Source code for phenix.viewers.viewer_validation_cryoem

# *
# * Authors:     Roberto Marabini
# *              Marta Martinez
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

from phenix.protocols.protocol_validation_cryoem import PhenixProtRunValidationCryoEM
from .viewer_refinement_base import PhenixProtRefinementBaseViewer
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import LabelParam, EnumParam
from phenix import Plugin, PHENIXVERSION, PHENIXVERSION18
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager
from phenix import Plugin
import collections
import json

[docs]class PhenixProtRunValidationCryoEMViewer(PhenixProtRefinementBaseViewer): """ Viewer for Phenix program validation cryoEM """ _label = 'Validation cryoEM viewer' _targets = [PhenixProtRunValidationCryoEM] VALIDATIONTMPFILE = 'tmpValidationFile.txt' CLASHESFILE = '' CCCHAINFILE = "" CCCHAINFILE2 = "ccPerChain.txt" CCRESIDUESFILE = "" CCRESIDUESFILE2 = "ccPerResidue.txt" FSCMODELMAPFILE = "FscModelMap.txt" FSCHALFMAPFILE = "FscHalfMap.txt" def __init__(self, **kwargs): PhenixProtRefinementBaseViewer.__init__(self, **kwargs) if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() != PHENIXVERSION: # VALIDATIONCRYOEMFILE = self.protocol._getExtraPath( # self.protocol.VALIDATIONCRYOEMFILE) self.VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.protocol.VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILE) self._writePickleData2() self.dictOverall2 = json.loads(self.dictOverall2, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) def _defineParams(self, form): if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() != PHENIXVERSION: if (self.protocol.inputVolume.get() \ or self.protocol.inputStructure.get().getVolume()) \ is not None: if self.protocol.inputVolume.get() is not None: self.vol = self.protocol.inputVolume.get() else: self.vol = self.protocol.inputStructure.get().getVolume() PhenixProtRefinementBaseViewer._defineParams(self, form) form.addSection(label="Summary") group = form.addGroup('Model') group.addParam('showModelSummary', LabelParam, label="Model Summary Table", help="Model: Atomic structure.") group = form.addGroup('Data') group.addParam('showDataSummary', LabelParam, label="Data Summary Table", help="Data: 3D map obtained by cryo-EM.") group = form.addGroup('Model vs. Data') group.addParam('showModelVsDataSummary', LabelParam, label="Model vs Data Summary Table", help="Real space correlation values between 3D map and model.") form.addSection(label="MolProbity") if (self.dictOverall2['Clashes_n_outliers'] > 0): group = form.addGroup('Clashes: All-atom contact analysis') group.addParam('showClashes2', LabelParam, important = True, label = "Bad contacts from PROBE (list)", help = "This list summarizes all severe clashes " "(more than 0.4 Angstroms non-H-bond " "overlap) found by PROBE; you can view " "these graphically in Coot. If no " "hydrogens were present, REDUCE was " "used to add them prior to running " "PROBE.") group.addParam('exportFiles1', LabelParam, label = 'Save list as text') else: group.addParam('showMesgNoClashes2', LabelParam, label = "No bad contacts (> 0.4 Angstroms " "overlap) found.") group = form.addGroup('CaBLAM') if (self.dictOverall2['CaBLAM_outliers_n'] > 0): group.addParam('showCaBLAM', LabelParam, important = True, label = 'CaBLAM evaluation', help = 'C-based low-resolution annotation method') else: group.addParam('showMesgNoCaBLAM', LabelParam, label="No CaBLAM outliers found.") group = form.addGroup('C-beta deviation analysis') if (self.dictOverall2['Cbeta_Outliers_n'] > 0): group.addParam('showCbetaOutliersTable2', LabelParam, important=True, label='C-beta Outliers', help="C-beta position outliers (position " "deviates from ideal by more than " "0.25A).\n\nIdeal CB position is " "determined from the average of the " "ideal C-N-CA-CB and N-C-CA-CB dihedrals." " This measure is more sensitive than" " individual measures to both sidechain " "and mainchain misfittings.\n") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoCbetaOutliers2', LabelParam, label="No C-beta position outliers detected", help="C-beta position outliers (position " "deviates from ideal by more than " "0.25A).\n\nIdeal CB position is " "determined from the average of the " "ideal C-N-CA-CB and N-C-CA-CB dihedrals." " This measure is more sensitive than" " individual measures to both sidechain " "and mainchain misfittings.\n") group = form.addGroup('Cis and twisted peptides') if (self.dictOverall2['Omega_outliers'] > 0): group.addParam('showCisAndTwistedPeptides2', LabelParam, important=True, label="Cis and Twisted peptides:", help="Cis conformations are observed in " "about 5% of Prolines.\n\nCis " "conformations are observed in about " "0.03% of general residues.\n\nTwisted " "peptides are almost certainly " "modeling errors.\n") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoNonTransPeptides2', LabelParam, label="No non-trans peptides detected", help="Cis conformations are observed in " "about 5% of Prolines.\n\nCis " "conformations are observed in about " "0.03% of general residues.\n\nTwisted " "peptides are almost certainly " "modeling errors.\n") group = form.addGroup('Rotamers') if (self.dictOverall2['Rota_Outliers_n'] > 0): group.addParam('showRotaOutliersTable2', LabelParam, important=True, label="Rotamer outlier list", help="Although a residue may lie in the " "favored regions of the Chi1-Chi2 plot, " "outliers are flagged based on the " "distribution of all non-branched Chi " "angles in a residue.\nZero outliers is " "not the goal. Rotamer outliers can be " "justified by sufficiently strong " \ "electron density, van der Waals " "packing, and/or hydrogen bonds.\n") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoRotaOutliers2', LabelParam, label="No Rotamer outliers detected") group.addParam('displayPlotRota', LabelParam, important=True, label="Chi1-Chi2 graphs", help="Visualization of Rotamer outliers in Chi1-Chi2 plots.") group = form.addGroup('Rhamachandran') if (self.dictOverall2['Rhama_Outliers_n'] > 0): group.addParam('showRhamaOutliersTable2', LabelParam, important=True, label="Rhamachandran outlier list", help="Ramachandran outliers are those aminoacids" " with non-favourable dihedral angles. " "Most of the time, Ramachandran outliers are " "a consequence of mistakes during the data " "processing.") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoRamaOutliers2', LabelParam, label="No Rhamachandran outliers detected") group.addParam('displayPlotRhama', LabelParam, important=True, label="Rhamachandran graphs", help="Visualization of outliers in Rhamachandran graphs.") group = form.addGroup('Geometry Restraints') group.addParam('showHelp', LabelParam, label='', help="This section reports statistics for geometry restraints " "used in refinement. As a general rule, a fully refined " "structure should not have any outliers unless these are " "exceptionally clear in the electron density (usually at " "very high resolution). Be sure to also check the MolProbity " "validation results for this structure, as they are more " "sensitive to the geometric properties of proteins and nucleic " "acids (especially in the case of dihedral angles).") group.addParam('showBLrestraints2', LabelParam, important=True, label="Bond length", help="Check here the number of outlier pairs of atoms " "according to the bond length restraints " "between pairs of linked atoms.\nWarning!!!: " "Refined structures should not have any outliers" " except those are obvious in high " "resolution electron density maps.\n") if self.dictOverall2['Length_outliers'] > 0: group.addParam('showBLoutliers2', LabelParam, label="List of bond length outliers", help="List of outlier pairs of atoms (sorted by deviation) " "according to the bond length restraints.\n") group.addParam('showBArestraints2', LabelParam, important=True, label="Bond angle", help="Check here the number of outlier triplets of atoms " "according to the bond angle restraints.\n" "Warning!!!: Refined structures should not " "have any outliers except those are obvious in " "high resolution electron density maps.") if self.dictOverall2['Angles_outliers'] > 0: group.addParam('showBAoutliers2', LabelParam, label="List of bond angle outliers", help="List of outlier triplets of atoms (sorted by " "deviation) according to the bond angle " "restraints") group.addParam('showDArestraints2', LabelParam, important=True, label="Dihedral angle", help="Check here the number of outlier tetrads of atoms " "according " "to the side chain dihedral torsion (chi) angle " "restraints.