Source code for phenix.protocols.protocol_emringer

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Roberto Marabini (
# *              Marta Martinez (
# *
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import glob
import json
import os

from pyworkflow import Config

from phenix.constants import EMRINGER, DISPLAY
from pwem.convert.headers import Ccp4Header
from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol
from pyworkflow.object import String
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import BooleanParam, PointerParam
from phenix import Plugin
from phenix.constants import PHENIX_HOME
from pwem.convert.atom_struct import retry

[docs]class PhenixProtRunEMRinger(EMProtocol): """EMRinger is a Phenix application to validate the agreement between the initial map and the derived low-resolution atomic structure. This program samples the density around Chi1 angles of protein sidechains. Electronic density and appropriate rotameric angles must coincide for each residue if the atomic structure backbone has been perfectly fitted to the map. """ _label = 'emringer' _program = "" # _version = VERSION_1_2 EMRINGERFILE = '' EMRINGERTRANSFERFILENAME = 'emringer_transfer.txt' EMRINGERSCORESFILENAME = 'emringer_scores.pkl' EMRINGEROPTIMALTHRESHOLDFILENAME = 'thresholds.pkl' EMRINGERROTAMERRATIOSFILENAME = 'rotamer_ratios.pkl' EMRINGERMAXZSCOREFILENAME = 'zscores.pkl' # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputVolume', PointerParam, pointerClass="Volume", label='Input Volume', allowsNull=True, help="Set the starting volume") form.addParam('inputStructure', PointerParam, pointerClass="AtomStruct", label='Input atomic structure', help="PDBx/mmCIF to be validated against the volume. ") form.addParam('doTest', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Test', condition='False', help="""Saves the temporary file '' in the extra folder. Use for testing""") # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions --------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('convertInputStep') self._insertFunctionStep('runEMRingerStep') self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') # --------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------
[docs] def convertInputStep(self): """ convert 3D maps to MRC '.mrc' format """ vol = self._getInputVolume() inVolName = vol.getFileName() newFn = self._getExtraPath(self.EMRINGERFILE) origin = vol.getOrigin(force=True).getShifts() sampling = vol.getSamplingRate() Ccp4Header.fixFile(inVolName, newFn, origin, sampling, Ccp4Header.START) # ORIGIN
[docs] def runEMRingerStep(self): inPDBAtomStructFile = self.inputStructure.get().getFileName() # atomStruct = os.path.abspath(inPDBAtomStructFile) if not inPDBAtomStructFile == os.path.abspath(inPDBAtomStructFile): atomStruct = os.getcwd() + "/" + inPDBAtomStructFile else: atomStruct = inPDBAtomStructFile # vol = os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath(self.EMRINGERFILE)) vol = os.getcwd() + "/" + self._getExtraPath(self.EMRINGERFILE) args = self._writeArgsEMRinger(atomStruct, vol) # script with auxiliary files import sys sys.stdout.flush() # import time # time.sleep(30) retry(Plugin.runPhenixProgram, Plugin.getProgram(EMRINGER), # args, cwd=os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath()), args, cwd=self._getExtraPath(), listAtomStruct=[atomStruct], log=self._log)
# clean_dir=glob.glob(self._getExtraPath() + ("/*_plots"))[-1]
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): # get emringer information # values are stored in python pickle files # string to be run by phenix python # temporary file with emringer values test = self.doTest if test == True: EMRINGERTRANSFERFILENAME = self._getExtraPath( self.EMRINGERTRANSFERFILENAME) else: EMRINGERTRANSFERFILENAME = self._getTmpPath( self.EMRINGERTRANSFERFILENAME) # directory with files plots = glob.glob(self._getExtraPath("*_plots"))[0] # emringer main file mainDataFile = glob.glob(self._getExtraPath("*_emringer.pkl"))[0] # file with emringer score EMRINGERSCORESFILENAME = os.path.join( plots, self.EMRINGERSCORESFILENAME) EMRINGERFILES = [] keyList = [] # files with other scores EMRINGEROPTIMALTHRESHOLDFILENAME = \ os.path.join(plots, self.EMRINGEROPTIMALTHRESHOLDFILENAME) EMRINGERFILES.append(EMRINGEROPTIMALTHRESHOLDFILENAME) keyList.append('Optimal Threshold') EMRINGERROTAMERRATIOSFILENAME = \ os.path.join(plots, self.EMRINGERROTAMERRATIOSFILENAME) EMRINGERFILES.append(EMRINGERROTAMERRATIOSFILENAME) keyList.append('Rotamer-Ratio') EMRINGERMAXZSCOREFILENAME = \ os.path.join(plots, self.EMRINGERMAXZSCOREFILENAME) EMRINGERFILES.append(EMRINGERMAXZSCOREFILENAME) keyList.append('Max