Source code for pkpd.models.sa_models

# **************************************************************************
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# * Authors:     Carlos Oscar Sorzano (
# *
# * Kinestat Pharma
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# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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Signal Analysis models
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pkpd.objects import PKPDModelBase
from pkpd.pkpd_units import multiplyUnits, divideUnits

[docs]class SAModel(PKPDModelBase):
[docs] def calculateParameters(self, show=True): pass
[docs]class NCAObsIVModel(SAModel):
[docs] def getDescription(self): return "Non-compartmental Analysis of intravascular bolus based on observations (%s)"%self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def getParameterDescriptions(self): return ['Automatically estimated Area Under the Curve from 0 to t', 'Automatically estimated Area Under the Curve from 0 to infinity', 'Automatically estimated Area Under the 1st Moment Curve from 0 to t', 'Automatically estimated Area Under the 1st Moment Curve from 0 to infinity', 'Automatically estimated Mean Residence Time', 'Automatically estimated Apparent Volume of Distribution using measurements from 0 to t', 'Automatically estimated Apparent Volume of Distribution using measurements from 0 to infinity', 'Automatically estimated Apparent Volume of Distribution at steady state', 'Automatically estimated Clearance using measurements from 0 to t', 'Automatically estimated Clearance using measurements from 0 to infinity', 'Automatically estimated Half time']
[docs] def getParameterNames(self): return ['AUC_0t','AUC_0inf','AUMC_0t','AUMC_0inf','MRT','Vd_0t','Vd_0inf','Vss','CL_0t','CL_0inf', 'thalf']
[docs] def calculateParameterUnits(self, sample): tunits = self.experiment.getVarUnits(self.xName) Cunits = self.experiment.getVarUnits(self.yName) Dunits = sample.getDoseUnits() AUCunits = multiplyUnits(tunits,Cunits) AUMCunits = multiplyUnits(tunits,AUCunits) Vunits = divideUnits(Dunits,Cunits) CLunits = divideUnits(Vunits,tunits) self.parameterUnits = [AUCunits, AUCunits, AUMCunits, AUMCunits, tunits, Vunits, Vunits, Vunits, CLunits, CLunits, tunits] return self.parameterUnits
[docs] def calculateParameters(self, show=True): t = self.x[0] # From [array(...)] to array(...) C = self.y[0] # AUC0t, AUMC0t AUC0t = 0 AUMC0t = 0 if self.areaCalc == "Trapezoidal": for i in range(len(C)-1): dt = (t[i+1]-t[i]) AUC0t += dt*(C[i]+C[i+1]) AUMC0t += dt*(C[i]*t[i]+C[i+1]*t[i+1]) AUC0t*=0.5 AUMC0t*=0.5 elif self.areaCalc == "Log-Trapezoidal": for i in range(len(C)-1): dt = (t[i+1]-t[i]) decrement = C[i]/C[i+1] K = math.log(decrement) B = K/dt AUC0t += dt*(C[i]-C[i+1])/K # AUMC0t += dt*(C[i+1]*t[i+1]-C[i]*t[i])/(-K)-1.0/decrement*dt*dt/(K*K) # Eq. 7.44 of Domenech Berrozpe, ... Tratado general de biofarmacia y farmacocinetica Vol. 1 (2013) # AUMC0t += (C[i]*t[i]-C[i+1]*t[i+1])/B-(C[i]-C[i+1])/(B*B) # # AUMC0t += 1/K * dt*(C[i]*t[i]+C[i+1]*t[i+1]) # Eq. 8.32 Atkinson, Huang, ... Principles of Clinical Pharmacology (2012) AUMC0t += (C[i]*t[i]-C[i+1]*t[i+1])/B-(C[i+1]-C[i])/(B*B) # Eq. 2.315 Gabrielsson and Weiner. