Source code for pkpd.protocols.protocol_pkpd_average_sample

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Carlos Oscar Sorzano (
# *
# * Kinestat Pharma
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

import copy
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from .protocol_pkpd import ProtPKPD
from pkpd.objects import PKPDExperiment, PKPDSample
from pkpd.utils import uniqueFloatValues

# Tested in

[docs]class ProtPKPDAverageSample(ProtPKPD): """ Produce an experiment with a single sample whose value is the average of all the input samples.\n Protocol created by\n """ _label = 'average sample' MODE_MEAN = 0 MODE_MEDIAN = 1 #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection('Input') form.addParam('inputExperiment', params.PointerParam, label="Input experiment", pointerClass='PKPDExperiment', help='Select an experiment with samples') form.addParam('mode', params.EnumParam, label='Aggregation mode', choices=['Mean','Median'], default=self.MODE_MEAN) form.addParam('resampleT', params.FloatParam, label="Resample profiles (time step)", default=-1, help='Resample the input profiles at this time step (make sure it is in the same units as the input). ' 'Leave it to -1 for no resampling. This is only valid when the label to compare is a measurement.') form.addParam('condition', params.StringParam, default="", label="Condition", help='You must use available labels. Example: $(Oral_F0)<0.25 and $(sex)=="Female"') #--------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('runJoin',self.inputExperiment.get().getObjId(), self.resampleT.get()) self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') #--------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------------------------
[docs] def runJoin(self, objId, resampleT): experiment = self.readExperiment(self.inputExperiment.get().fnPKPD) tvarName = experiment.getTimeVariable() mvarNames = experiment.getMeasurementVariables() self.experiment = PKPDExperiment() # General self.experiment.general["title"]="Average of "+experiment.general["title"] if self.condition.get()!="": self.experiment.general["title"]+=" Condition: %s"%self.condition.get() self.experiment.general["comment"]=copy.copy(experiment.general["comment"]) for key, value in experiment.general.items(): if not (key in self.experiment.general): self.experiment.general[key] = copy.copy(value) # Variables for key, value in experiment.variables.items(): if not (key in self.experiment.variables): self.experiment.variables[key] = copy.copy(value) # Vias for key, value in experiment.vias.items(): if not (key in self.experiment.vias): self.experiment.vias[key] = copy.copy(value) # Doses doseName = None for key, value in experiment.doses.items(): dose = copy.copy(value) self.experiment.doses[dose.doseName] = dose doseName = dose.doseName # Samples self.printSection("Averaging") self.experiment.samples["avg"] = PKPDSample() tokens=["AverageSample"] if doseName is not None: tokens.append("dose=%s"%doseName) self.experiment.samples["avg"].parseTokens(tokens, self.experiment.variables, self.experiment.doses, self.experiment.groups) for mvarName in mvarNames: allt = {} for sampleName, sample in experiment.getSubGroup(self.condition.get()).items(): t, _ = sample.getXYValues(tvarName,mvarName) t=t[0] # [[...]] -> [...] for i in range(len(t)): ti = float(t[i]) if not ti in allt: allt[ti] = True allt = sorted(allt.keys()) observations={} for sampleName, sample in experiment.getSubGroup(self.condition.get()).items(): for ti in allt: observations[ti] = [] for sampleName, sample in experiment.getSubGroup(self.condition.get()).items(): print("%s participates in the average"%sampleName) t, y = sample.getXYValues(tvarName,mvarName) t=t[0] # [array] y=y[0] # [array] tUnique, yUnique = uniqueFloatValues(t,y) B = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(tUnique, yUnique, k=1) mint = np.min(t) maxt = np.max(t) for ti in allt: if ti>=mint and ti<=maxt: observations[ti].append(B(ti)) for ti in observations: if len(observations[ti])>0: if self.mode.get()==self.MODE_MEAN: observations[ti]=np.mean(observations[ti]) else: observations[ti] = np.median(observations[ti]) else: observations[ti]=np.nan t=[] yavg=[] for ti in sorted(observations): t.append(ti) yavg.append(observations[ti]) if self.resampleT.get()>0: t,yavg=uniqueFloatValues(t,yavg) B = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t, yavg, k=1) t = np.arange(np.min(t), np.max(t) + self.resampleT.get(), self.resampleT.get()) yavg = B(t) self.experiment.samples["avg"].addMeasurementColumn(tvarName,t) self.experiment.samples["avg"].addMeasurementColumn(mvarName,yavg) print(" ") # Print and save self.writeExperiment(self.experiment,self._getPath("experiment.pkpd"))
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): self._defineOutputs(outputExperiment=self.experiment) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputExperiment, self.experiment)