Source code for phenix.viewers.viewer_refinement_base

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Roberto Marabini (
# *              Marta Martinez (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************

import collections
import json
from phenix import PHENIXVERSION
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from pyworkflow.viewer import DESKTOP_TKINTER, WEB_DJANGO, ProtocolViewer
from pwem.viewers import TableView, Chimera
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import LabelParam, EnumParam
from phenix import Plugin
from pyworkflow.tests import *
from pwem.objects import String
from pwem import Domain
import os
from import ValuesView

[docs]def errorWindow(tkParent, msg): try: # if tkRoot is null the error message may be behind # other windows messagebox.showerror("Error", # bar title msg, # message parent=tkParent) except: print(("Error:", msg))
[docs]class PhenixProtRefinementBaseViewer(ProtocolViewer): """ base for molprovity and real space refine programs """ _environments = [DESKTOP_TKINTER, WEB_DJANGO] COOT = 'coot' ANALYSISTMPFILE = 'tmpAnalysisFile.txt' RAMATMPFILE = '' ROTATMPFILE = "" MULTICPLOTTMPFILE = "" def __init__(self, **kwargs): ProtocolViewer.__init__(self, **kwargs) if os.path.exists(self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.protocol.MOLPROBITYOUTFILENAME)): MOLPROBITYOUTFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.protocol.MOLPROBITYOUTFILENAME) self._parseFile(MOLPROBITYOUTFILENAME) if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() == PHENIXVERSION or \ os.path.exists(self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.protocol.MOLPROBITYPKLFILENAME)): self.MOLPROBITYPKLFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.protocol.MOLPROBITYPKLFILENAME) self._writePickleData() self.dictOverall = json.loads(self.dictOverall, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label="Volume and models") form.addParam('displayMapModel', LabelParam, label="Volume and models in ChimeraX", help="Display of input volume(s) and atomic structure(s).") if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() == PHENIXVERSION or \ os.path.exists(self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.protocol.MOLPROBITYPKLFILENAME)): form.addSection(label='MolProbity results') group = form.addGroup('Summary MolProbity') group.addParam('showMolProbityResults', LabelParam, important=True, label="MolProbity Basic Statistics", help="Validation of protein geometry. Statistics " "computed by the " "PHENIX package using the same distributions as " "the MolProbity web server." "\n\nRamachandran outliers: Outlier " "residues that show an unusual " "combination of their phi and psi " "torsion angles. Ramachandran outlier score is " "computed as the percentage of Ramachandran " "outliers regarding the total number of residues " "in the entry showing outlier assessment." "\n\nRamachandran " "favored: Residues that show an normal " "combination of their phi and psi " "torsion angles. Ramachandran favored score is " "computed as the percentage of Ramachandran " "outliers regarding the total number of residues " "in the entry showing outlier assessment. Between " "the favored and outlier regions in the " "Ramachandran plot, there is a small region of " "allowed residues.\n\nRotamer outliers: Residues " "that adopt unusual chi torsion angles " "(non-rotameric), used to describe " "the conformation of protein sidechains. The " "score of rotamer outliers is computed as " "the percentage of residues with non-rotameric " "angles.\n\nC-beta outliers: Residues that show an " "unusual deviation (higher than 0.25 A) of the " "beta carbon from its ideal position. " "This deviation of beta carbon " "indicates incompatibilities between sidechain and " "backbone.\n\nClashscore: Score associated to the " "number of pairs of non-bonded atoms in the model " "that are unusually close to each other. These " "clashing atoms show unfavorable steric overlaps " "of van der Waals shells. Steric clashes in " "proteins are defined based on the Van der Waals " "repulsion energy of the clashing atoms. " "The clashscore is computed as the " "number of serious clashes per 1000 atoms. " "\n\nRMS (bonds): Root-mean-square deviation of " "macromolecular bond lengths. " "\n\nRMS (angles): Root-mean-square deviation of " "macromolecular bond angles. " "\n\nOverall score: Score that represents the " "experimental resolution expected for a model of " "this quality; ideally the score should be lower " "than the actual resolution.\n") group.addParam('showCootOutliers', LabelParam, important=True, label="Open in Coot", help="Interactive visualization of outliers and clashes" " with Coot:\n\nRamachandran outliers\n" "Rotamer outliers\nC-beta outliers\n" "Severe clashes ") if self.dictOverall['_len_missing_atoms'] > 0: group.addParam('showMissingAtoms', LabelParam, label="Missing atoms", help="For clarity, hydrogen atoms are not included") group = form.addGroup('Basic Geometry: Bond Length Restraints') group.addParam('showBLrestraints', LabelParam, label="Deviations", help="Check here the number of outlier pairs of atoms " "according to the bond length restraints " "between pairs of linked atoms.\nWarning!!!: " "Refined structures should not have any outliers" " except those are obvious in high " "resolution electron density maps.\n") self.outliers = self.dictBLRestraints['Number of outliers > 4sigma'] if self.outliers > 0: group.addParam('showBLoutliers', LabelParam, important=True, label="Outliers", help="List of outlier pairs of atoms (sorted by deviation) " "according to the bond length restraints.\n") group = form.addGroup('Basic Geometry: Bond Angle Restraints') group.addParam('showBArestraints', LabelParam, label="Deviations", help="Check here the number of outlier triplets of atoms " "according " "to the bond angle restraints.\n" "Warning!!!: Refined structures should not " "have any outliers except those are obvious in " "high resolution electron density maps.") self.outliers = self.dictBARestraints['Number of outliers > 4sigma'] if self.outliers > 0: group.addParam('showBAoutliers', LabelParam, important=True, label="Outliers", help="List of outlier triplets of atoms (sorted by " "deviation) according to the bond angle " "restraints") group = form.addGroup('Basic Geometry: Dihedral Angle Restraints') group.addParam('showDArestraints', LabelParam, label="Deviations", help="Check here the number of outlier tetrads of atoms " "according " "to the side chain dihedral torsion (chi) angle " "restraints.