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic data analysis # AUC0inf, AUMC0inf AUC0inf = AUC0t+C[-1]/self.lambdaz AUMC0inf = AUMC0t+C[-1]*(t[-1]+1/self.lambdaz)/self.lambdaz # MRT MRT = AUMC0inf/AUC0inf # Volumes Vd0t = self.F*self.D/(AUC0t*self.lambdaz) Vd0inf = self.F*self.D/(AUC0inf*self.lambdaz) Vss = self.D*AUMC0inf/(AUC0inf*AUC0inf) # Clearances CL0t = self.F*self.D/AUC0t CL0inf = self.F*self.D/AUC0inf # Thalf thalf = math.log(2.0)*Vd0inf/CL0inf # Finish self.parameters = [] self.parameters.append(AUC0t) self.parameters.append(AUC0inf) self.parameters.append(AUMC0t) self.parameters.append(AUMC0inf) self.parameters.append(MRT) self.parameters.append(Vd0t) self.parameters.append(Vd0inf) self.parameters.append(Vss) self.parameters.append(CL0t) self.parameters.append(CL0inf) self.parameters.append(thalf)
[docs]class NCAExpIVModel(SAModel):
[docs] def getDescription(self): return "Non-compartmental Analysis of intravascular bolus based on exponential fitting (%s)"%self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def getParameterDescriptions(self): return ['Automatically estimated Slope of decay at the end of the curve', 'Automatically estimated Last decay rate (lambda_n)', 'Automatically estimated Initial concentration at time 0', 'Automatically estimated Area Under the Curve from 0 to infinity', 'Automatically estimated Area Under the 1st Moment Curve from 0 to infinity', 'Automatically estimated Mean Residence Time', 'Automatically estimated Apparent Volume of the Central Compartment', 'Automatically estimated Apparent Volume of Distribution', 'Automatically estimated Apparent Volume of Distribution at steady state', 'Automatically estimated Clearance', 'Automatically estimated Half time' ]
[docs] def getParameterNames(self): return ['slope','rate_constant','C0','AUC_0inf','AUMC_0inf','MRT','Vc','Vd','Vss','CL','thalf']
[docs] def calculateParameterUnits(self, sample): tunits = self.experiment.getVarUnits(self.xName) Cunits = self.experiment.getVarUnits(self.yName) Dunits = sample.getDoseUnits() AUCunits = multiplyUnits(tunits,Cunits) AUMCunits = multiplyUnits(tunits,AUCunits) Vunits = divideUnits(Dunits,Cunits) CLunits = divideUnits(Vunits,tunits) lambdaUnits = self.lambdanUnits.unit self.parameterUnits = [lambdaUnits, lambdaUnits, Cunits, AUCunits, AUMCunits, tunits, Vunits, Vunits, Vunits, CLunits, tunits] return self.parameterUnits
[docs] def calculateParameters(self, show=True): Cn = self.Cn lambdan = self.lambdan # Rate constant rateConstant = lambdan[-1] # Slope slope = -rateConstant/math.log(10.0) # C0 C0 = sum(Cn) # AUC0inf, AUMC0inf AUC0inf = sum([ci/lambdai for (ci, lambdai) in zip(Cn, lambdan)]) AUMC0inf = sum([ci/(lambdai*lambdai) for (ci, lambdai) in zip(Cn, lambdan)]) # MRT # COSS: I think it is incorrect MRT = sum([1.0/lambdai for lambdai in lambdan]) MRT = AUMC0inf/AUC0inf # Volumes Vc = self.D/C0 Vd = self.F*self.D/(AUC0inf*self.lambdaz) Vss = self.D*AUMC0inf/(AUC0inf*AUC0inf) # Clearances CL0inf = self.F*self.D/AUC0inf # thalf # COSS: I think it is incorrect thalf = math.log(2.0)/rateConstant thalf = math.log(2.0)*Vd/CL0inf npLambdan = -np.asarray(lambdan,np.double) func = lambda thalf : 0.5*C0 -,np.exp(npLambdan*thalf)) thalf = fsolve(func, thalf) thalf=thalf[0] # Finish self.parameters = [] self.parameters.append(slope) self.parameters.append(rateConstant) self.parameters.append(C0) self.parameters.append(AUC0inf) self.parameters.append(AUMC0inf) self.parameters.append(MRT) self.parameters.append(Vc) self.parameters.append(Vd) self.parameters.append(Vss) self.parameters.append(CL0inf) self.parameters.append(thalf)
