Source code for pkpd.protocols.protocol_pkpd_dissolution_f2

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Carlos Oscar Sorzano (
# *
# * Kinestat Pharma
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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# * 02111-1307  USA
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# **************************************************************************

import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from scipy.stats import norm

import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from .protocol_pkpd import ProtPKPD
from pkpd.utils import uniqueFloatValues

# tested in

[docs]class ProtPKPDDissolutionF2(ProtPKPD): """ Calculate the f1 and f2 from two dissolution profiles. The bootstrap confidence interval is bias corrected and accelarated.""" _label = 'dissol f1 and f2' BYVECTOR = 0 BYPOINT = 1 BYPOINTAVG = 2 #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection('Input') form.addParam('inputRef', params.PointerParam, label="Reference dissolution profiles", pointerClass='PKPDExperiment', help='Select an experiment with dissolution profiles') form.addParam('inputTest', params.PointerParam, label="Test dissolution profiles", pointerClass='PKPDExperiment', help='Select an experiment with dissolution profiles') form.addParam('timeVar', params.StringParam, label="Time variable", default="t", help='Which variable contains the time points. It must be the same in both experiments.') form.addParam('dissolutionVar', params.StringParam, label="Dissolution variable", default="C", help='Which variable contains the profile. It must be the same in both experiments.') form.addParam('f2mode', params.EnumParam, label="F2 mode", choices=['EMA','FDA'], default=0, help='The EMA allows only 1 sample when any of the reference or test goes above 85%%, ' 'but the FDA allows 1 sample when both of them go above 85%%') form.addParam('Nbootstrap', params.IntParam, label="Number of bootstrap samples", default=200, help='Per pair of profiles, set to 0 for no bootstrapping') form.addParam('bootstrapBy', params.EnumParam, label="Bootrstap by", choices=['Vessel','Time point','Time point and average'], default=2, help='Bootstrapping per vessel will take all the samples from the same vessel (some time points may be repeated). ' 'Bootstrapping per time point will mix the vessels to form a time profile with as many samples as the input ones. ' 'These two techniques (bootstrapping per vessel or time point) calculates F1 and F2 at the level of single dissolution profile. ' 'Opposed to this, bootstrapping by time point and average produces a whole experiment with as many vessels as the input, where ' 'the profiles have been shuffled at the level of time. Then, the average profile of both bootstrap experiments is performed and ' 'the F1 and F2 of the two averages are calculated. ' 'The total number of samples is Nref*Ntest*Nbootstrap where Nref is the number of reference vessels, Ntest the number of test vessels, ' 'and Nbootstrap the number of bootstrap samples.') form.addParam('resampleT', params.FloatParam, label="Resample profiles (time step)", default=-1, help='Resample the input profiles at this time step (make sure it is in the same units as the input). ' 'Leave it to -1 for no resampling') form.addParam('keepResample', params.BooleanParam, label="Generate output with resampled profiles", default=False, condition='resampleT>0', help='Create an output experiment with the resampled profiles') form.addParam('confidence', params.FloatParam, label="Confidence (%%)", default=95, help='Confidence level') #--------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('calculateAllF',self.inputRef.get().getObjId(),self.inputTest.get().getObjId()) self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') #--------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------------------------