\n" "Warning!!!: Refined structures should not " "have any outliers except those are obvious in " "high resolution electron density maps.") self.outliers = self.dictDARestraints['Number of outliers > 4sigma'] if self.outliers > 0: group.addParam('showDAoutliers', LabelParam, important=True, label="Outliers", help="List of outlier tetrads of atoms (" "sorted by deviation) " "according to the dihedral " "angle restraints") group = form.addGroup('Basic Geometry: Chirality Restraints') group.addParam('showCHILrestraints', LabelParam, label="Deviations", help="Check here the number of outlier tetrads of atoms " "according to the volume chirality " "restraints.\n" "Warning!!!: Refined structures should not " "have any outliers except those are obvious " "in high resolution electron density maps.") self.outliers = self.dictChilRestraints['Number of outliers > 4sigma'] if self.outliers > 0: group.addParam('showCHILoutliers', LabelParam, important=True, label="Outliers", help="List of outlier tetrads of atoms (" "sorted by deviation) " "according to the volume " "chirality restraints") group = form.addGroup('Basic Geometry: Planarity Restraints') group.addParam('showPLANARrestraints', LabelParam, label="Deviations", help="Check here the number of outliers of planar " "groups, such as aromatic rings," "according to the planar " "restraints.\n" "Warning!!!: Refined structures should not " "have any outliers except those are obvious " "in high resolution electron density maps.") self.outliers = self.dictPlanarRestraints['Number of outliers > 4sigma'] if self.outliers > 0: group.addParam('showPLANARoutliers', LabelParam, important=True, label="Outliers", help='List of planar group outliers ' '(sorted by deviation)') if (self.dictOverall['_protein'] == True): group = form.addGroup('Protein') self.plotList = ['Ramachandran plot', 'Chi1-Chi2 plot'] group.addParam('plotType', EnumParam, choices=self.plotList, default=0, label="Select plot:", help="Select a plot type. Ramachandran plot is " "chosen by default. Chi1-Chi2 plot shows " "rotameric angles\n") group.addParam('showPlotType', LabelParam, important=True, label="View plot", help="") if (self.dictOverall['_percent_rama_outliers'] > 0.): group.addParam('showRamaOutliersTable', LabelParam, important=True, label="Ramachandran outliers:", help="Ramachandran outliers are those aminoacids" " with non-favourable dihedral angles. " "Most of the time, Ramachandran outliers are " "a consequence of mistakes during the data " "processing.") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoRamaOutliers', LabelParam, label="No Ramachandran outliers detected") if (self.dictOverall['_percent_rota_outliers'] > 0.): group.addParam('showRotaOutliersTable', LabelParam, important=True, label="Rotamer outliers: ", help="Although a residue may lie in the " "favored regions of the Chi1-Chi2 plot, " "outliers are flagged based on the " "distribution of all non-branched Chi " "angles in a residue.\nZero outliers is " "not the goal. Rotamer outliers can be " "justified by sufficiently strong " \ "electron density, van der Waals " "packing, and/or hydrogen bonds.\n") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoRotaOutliers', LabelParam, label="No Rotamer outliers detected") if (self.dictOverall['_n_cbeta_outliers'] > 0): group.addParam('showCbetaOutliersTable', LabelParam, important=True, label="C-beta outliers:", help="C-beta position outliers (position " "deviates from ideal by more than " "0.25A).\n\nIdeal CB position is " "determined from the average of the " "ideal C-N-CA-CB and N-C-CA-CB dihedrals." " This measure is more sensitive than" " individual measures to both sidechain " "and mainchain misfittings.\n") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoCbetaOutliers', LabelParam, label="No C-beta position outliers detected", help="C-beta position outliers (position " "deviates from ideal by more than " "0.25A).\n\nIdeal CB position is " "determined from the average of the " "ideal C-N-CA-CB and N-C-CA-CB dihedrals." " This measure is more sensitive than" " individual measures to both sidechain " "and mainchain misfittings.\n") if (self.dictOverall['_n_nqh_flips_outliers'] > 0): group.addParam('showBackAsnGlnHisSidechains', LabelParam, important=True, label="Recommended Asn/Gln/His sidechain " "flips:", help="Asn, Gln, and His sidechains are " "asymmetric and may require flipping to " "form favorable van der Waals contacts " "and hydrogen bonding.\n\nREDUCE " "(phenix.reduce) has been run on your " "file to add hydrogens necessary for " "identifying clashes and has also " "identified the following residues " "as needing to be flipped. Note that " "phenix.refine will often perform these " "flips by default.\n") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoSidechainFlips', LabelParam, label="No sidechain flips required", help="Asn, Gln, and His sidechains are " "asymmetric and may require flipping to " "form favorable van der Waals contacts " "and hydrogen bonding.\n\nREDUCE " "(phenix.reduce) has been run on your " "file to add hydrogens necessary for " "identifying clashes and has also " "identified the following residues " "as needing to be flipped. Note that " "phenix.refine will often perform these " "flips by default.\n") if (self.dictOverall['_n_omega_outliers'] > 0): group.addParam('showCisAndTwistedPeptides', LabelParam, important=True, label="Cis and Twisted peptides:", help="Cis conformations are observed in " "about 5% of Prolines.\n\nCis " "conformations are observed in about " "0.03% of general residues.\n\nTwisted " "peptides are almost certainly " "modeling errors.\n") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoNonTransPeptides', LabelParam, label="No non-trans peptides detected", help="Cis conformations are observed in " "about 5% of Prolines.\n\nCis " "conformations are observed in about " "0.03% of general residues.\n\nTwisted " "peptides are almost certainly " "modeling errors.\n") if (self.dictOverall['_clashes'] == True): group = form.addGroup('Clashes') if (self.dictOverall['_n_clashes_outliers'] > 0): group.addParam('showClashes', LabelParam, important=True, label="All atom-contact analysis", help="This list summarizes all severe clashes " "(more than 0.4 Angstrom non-H-bond " "overlap) found by PROBE; you can view " "these graphically in Coot. If no " "hydrogens were present, REDUCE was " "used to add them prior to running " "PROBE.") