implementation it is assumed that AUC0inf is the last AUC0t observed, meaning that Cp(t) has almost vanished in the last samples. This protocol is much more accurate when the input Cp(t) is reinterpolated to a small time step like 0.5 minutes. Reference: Leon Shargel, Susanna Wu-Pong, Andrew B.C. Yu. Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics, 6e. McGraw Hill, 1999. Chap. 7""" _label = 'deconvolution Loo-Riegelman' SAME_INPUT = 0 ANOTHER_INPUT = 1 BIOAVAIL_NONE = 0 BIOAVAIL_MULT = 1 BIOAVAIL_DIV = 2 #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection('Input') form.addParam('inputExperiment', params.PointerParam, label="In-vivo profiles", pointerClass='PKPDExperiment', help='Make sure that it has a clearance parameter (Cl) and central volume (V)') form.addParam('externalIV', params.EnumParam, choices=['Get impulse response from the same input fit', 'Get impulse response from another fit'], label='Impulse response source', default=self.SAME_INPUT, help="The impulse response is an estimate of the intravenous response") form.addParam('externalIVODE', params.PointerParam, label="External impulse response ODE model", condition='externalIV==1', pointerClass='ProtPKPDMonoCompartment, ProtPKPDTwoCompartments,ProtPKPDODERefine,' \ ' ProtPKPDTwoCompartmentsClint, ProtPKPDTwoCompartmentsClintCl', help='Select a run of an ODE model. It should be ideally the intravenous response.') form.addParam('timeVar', params.StringParam, label="Time variable", default="t", help='Which variable contains the time stamps.') form.addParam('concVar', params.StringParam, label="Concentration variable", default="Cp", help='Which variable contains the plasma concentration.') form.addParam('normalize', params.BooleanParam, label="Normalize by dose", default=True, help='Normalize the output by AUC0inf, so that a total absorption is represented by 100.') form.addParam('saturate', params.BooleanParam, label="Saturate at 100%", default=True, help='Saturate the absorption so that there cannot be values beyond 100') form.addParam('considerBioaval', params.EnumParam, label="Consider bioavailability", default=self.BIOAVAIL_NONE, choices=['Do not correct','Multiply deconvolution by bioavailability','Divide deconvolution by bioavailability'], help='Take into account the bioavailability') form.addParam('resampleT', params.FloatParam, label="Resample profiles (time step)", default=0.5, help='Resample the input profiles at this time step (make sure it is in the same units as the input). ' 'Leave it to -1 for no resampling') form.addParam('smooth', params.BooleanParam, label="Monotonic smooth", default=True, help='Apply a Pchip interpolation to make sure that the Adissolved is monotonically increasing') #--------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('deconvolve',self.inputExperiment.get().getObjId()) self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') #--------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------------------------
[docs] def addSample(self, sampleName, t, y): newSample = PKPDSample() newSample.sampleName = sampleName newSample.variableDictPtr = self.outputExperiment.variables newSample.descriptors = {} newSample.addMeasurementPattern(["A"]) newSample.addMeasurementColumn("t", t) newSample.addMeasurementColumn("A",y) self.outputExperiment.samples[sampleName] = newSample
[docs] def calculateCperipheral(self,t,Cp,k12,k21): Cperipheral=np.zeros(t.shape) for n in range(1,Cperipheral.size): DeltaCp=np.abs(Cp[n]-Cp[n-1]) DeltaT=t[n]-t[n-1] Cperipheral[n] = k12*DeltaCp*DeltaT*0.5 + \ k12 / k21 * Cp[n-1]*(1 - np.exp(-k21 * DeltaT)) + \ Cperipheral[n-1] * np.exp(-k21 * DeltaT) if Cperipheral[n]<0.0: Cperipheral[n]=0.0 return Cperipheral
[docs] def deconvolve(self, objId1): self.experiment = self.readExperiment(self.inputExperiment.get().fnPKPD) # Create output object self.outputExperiment = PKPDExperiment() tvar = PKPDVariable() tvar.varName = "t" tvar.varType = PKPDVariable.TYPE_NUMERIC tvar.role = PKPDVariable.ROLE_TIME tvar.units = createUnit(self.experiment.getTimeUnits().unit) Avar = PKPDVariable() Avar.varName = "A" Avar.varType = PKPDVariable.TYPE_NUMERIC Avar.role = PKPDVariable.ROLE_MEASUREMENT Avar.units = createUnit("none") self.outputExperiment.variables[tvar.varName] = tvar self.outputExperiment.variables[Avar.varName] = Avar self.outputExperiment.general["title"]="Deconvolution of the amount released" self.outputExperiment.general["comment"]="Amount released at any time t" # Get the input sample from another experiment if necessary sampleFrom = None if self.externalIV.get() == self.ANOTHER_INPUT: anotherExperiment = self.readExperiment(self.externalIVODE.get().outputExperiment.fnPKPD) for _, sampleFrom in anotherExperiment.samples.items(): # Take the first sample from the reference break timeRange = self.experiment.getRange(self.timeVar.get()) for sampleName, sample in self.experiment.samples.items(): # Get t, Cp t=np.asarray(sample.getValues(self.timeVar.get()),dtype=np.float64) Cp=np.asarray(sample.getValues(self.concVar.get()),dtype=np.float64) Cp=np.clip(Cp,0.0,None) t=np.insert(t,0,0) # Add (0,0) to the profile Cp=np.insert(Cp,0,0) t, Cp = uniqueFloatValues(t, Cp) if self.resampleT.get()>0: B = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t, Cp, k=1) t = np.arange(np.min(t),np.max(t)+self.resampleT.get(),self.resampleT.get()) Cp = B(t) # Calculate AUC0t AUC0t=calculateAUC0t(t,Cp) AUC0inf = float(AUC0t[-1]) # Calculate peripheral if self.externalIV.get()==self.SAME_INPUT: sampleFrom = sample Cl=float(sampleFrom.descriptors['Cl']) V=float(sampleFrom.descriptors['V']) Clp=float(sampleFrom.descriptors['Clp']) Vp=float(sampleFrom.descriptors['Vp']) k12 = Clp / V k21 = Clp / Vp Cperipheral = self.calculateCperipheral(t,Cp,k12,k21) # Deconvolve k10=Cl/V A = (Cp + Cperipheral + k10 * AUC0t) / k10 if self.normalize.get(): A *= 100/AUC0inf if self.saturate.get(): A = np.clip(A,None,100.0) A = np.clip(A,0,None) if self.smooth: if t[0]>0: t = np.insert(t, 0, 0) A = np.insert(A, 0, 0) if self.saturate.get() and self.normalize.get(): A = np.clip(A, None, 100.0) A = np.clip(smoothPchip(t, A),0,None) if self.considerBioaval.get()==self.BIOAVAIL_DIV: A /= sample.getBioavailability() elif self.considerBioaval.get()==self.BIOAVAIL_MULT: A *= sample.getBioavailability() self.addSample(sampleName,t,A) self.outputExperiment.write(self._getPath("experiment.pkpd"))
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): self._defineOutputs(outputExperiment=self.outputExperiment) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputExperiment.get(), self.outputExperiment)
def _validate(self): return [] def _summary(self): retval = [] return retval