\n" "Warning!!!: Refined structures should not " "have any outliers except those are obvious in " "high resolution electron density maps.") if self.dictOverall2['Dihedral_outliers'] > 0: group.addParam('showDAoutliers2', LabelParam, label="List of dihedral angle outliers", help="List of outlier tetrads of atoms (" "sorted by deviation) " "according to the dihedral " "angle restraints") group.addParam('showCHILrestraints2', LabelParam, important=True, label="Chirality", help="Check here the number of outlier tetrads of atoms " "according to the volume chirality " "restraints.\n" "Warning!!!: Refined structures should not " "have any outliers except those are obvious " "in high resolution electron density maps.") group.addParam('showPLANARrestraints2', LabelParam, important=True, label="Planarity", help="Check here the number of outliers of planar " "groups, such as aromatic rings," "according to the planar " "restraints.\n" "Warning!!!: Refined structures should not " "have any outliers except those are obvious " "in high resolution electron density maps.") group.addParam('showPARALrestraints', LabelParam, important=True, label="Parallelity", help="\n" "Warning!!!: Refined structures should not " "have any outliers except those are obvious " "in high resolution electron density maps.") group.addParam('showNONBondDistancerestraints', LabelParam, label="Non-bonded distance", important=True, help="\n" "Warning!!!: Refined structures should not " "have any outliers except those are obvious " "in high resolution electron density maps.") group = form.addGroup('Display of rotamer and Rhamachandran outliers and clashes') group.addParam('showCootOutliers', LabelParam, important=True, label="Open in Coot", help="Interactive visualization of outliers and clashes" " with Coot:\n\nRamachandran outliers\n" "Rotamer outliers\nC-beta outliers\n" "Severe clashes ") form.addSection(label="Model vs. Data") form.addParam('showCorCoefTable', LabelParam, important=True, label="Overall correlation coefficients", help="Real-space correlation coefficients\n\nFor a detailed " "definition of global correlation metrics CC (mask), " "CC (box), CC (volume), and CC (peaks) see Afonine, P. V., " "Klaholz, B. P., Moriarty, N. W., Poon, B. K., Sobolev, " "O. V., Terwilliger, T. C., Adams, P. D. " "& Urzhumtsev, A. (2018).\n" "\n\n" "CC (mask): Model map vs. experimental map correlation " "coefficient calculated considering map values inside " "a mask calculated around the macromolecule" ".\n\nCC (box): Model map vs. experimental map correlation " "coefficient calculated considering all grid points of the " "box.\n\nCC (volume) and CC (peaks) compare only " "map regions with the highest density values " "and regions below a certain contouring " "threshold level are ignored.\nCC (volume): " "The map region considered is defined by " "the N highest points inside the molecular " "mask.\n\nCC (peaks): In this case, calculations " "consider the union of regions defined by " "the N highest peaks in the model-calculated " "map and the N highest peaks in the " "experimental map.\n\nLocal real-space correlation coefficients " "CC (main chain) and CC (side chain) involve main skeleton chain " "and lateral chains, respectively.\n\n") group = form.addGroup("Correlation graphs") if len(self.dictOverall2['Chain_list']) > 0: self.Chains_list = [] for item in self.dictOverall2['Chain_list']: self.Chains_list.append(item[0]) group.addParam('displayPlotChains', LabelParam, important=True, label="Plot CC vs. Chain ID") group.addParam('exportFiles2', LabelParam, label='Save chain CC as text') group.addParam('selectChain', EnumParam, important=True, choices=self.Chains_list, default=0, label="Chain", help="Select a chain of the macromolecule") group.addParam('displayPlotResidues', LabelParam, important=True, label="Plot CC vs. Residue number of the selected Chain", help="Dashed line indicates the average value of CC for " "the whole chain.") group.addParam('exportFiles3', LabelParam, label='Save residue CC of the selected Chain as text') form.addSection(label="Data") group = form.addGroup('Summary') group.addParam("showBox", LabelParam, important=True, label="Box info (unit cell)\n", help="Cell dimensions of the map (pixels).") group.addParam("showBoxDetails", LabelParam, label="Unit cell: " + self.dictOverall2['Unit cell'] + "\n" + "Space group: " + self.dictOverall2['Space group'] + "\n") group.addParam('showMapResolution', LabelParam, important=True, label="Map Resolution Estimates (Angstroms)", help="Resolution estimates of the map considering " "both map experimental data and model-derived " "information.\n\nd99: Resolution cutoff beyond " "which Fourier map coefficients are negligibly " "small. Calculated from the full map or from each" " one of half maps [d99 (half map 1), d99 (half " "map 2)].\nOverall Biso: Overall isotropic B-value." "\nd_model: Resolution cutoff at which the model " "map is the most similar to the target (experimental)" " map. Requires map and model. For d_model to be " "meaningful, model is expected to fit the map as good" " as possible. d_model (B factors = 0) tries to avoid" "the blurring of the map.\nFSC (model): d_FSC_model; " "Resolution cutoff up to which the model and map " "Fourier coefficients are similar at FSC values of 0, " "0.143, 0.5.\nFSC (half map 1, 2) = 0.143 (d_fsc): d_FSC; " "Highest resolution at which the experimental data are " "confident. Obtained from FSC curve calculated using" " two half-maps and taken at FSC=0.143. The two half" " maps are required to compute this value.\nMask " "smoothing radius (Angstroms): Radius of the default " "soft mask used since sharp edges resulting from " "applying a binary map may introduce Fourier artifacts.") group.addParam('showMapStatistics', LabelParam, important=True, label="Map Statistics", help="Origin: Coordinates of map origin.\nAll: Map box size " "in pixels.\nMin, Max, Mean: Statistics of the map " "electron density values.") if self.vol.getHalfMaps(): group.addParam('showHalfMapCC', LabelParam, important=True, label="Half-map CC: " + ("%.4f" % self.dictOverall2["HalfMapCC"]), help="Correlation coefficient between both half maps.") group.addParam('showMapHistogram', LabelParam, label="Histogram of Map Values", help="Plot that shows the number of map grid points regarding" " the electron density values. Histograms are " "usually skewed to the right.") group.addParam('showMapHistValues', LabelParam, label="Map Values (slots) vs. Map (count)", help="Table of intervals of map electron density (slots of map" " values) and number of grid points involved.") if self.vol.getHalfMaps(): group = form.addGroup('FSC (Half-maps)') group.addParam("showPlotFSC1", LabelParam, important=True, label="Plot FSC vs. resolution (Angstroms)\n", help="FSC curve calculated using two half maps regarding " "the spatial frequency (1/Angstroms) and resolution " "(Angstroms).") group.addParam('exportFiles4', LabelParam, label='Save FSC plot data as text') group = form.addGroup('FSC (Model-map)') group.addParam("showPlotFSC2", LabelParam, important=True, label="Plot FSC vs. resolution (Angstroms)\n", help="FSC curve calculated using the full map and the " "model-derived map regarding the spatial frequency " "(1/Angstroms) and resolution (Angstroms).") group.addParam('exportFiles5', LabelParam, label='Save FSC plot data as text') elif Plugin.getPhenixVersion() == PHENIXVERSION: PhenixProtRefinementBaseViewer._defineParams(self, form) if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() != PHENIXVERSION: def _getVisualizeDict(self): return{ 'displayMapModel': self._displayMapModel, 'showModelSummary': self._showModelSummary, 'showDataSummary': self._showDataSummary, 'showModelVsDataSummary': self._showModelVsDataSummary, 'showClashes2': self._showClashes2, 'exportFiles1': self._exportFiles1, 'showCaBLAM': self._showCaBLAM, 'showCbetaOutliersTable2': self._showCbetaOutliersTable2, 'showCisAndTwistedPeptides2': self._showCisAndTwistedPeptides2, 'showRotaOutliersTable2': self._showRotaOutliersTable2, 'displayPlotRota': self._displayPlotRota, 'showCootOutliers': self._showCootOutliers, 'showRhamaOutliersTable2': self._showRhamaOutliersTable2, 'displayPlotRhama': self._displayPlotRhama, 'showBLrestraints2':self._showBLrestraints2, 'showBLoutliers2': self._showBLoutliers, 'showBArestraints2': self._showBArestraints2, 'showBAoutliers2': self._showBAoutliers, 