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoClashes', LabelParam, label="No bad contacts (> 0.4A overlap) found.", help="This list summarizes all severe clashes " "(more than 0.4 Angstrom non-H-bond " "overlap) found by PROBE; you can view " "these graphically in Coot. If no " "hydrogens were present, REDUCE was " "used to add them prior to running " "PROBE.") if (self.dictOverall['_rna_group'] == True): group = form.addGroup('RNA restraint outliers') # TODO: Describe functions for RNA ( if (self.dictOverall['_n_bonds_rna_outliers'] > 0): group.addParam('_showRNABonds', LabelParam, important=True, label="RNA nucleotides with excessive bond" " lengths:", help="") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoBonds', LabelParam, label="All bonds within expected limits", help="") if (self.dictOverall['_n_angles_rna_outliers'] > 0): group.addParam('_showRNAAngles', LabelParam, important=True, label="RNA nucleotides with improper dihedral " "angles:", help="") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoAngles', LabelParam, label="All dihedral angles within expected " "limits", help="") if (self.dictOverall['_n_puckers_rna_outliers'] > 0): group.addParam('_showRNASugarPuckers', LabelParam, important=True, label="RNA nucleotides with improper sugar " "puckers:", help="") else: group.addParam('showMesgNoPuckers', LabelParam, label="All sugar puckers in appropriate " "conformations", help="") if (self.dictOverall['_n_suites_rna_outliers'] > 0): group.addParam('_showRNASuites', LabelParam, important=True, label="RNA nucleotides with bad backbone " "angles:", help="") else: group.addParam('showMesgNosuites', LabelParam, label="Backbone angles within expected ranges", help="") if (self.dictOverall['_overall_rsc'] == True): form.addSection(label='Real-space correlation') group = form.addGroup('Real-space correlation to electron density') group.addParam('showMultiCriterionPlot', LabelParam, important=True, label="View Multi-criterion plot", help="This plot shows simultaneously " "Real-space correlation coefficients " "and B-factor values for each residue.\n") group.addParam('showOverallRSCResults', LabelParam, important=True, label="Correlation Coefficients", help="Real-space correlation\n\nFor a detailed " "definition of Mask CC, Volume CC and Peak " "CC, see Afonine, P. V., Klaholz, B. K., " "Moriarty, N. W., Poon, B. K., Sobolev, " "O. V., Terwilliger, T. C., Adams, P. D. " "& Urzhumtsev, A. (2018). bioRxiv. " "\n\n" "Mask CC: Model-to-map correlation " "coefficient calculated in the map region " "around the model, using map values inside " "a mask calculated around the macromolecule" ".\n\nVolume CC and Peak CC compare only " "map regions with the highest density values " "and regions below a certain contouring " "threshold level are ignored.\nVolume CC: " "The map region considered is defined by " "the N highest points inside the molecular " "mask.\nPeak CC: In this case, calculations " "consider the union of regions defined by " "the N highest peaks in the model-calculated " "map and the N highest peaks in the " "experimental map.\n") self.residueTypeList = ['Protein', 'Other', 'Water', 'Everything'] group.addParam('residueType', EnumParam, choices=self.residueTypeList, default=0, label="Residue Type:", help="Select a residue Type. Protein is chosen by " "default.\n") self.ccBelowList = ['0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5', '0.6', '0.7', '0.8', '0.9', '1.0'] group.addParam('ccIndex', EnumParam, choices=self.ccBelowList, default=7, label="Show CC below:", help="Select a decimal. CC 0.8 is chosen by " "default.") group.addParam('showCCTable', LabelParam, label="Table of Real-space correlation " "coefficients", help="Residue: Protein chain, " "aminoacid index, and aminoacid name.\n" "B_iso: Isotropic B-factor value for " "residue (Disorder measure that quantitates " "the level of thermal motion).\nOccupancy: " "Disorder measure to indicate alternate " "location of multiple side chain atoms. " "Occupancies normally add up to unity. If " "no alternates have been observed, the " "occupancy equals to 1.00.\n2Fo-Fc: Electron " "density computed as 2Fo (Fo: structure " "factors from the diffraction patterns; " "experimental data) minus Fc (structure " "factor amplitudes calculated from model " "phases).\nFmodel: Model structure factors " "including all scales.\nCC: Correlation " "coefficent between the observed map and " "model-derived map in the real space.\n") group = form.addGroup('Fourier shell correlations') _atomRadius = "%0.3f" % self.dictOverall['_atom_radius'] group.addParam('showAtomRadius', LabelParam, important=True, label="Atom Mask Radius (Angstroms): " + str(_atomRadius), help='Radius of the "Fourier Shell", a spherical ' 'volume mask in Fourier space.\n') group.addParam('displayFSCplot', LabelParam, label="Fourier Shell Correlation plot", help="FSC regarding spatial frequency " "(1/Angstroms)") form.addSection(label='Atomic properties') group = form.addGroup('Occupancies') self._computeOccBFactor(self.dictOverall['_occ_bf_outliers']) if (len(self.occupancyList) == 0): group.addParam('showMesgNoOccupancies', LabelParam, important=True, label="All occupancies okay") else: group.addParam('showOccupancies', LabelParam, important=True, label="Table of occupancies", help="The table shows occupancy values lower " "than 1.0 for an atom when summed over " "alternative conformations (Type = atom) " "or for a residue when the occupancies for " "the atoms in a residue are not the same (" "Type = residue). Please check" " that they are correct.\n") group = form.addGroup('B-factor/ADPs') if ((self.dictOverall['_n_aniso_h'] is not None) and (self.dictOverall['_n_aniso_h'] > 0)): group.addParam('showWarningAnisoH', LabelParam, important= True, label="WARNING: %d hydrogens have anisotropic " "B-factors." % self.dictOverall['_n_aniso_h']) group.addParam('showIsotropicB', LabelParam, important=True, label="Isotropic B:", help="The refinement against the map of B-factors or " "Atomic Displacement Parameters (ADPs) is " "performed at the last macro-cycle and using " "reciprocal space.\n\nIsotropic B: Temperature " "factor or displacement parameter constraining " "the motion of the atoms so it is the same in " "all three directions.\nMinimum, Maximum and Mean " "are the statistic values of isotropic B-factor ") if (len(self.suspiciousBFList) > 0): group.addParam('showSuspiciousBfactors', LabelParam, label="Suspicious B-factors", help= "The table of Suspicious B-factors (ADP" " outliers) details all isotropic ADPs " "with values outside a range of plus " "or minus 4 sigmas around the mean " "value for the considered atomic " "structure. Although these B-factors " "are not neccessarily wrong, " "it may be worth checking the atomic " "positions, occupancies or element " "types shown in this table.