[docs] def getProfiles(self,prmExp,varNameT,varNameC): experiment = self.readExperiment(prmExp.fnPKPD) allY = [] for sampleName, sample in experiment.samples.items(): x=np.asarray(sample.getValues(varNameT),dtype=np.float64) y=np.asarray(sample.getValues(varNameC),dtype=np.float64) if self.resampleT.get()>0: x, y = uniqueFloatValues(x, y) B = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, y, k=1) xp = np.arange(np.min(x),np.max(x)+self.resampleT.get(),self.resampleT.get()) y = B(xp) if self.keepResample.get(): sample.setValues(varNameT, [str(xi) for xi in xp.tolist()]) sample.setValues(varNameC, [str(yi) for yi in y.tolist()]) allY.append(y) if self.resampleT.get()>0 and self.keepResample.get(): self.experiment = experiment self.experiment.write(self._getPath("experiment.pkpd")) return allY
[docs] def randomIdx(self,pRef,pTest): if self.f2mode.get()==0: # EMA, only 1 sample if any of the two is above 85 % idxm85=np.argwhere(np.logical_and(pRef<=85,pTest<=85)).tolist() idxp85=np.argwhere(np.logical_or(pRef>85,pTest>85)).tolist() else: #FDA, only 1 sample if both of them are above 85% idxp85=np.argwhere(np.logical_and(pRef>85,pTest>85)).tolist() idxm85=np.argwhere(np.logical_or(pRef<=85,pTest<=85)).tolist() idxm85 = [item for sublist in idxm85 for item in sublist] idxp85 = [item for sublist in idxp85 for item in sublist] idx = idxm85 if len(idxp85) > 0: idxp85 = np.random.choice(idxp85, 1) idx.append(idxp85[0]) return sorted(idx)
[docs] def calculateF(self,pRef,pTest, randomizeIdx): if randomizeIdx: idx=self.randomIdx(pRef,pTest) else: idx=np.arange(0,len(pRef)) counter=0 while len(idx)<3 or len(set(idx))<2: if randomizeIdx: idx = self.randomIdx(pRef, pTest) else: idx = np.arange(0, len(pRef)) counter+=1 if counter>20: return np.nan,np.nan diff = pRef[idx]-pTest[idx] D2 = (np.square(diff)).mean(axis=None) f2=50*math.log(100.0/math.sqrt(1+D2),10.0) f1= np.sum(np.abs(diff))/np.sum(pRef[idx])*100 # print("Reference measures: %s"%np.array2string(pRef[idx],max_line_width=10000)) # print("Test measures: %s"%np.array2string(pTest[idx],max_line_width=10000)) # print("f1=%f f2=%f"%(f1,f2)) # print(" ") return f1, f2
[docs] def printStats(self,allF,Fstr,Fformula,alphaL,alphaU): allF=[f for f in allF if not np.isnan(f)] mu=np.mean(allF) sigma = np.std(allF) percentiles = np.percentile(allF,[0, alphaL*100, 25, 50, 75, alphaU*100, 100]) alpha=1-self.confidence.get()/100 retval="" retval +="%s = %s\n"%(Fstr,Fformula) retval +="%s distribution with B=%d bootstrap samples (total of %d samples)\n"%(Fstr,self.Nbootstrap.get(),len(allF)) retval +="%s mean+-std: %f+-%f\n"%(Fstr,mu,sigma) retval +="%s minimum,maximum: [%f,%f]\n"%(Fstr,percentiles[0],percentiles[6]) retval +="%s percentile [%f,%f]%%: [%f,%f]\n"%(Fstr,alpha/2*100,(1-alpha/2)*100,percentiles[1],percentiles[5]) retval +="%s percentile [25,75]%%: [%f,%f]\n"%(Fstr,percentiles[2],percentiles[4]) retval +="%s percentile 50%%: %f\n"%(Fstr,percentiles[3]) return retval