'showDArestraints2': self._showDArestraints2, 'showDAoutliers2': self._showDAoutliers, 'showCHILrestraints2': self._showCHILrestraints2, 'showPLANARrestraints2': self._showPLANARrestraints2, 'showPARALrestraints': self._showPARALrestraints, 'showNONBondDistancerestraints': self._showNONBondDistancerestraints, 'showCorCoefTable': self._showCorCoefTable, 'displayPlotChains': self._displayPlotChains, 'exportFiles2': self._exportFiles2, 'displayPlotResidues': self._displayPlotResidues, 'exportFiles3': self._exportFiles3, 'showMapResolution': self._showMapResolution, 'showMapStatistics': self._showMapStatistics, 'showMapHistogram': self._showMapHistogram, 'showMapHistValues': self._showMapHistValues, 'showPlotFSC1': self._showPlotFSC1, 'exportFiles4': self._exportFiles4, 'showPlotFSC2': self._showPlotFSC2, 'exportFiles5': self._exportFiles5 } if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() == PHENIXVERSION: def _getVisualizeDict(self): return{ 'displayMapModel': self._displayMapModel, 'showMolProbityResults': self._visualizeMolProbityResults, 'showCootOutliers': self._showCootOutliers, 'showMissingAtoms': self._showMissingAtoms, 'showBLrestraints': self._showBLrestraints, 'showBLoutliers': self._showBLoutliers, 'showBArestraints': self._showBArestraints, 'showBAoutliers': self._showBAoutliers, 'showDArestraints': self._showDArestraints, 'showDAoutliers': self._showDAoutliers, 'showCHILrestraints': self._showCHILrestraints, 'showCHILoutliers': self._showCHILoutliers, 'showPLANARrestraints': self._showPLANARrestraints, 'showPLANARoutliers': self._showPLANARoutliers, 'showPlotType': self._showPlotType, 'showRamaOutliersTable': self._showRamaOutliersTable, 'showRotaOutliersTable': self._showRotaOutliersTable, 'showCbetaOutliersTable': self._showCbetaOutliersTable, 'showBackAsnGlnHisSidechains': self._showBackAsnGlnHisSidechains, 'showCisAndTwistedPeptides': self._showCisAndTwistedPeptides, 'showMultiCriterionPlot': self._showMultiCriterionPlot, 'showOverallRSCResults': self._showOverallRSCResults, 'showClashes': self._showClashes, 'showCCTable': self._showCCTable, 'displayFSCplot': self._displayFSCplot, 'showOccupancies' : self._showOccupancies, 'showIsotropicB': self._showIsotropicB, 'showSuspiciousBfactors': self. _showSuspiciousBfactors } def _showModelSummary(self, e = None): headerList = ['Item', 'Value'] dataList1_1 = ['Composition (#)', ' Chains', ' Atoms', ' Residues', ' Water', ' Ligands', 'Bonds (RMSD)', ' Length (Angstroms) (# > 4sigma)', ' Angles (degrees) (# > 4sigma)', 'MolProbity score', 'Clash score', 'Ramachandran plot (%)', ' Outliers', ' Allowed', ' Favored'] if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() >= PHENIXVERSION18: dataList1_2 = ['Rama-Z (Ramachandran plot Z-score, RMSD)', ' whole (N = ' + str(self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_whole_n']) + ')', ' helix (N = ' + str(self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_helix_n']) + ')', ' sheet (N = ' + str(self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_sheet_n']) + ')', ' loop (N = ' + str(self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_loop_n']) + ')'] dataList1_3 = ['Rotamer outliers (%)', 'Cbeta outliers (%)', 'Peptide plane (%)', ' Cis proline/general', ' Twisted proline/general', 'CaBLAM outliers (%)', 'ADP (B-factors)', ' Iso/Aniso (#)', ' min/max/mean', ' Protein', ' Nucleotide', ' Ligand', ' Water', 'Occupancy', ' Mean', ' occ = 1 (%)', ' 0 < occ < 1 (%)', ' occ > 1 (%)'] if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() >= PHENIXVERSION18: dataList1 = dataList1_1 + dataList1_2 + dataList1_3 else: dataList1 = dataList1_1 + dataList1_3 dataList2_1 = ["", self.dictOverall2['Chains'], str(self.dictOverall2["Atoms"])+ " " + "(Hydrogens: " + str(self.dictOverall2["Hydrogens"]) + ")", "Protein: " + str(self.dictOverall2['Protein_residues']) + " " + "Nucleotide: " + str(self.dictOverall2['Nucleotide_residues']), self.dictOverall2['Water'], self.dictOverall2['Ligands'], '', self.dictOverall2['Length'] + " (" + str(self.dictOverall2['Length_outliers']) + ")", self.dictOverall2['Angles'] + " (" + str(self.dictOverall2['Angles_outliers']) + ")", self.dictOverall2['MolProbity_score'], self.dictOverall2['Clash_score'], "", self.dictOverall2['Rhama_Outliers'], self.dictOverall2['Rhama_Allowed'], self.dictOverall2['Rhama_Favored']] if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() >= PHENIXVERSION18: dataList2_2 = ["", self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_whole_value'] + " (" + self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_whole_std'] + ")", self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_helix_value'] + " (" + self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_helix_std'] + ")", self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_sheet_value'] + " (" + self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_sheet_std'] + ")", self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_loop_value'] + " (" + self.dictOverall2['Rama_Z_loop_std'] + ")"] dataList2_3 = [ self.dictOverall2['Rota_Outliers'], self.dictOverall2['Cbeta_Outliers'], "", self.dictOverall2['Cis_proline'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['Cis_general'], self.dictOverall2['Twisted_proline'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['Twisted_general'], self.dictOverall2['CaBLAM_outliers'], "", str(self.dictOverall2['n_iso']) + "/" + str(self.dictOverall2['n_aniso']), "", self.dictOverall2['protein_min'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['protein_max'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['protein_mean'], self.dictOverall2['nucleotide_min'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['nucleotide_max'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['nucleotide_mean'], self.dictOverall2['other_min'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['other_max'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['other_mean'], self.dictOverall2['water_min'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['water_max'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['water_mean'], "", self.dictOverall2['occupancy_mean'], self.dictOverall2['occupancy_occ_1'], self.dictOverall2['occupancy_0_occ_1'], self.dictOverall2['occupancy_occ_higher_1']] if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() >= PHENIXVERSION18: dataList2 = dataList2_1 + dataList2_2 + dataList2_3 else: dataList2 = dataList2_1 + dataList2_3 dataList = [] for a1, a2 in zip(dataList1, dataList2): dataList.append((a1, a2)) mesg = "Model" title = "Summary Table" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showDataSummary(self, e = None): headerList = ['Item', '', ''] dataList1 = ['Box', ' Length (Angstroms)', ' Angles (degrees)', 'Supplied Resolution (Angstroms)', 'Resolution Estimates (Angstroms)', ' d FSC (half maps; 0.143)', ' d 99 (full/half1/half2)', ' d model', ' d FSC model (0/0.143/0.5)', 'Map min/max/mean'] dataList2 = ['', self.dictOverall2['Box_lengths'], self.dictOverall2['Box_angles'], ("%.1f" % self.dictOverall2['Supplied_Resolution']), "Masked", self.dictOverall2['dFSC_half_maps_0.143_masked'], self.dictOverall2['d99_full_masked'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['d99_half1_masked'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['d99_half2_masked'], self.dictOverall2['dmodel_masked'], self.dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0_masked'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.143_masked'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.5_masked'], self.dictOverall2['Map_min'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['Map_max'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['Map_mean']] dataList3 = ['', '', '', '', "Unmasked", self.dictOverall2['dFSC_half_maps_0.143_unmasked'], self.dictOverall2['d99_full_unmasked'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['d99_half1_unmasked'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['d99_half2_unmasked'], self.dictOverall2['dmodel_unmasked'], self.dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0_unmasked'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.143_unmasked'] + "/" + self.dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.5_unmasked'], ''] dataList = [] for a1, a2, a3 in zip(dataList1, dataList2, dataList3): dataList.append((a1, a2, a3)) mesg = "Data" title = "Summary Table" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showModelVsDataSummary(self, e = None): headerList = ['Item', 'Value'] dataList1 = ['CC (mask)', 'CC (box)', 'CC (peaks)', 'CC (volume)', 'Mean CC for ligands'] dataList2 = [("%.2f" % self.dictOverall2['CC_mask']), ("%.2f" % self.dictOverall2['CC_box']), ("%.2f" % self.dictOverall2['CC_peaks']), ("%.2f" % self.dictOverall2['CC_volume']), self.dictOverall2['Ligand_CC']] dataList = [] for a1, a2 in zip(dataList1, dataList2): dataList.append((a1, a2)) mesg = "Model vs. Data" title = "Summary Table" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showClashes2(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall2['Clashes_header'] dataList = self.dictOverall2['Clashes_table'] mesg = "Bad contacts from PROBE: %d overlapping atom pairs" \ % len(dataList) title = "All atom-contact analyis" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _exportFiles1(self, e=None): CLASHESFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath(self.CLASHESFILE) def onSelect(obj): dirName = obj.getPath() command = """import pickle def pickleData(file): with open(file,"r") as f: return pickle.load(f) # process file {VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME}" data = pickleData('{VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME}') data.model.geometry.clash.clashes.save_table_data("{dirName}/clashes.txt") """.format(VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME=self.VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME, dirName=dirName) with open(CLASHESFILENAME, "w") as f: f.write(command) # execute file with phenix.python Plugin.runPhenixProgram("", CLASHESFILENAME) self._openBrowser(onSelect) def _showCaBLAM(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall2['CaBLAM_header'] dataList = self.dictOverall2['CaBLAM_table'] dataListNew = [] for i in dataList: i1 = [] for j in i[:9]: if type(j) != float: i1.append(j) elif type(j) == float: i1.append("%6.5f" % j) dataListNew.append(i1) mesg = "Outliers (%%): %s Disfavored (%%): %.2f Calpha outliers (%%): %.2f" \ % (self.dictOverall2['CaBLAM_outliers'], self.dictOverall2['CaBLAM_disfavored'], self.dictOverall2['CaBLAM_Calpha_outliers']) title = "CaBLAM" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataListNew, mesg, title) def _showCbetaOutliersTable2(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall2['Cbeta_header'] dataList = self.dictOverall2['Cbeta_table'] dataListNew = [] for i in dataList: i1 = [] for j in i: if type(j) != float: i1.append(j) elif type(j) == float: i1.append("%6.3f" % j) dataListNew.append(i1) mesg = "C-beta outliers" title = "C-beta deviation analysis" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataListNew, mesg, title) def _showCisAndTwistedPeptides2(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall2['Omega_headers'] dataList = self.dictOverall2['Omega_table'] dataListNew = [] for i in dataList: i1 = [] for j in i: if type(j) != float: i1.append(j) elif type(j) == float: i1.append("%6.2f" % j) dataListNew.append(i1) mesg = "Cis conformations are observed in about 5% of Prolines.\n" \ "Cis conformations are observed in about 0.03% of general residues.\n" \ "Twisted peptides are almost certainly modeling errors." title = "Cis and twisted peptides" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataListNew, mesg, title) def _showRotaOutliersTable2(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall2['Rota_header'] dataList = self.dictOverall2['Rota_table'] dataListNew = [] for i in dataList: i1 = [] for j in i: if type(j) != float: i1.append(j) elif j == i[2] and type(j) == float: i1.append("%6.2f" % j) elif j != i[2] and type(j) == float: i1.append("%6.1f" % j) dataListNew.append(i1) mesg = "Outlier list" title = "Rotamer analysis" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataListNew, mesg, title) def _displayPlotRota(self, e=None): self._displayPlotBase(self.ROTATMPFILE, 1) def _displayPlotBase(self, file, listNumber): FILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath(file) self._writeCommand2(listNumber) with open(FILENAME, "w") as f: f.write(self.command) # execute file with phenix.python Plugin.runPhenixProgram("", FILENAME) def _writeCommand2(self, listNumber): self.command ="""import pickle def pickleData(file): with open(file,"r") as f: return pickle.load(f) # process file {VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME}" data = pickleData('{VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME}') """.format(VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME=self.VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME) if (listNumber == 0 or listNumber == 1): if (listNumber == 0): self.command += """# Rhamachandran plot if data.model.geometry.ramachandran.ramalyze is not None: """ elif (listNumber == 1): self.command += """# Rotamer plot if data.model.geometry.rotamer.rotalyze is not None: """ self.command +=""" try : import except ImportError, e : raise Sorry("wxPython not available.") app = """ if (listNumber == 0): self.command += """ data.model.geometry.ramachandran.ramalyze.display_wx_plots() """ elif (listNumber == 1): self.command += """ data.model.geometry.rotamer.rotalyze.display_wx_plots() """ self.command +=""" app.MainLoop() """ elif (listNumber == 2): self.command += """# Chain plot if is not None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt chain_names = [] chain_cc = [] for item in if item.chain_id not in chain_names: chain_names.append(item.chain_id) chain_cc.append( assert(len(chain_names) == len(chain_cc)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) p = fig.add_subplot(111) fig.subplots_adjust(left = 0.10, right = 0.975, bottom = 0.25, top = 0.80), chain_cc, width = 0.9) p.set_xlabel('Chain ID') p.set_ylabel('CC') p.set_ylim(0, 1) p.set_title('Plot of correlation coefficients regarding chain IDs', fontsize = 14) x = range(len(chain_cc)) p.set_xticks(x) p.set_xticklabels(chain_names) fig.canvas.draw() """ elif (listNumber == 3): chain = self.Chains_list[self.selectChain.get()] self.command += """# Chain plot if is not None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt resseq_list = [] residue_cc = [] for item in if item.chain_id == "%s": resseq_list.append(item.resseq) residue_cc.append( chain_mean = sum(residue_cc) / len(residue_cc) assert(len(resseq_list) == len(residue_cc)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,4)) p = fig.add_subplot(111) fig.subplots_adjust(left = 0.10, right = 0.975, bottom = 0.25, top = 0.80) p.plot(resseq_list, residue_cc, 'b-', linewidth=1) p.set_xlabel('Residue number') p.set_ylabel('CC') p.set_ylim(-0.1, 1) p.set_title('Plot of correlation coefficients regarding residue numbers of chain "%s"', fontsize = 14) intv = int(round((len(resseq_list))/5)) x_axis = [0, intv, 2 * intv, 3 * intv, 4 * intv, 5 * intv] p.set_xticks(x_axis) p.set_xticklabels(x_axis) # draw line for mean p.axhline(y = chain_mean, color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed') fig.canvas.draw() """% (chain, chain) def _showRhamaOutliersTable2(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall2['Rhama_header'] dataList = self.dictOverall2['Rhama_table'] dataListNew = [] for i in dataList: i1 = [] for j in i: if type(j) != float: i1.append(j) elif j == i[3] and type(j) == float: i1.append("%6.2f" % j) elif j != i[3] and type(j) == float: i1.append("%6.1f" % j) dataListNew.append(i1) mesg = "Outlier list" title = "Rhamachandran analysis" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataListNew, mesg, title) def _displayPlotRhama(self, e=None): self._displayPlotBase(self.RAMATMPFILE, 0) def _showBLrestraints2(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictBL = collections.OrderedDict() dictBL['Number of restraints:'] = self.dictOverall2['BLRestraints'] dictBL['RMS (deviation):'] = self.dictOverall2['BLMean'] dictBL['Max. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['BLMax'] dictBL['Min. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['BLMin'] dictBL['Number of outliers > 4sigma:'] = self.dictOverall2['Length_outliers'] val = 0.3 mesg = "Bond Length Restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Geometry Restraints" self._showResults(headerList, dictBL, val, mesg, title) def _showBArestraints2(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictBA = collections.OrderedDict() dictBA['Number of restraints:'] = self.dictOverall2['BARestraints'] dictBA['RMS (deviation):'] = self.dictOverall2['BAMean'] dictBA['Max. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['BAMax'] dictBA['Min. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['BAMin'] dictBA['Number of outliers > 4sigma:'] = self.dictOverall2['Angles_outliers'] val = 0.3 mesg = "Bond Angle Restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Geometry Restraints" self._showResults(headerList, dictBA, val, mesg, title) def _showDArestraints2(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictDA = collections.OrderedDict() dictDA['Number of restraints:'] = self.dictOverall2['DARestraints'] dictDA['RMS (deviation):'] = self.dictOverall2['DAMean'] dictDA['Max. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['DAMax'] dictDA['Min. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['DAMin'] dictDA['Number of outliers > 4sigma:'] = self.dictOverall2['Dihedral_outliers'] val = 0.3 mesg = "Dihedral Angle Restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Geometry Restraints" self._showResults(headerList, dictDA, val, mesg, title) def _showCHILrestraints2(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictChil = collections.OrderedDict() dictChil['Number of restraints:'] = self.dictOverall2['ChiralityRestraints'] dictChil['RMS (deviation):'] = self.dictOverall2['ChiralityMean'] dictChil['Max. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['ChiralityMax'] dictChil['Min. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['ChiralityMin'] val = 0.3 mesg = "Chirality restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Geometry Restraints" self._showResults(headerList, dictChil, val, mesg, title) def _showPLANARrestraints2(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictPLANAR = collections.OrderedDict() dictPLANAR['Number of restraints:'] = self.dictOverall2['PlanarityRestraints'] dictPLANAR['RMS (deviation):'] = self.dictOverall2['PlanarityMean'] dictPLANAR['Max. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['PlanarityMax'] dictPLANAR['Min. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['PlanarityMin'] val = 0.3 mesg = "Planarity restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Geometry Restraints" self._showResults(headerList, dictPLANAR, val, mesg, title) def _showPARALrestraints(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictPARAL = collections.OrderedDict() dictPARAL['Number of restraints:'] = self.dictOverall2['ParallelityRestraints'] dictPARAL['RMS (deviation):'] = self.dictOverall2['ParallelityMean'] dictPARAL['Max. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['ParallelityMax'] dictPARAL['Min. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['ParallelityMin'] val = 0.3 mesg = "Parallelity restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Geometry Restraints" self._showResults(headerList, dictPARAL, val, mesg, title) def _showNONBondDistancerestraints(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictNONBondDistance = collections.OrderedDict() dictNONBondDistance['Number of restraints:'] = self.dictOverall2['NonbondedRestraints'] dictNONBondDistance['RMS (deviation):'] = self.dictOverall2['NonbondedMean'] dictNONBondDistance['Max. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['NonbondedMax'] dictNONBondDistance['Min. deviation:'] = self.dictOverall2['NonbondedMin'] val = 0.3 mesg = "Non-bonded distance restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Geometry Restraints" self._showResults(headerList, dictNONBondDistance, val, mesg, title) def _showCorCoefTable(self, e=None): headerList = ['statistic', 'value'] dictCC = collections.OrderedDict() dictCC["CC (mask): "] = self.dictOverall2['CC_mask'] dictCC["CC (box): "] = self.dictOverall2['CC_box'] dictCC["CC (volume): "] = self.dictOverall2['CC_volume'] dictCC["CC (peaks): "] = self.dictOverall2['CC_peaks'] dictCC["CC (main chain): "] = self.dictOverall2['CC_main_chain'] dictCC["CC (side chain): "] = self.dictOverall2['CC_side_chain'] val = 0.2 mesg = "Overall correlation coefficients" title = "Model vs. Data" self._showResults(headerList, dictCC, val, mesg, title) def _displayPlotChains(self, e=None): self._displayPlotBase(self.CCCHAINFILE, 2) def _displayPlotResidues(self, e=None): self._displayPlotBase(self.CCRESIDUESFILE, 3) def _exportFiles2(self, e=None): Chain_list = self.dictOverall2['Chain_list'] CCCHAINFILE2NAME = self.CCCHAINFILE2 def onSelect(obj): dirName = obj.getPath() Path = ("{dirName}/{fileName}").format(dirName=dirName, fileName=CCCHAINFILE2NAME) with open(Path, "w") as f: f.write('CC per chain\n') for item in Chain_list: f.write(' ' + item[0] + ' ' + str(item[1]) + '\n') self._openBrowser(onSelect) def _exportFiles3(self, e=None): Residue_list = self.dictOverall2['Residue_list'] CCRESIDUESFILE2NAME = self.CCRESIDUESFILE2 chain = self.Chains_list[self.selectChain.get()] def onSelect(obj): dirName = obj.getPath() Path = ("{dirName}/{fileName}").format(dirName=dirName, fileName=CCRESIDUESFILE2NAME) with open(Path, "w") as f: f.write('CC per residue\n') for item in Residue_list: if item[1] == chain: f.write(' ' + item[0] + ' ' + item[1] + ' ' + item[2] + ' ' + item[3] + ' ' + str(item[4]) + '\n') self._openBrowser(onSelect) def _openBrowser(self, onSelect): from pyworkflow.gui.browser import FileBrowserWindow browser = FileBrowserWindow("Select a folder to save file", master=self.getWindow(), path=".", onSelect=onSelect, onlyFolders=True) def _showMapResolution(self, e=None): headerList = ['', 'Masked', 'Unmasked'] dataList1_1 = ["Using map alone (d99): ", "Overall Biso: ", "d_model: ", "d_model (B factors = 0): ", "FSC (model) = 0: ", "FSC (model) = 0.143: ", "FSC (model) = 0.5: "] if self.vol.getHalfMaps(): dataList1_2 = ["d99 (half map 1): ", "d99 (half map 2): ", "FSC (half map 1,2) = 0.143 (d_fsc): "] dataList1_3 = ["Mask smoothing radius (Angstroms): "] dataList2_1 = [self.dictOverall2['*d99_full_masked'], self.dictOverall2["overall_b_iso_masked"], self.dictOverall2['*dmodel_masked'], self.dictOverall2['d_model_b0_masked'], self.dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0_masked'], self.dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.143_masked'], self.dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.5_masked']] if self.vol.getHalfMaps(): dataList2_2 = [self.dictOverall2['d99_half1_masked2'], self.dictOverall2['d99_half2_masked2'], self.dictOverall2['*dFSC_half_maps_0.143_masked']] dataList2_3 = [self.dictOverall2['mask_smoothing_radius']] dataList3_1 = [self.dictOverall2['*d99_full_unmasked'], self.dictOverall2["overall_b_iso_unmasked"], self.dictOverall2['*dmodel_unmasked'], self.dictOverall2['d_model_b0_unmasked'], self.dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0_unmasked'], self.dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.143_unmasked'], self.dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.5_unmasked']] if self.vol.getHalfMaps(): dataList3_2 = [self.dictOverall2['d99_half1_unmasked2'], self.dictOverall2['d99_half2_unmasked2'], self.dictOverall2['*dFSC_half_maps_0.143_unmasked']] dataList3_3 = [''] if self.vol.getHalfMaps(): dataList1 = dataList1_1 + dataList1_2 + dataList1_3 dataList2 = dataList2_1 + dataList2_2 + dataList2_3 dataList3 = dataList3_1 + dataList3_2 + dataList3_3 else: dataList1 = dataList1_1 + dataList1_3 dataList2 = dataList2_1 + dataList2_3 dataList3 = dataList3_1 + dataList3_3 dataList = [] for a1, a2, a3 in zip(dataList1, dataList2, dataList3): dataList.append((a1, a2, a3)) mesg = "Data" title = "Map Resolution (Angstroms) Estimates" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showMapStatistics(self, e=None): headerList = ['', ''] dataList1 = ["Origin: ", "Last: ", "Focus: ", "All: ", "Min, Max, Mean: "] dataList2 = [str(tuple(self.dictOverall2['Map_origin'])), str(tuple(self.dictOverall2['Map_last'])), str(tuple(self.dictOverall2['Map_focus'])), str(tuple(self.dictOverall2['Map_all'])), str("(" + self.dictOverall2['Map_min_max_mean'] + ")")] dataList = [] for a1, a2 in zip(dataList1, dataList2): dataList.append((a1, a2)) mesg = "Map Statistics" title = "Data" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showMapHistogram(self, e=None): a = [pow(10, i) for i in range(10)] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.10, right=0.975, bottom=0.25, top=0.80) if self.vol.getHalfMaps(): splots = [] assert (len(self.dictOverall2['Map_value']) == len(self.dictOverall2['HalfMap1_count'])) assert (len(self.dictOverall2['Map_value']) == len(self.dictOverall2['HalfMap2_count'])) p1 = fig.add_subplot(121) p1.plot(self.dictOverall2['Map_value'], self.dictOverall2['Map_count'], 'b-', linewidth=1, label="Map") splots.append(p1) p2 = fig.add_subplot(122) p2.plot(self.dictOverall2['Map_value'], self.dictOverall2['HalfMap1_count'], 'b-', linewidth=1, label="Half-map 1") p2.plot(self.dictOverall2['Map_value'], self.dictOverall2['HalfMap2_count'], 'r-', linewidth=1, label="Half-map 2") splots.append(p2) for p in splots: # Place the legend to the upper right of this subplot p.legend() p.set_xlabel('Map value') p.set_ylabel('Count') p.set_yscale('log') fig.suptitle('Histogram of Map Values', fontsize=14) else: assert (len(self.dictOverall2['Map_value']) == len(self.dictOverall2['Map_count'])) p = fig.add_subplot(111) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.10, right=0.975, bottom=0.25, top=0.80) p.plot(self.dictOverall2['Map_value'], self.dictOverall2['Map_count'], 'b-', linewidth=1, label="Map") # Place the legend to the upper right of this subplot p.legend() p.set_xlabel('Map value') p.set_ylabel('Count') p.set_yscale('log') p.set_title('Histogram of Map Values', fontsize=14) fig.canvas.draw() def _showMapHistValues(self, e=None): dataList = [] Left = [] Right = [] Map_count = self.dictOverall2['Map_count'] slots = self.dictOverall2['Map_slots'].split('\n') for item in range(len(slots)): slots_parts = slots[item].split() Left.append("%.4f" % round(float(slots_parts[0]), 4)) Right.append("%.4f" % round(float(slots_parts[2].split(':')[0]), 4)) if self.vol.getHalfMaps(): headerList = ['Map_values', 'Map', 'Half-map 1', 'Half-map 2'] HalfMap1_count = self.dictOverall2['HalfMap1_count'] HalfMap2_count = self.dictOverall2['HalfMap2_count'] for a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 in zip( Left, Right, Map_count, HalfMap1_count, HalfMap2_count): dataList.append((str(a1) + " - " + str(a2), a3, a4, a5)) else: headerList = ['Map_values', 'Map'] for a1, a2, a3 in zip(Left, Right, Map_count): dataList.append((str(a1) + " - " + str(a2), a3)) mesg = "Map Values (slots) vs. Map (count)" title = "Data" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showPlotFSC1(self, e=None): fsc = self.dictOverall2['FSC_Masked'] x_d_inv = self.dictOverall2['d_inv_Masked'] fsc_u = self.dictOverall2['FSC_Unmasked'] x_d_inv_u = self.dictOverall2['d_inv_Unmasked'] d = 0.143 self._show_plot(x_d_inv, fsc, x_d_inv_u, fsc_u, d, label1="Masked", label2="Unmasked") def _showPlotFSC2(self, e=None): fsc = self.dictOverall2['FSC_Model_Map_Masked'] x_d_inv = self.dictOverall2['d_inv_Model_Map_Masked'] fsc_u = self.dictOverall2['FSC_Model_Map_Unmasked'] x_d_inv_u = self.dictOverall2['d_inv_Model_Map_Unmasked'] d = 0.5 self._show_plot(x_d_inv, fsc, x_d_inv_u, fsc_u, d, label1="Masked", label2="Unmasked") def _show_plot(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, d, label1, label2): fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax2 = ax1.twiny() l1, = ax1.plot(x1, y1, 'r-', linewidth=1, label=label1) l2, = ax2.plot(x2, y2, 'b-', linewidth=1, label=label2) ax1.set_ylim(-0.2, 1.05) ax1.set_ylabel("FSC", fontproperties=matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties( family=['Helvetica', 'sans-serif'], weight='bold', size=12)) xticks = [] max_x = max(max(x1), max(x2)) for i in range(int((round(max_x, 1) + 0.05) / 0.05) + 1): xticks.append(round(i * 0.05, 2)) ax1.set_xticks(xticks) ax2.set_xticks(xticks) ax1.set_xlabel('1/resolution (1/$\AA$)', fontproperties=matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties( family=['Helvetica', 'sans-serif'], weight='bold', size=12)) labels1 = [] for i in range(len(xticks)): labels1.append('%.2f' % xticks[i]) ax1.set_xticklabels(labels1, fontproperties=matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties( family=['Courier', 'Monaco', 'monospace'], weight='normal', size=12)) ax1.axhline(y=d, linewidth=1, color='k', linestyle='dashed') idx = float() if d == 0.5 or \ (d == 0.143 and self.dictOverall2["HalfMapCC"] != 1.): for i in range(len(y1) - 1): a = y1[i] - d b = y1[i + 1] - d if ((a > 0 and b < 0) or (a == 0 and b < 0) or (a > 0 and b == 0)): idx = (x1[i] + x1[i + 1]) / 2 else: pass if idx is not None: ax1.axvline(x=idx, color='k', linestyle='dashed') ax2.set_xlabel('resolution ($\AA$)', fontproperties=matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties( family=['Helvetica', 'sans-serif'], weight='bold', size=12)) labels2 = [] for i in range(len(xticks)): if (xticks[i] > 0.0): x = 1.0 / xticks[i] labels2.append('%.1f' % x) else: labels2.append('\u221E') ax2.set_xticklabels(labels2, fontproperties=matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties( family=['Courier', 'Monaco', 'monospace'], weight='normal', size=12)) if d == 0.5 or \ (d == 0.143 and self.dictOverall2["HalfMapCC"] != 1.): for i in range(len(y2) - 1): a = y2[i] - d b = y2[i + 1] - d if ((a > 0 and b < 0) or (a == 0 and b < 0) or (a > 0 and b == 0)): idx = (x2[i] + x2[i + 1]) / 2 else: pass if idx is not None: ax2.axvline(x=idx, color='k', linestyle='dashed') fig.legend((l2, l1), (label2, label1), 'upper right') plt.tight_layout() def _exportFiles4(self, e=None): fsc = self.dictOverall2['FSC_Masked'] x_d_inv = self.dictOverall2['d_inv_Masked'] fsc_u = self.dictOverall2['FSC_Unmasked'] x_d_inv_u = self.dictOverall2['d_inv_Unmasked'] FILENAME = self.FSCHALFMAPFILE self._export_file(fsc, x_d_inv, fsc_u, x_d_inv_u, FILENAME) def _exportFiles5(self, e=None): fsc = self.dictOverall2['FSC_Model_Map_Masked'] x_d_inv = self.dictOverall2['d_inv_Model_Map_Masked'] fsc_u = self.dictOverall2['FSC_Model_Map_Unmasked'] x_d_inv_u = self.dictOverall2['d_inv_Model_Map_Unmasked'] FILENAME = self.FSCMODELMAPFILE self._export_file(fsc, x_d_inv, fsc_u, x_d_inv_u, FILENAME) def _export_file(self, fsc, x_d_inv, fsc_u, x_d_inv_u, fileName): def onSelect(obj): dirName = obj.getPath() Path = ("{dirName}/{fileName}").format(dirName=dirName, fileName=fileName) with open(Path, "w") as f: f.write('Unmasked\n') f.write(' ' + 'd_inv' + ' ' + 'fsc' + '\n') for a1, a2 in zip(x_d_inv_u, fsc_u): f.write((' ' + str("%.12f") + ' ' + str("%.12f") + '\n') % (a1, a2)) f.write('\n\nMasked\n') f.write(' ' + 'd_inv' + ' ' + 'fsc' + '\n') for a1, a2 in zip(x_d_inv, fsc): f.write((' ' + str("%.12f") + ' ' + str("%.12f") + '\n') % (a1, a2)) self._openBrowser(onSelect) def _writePickleData2(self): VALIDATIONTMPFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.VALIDATIONTMPFILE) command = """ import pickle import collections import json def pickleData(file): with open(file,"r") as f: return pickle.load(f) # process file {VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME}" data = pickleData('{VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME}') dictOverall2 = collections.OrderedDict() # composition chain_names = [] for item in if item.chain_id not in chain_names: chain_names.append(item.chain_id) dictOverall2['Chains'] = len(chain_names) dictOverall2['Atoms'] = data.model.composition.n_atoms dictOverall2['Hydrogens'] = data.model.composition.n_hd dictOverall2['Protein_residues'] = data.model.composition.n_protein dictOverall2['Nucleotide_residues'] = data.model.composition.n_nucleotide dictOverall2['Water'] = data.model.composition.n_water Ligands = [] if data.model.composition.n_other != 0: for k, v in data.model.composition.other_cnts.iteritems(): Ligands.append(str(k) + ': ' + str(v)) dictOverall2['Ligands'] = Ligands else: dictOverall2['Ligands'] = '---' # Bonds (RMSD) dictOverall2['Length'] = "%.3f" % (round(, 3)) dictOverall2['Length_outliers'] = len( dictOverall2['BLRestraints'] = dictOverall2['BLMean'] = dictOverall2['BLMax'] = dictOverall2['BLMin'] = dictOverall2['Angles'] = "%.3f" % (round(data.model.geometry.angle.mean, 3)) dictOverall2['Angles_outliers'] = len(data.model.geometry.angle.outliers) dictOverall2['BARestraints'] = data.model.geometry.angle.n dictOverall2['BAMean'] = data.model.geometry.angle.mean dictOverall2['BAMax'] = data.model.geometry.angle.max dictOverall2['BAMin'] = data.model.geometry.angle.min dictOverall2['Dihedral_outliers'] = len(data.model.geometry.dihedral.outliers) dictOverall2['DARestraints'] = data.model.geometry.dihedral.n dictOverall2['DAMean'] = data.model.geometry.dihedral.mean dictOverall2['DAMax'] = data.model.geometry.dihedral.max dictOverall2['DAMin'] = data.model.geometry.dihedral.min dictOverall2['ChiralityRestraints'] = data.model.geometry.chirality.n dictOverall2['ChiralityMean'] = data.model.geometry.chirality.mean dictOverall2['ChiralityMax'] = data.model.geometry.chirality.max dictOverall2['ChiralityMin'] = data.model.geometry.chirality.min dictOverall2['PlanarityRestraints'] = data.model.geometry.planarity.n