Source code for phenix.protocols.protocol_refinement_base

import os

from pyworkflow import Config
from pyworkflow.object import Float, Integer
from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, FloatParam, \
from phenix.constants import (PHENIXVERSION)
from pwem.convert.headers import Ccp4Header
from phenix import Plugin
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import LEVEL_ADVANCED
import collections
import json

[docs]class PhenixProtRunRefinementBase(EMProtocol): """MolProbity is a Phenix application to validate the geometry of an atomic structure derived from a cryo-EM density map. """ _label = 'refinementBase' _program = "" MOLPROBITYOUTFILENAME = 'molprobity.out' MOLPROBITYCOOTFILENAME = '' MOLPROBITYPKLFILENAME = 'molprobity.pkl' SUMMARYFILENAME = 'validationSummary.txt' # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addParallelSection(threads=1, mpi=0) form.addSection(label='Input') # TODO: Consider the possibility of including .mtz files in Scipion # TODO: input volume (read the next comment) # Real-space refine map volume: It is possible to use either CCP4 type # .map files (which are three-dimensional grid of voxels with electron # density values) or .mtz files (which contain Fourier coefficients # for an electron density map). If CCP4 type map files are used, # the resolution is needed as well. If mtz files are used, # the resolution is detected automatically from the map coefficients. form.addParam('inputVolume', PointerParam, pointerClass="Volume", label='Input Volume', allowsNull=True, help="") form.addParam('resolution', FloatParam, label='Resolution (A):', default=3.0, help='Set the resolution of the input volume.') form.addParam('inputStructure', PointerParam, pointerClass="AtomStruct", allowsNull=False, label='Input atomic structure.', help="Set the atomic structure to be processed.\n" "Supported formats are PDB or mmCIF; this last one" " is especially useful for very large structures.") form.addParam('extraParams', StringParam, label="Extra Params ", default="", expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, help="This string will be added to the phenix command.\n" "Syntax: paramName1=value1 paramName2=value2 ") # --------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------
[docs] def convertInputStep(self, tmpMapFileName): """ convert 3D maps to MRC '.mrc' format """ vol = self._getInputVolume() inVolName = vol.getFileName() newFn = self._getExtraPath(tmpMapFileName) origin = vol.getOrigin(force=True).getShifts() sampling = vol.getSamplingRate() Ccp4Header.fixFile(inVolName, newFn, origin, sampling, Ccp4Header.START) # ORIGIN
def _summary(self): # Think on how to update this summary with created PDB summary = [] try: summary.append("MolProbity statistics:\n") summary.append("Ramachandran outliers: %0.2f %% (Goal: < 0.2%%) "\ "Ramachandran favored: %0.2f %% (Goal: > 98%%) " %\ (self.ramachandranOutliers.get(), self.ramachandranFavored.get()) ) summary.append("Rotamer outliers: %0.2f"\ " %% (Goal: < 1%%) "\ "C-beta outliers: %d"\ " (Goal: 0) " % \ (self.rotamerOutliers.get(), self.cbetaOutliers.get() )) summary.append("Clashscore: %0.2f"\ " Overall "\ "score: %0.2f" %\ (self.clashscore.get(), self.overallScore.get()) ) except: summary = ["Overall score not yet computed"] return summary
[docs] def validateBase(self, program, label): errors = [] # Check that the program exists program = Plugin.getProgram(program) if program is None: errors.append("Missing variables %s and/or PHENIX_HOME" % label) elif not os.path.exists(program): errors.append("Binary '%s' does not exists.\n" % program) errors.append("Check if you need to upgrade your PHENIX version" " to run %s.\nYour current PHENIX version is %s.\n" % (label, PHENIXVERSION)) # If there is any error at this point it is related to config variables if errors: errors.append("Check configuration file: "+ Config.SCIPION_LOCAL_CONFIG) errors.append("and set %s and PHENIX_HOME variables " "properly."% label) if program is not None: errors.append("Current values:") errors.append("PHENIX_HOME = %s" % Plugin.getHome()) #errors.append("%s = %s" % label, program) return errors