\n") if self.dictOverall['_n_zero_b'] > 0: group.addParam('showWarningSuspicious', LabelParam, important=True, label="WARNING: %d atom(s) have " "B-factor(s) of zero, which indicates" " that either the occupancy or the " "element is incorrect." % self.dictOverall['_n_zero_b']) def _getVisualizeDict(self): return{ 'displayMapModel': self._displayMapModel, 'showMolProbityResults': self._visualizeMolProbityResults, 'showCootOutliers': self._showCootOutliers, 'showMissingAtoms': self._showMissingAtoms, 'showBLrestraints': self._showBLrestraints, 'showBLoutliers': self._showBLoutliers, 'showBArestraints': self._showBArestraints, 'showBAoutliers': self._showBAoutliers, 'showDArestraints': self._showDArestraints, 'showDAoutliers': self._showDAoutliers, 'showCHILrestraints': self._showCHILrestraints, 'showCHILoutliers': self._showCHILoutliers, 'showPLANARrestraints': self._showPLANARrestraints, 'showPLANARoutliers': self._showPLANARoutliers, 'showPlotType': self._showPlotType, 'showRamaOutliersTable': self._showRamaOutliersTable, 'showRotaOutliersTable': self._showRotaOutliersTable, 'showCbetaOutliersTable': self._showCbetaOutliersTable, 'showBackAsnGlnHisSidechains': self._showBackAsnGlnHisSidechains, 'showCisAndTwistedPeptides': self._showCisAndTwistedPeptides, 'showMultiCriterionPlot': self._showMultiCriterionPlot, 'showOverallRSCResults': self._showOverallRSCResults, 'showClashes': self._showClashes, 'showCCTable': self._showCCTable, 'displayFSCplot': self._displayFSCplot, 'showOccupancies' : self._showOccupancies, 'showIsotropicB': self._showIsotropicB, 'showSuspiciousBfactors': self. _showSuspiciousBfactors } def _displayMapModel(self, e=None): bildFileName = self.protocol._getExtraPath("axis_output.bild") try: _inputVol = self.protocol.inputVolume.get() except: _inputVol = self.protocol.inputStructure.get().getVolume() if _inputVol is not None: dim = _inputVol.getDim()[0] sampling = _inputVol.getSamplingRate() else: # To show pdbs only dim = 150. sampling = 1. Chimera.createCoordinateAxisFile(dim, bildFileName=bildFileName, sampling=sampling) counter = 1 fnCmd = self.protocol._getExtraPath("chimera_output.cxc") f = open(fnCmd, 'w') # change to workingDir # If we do not use cd and the project name has an space # the protocol fails even if we pass absolute paths f.write('cd %s\n' % os.getcwd()) # reference axis model = 1 f.write("open %s\n" % bildFileName) f.write("cofr 0,0,0\n") # set center of coordinates # input 3D map counter += 1 # 1 if self._getInputVolume() is not None: fnVol = self._getInputVolume() try: VOLUMEFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.protocol.MOLPROBITYFILE) except: if self.protocol.hasAttribute('REALSPACEFILE'): VOLUMEFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.protocol.REALSPACEFILE) elif self.protocol.hasAttribute('VALIDATIONCRYOEMFILE'): VOLUMEFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.protocol.VALIDATIONCRYOEMFILE) f.write("open %s\n" % VOLUMEFILENAME) x, y, z = fnVol.getOrigin(force=True).getShifts() sampling = fnVol.getSamplingRate() f.write("volume #%d style surface voxelSize %f\nvolume #%d origin " "%0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f\n" % (counter, sampling, counter, x, y, z)) if len(fnVol.getHalfMaps()) > 0: for halfMap in fnVol.getHalfMaps().split(','): counter += 1 if not halfMap.endswith(".mrc"): f.write("open %s\n" % halfMap.split(".")[0] + ".mrc") else: f.write("open %s\n" % halfMap) f.write("volume #%d style surface voxelSize %f\n" % (counter, sampling)) f.write("volume #%d origin %0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f\n" % (counter, x, y, z)) # input PDB (usually from coot) counter += 1 # 2 pdbFileName = self.protocol.inputStructure.get().getFileName() f.write("open %s\n" % pdbFileName) f.write("style stick\n") # refined PDB if self.protocol.hasAttribute('outputPdb') and \ (len(os.listdir(self.protocol._getExtraPath())) > 5): counter += 1 # 3 pdbFileName = self.protocol.outputPdb.getFileName() f.write("open %s\n" % pdbFileName) f.close() # run in the background chimeraPlugin = Domain.importFromPlugin('chimera', 'Plugin', doRaise=True) chimeraPlugin.runChimeraProgram(chimeraPlugin.getProgram(), fnCmd + "&", cwd=os.getcwd()) return [] def _visualizeMolProbityResults(self, e=None): headerList = ['statistic', 'value'] dictX = self.dictSummary val = 0.4 mesg = "Model Final Statistics" title = "MolProbity: Final Results Summary" self._showResults(headerList, dictX, val, mesg, title) def _showCootOutliers(self, e=None): MOLPROBITYCOOTFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.protocol.MOLPROBITYCOOTFILENAME) args = "" args += " --python " + MOLPROBITYCOOTFILENAME # pdb file if self.protocol.hasAttribute('outputPdb'): pdb = self.protocol.outputPdb else: pdb = self.protocol.inputStructure.get() CootRefine = Domain.importFromPlugin('ccp4.protocols', 'CootRefine', doRaise=True) project = self.protocol.getProject() args = { 'pdbFileToBeRefined': pdb, 'doInteractive': True, 'phythonscript': String(MOLPROBITYCOOTFILENAME), 'inputProtocol': self.protocol } # volume vol = self._getInputVolume() if vol is not None: args['inputVolumes'] = [vol] protCoot = project.newProtocol(CootRefine, **args) protCoot.setObjLabel('coot refinement\noutliers\n') project.launchProtocol(protCoot) def _getInputVolume(self): if self.protocol.inputVolume.get() is None: fnVol = self.protocol.inputStructure.get().getVolume() else: fnVol = self.protocol.inputVolume.get() return fnVol def _showMissingAtoms(self, e=None): headerList = ['Chain', 'Residue', 'AtLoc', 'Missing atoms'] dataList = [] chain = [] residue = [] atLoc = [] missingAtoms = [] for i in range(len(self.dictOverall['_missing_atoms'])): chain.append(self.dictOverall['_missing_atoms'][i][0]) residue.append(self.dictOverall['_missing_atoms'][i][1]) atLoc.append(self.dictOverall['_missing_atoms'][i][2]) missingAtoms.append(self.dictOverall['_missing_atoms'][i][3]) for c, r, aL, mA in zip(chain, residue, atLoc, missingAtoms): dataList.append((c, r, aL, mA)) mesg = "Missing atoms" title = "Model missing atoms" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showBLrestraints(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictX = self.dictBLRestraints val = 0.3 mesg = "Bond Length Restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Basic Geometry" self._showResults(headerList, dictX, val, mesg, title) def _showBLoutliers(self, e=None): headerList = ['Atom1', 'Atom2', 'Ideal value', 'Model value', 'Deviation (sigmas)'] dataList = self.blDataList mesg = "List of outliers (sorted by deviation)" title = "Bond Length Restraints" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showBArestraints(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictX = self.dictBARestraints val = 0.3 mesg = "Bond Angle Restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Basic Geometry" self._showResults(headerList, dictX, val, mesg, title) def _showBAoutliers(self, e=None): headerList = ['Atoms', 'Ideal value', 'Model value', 'Deviation (' 'sigmas)'] dataList = self.baDataList mesg = "List of outliers (sorted by deviation)" title = "Bond Angle Restraints" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showDArestraints(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictX = self.dictDARestraints val = 0.3 mesg = "Dihedral Angle Restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Basic Geometry" self._showResults(headerList, dictX, val, mesg, title) def _showDAoutliers(self, e=None): headerList = ['Atoms', 'Ideal value', 'Model value', 'Deviation (' 'sigmas)'] dataList = self.daDataList mesg = "List of outliers (sorted by deviation)" title = "Dihedral Angle Restraints" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showCHILrestraints(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictX = self.dictChilRestraints val = 0.3 mesg = "Chirality Restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Basic Geometry" self._showResults(headerList, dictX, val, mesg, title) def _showCHILoutliers(self, e=None): headerList = ['Atoms', 'Ideal value', 'Model value', 'Deviation (' 'sigmas)'] dataList = self.chilDataList mesg = "List of outliers (sorted by deviation)" title = "Chirality Restraints" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showPLANARrestraints(self, e=None): headerList = ['measure', 'value'] dictX = self.dictPlanarRestraints val = 0.3 mesg = "Planarity Restraints\n(Deviations from ideal values)" title = "MolProbity: Basic Geometry" self._showResults(headerList, dictX, val, mesg, title) def _showPLANARoutliers(self, e=None): headerList = ['Atoms', 'Max. delta', 'RMS (delta)', 'Deviation (' 'sigmas)'] dataList = self.planarDataList mesg = "List of outliers (sorted by deviation)" title = "Planarity Restraints" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showPlotType(self, e=None): plot_index = int(self.plotType) self.listName = self.plotList[plot_index] self._writeCommand(self.listName) if self.listName == self.plotList[1]: self.TMPFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath(self.ROTATMPFILE) else: self.TMPFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath(self.RAMATMPFILE) with open(self.TMPFILENAME, "w") as f: f.write(self.command) # execute file with phenix.python Plugin.runPhenixProgram("", self.TMPFILENAME) def _showRamaOutliersTable(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall['_rama_headers'] dataList = self.dictOverall['_rama_outliers'] mesg = "Ramachandran outliers" title = "Ramachandran analysis" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showRotaOutliersTable(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall['_rota_headers'] dataList = self.dictOverall['_rota_outliers'] mesg = "Rotamer outliers" title = "Rotamer analysis" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showCbetaOutliersTable(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall['_cbeta_headers'] dataList = self.dictOverall['_cbeta_outliers'] mesg = "C-beta position outliers" title = "C-beta deviation analysis" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showBackAsnGlnHisSidechains(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall['_nqh_flips_headers'] dataList = self.dictOverall['_nqh_flips_outliers'] mesg = "Recommended sidechain flips" title = "Backwards Asn/Gln/His sidechains" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showCisAndTwistedPeptides(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall['_omega_headers'] dataList = self.dictOverall['_omega_outliers'] mesg = "Cis and Twisted peptides" title = "Cis and Twisted peptides analyis" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showClashes(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall['_clashes_headers'] dataList = self.dictOverall['_clashes_outliers'] mesg = "Bad contacts from PROBE: %d overlapping atom pairs" \ % len(dataList) title = "All atom-contact analyis" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showMultiCriterionPlot(self, e=None): self.listName = "Multi-criterion plot" self._writeCommand(self.listName) self.TMPFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath(self.MULTICPLOTTMPFILE) with open(self.TMPFILENAME, "w") as f: f.write(self.command) # execute file with phenix.python Plugin.runPhenixProgram("", self.TMPFILENAME) def _showOverallRSCResults(self, e=None): headerList = ['statistic', 'value'] dictX = self.dictOverall val = 0.3 mesg = "Model Final Statistics" title = "Real-space correlation: Final Results Summary" self._showResults(headerList, dictX, val, mesg, title) def _showCCTable(self, e=None): self._computeCCTable() headerList = self.dictOverall['_rs_headers'] dataList = self.RSCCList mesg = "Real-space correlation" title = "Correlation coefficients table" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showOccupancies(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall['_occ_bf_headers'] dataList = self.occupancyList mesg = "Occupancies" title = "Occupancies" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showIsotropicB(self, e=None): headerList = ['statistic', 'value'] dictX = collections.OrderedDict() dictX['Minimun'] = self.dictOverall['_b_min'] if self.dictOverall['_b_min_macromolecules'] is not None: dictX['Min (macromolecules)'] = \ self.dictOverall['_b_min_macromolecules'] if self.dictOverall['_b_min_ligands'] is not None: dictX['Min (ligands)'] = \ self.dictOverall['_b_min_ligands'] dictX['Maximun'] = self.dictOverall['_b_max'] if self.dictOverall['_b_max_macromolecules'] is not None: dictX['Max (macromolecules)'] = \ self.dictOverall['_b_max_macromolecules'] if self.dictOverall['_b_max_ligands'] is not None: dictX['Max (ligands)'] = \ self.dictOverall['_b_max_ligands'] dictX['Mean'] = self.dictOverall['_b_mean'] if self.dictOverall['_b_mean_macromolecules'] is not None: dictX['Mean (macromolecules)'] = \ self.dictOverall['_b_mean_macromolecules'] if self.dictOverall['_b_mean_ligands'] is not None: dictX['Mean (ligands)'] = \ self.dictOverall['_b_mean_ligands'] val = 0.2 mesg = "Isotropic B" title = "B-factors/ADPs" self._showResults(headerList, dictX, val, mesg, title) def _showSuspiciousBfactors(self, e=None): headerList = self.dictOverall['_occ_bf_headers'] dataList = self.suspiciousBFList mesg = "Suspicious B-factors" title = "B-factors/ADPs" self._showOutliers(headerList, dataList, mesg, title) def _showResults(self, headerList, dictX, val, mesg, title): dataList = [] for k, v in