Zscore') # I do not want to use the local pickle version # but the version used to create the files # that is the phenix.python version command = """import pickle import json import sys import collections from mmtbx.ringer.em_scoring import parse_pickle from mmtbx.ringer.em_rolling import easy_pickle, RingerDict def pickleData(file): with open(file,"r") as f: return pickle.load(f) # process file %s" data = pickleData('%s') dataDict = collections.OrderedDict() # index to maxscore maxScore = max(data) maxScoreIndex = data.index(maxScore) """ % (EMRINGERSCORESFILENAME, EMRINGERSCORESFILENAME) for key, fileName in zip(keyList, EMRINGERFILES): command += "# process file %s\n" % fileName command += "data = pickleData('%s')\n" % fileName command += "dataDict['%s'] = data[maxScoreIndex]\n" % key command += """file_name='%s' waves, thresholds = parse_pickle(file_name, out=sys.stdout) # waves: list of ringer_residue objects (Non-gamma-branched, non-proline # aminoacids with a non-H gamma atom) used in global EMRinger score # computation dataDict['Model Length'] = len(waves) dataDict['EMRinger Score'] = maxScore # find max score # dataDict is shown in a table # except for those attributes starting with "_" dataDict['_thresholds'] = thresholds dataDict['_maxScoreIndex'] = maxScoreIndex ringer_results = easy_pickle.load(file_name) # ringer_results: list of ringer_residue objects (aminoacids with gamma # carbon; at least one Chi angle) hierarchy = RingerDict(ringer_results, 0) chains = sorted(hierarchy.get_chains()) dataDict['_chains'] = chains # Aminoacids that contain non-H gamma atom (at least one Chi angle; included in # ringer_results) dictResidue = {} formatResidue = [] for residue in ringer_results: resFormatTmp = residue.format() formatResidue.append(resFormatTmp) dictResidue[resFormatTmp] = ringer_results.index(residue) dataDict['_residues_format'] = formatResidue dataDict['_residues_dict'] = dictResidue """ % mainDataFile command += """with open('%s',"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(dataDict)) """ % (EMRINGERTRANSFERFILENAME) pythonFileName = EMRINGERTRANSFERFILENAME.replace('.txt', '.py') # write script file with open(pythonFileName, "w") as f: f.write(command) # execute file with phenix.python Plugin.runPhenixProgram("", pythonFileName) # read file in scipion python with open(EMRINGERTRANSFERFILENAME, "r") as f: self.stringDataDict = String( # self.dataDict = json.loads( self._store()
# --------------------------- INFO functions --------------------------- def _validate(self): errors = [] # Check that the program exists program = Plugin.getProgram(EMRINGER) if program is None: errors.append("Missing variables EMRINGER and/or PHENIX_HOME") elif not os.path.exists(program): errors.append("Binary '%s' does not exists.\n" % program) elif not self.is_tool(DISPLAY): errors.append("display program missing.\n " "Please install imagemagick package") # If there is any error at this point it is related to config variables if errors: errors.append("Check configuration file: " + Config.SCIPION_LOCAL_CONFIG) errors.append("and set EMRINGER and PHENIX_HOME variables " "properly.") if program is not None: errors.append("Current values:") errors.append("PHENIX_HOME = %s" % Plugin.getVar(PHENIX_HOME)) errors.append("EMRINGER = %s" % EMRINGER) # Check that the input volume exist if self._getInputVolume() is None: errors.append("Error: You should provide a volume.\n") return errors def _summary(self): # Think on how to update this summary with created PDB summary = [] try: dataDict = json.loads(str(self.stringDataDict)) summary.append("Optimal Threshold: %0.2f Rotamer-Ratio: %0.2f" % (dataDict['Optimal Threshold'], dataDict['Rotamer-Ratio'])) summary.append("Max Zscore: %0.2f Model Length: %d" % (dataDict['Max Zscore'], dataDict['Model Length'])) summary.append("EMRinger Score: %0.2f" % dataDict['EMRinger Score']) except: summary = ["EMRinger Score not yet computed"] return summary def _methods(self): methodsMsgs = [] methodsMsgs.append("TODO") return methodsMsgs def _citations(self): return ['Barad_2015'] # --------------------------- UTILS functions -------------------------- def _getInputVolume(self): if self.inputVolume.get() is None: fnVol = self.inputStructure.get().getVolume() else: fnVol = self.inputVolume.get() return fnVol
[docs] def is_tool(self, name): """Check whether `name` is on PATH.""" from distutils.spawn import find_executable return find_executable(name) is not None
def _writeArgsEMRinger(self, atomStruct, vol): args = " " args += atomStruct args += " " args += vol return args