dictOverall2['PlanarityMean'] = data.model.geometry.planarity.mean dictOverall2['PlanarityMax'] = data.model.geometry.planarity.max dictOverall2['PlanarityMin'] = data.model.geometry.planarity.min dictOverall2['ParallelityRestraints'] = data.model.geometry.parallelity.n dictOverall2['ParallelityMean'] = data.model.geometry.parallelity.mean dictOverall2['ParallelityMax'] = data.model.geometry.parallelity.max dictOverall2['ParallelityMin'] = data.model.geometry.parallelity.min dictOverall2['NonbondedRestraints'] = data.model.geometry.nonbonded.n dictOverall2['NonbondedMean'] = data.model.geometry.nonbonded.mean dictOverall2['NonbondedMax'] = data.model.geometry.nonbonded.max dictOverall2['NonbondedMin'] = data.model.geometry.nonbonded.min # MolProbity score dictOverall2['MolProbity_score'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.molprobity_score, 2)) # Clash score dictOverall2['Clash_score'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.clash.score, 2)) dictOverall2['Clashes_n_outliers'] = data.model.geometry.clash.clashes.n_outliers dictOverall2['Clashes_header'] = data.model.geometry.clash.clashes.gui_list_headers dictOverall2['Clashes_table'] = data.model.geometry.clash.clashes.as_gui_table_data() # Rhamachandran plot (%) dictOverall2['Rhama_Outliers_n'] = data.model.geometry.ramachandran.outliers dictOverall2['Rhama_Outliers'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.ramachandran.outliers, 2)) dictOverall2['Rhama_Allowed'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.ramachandran.allowed, 2)) dictOverall2['Rhama_Favored'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.ramachandran.favored, 2)) dictOverall2['Rhama_header'] = data.model.geometry.ramachandran.ramalyze.gui_list_headers dictOverall2['Rhama_table'] = data.model.geometry.ramachandran.ramalyze.as_gui_table_data() # Rotamer outliers (%) dictOverall2['Rota_Outliers_n'] = data.model.geometry.rotamer.outliers dictOverall2['Rota_Outliers'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.rotamer.outliers, 2)) dictOverall2['Rota_header'] = data.model.geometry.rotamer.rotalyze.gui_list_headers dictOverall2['Rota_table'] = data.model.geometry.rotamer.rotalyze.as_gui_table_data() # Cbeta outliers (%) dictOverall2['Cbeta_Outliers_n'] = data.model.geometry.c_beta.cbetadev.n_outliers dictOverall2['Cbeta_Outliers'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.c_beta.outliers, 2)) dictOverall2['Cbeta_header'] = data.model.geometry.c_beta.cbetadev.gui_list_headers dictOverall2['Cbeta_table'] = data.model.geometry.c_beta.cbetadev.as_gui_table_data() # Peptide plane (%) dictOverall2['Cis_proline'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['Cis_general'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['Twisted_proline'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['Twisted_general'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['Omega_outliers'] = dictOverall2['Omega_headers'] = dictOverall2['Omega_table'] = # CaBLAM outliers (%) dictOverall2['CaBLAM_outliers_n'] = data.model.geometry.cablam.outliers dictOverall2['CaBLAM_outliers'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.cablam.outliers, 2)) dictOverall2['CaBLAM_disfavored'] = round(data.model.geometry.cablam.disfavored, 2) dictOverall2['CaBLAM_Calpha_outliers'] = round(data.model.geometry.cablam.ca_outliers, 2) dictOverall2['CaBLAM_header'] = data.model.geometry.cablam.gui_table()['column_labels'] dictOverall2['CaBLAM_table'] = data.model.geometry.cablam.gui_table()['data'] # ADP (B-factors) dictOverall2['n_iso'] = data.model.adp.overall.n_iso dictOverall2['n_aniso'] = data.model.adp.overall.n_aniso #min/max/mean if data.model.adp.protein is not None: dictOverall2['protein_min'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.protein.min, 2)) dictOverall2['protein_max'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.protein.max, 2)) dictOverall2['protein_mean'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.protein.mean, 2)) else: dictOverall2['protein_min'] = '---' dictOverall2['protein_max'] = '---' dictOverall2['protein_mean'] = '---' if data.model.adp.nucleotide is not None: dictOverall2['nucleotide_min'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.nucleotide.min, 2)) dictOverall2['nucleotide_max'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.nucleotide.max, 2)) dictOverall2['nucleotide_mean'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.nucleotide.mean, 2)) else: dictOverall2['nucleotide_min'] = '---' dictOverall2['nucleotide_max'] = '---' dictOverall2['nucleotide_mean'] = '---' if data.model.adp.other is not None: dictOverall2['other_min'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.other.min, 2)) dictOverall2['other_max'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.other.max, 2)) dictOverall2['other_mean'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.other.mean, 2)) else: dictOverall2['other_min'] = '---' dictOverall2['other_max'] = '---' dictOverall2['other_mean'] = '---' if data.model.adp.water is not None: dictOverall2['water_min'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.water.min, 2)) dictOverall2['water_max'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.water.max, 2)) dictOverall2['water_mean'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.adp.water.mean, 2)) else: dictOverall2['water_min'] = '---' dictOverall2['water_max'] = '---' dictOverall2['water_mean'] = '---' # Occupancy dictOverall2['occupancy_mean'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.occupancy.mean, 2)) dictOverall2['occupancy_occ_1'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.occupancy.equal_to_1_fraction, 2)) dictOverall2['occupancy_0_occ_1'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.occupancy.between_0_and_1_fraction, 2)) dictOverall2['occupancy_occ_higher_1'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.occupancy.greater_than_1_fraction, 2)) # Box lengths = [] for item in[:3]: lengths.append("%.2f" % item) dictOverall2['Box_lengths'] = str(lengths[0]) + ", " + str(lengths[1]) + ", " + str(lengths[2]) angles = [] for item in[3:]: angles.append("%.2f" % item) dictOverall2['Box_angles'] = str(angles[0]) + ", " + str(angles[1]) + ", " + str(angles[2]) dictOverall2['Unit cell'] = str( dictOverall2['Space group'] = str( # Supplied Resolution dictOverall2['Supplied_Resolution'] = round(, 1) # Resolution Estimates Masked Unmasked if is not None: dictOverall2['dFSC_half_maps_0.143_masked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*dFSC_half_maps_0.143_masked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['dFSC_half_maps_0.143_masked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*dFSC_half_maps_0.143_masked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['dFSC_half_maps_0.143_unmasked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*dFSC_half_maps_0.143_unmasked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['dFSC_half_maps_0.143_unmasked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*dFSC_half_maps_0.143_unmasked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['d99_full_masked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*d99_full_masked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['d99_full_masked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*d99_full_masked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['d99_full_unmasked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*d99_full_unmasked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['d99_full_unmasked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*d99_full_unmasked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['d99_half1_masked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['d99_half1_masked2'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['d99_half1_masked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['d99_half1_unmasked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['d99_half1_unmasked2'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['d99_half1_unmasked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['d99_half2_masked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['d99_half2_masked2'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['d99_half2_masked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['d99_half2_unmasked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['d99_half2_unmasked2'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['d99_half2_unmasked