[docs] def bootstrapByTimePoint(self,profilesList): Nsamples = len(profilesList) Ntimepoints = profilesList[0].size bootstrapSample = np.zeros((Ntimepoints)) for j in range(Ntimepoints): i=np.random.randint(0,Nsamples) bootstrapSample[j]=profilesList[i][j] return bootstrapSample
[docs] def bootstrapByTimePointAvg(self,profilesList): Nsamples = len(profilesList) Ntimepoints = profilesList[0].size randomExperiment = np.zeros((Nsamples,Ntimepoints)) for i in range(Nsamples): for j in range(Ntimepoints): iFrom=np.random.randint(0,Nsamples) randomExperiment[i,j]=profilesList[iFrom][j] return np.mean(randomExperiment,axis=0)
[docs] def calculateAllF(self, objId1, objId2): profilesRef=self.getProfiles(self.inputRef.get(), self.timeVar.get(), self.dissolutionVar.get()) profilesTest=self.getProfiles(self.inputTest.get(),self.timeVar.get(), self.dissolutionVar.get()) # Sample estimate ---------------- self.printSection("Sample estimate") allF10=[] allF20=[] for profileRef in profilesRef: print("Full reference profile: %s" % np.array2string(profileRef, max_line_width=10000)) for profileTest in profilesTest: print("Full test profile: %s" % np.array2string(profileTest, max_line_width=10000)) print(" ") print("calculateAllF pRef",profileRef) print("calculateAllF pTest",profileTest) f1, f2 = self.calculateF(profileRef, profileTest, False) allF10.append(f1) allF20.append(f2) # f10,f20 = self.calculateF(np.mean(np.asarray(profilesRef),axis=0),np.mean(np.asarray(profilesTest),axis=0), False) f10=np.mean([f for f in allF10 if not np.isnan(f)]) f20=np.mean([f for f in allF20 if not np.isnan(f)]) # Jack knife ---------------- self.printSection("Jackknife") allF1J=[] allF2J=[] for profileRef in profilesRef: print("Full reference profile: %s" % np.array2string(profileRef, max_line_width=10000)) for profileTest in profilesTest: print("Full test profile: %s" % np.array2string(profileTest, max_line_width=10000)) print(" ") for i in range(profileRef.size): idx=[j for j in range(profileRef.size) if j != i] f1, f2 = self.calculateF(profileRef[idx], profileTest[idx], False) allF1J.append(f1) allF2J.append(f2) f1J=np.mean([f for f in allF1J if not np.isnan(f)]) f2J=np.mean([f for f in allF2J if not np.isnan(f)]) allF1J=[f1 for f1 in allF1J if not np.isnan(f1)] allF2J=[f2 for f2 in allF2J if not np.isnan(f2)] # Bootstrapping ------------------ self.printSection("Bootstrapping") allF1b=[] allF2b=[] if len(profilesRef)>0: idx = [k for k in range(0, len(profilesRef[0]))] Nidx = len(idx) self.b=1 if self.bootstrapBy.get()==ProtPKPDDissolutionF2.BYVECTOR: for profileRef in profilesRef: for profileTest in profilesTest: for n in range(self.Nbootstrap.get()): idxB = sorted(np.random.choice(idx,Nidx)) while len(set(idxB))<3: idxB = sorted(np.random.choice(idx, Nidx)) profileRefB = np.asarray([profileRef[i] for i in idxB]) profileTestB = np.asarray([profileTest[i] for i in idxB]) print("Bootstrap sample %d" % self.b) print("calculateAllF pRef", profileRefB) print("calculateAllF pTest", profileTestB) f1, f2 = self.calculateF(profileRefB, profileTestB, True) allF1b.append(f1) allF2b.append(f2) self.b = self.b + 1 elif self.bootstrapBy.get() == ProtPKPDDissolutionF2.BYVECTOR: for n in list(range(self.Nbootstrap.get()))*len(profilesRef)*len(profilesTest): profileRefB = self.bootstrapByTimePointAvg(profilesRef) profileTestB = self.bootstrapByTimePointAvg(profilesTest) f1, f2 = self.calculateF(profileRefB, profileTestB, True) allF1b.append(f1) allF2b.append(f2) self.b = self.b + 1 else: for n in list(range(self.Nbootstrap.get()))*len(profilesRef)*len(profilesTest): profileRefB = self.bootstrapByTimePoint(profilesRef) profileTestB = self.bootstrapByTimePoint(profilesTest) f1, f2 = self.calculateF(profileRefB, profileTestB, True) allF1b.append(f1) allF2b.append(f2) self.b = self.b + 1 allF1b=[f1 for f1 in allF1b if not np.isnan(f1)] allF2b=[f2 for f2 in allF2b if not np.isnan(f2)] np.savetxt(self._getExtraPath("f1.txt"),allF1b) np.savetxt(self._getExtraPath("f2.txt"),allF2b) # Bias corrected and accelerated -------------------- z0f1=np.clip(norm.ppf(float((np.asarray(allF1b)<f10).sum())/self.b),-10,10) z0f2=np.clip(norm.ppf(float((np.asarray(allF2b)<f20).sum())/self.b),-10,10) # print("f10",f10) # print("f20",f20) # print("self.b",self.b) # print("float(np.sum(allF1b<f10))",np.sum(allF1b<f10),(np.asarray(allF1b)<f10).sum(),float(np.sum(allF1b<f10))) # print("float(np.sum(allF2b<f20))",np.sum(allF2b<f20),(np.asarray(allF2b)<f20).sum(),float(np.sum(allF2b<f20))) # print("z0f1",z0f1) # print("z0f2",z0f2) af1=np.sum(np.power(allF1J-f1J,3.0))/(6*np.power(np.sum(np.power(allF1J-f1J,2.0)),1.5)) af2=np.sum(np.power(allF2J-f2J,3.0))/(6*np.power(np.sum(np.power(allF2J-f2J,2.0)),1.5)) # print("af1",af1) # print("af2",af2) alpha = 1-self.confidence.get()/100 alphaLf1 = norm.cdf(z0f1+(z0f1+norm.ppf(alpha/2))/(1-af1*(z0f1+norm.ppf(alpha/2)))) alphaLf2 = norm.cdf(z0f2+(z0f2+norm.ppf(alpha/2))/(1-af2*(z0f2+norm.ppf(alpha/2)))) alphaUf1 = norm.cdf(z0f1+(z0f1+norm.ppf(1-alpha/2))/(1-af1*(z0f1+norm.ppf(1-alpha/2)))) alphaUf2 = norm.cdf(z0f2+(z0f2+norm.ppf(1-alpha/2))/(1-af2*(z0f2+norm.ppf(1-alpha/2)))) strF1Basic=self.printStats(allF1b,"Basic F1","sum(|pRef-pTest|)/sum(pRef)*100",alpha/2,1-alpha/2) strF2Basic=self.printStats(allF2b,"Basic F2","50*log10(100/sqrt(1+mean(|pRef-pTest|^2)))",alpha/2,1-alpha/2) strF1BCa=self.printStats(allF1b,"BCa F1","sum(|pRef-pTest|)/sum(pRef)*100",alphaLf1,alphaUf1) strF2BCa=self.printStats(allF2b,"Bca F2","50*log10(100/sqrt(1+mean(|pRef-pTest|^2)))",alphaLf2,alphaUf2) self.printSection("Results") fhSummary = open(self._getPath("summary.txt"),"w") self.doublePrint(fhSummary,"Sample F1 mean=%f"%f10) self.doublePrint(fhSummary,"Sample F2 mean=%f"%f20) self.doublePrint(fhSummary," ") self.doublePrint(fhSummary,"Jackknife F1 mean=%f"%f1J) self.doublePrint(fhSummary,"Jackknife F2 mean=%f"%f2J) self.doublePrint(fhSummary," ") print("Bias correction z0 F1=%f (bias)"%z0f1) print("Bias correction z0 F2=%f (bias)"%z0f2) print("Bias correction a F1=%f (acceleration)"%af1) print("Bias correction a F2=%f (acceleration)"%af2) print("Bias correction alphaL F1=%f"%alphaLf1) print("Bias correction alphaU F1=%f"%alphaUf1) print("Bias correction alphaL F2=%f"%alphaLf2) print("Bias correction alphaU F2=%f"%alphaUf2) print(" ") self.doublePrint(fhSummary,strF2Basic) self.doublePrint(fhSummary,strF2BCa) self.doublePrint(fhSummary,"---------------------------") self.doublePrint(fhSummary,strF1Basic) self.doublePrint(fhSummary,strF1BCa) fhSummary.close()
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): if self.resampleT.get()>0 and self.keepResample.get(): self._defineOutputs(outputExperiment=self.experiment) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputRef, self.experiment) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputTest, self.experiment)
def _validate(self): return [] def _summary(self): retval = [] self.addFileContentToMessage(retval,self._getPath("summary.txt")) return retval def _citations(self): retval = ['Islam2018'] return retval