list(dictX.items()): if k[0] == "_": continue if isinstance(v, int): dataList.append((k, v)) elif isinstance(v, float): dataList.append((k, ("%" + str(val) + "f") % v)) if not dataList: errorWindow(self.getTkRoot(), "No data available") return TableView(headerList=headerList, dataList=dataList, mesg=mesg, title=title, height=len(dataList), width=250, padding=40) def _showOutliers(self, headerList, dataList, mesg, title): if not dataList: errorWindow(self.getTkRoot(), "No data available") return TableView(headerList=headerList, dataList=dataList, mesg=mesg, title=title, height=min(20,len(dataList)), width=250, padding=40) def _displayFSCplot(self, e=None): xList = self.dictOverall['_x_fsc'] yList = self.dictOverall['_y_fsc'] if not (xList or yList): errorWindow(self.getTkRoot(), "No data available") return title = 'Fourier Shell Correlation (Map vs. Model)' plt.plot(xList, yList) plt.axis([0, 0.8, -0.2, 1]) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('1/resolution (1/Angstrom)') plt.ylabel('FSC') def _parseFile(self, fileName): self.dictSummary = collections.OrderedDict() self.dictBLRestraints = collections.OrderedDict() self.blDataList = [] self.dictBARestraints = collections.OrderedDict() self.baDataList = [] self.dictDARestraints = collections.OrderedDict() self.daDataList = [] self.dictChilRestraints = collections.OrderedDict() self.chilDataList = [] self.dictPlanarRestraints = collections.OrderedDict() self.planarDataList = [] with open(fileName) as f: line = f.readline() while line: words = line.strip().split() if len(words) > 1: if (words[0] == 'Ramachandran' and words[1] == 'outliers'): self.dictSummary['Ramachandran outliers (%)'] = \ float(words[3]) elif (words[0] == 'favored' and words[1] == '='): self.dictSummary['Ramachandran favored (%)'] = \ float(words[2]) elif (words[0] == 'Rotamer' and words[1] == 'outliers'): self.dictSummary['Rotamer outliers (%)'] = float( words[3]) elif (words[0] == 'C-beta' and words[1] == 'deviations'): self.dictSummary['C-beta outliers'] = int(words[3]) elif (words[0] == 'Clashscore' and words[1] == '='): self.dictSummary['Clashscore'] = float(words[2]) elif (words[0] == 'RMS(bonds)' and words[1] == '='): self.dictSummary['RMS (bonds)'] = float(words[2]) elif (words[0] == 'RMS(angles)' and words[1] == '='): self.dictSummary['RMS (angles)'] = float(words[2]) elif (words[0] == 'MolProbity' and words[1] == 'score'): self.dictSummary['Overall score'] = float(words[3]) elif (words[0] == 'bond' or words[0] =='Bond' and words[1] == ':'): self.dictBLRestraints['Number of restraints'] = int( words[4]) self.dictBLRestraints['RMS (deviation)'] = float( words[2]) self.dictBLRestraints['Max deviation'] = float( words[3]) elif (words[0] == '----------Bond' and words[1] == 'lengths----------'): f.readline() line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() if (words[0] == 'All' and words[1] == 'restrained'): self.dictBLRestraints['Number of outliers ' \ '> 4sigma'] = 0 elif (words[0] == 'Using' and words[1] == 'conformation-dependent'): f.readline() line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() if (words[0] == 'All' and words[1] == 'restrained'): self.dictBLRestraints['Number of outliers ' \ '> 4sigma'] = 0 elif (words[0] == 'atoms'): line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() self._parseFileAtom1Atom2(words, f) self.dictBLRestraints['Number of outliers '\ '> 4sigma'] = len(self.Atom1) self.blDataList = list(zip(self.Atom1, self.Atom2, self.IdealValue, self.ModelValue, self.Deviation)) elif (words[0] == 'angle' or words[0] == 'Angle' and words[1] == ':'): self.dictBARestraints['Number of restraints'] = int( words[4]) self.dictBARestraints['RMS (deviation)'] = float( words[2]) self.dictBARestraints['Max deviation'] = float( words[3]) elif (words[0] == '----------Bond' and words[1] == 'angles----------'): f.readline() line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() if (words[0] == 'All' and words[1] == 'restrained'): self.dictBARestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = 0 elif (words[0] == 'Using' and words[1] == 'conformation-dependent'): f.readline() line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() if (words[0] == 'All' and words[1] == 'restrained'): self.dictBARestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = 0 elif (words[0] == 'atoms'): self._wrapParseFileAtom123(words, f) elif (words[0] == 'dihedral' or words[0] == 'Dihedral' and words[1] == ':'): self.dictDARestraints['Number of restraints'] = int( words[4]) self.dictDARestraints['RMS (deviation)'] = float( words[2]) self.dictDARestraints['Max deviation'] = float( words[3]) elif (words[0] == '----------Dihedral' and words[1] == 'angles----------'): f.readline() line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() if (words[0] == 'All' and words[1] == 'restrained'): self.dictDARestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = 0 elif (words[0] == 'Using' and words[1] == 'conformation-dependent'): f.readline() line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() if (words[0] == 'All' and words[1] == 'restrained'): self.dictDARestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = 0 elif (words[0] == 'atoms'): line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() self._parseFileAtom1234(words, f) self.dictDARestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = len(self.Atom1) for a1, a2, a3, a4, iv, mv, d in zip (self.Atom1, self.Atom2, self.Atom3, self.Atom4, self.IdealValue, self.ModelValue, self.Deviation): element = a1 + ", " + a2 + ", " + a3 + ", " + a4 if len(element) > 46: element = element.replace(element[46:], "...") self.daDataList.append((element, iv, mv, d)) elif (words[0] == 'chirality' or words[0] == 'Chirality' and words[1] == ':'): self.dictChilRestraints['Number of restraints'] = int( words[4]) self.dictChilRestraints['RMS (deviation)'] = float( words[2]) self.dictChilRestraints['Max deviation'] = float( words[3]) elif (words[0] == '----------Chiral' and words[1] == 'volumes----------'): f.readline() line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() if (words[0] == 'All' and words[1] == 'restrained'): self.dictChilRestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = 0 elif (words[0] == 'Using' and words[1] == 'conformation-dependent'): f.readline() line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() if (words[0] == 'All' and words[1] == 'restrained'): self.dictChilRestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = 0 elif (words[0] == 'atoms'): line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() self._parseFileAtom1234(words, f) self.dictChilRestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = len(self.Atom1) for