# --------------------------- UTILS functions -------------------------- def _getInputVolume(self): if self.inputVolume.get() is None: fnVol = self.inputStructure.get().getVolume() else: fnVol = self.inputVolume.get() return fnVol def _parseFile(self, fileName): with open(fileName, encoding = "ISO-8859-1") as f: line = f.readline() while line: words = line.strip().split() if len(words) > 1: if (words[0] == 'Ramachandran' and words[1] == 'outliers'): self.ramachandranOutliers = Float(words[3]) elif (words[0] == 'favored' and words[1] == '='): self.ramachandranFavored = Float(words[2]) elif (words[0] == 'Rotamer' and words[1] == 'outliers'): self.rotamerOutliers = Float(words[3]) elif (words[0] == 'C-beta' and words[1] == 'deviations'): self.cbetaOutliers = Integer(words[3]) elif (words[0] == 'Clashscore' and words[1] == '='): self.clashscore = Float(words[2]) elif (words[0] == 'MolProbity' and words[1] == 'score'): self.overallScore = Float(words[3]) line = f.readline() def _readValidationPklFile(self, fileName): self.SUMMARYFILENAME = self._getTmpPath(self.SUMMARYFILENAME) command = """import pickle import collections import json def pickleData(file): with open(file,"r") as f: return pickle.load(f) # process file {VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME}" data = pickleData('{VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME}') dictSummary = collections.OrderedDict() dictSummary['Rhama_Outliers'] = data.model.geometry.ramachandran.outliers dictSummary['Rhama_Favored'] = data.model.geometry.ramachandran.favored dictSummary['Rota_Outliers'] = data.model.geometry.rotamer.outliers dictSummary['Cbeta_Outliers_n'] = data.model.geometry.c_beta.cbetadev.n_outliers dictSummary['Clash_score'] = data.model.geometry.clash.score dictSummary['MolProbity_score'] = data.model.geometry.molprobity_score """.format(VALIDATIONCRYOEMPKLFILENAME=fileName) command += """with open('%s',"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(dictSummary)) """ % (self.SUMMARYFILENAME) pythonFileName = self.SUMMARYFILENAME.replace('.txt', '.py') # write script file with open(pythonFileName, "w") as f: f.write(command) # execute file with phenix.python Plugin.runPhenixProgram("", pythonFileName) # read file in scipion python with open(self.SUMMARYFILENAME, "r") as f: dictSummary = dictSummary = json.loads( dictSummary, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) self.ramachandranOutliers = Float(dictSummary['Rhama_Outliers']) self.ramachandranFavored = Float(dictSummary['Rhama_Favored']) self.rotamerOutliers = Float(dictSummary['Rota_Outliers']) self.cbetaOutliers = Integer(dictSummary['Cbeta_Outliers_n']) self.clashscore = Float(dictSummary['Clash_score']) self.overallScore = Float(dictSummary['MolProbity_score']) def _writeArgsMolProbity(self, atomStruct, vol=None): args = "" args += atomStruct if Plugin.getPhenixVersion() == PHENIXVERSION: args += " " args += " map_file_name=%s" % vol args += " pickle=True" args += " " args += " d_min=%f" % self.resolution.get() args += " " numberOfThreads = self.numberOfThreads.get() if numberOfThreads > 1: args += " nproc=%d" % numberOfThreads return args def _writeArgsValCryoEM(self, atomStruct, volume, vol): args = " " + atomStruct args += " " + volume if vol.getHalfMaps(): halves = [] for halfMap in vol.getHalfMaps().split(','): if not os.path.abspath(halfMap).endswith(".mrc"): half = os.path.abspath(halfMap).split(".")[0] + ".mrc" else: half = os.path.abspath(halfMap) halves.append(half) args += " " + halves[0] + " " + halves[1] args += " " + ("resolution=%f" % self.resolution.get()) args += " pickle=True" args += " slim=False" args += " pdb_interpretation.clash_guard.nonbonded_distance_threshold=None" args += " %s " % self.extraParams.get() return args