[docs]class NCAEVModel(SAModel):
[docs] def getDescription(self): return "Non-compartmental Analysis of extravascular bolus (%s)"%self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def getParameterDescriptions(self): return ['Automatically estimated Area Under the Curve from 0 to t', 'Automatically estimated Area Under the Curve from 0 to infinity', 'Automatically estimated Area Under the 1st Moment Curve from 0 to t', 'Automatically estimated Area Under the 1st Moment Curve from 0 to infinity', 'Automatically estimated Mean Residence Time', 'Automatically estimated Apparent Volume of Distribution using measurements from 0 to t', 'Automatically estimated Apparent Volume of Distribution using measurements from 0 to infinity', 'Automatically estimated Clearance using measurements from 0 to t', 'Automatically estimated Clearance using measurements from 0 to infinity', 'Automatically estimated Half time']
[docs] def getParameterNames(self): return ['AUC_0t','AUC_0inf','AUMC_0t','AUMC_0inf','MRT','Vd_0t','Vd_0inf','CL_0t','CL_0inf','thalf']
[docs] def calculateParameterUnits(self, sample): tunits = self.experiment.getVarUnits(self.xName) Cunits = self.experiment.getVarUnits(self.yName) Dunits = sample.getDoseUnits() AUCunits = multiplyUnits(tunits,Cunits) AUMCunits = multiplyUnits(tunits,AUCunits) Vunits = divideUnits(Dunits,Cunits) CLunits = divideUnits(Vunits,tunits) self.parameterUnits = [AUCunits, AUCunits, AUMCunits, AUMCunits, tunits, Vunits, Vunits, CLunits, CLunits, tunits]
[docs] def calculateParameters(self, show=True): t = np.concatenate([[0],self.x[0]]) # From [array(...)] to array(...) C = np.concatenate([[0],self.y[0]]) # AUC0t, AUMC0t AUC0t = 0 AUMC0t = 0 if self.areaCalc == "Trapezoidal": for i in range(len(C)-1): dt = (t[i+1]-t[i]) AUC0t += dt*(C[i]+C[i+1]) AUMC0t += dt*(C[i]*t[i]+C[i+1]*t[i+1]) AUC0t*=0.5 AUMC0t*=0.5 elif self.areaCalc == "Mixed": for i in range(len(C)-1): dt = (t[i+1]-t[i]) if dt==0: continue if C[i+1]>=C[i]: # Trapezoidal in the raise AUC0t += 0.5*dt*(C[i]+C[i+1]) AUMC0t += 0.5*dt*(C[i]*t[i]+C[i+1]*t[i+1]) else: # Log-trapezoidal in the decay decrement = C[i]/C[i+1] K = math.log(decrement) B = K/dt AUC0t += dt*(C[i]-C[i+1])/K AUMC0t += (C[i]*t[i]-C[i+1]*t[i+1])/B-(C[i+1]-C[i])/(B*B) # Eq. 2.315 Gabrielsson and Weiner. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic data analysis # AUC0inf, AUMC0inf AUC0inf = AUC0t+C[-1]/self.Ke AUMC0inf = AUMC0t+C[-1]*(t[-1]+1/self.Ke)/self.Ke # MRT MRT = AUMC0inf/AUC0inf # Volumes Vd0t = self.F*self.D/(AUC0t*self.Ke) Vd0inf = self.F*self.D/(AUC0inf*self.Ke) # Clearances CL0t = self.F*self.D/AUC0t CL0inf = self.F*self.D/AUC0inf # Thalf thalf = math.log(2.0)/self.Ke # Finish self.parameters = [] self.parameters.append(AUC0t) self.parameters.append(AUC0inf) self.parameters.append(AUMC0t) self.parameters.append(AUMC0inf) self.parameters.append(MRT) self.parameters.append(Vd0t) self.parameters.append(Vd0inf) self.parameters.append(CL0t) self.parameters.append(CL0inf) self.parameters.append(thalf)