a1, a2, a3, a4, iv, mv, d in zip(self.Atom1, self.Atom2, self.Atom3, self.Atom4, self.IdealValue, self.ModelValue, self.Deviation): element = a1 + ", " + a2 + ", " + a3 + ", " + a4 if len(element) > 46: element = element.replace(element[46:], "...") self.chilDataList.append((element, iv, mv, d)) elif (words[0] == 'planarity' or words[0] == 'Planarity' and words[1] == ':'): self.dictPlanarRestraints['Number of restraints'] = \ int(words[4]) self.dictPlanarRestraints['RMS (deviation)'] = float( words[2]) self.dictPlanarRestraints['Max deviation'] = float( words[3]) elif (words[0] == '----------Planar' and words[1] == 'groups----------'): f.readline() line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() if (words[0] == 'All' and words[1] == 'restrained'): self.dictPlanarRestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = 0 elif (words[0] == 'Using' and words[1] == 'conformation-dependent'): f.readline() line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() if (words[0] == 'All' and words[1] == 'restrained'): self.dictPlanarRestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = 0 elif (words[0] == 'atoms'): line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() self._parseFileGroups(words, f) self.dictPlanarRestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = int(self.cnt) for a, md, rd, d in zip(self.groups, self.MaxDelta, self.RMSDelta, self.Deviation): element = str() for i in range(len(a) -1): element += a[i] + ", " element += a[len(a) - 1] if len(element) > 35: element = element.replace(element[35:], "...") self.planarDataList.append( (element, md, rd, d)) line = f.readline() def _parseFileAtom1Atom2(self, words, f): self.Atom1 = [] self.Atom2 = [] self.IdealValue = [] self.ModelValue = [] self.Deviation = [] while (len(words) > 1): if len(words) == 3: self.Atom1.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2]) elif len(words) == 4: self.Atom1.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2] + ' ' + words[3]) elif len(words) == 10: self.Atom2.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2] + ' ' + words[3]) self.IdealValue.append((words[4])) self.ModelValue.append((words[5])) self.Deviation.append( (words[9].split('*')[0])) elif len(words) == 9: self.Atom2.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2]) self.IdealValue.append((words[3])) self.ModelValue.append((words[4])) self.Deviation.append( (words[8].split('*')[0])) line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() def _wrapParseFileAtom123(self, words, f): line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() self._parseFileAtom123(words, f) self.dictBARestraints[ 'Number of outliers > 4sigma'] = len(self.Atom1) for a1, a2, a3, iv, mv, d in zip(self.Atom1, self.Atom2, self.Atom3, self.IdealValue, self.ModelValue, self.Deviation): self.baDataList.append((a1 + ", " + a2 + ", " "" + a3, iv, mv, d)) def _parseFileAtom123(self, words, f): self.Atom1 = [] self.Atom2 = [] self.Atom3 = [] Atom123 = [self.Atom1, self.Atom2, self.Atom3] self.IdealValue = [] self.ModelValue = [] self.Deviation = [] while len(words) > 1: for atom in Atom123: if len(words) == 4: atom.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2] + ' ' + words[3]) if (len(words) == 10): atom.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2] + ' ' + words[3]) self.IdealValue.append(float(words[4])) self.ModelValue.append(float(words[5])) self.Deviation.append( float(words[9].split('*')[0])) if len(words) == 3: atom.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2]) if (len(words) == 9): atom.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2]) self.IdealValue.append(float(words[3])) self.ModelValue.append(float(words[4])) self.Deviation.append( float(words[8].split('*')[0])) line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() def _parseFileAtom1234(self, words, f): self.Atom1 = [] self.Atom2 = [] self.Atom3 = [] self.Atom4 = [] Atom1234 = [self.Atom1, self.Atom2, self.Atom3, self.Atom4] self.IdealValue = [] self.ModelValue = [] self.Deviation = [] while (len(words) > 1): for atom in Atom1234: if len(words) == 4: atom.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2] + ' ' + words[3]) if (len(words) == 10): atom.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2] + ' ' + words[3]) self.IdealValue.append(float(words[4])) self.ModelValue.append(float(words[5])) self.Deviation.append( float(words[9].split('*')[0])) if len(words) == 3: atom.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2]) if (len(words) == 9): atom.append(words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2]) self.IdealValue.append(float(words[3])) self.ModelValue.append(float(words[4])) self.Deviation.append( float(words[8].split('*')[0])) line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() def _parseFileGroups(self, words, f): self.cnt = 0 self.groups = [] Atoms = [] self.MaxDelta = [] self.RMSDelta = [] self.Deviation = [] while (len(words) > 1): if len(words) == 4: Atoms.append(words[0] + " " + words[1] + " " + words[2] + " " + words[3]) if len(words) == 8: self.cnt += 1 Atoms.append(words[0] + " " + words[1] + " " + words[2] + " " + words[3]) aminoacid = Atoms Atoms = [] self.groups.append(aminoacid) self.MaxDelta.append(float(words[5])) self.RMSDelta.append(float(words[4])) self.Deviation.append( float(words[7].split('*')[0])) if len(words) == 3: Atoms.append(words[0] + " " + words[1] + " " + words[2]) if len(words) == 7: self.cnt += 1 Atoms.append(words[0] + " " + words[1] + " " + words[2]) aminoacid = Atoms Atoms = [] self.groups.append(aminoacid) self.MaxDelta.append(float(words[4])) self.RMSDelta.append(float(words[3])) self.Deviation.append( float(words[6].split('*')[0])) line = f.readline() words = line.strip().split() def _writePickleData(self): ANALYSISTMPFILENAME = self.protocol._getExtraPath( self.ANALYSISTMPFILE) command = """import pickle import collections import json def pickleData(file): with open(file,"r") as f: return pickle.load(f) # process file %s" data = pickleData('%s') dictOverall = collections.OrderedDict() # missing atoms if data.missing_atoms is not None: dictOverall['_missing_atoms'] = data.missing_atoms dictOverall['_len_missing_atoms'] = len(data.missing_atoms) else: dictOverall['_len_missing_atoms'] = 0 # Protein group if data.ramalyze is None: dictOverall['_protein'] = False else: dictOverall['_protein'] = True # Ramachandran analysis dictOverall['_percent_rama_outliers'] = data.ramalyze.percent_outliers dictOverall['_rama_outliers'] = data.ramalyze.as_gui_table_data() dictOverall['_rama_headers'] = data.ramalyze.gui_list_headers # Rotamer