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['dmodel_masked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*dmodel_masked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['dmodel_masked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*dmodel_masked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['dmodel_unmasked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*dmodel_unmasked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['dmodel_masked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*dmodel_unmasked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['d_model_b0_masked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['d_model_b0_masked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['d_model_b0_unmasked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['d_model_b0_unmasked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0_masked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0_masked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0_masked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0_masked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0_unmasked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0_unmasked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0_unmasked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0_unmasked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.143_masked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.143_masked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.143_masked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.143_masked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.143_unmasked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.143_unmasked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.143_unmasked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.143_unmasked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.5_masked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.5_masked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.5_masked'] = '---' dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.5_masked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.5_unmasked'] = "%.1f" % (round(, 1)) dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.5_unmasked'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['dFSCmodel_0.5_unmasked'] ='---' dictOverall2['*dFSCmodel_0.5_unmasked'] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2["overall_b_iso_masked"] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2["overall_b_iso_masked"] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2["overall_b_iso_unmasked"] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2["overall_b_iso_unmasked"] = '---' if is not None: dictOverall2['mask_smoothing_radius'] = "%.2f" % (round(, 2)) else: dictOverall2['mask_smoothing_radius'] = '---' # Map statistics dictOverall2['Map_min'] = "%.2f" % (round([0], 2)) dictOverall2['Map_max'] = "%.2f" % (round([1], 2)) dictOverall2['Map_mean'] = "%.2f" % (round([2], 2)) dictOverall2['Map_origin'] = dictOverall2['Map_last'] = dictOverall2['Map_focus'] = dictOverall2['Map_all'] = min = round([0], 3) max = round([1], 3) mean = round([2], 3) dictOverall2['Map_min_max_mean'] = ("%.3f, %.3f, %.3f") % (min, max, mean) Map_value = [] for item in Map_value.append(item) dictOverall2['Map_value'] = Map_value Map_count = [] for item in Map_count.append(item) dictOverall2['Map_count'] = Map_count dictOverall2['Map_slots'] = if is not None: HalfMap1_count = [] for item in HalfMap1_count.append(item) dictOverall2['HalfMap1_count'] = HalfMap1_count if is not None: HalfMap2_count = [] for item in HalfMap2_count.append(item) dictOverall2['HalfMap2_count'] = HalfMap2_count if is not None: dictOverall2["HalfMapCC"] = # FSC (Half-maps) if is not None: fsc_masked = [] d_inv_masked = [] for item in fsc_masked.append(item) dictOverall2['FSC_Masked'] = fsc_masked for item in d_inv_masked.append(item) dictOverall2['d_inv_Masked'] = d_inv_masked if is not None: fsc_unmasked = [] d_inv_unmasked = [] for item in fsc_unmasked.append(item) dictOverall2['FSC_Unmasked'] = fsc_unmasked for item in d_inv_unmasked.append(item) dictOverall2['d_inv_Unmasked'] = d_inv_unmasked # FSC (Model-map) if is not None: fsc_model_map_masked = [] d_inv_model_map_masked = [] for item in fsc_model_map_masked.append(item) dictOverall2['FSC_Model_Map_Masked'] = fsc_model_map_masked for item in d_inv_model_map_masked.append(item) dictOverall2['d_inv_Model_Map_Masked'] = d_inv_model_map_masked if is not None: fsc_model_map_unmasked = [] d_inv_model_map_unmasked = [] for item in fsc_model_map_unmasked.append(item) dictOverall2['FSC_Model_Map_Unmasked'] = fsc_model_map_unmasked for item in d_inv_model_map_unmasked.append(item) dictOverall2['d_inv_Model_Map_Unmasked'] = d_inv_model_map_unmasked # Model vs. Data dictOverall2['CC_mask'] = round(, 2) dictOverall2['CC_box'] = round(, 2) dictOverall2['CC_peaks'] = round(, 2) dictOverall2['CC_volume'] = round(, 2) dictOverall2['CC_main_chain'] = round(, 2) try: # skip if chain has no sidechains dictOverall2['CC_side_chain']= round(, 2) except: pass # Model structure Chain_list = [] chain_names = [] for item in if item.chain_id not in chain_names: chain_names.append(item.chain_id) Chain_list.append((item.chain_id, dictOverall2['Chain_list'] = Chain_list Residue_list = [] for item in Residue_list.append((item.model_id, item.chain_id, item.resseq, item.resname, dictOverall2['Residue_list'] = Residue_list IUPAC_aminoacids_list = ["ALA", "CYS", "ASP", "GLU", "PHE", "GLY", "HIS", "ILE", "LYS", "LEU", "MET", "ASN", "PRO", "GLN", "ARG", "SER", "THR", "VAL", "TRP", "TYR"] IUPAC_dna_list = ["DA", "DC", "DG", "DT"] IUPAC_rna_list = ["A", "C", "G", "U"] Ligand_CC = [] for item in if item.resname.strip() not in IUPAC_aminoacids_list: if item.resname.strip() not in IUPAC_dna_list: if item.resname.strip() not in IUPAC_rna_list: Ligand_CC.append( if len(Ligand_CC) > 0: dictOverall2['Ligand_CC'] = "%.2f" % round(sum(Ligand_CC)/len(Ligand_CC), 2) else: dictOverall2['Ligand_CC'] = "---" """.format(VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME=self.VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME) if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() >= PHENIXVERSION18: command += """ # Rama-Z (Ramachandran plot Z-score, RMSD)) if data.model.geometry.rama_z is not None: dictOverall2['Rama_Z_whole_n'] = "%d" % (data.model.geometry.rama_z.whole.n) if data.model.geometry.rama_z.whole.n != 0: dictOverall2['Rama_Z_whole_value'] = "%.2f" % abs(round(data.model.geometry.rama_z.whole.value, 2)) dictOverall2['Rama_Z_whole_std'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.rama_z.whole.std, 2)) else: dictOverall2['Rama_Z_whole_value'] = '---' dictOverall2['Rama_Z_whole_std'] = '---' dictOverall2['Rama_Z_helix_n'] = "%d" % (data.model.geometry.rama_z.helix.n) if data.model.geometry.rama_z.helix.n != 0: dictOverall2['Rama_Z_helix_value'] = "%.2f" % abs(round(data.model.geometry.rama_z.helix.value, 2)) dictOverall2['Rama_Z_helix_std'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.rama_z.helix.std, 2)) else: dictOverall2['Rama_Z_sheet_n'] = '---' dictOverall2['Rama_Z_sheet_value'] = '---' dictOverall2['Rama_Z_sheet_n'] = "%d" % (data.model.geometry.rama_z.sheet.n) if data.model.geometry.rama_z.sheet.n != 0: dictOverall2['Rama_Z_sheet_value'] = "%.2f" % abs(round(data.model.geometry.rama_z.sheet.value, 2)) dictOverall2['Rama_Z_sheet_std'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.rama_z.sheet.std, 2)) else: dictOverall2['Rama_Z_sheet_value'] = '---' dictOverall2['Rama_Z_sheet_std'] = '---' dictOverall2['Rama_Z_loop_n'] = "%d" % (data.model.geometry.rama_z.loop.n) if data.model.geometry.rama_z.loop.n != 0: dictOverall2['Rama_Z_loop_value'] = "%.2f" % abs(round(data.model.geometry.rama_z.loop.value, 2)) dictOverall2['Rama_Z_loop_std'] = "%.2f" % (round(data.model.geometry.rama_z.loop.std, 2)) else: dictOverall2['Rama_Z_loop_value'] = '---' dictOverall2['Rama_Z_loop_value'] = '---' """ command += """with open('%s',"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(dictOverall2)) """ % (VALIDATIONTMPFILENAME) pythonFileName = VALIDATIONTMPFILENAME.replace('.txt', '.py') # write script file with open(pythonFileName, "w") as f: f.write(command) # execute file with phenix.python Plugin.runPhenixProgram("", pythonFileName) # read file in scipion python with open(VALIDATIONTMPFILENAME, "r") as f: self.dictOverall2 = # self.dataDict = json.loads( self._store()