analysis dictOverall['_percent_rota_outliers'] = data.rotalyze.percent_outliers dictOverall['_rota_outliers'] = data.rotalyze.as_gui_table_data() dictOverall['_rota_headers'] = data.rotalyze.gui_list_headers # C-beta outliers dictOverall['_n_cbeta_outliers'] = data.cbetadev.n_outliers dictOverall['_cbeta_outliers'] = data.cbetadev.as_gui_table_data() dictOverall['_cbeta_headers'] = data.cbetadev.gui_list_headers # Backwards Asn/Gln/His sidechains dictOverall['_n_nqh_flips_outliers'] = data.nqh_flips.n_outliers dictOverall['_nqh_flips_outliers'] = data.nqh_flips.as_gui_table_data() dictOverall['_nqh_flips_headers'] = data.nqh_flips.gui_list_headers # Cis and Twisted peptides dictOverall['_n_omega_outliers'] = data.omegalyze.n_outliers dictOverall['_omega_outliers'] = data.omegalyze.as_gui_table_data() dictOverall['_omega_headers'] = data.omegalyze.gui_list_headers # RNA group if data.rna is None: dictOverall['_rna_group'] = False else: dictOverall['_rna_group'] = True dictOverall['_n_bonds_rna_outliers'] = data.rna.bonds.n_outliers dictOverall['_n_angles_rna_outliers'] = data.rna.angles.n_outliers dictOverall['_n_puckers_rna_outliers'] = data.puckers.angles.n_outliers dictOverall['_n_suites_rna_outliers'] = data.suites.angles.n_outliers # Clashes if data.clashes is None: dictOverall['_clashes'] = False else: dictOverall['_clashes'] = True dictOverall['_n_clashes_outliers'] = data.clashes.n_outliers dictOverall['_clashes_outliers'] = data.clashes.as_gui_table_data() dictOverall['_clashes_headers'] = data.clashes.gui_list_headers # correlation coefficients if data.real_space is None: dictOverall['_overall_rsc'] = False dictOverall['_fsc'] = False else: if data.real_space.overall_rsc is None: dictOverall['_overall_rsc'] = False else: dictOverall['_overall_rsc'] = True dictOverall['Mask CC'] = data.real_space.overall_rsc[0] dictOverall['Volume CC'] = data.real_space.overall_rsc[1] dictOverall['Peak CC'] = data.real_space.overall_rsc[2] # real_space_correlation_coefficients table dictOverall['_rs_protein'] = [] for i in range(len(data.real_space.protein)): dictOverall['_rs_protein'].append(data.real_space.protein[ i].as_table_row_phenix()) dictOverall['_rs_other'] = [] for i in range(len(data.real_space.other)): dictOverall['_rs_other'].append(data.real_space.other[ i].as_table_row_phenix()) dictOverall['_rs_water'] = [] for i in range(len(data.real_space.water)): dictOverall['_rs_water'].append(data.real_space.water[ i].as_table_row_phenix()) dictOverall['_rs_everything'] = [] for i in range(len(data.real_space.everything)): dictOverall['_rs_everything'].append(data.real_space.everything[ i].as_table_row_phenix()) dictOverall['_rs_headers'] = data.real_space.gui_list_headers # fsc if data.real_space.fsc is None: dictOverall['_fsc'] = False else: dictOverall['_fsc'] = True # atom mask radius dictOverall['_atom_radius'] = data.real_space.fsc.atom_radius # fsc graph data x_elements = [] y_elements = [] for x in data.real_space.fsc.d_inv: x_elements.append(x) for y in data.real_space.fsc.fsc: y_elements.append(y) dictOverall['_x_fsc'] = x_elements dictOverall['_y_fsc'] = y_elements # occupancy and suspicious B-factors table dictOverall['_occ_bf_outliers'] = data.model_stats.all.as_gui_table_data() dictOverall['_occ_bf_headers'] = data.model_stats.all.gui_list_headers # isotropic B (B-factors/ADPs) dictOverall['_n_aniso_h'] = data.model_stats.all.n_aniso_h dictOverall['_n_zero_b'] = data.model_stats.all.n_zero_b dictOverall['_b_min'] = data.model_stats.all.b_min dictOverall['_b_max'] = data.model_stats.all.b_max dictOverall['_b_mean'] = data.model_stats.all.b_mean if data.model_stats.macromolecules is not None: dictOverall['_b_min_macromolecules'] = data.model_stats.macromolecules.b_min dictOverall['_b_max_macromolecules'] = data.model_stats.macromolecules.b_max dictOverall['_b_mean_macromolecules'] = data.model_stats.macromolecules.b_mean if data.model_stats.ligands is not None: dictOverall['_b_min_ligands'] = data.model_stats.ligands.b_min dictOverall['_b_max_ligands'] = data.model_stats.ligands.b_max dictOverall['_b_mean_ligands'] = data.model_stats.ligands.b_mean """ % (self.MOLPROBITYPKLFILENAME, self.MOLPROBITYPKLFILENAME) command += """with open('%s',"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(dictOverall)) """ % (ANALYSISTMPFILENAME) pythonFileName = ANALYSISTMPFILENAME.replace('.txt', '.py') # write script file with open(pythonFileName, "w") as f: f.write(command) # execute file with phenix.python Plugin.runPhenixProgram("", pythonFileName) # read file in scipion python with open(ANALYSISTMPFILENAME, "r") as f: self.dictOverall = # self.dataDict = json.loads( self._store() def _writeCommand(self, listName): self.command ="""import pickle def pickleData(file): with open(file,"r") as f: return pickle.load(f) # process file %s" data = pickleData('%s') """% (self.MOLPROBITYPKLFILENAME, self.MOLPROBITYPKLFILENAME) if (listName == "Multi-criterion plot"): self.command += """#RSC section if data.real_space.overall_rsc is not None: """ else: self.command += """# Protein group if data.ramalyze is not None: """ self.command +=""" try : import except ImportError, e : raise Sorry("wxPython not available.") else : app = """ # TODO: # Get appropriate functioning of data._multi_criterion.display_wx_plots() if (listName == "Multi-criterion plot"): self.command += """ # data._multi_criterion.display_wx_plots() data.display_wx_plots() """ elif (listName == "Ramachandran plot"): self.command += """ data.ramalyze.display_wx_plots() """ elif (listName == "Chi1-Chi2 plot"): self.command += """ data.rotalyze.display_wx_plots() """ self.command +=""" app.MainLoop() """ def _computeOccBFactor(self, listL): self.suspiciousBFList = [] self.occupancyList = [] if not listL: pass else: for i in range(len(listL)): if listL[i][2] == 1.: self.suspiciousBFList.append(listL[i]) else: self.occupancyList.append(listL[i]) def _computeCCTable(self): decimal_index = int(self.ccIndex) residueType_index = int(self.residueType) self.RSCCList = [] listL = [] listName = self.residueTypeList[residueType_index] if listName == self.residueTypeList[0]: listL = self.dictOverall['_rs_protein'] elif listName == self.residueTypeList[1]: listL = self.dictOverall['_rs_other'] elif listName == self.residueTypeList[2]: listL = self.dictOverall['_rs_water'] elif listName == self.residueTypeList[3]: listL = self.dictOverall['_rs_everything'] if not listL: pass else: for i in range(len(listL)): if listL[i][5] <= float(self.ccBelowList[decimal_index]): self.RSCCList.append((str(listL[i][0]), str(listL[i][1]), str(listL[i][2]), str(listL[i][3]), str(listL[i][4]), str(listL[i][5])))