Source code for phenix.protocols.protocol_dock_in_map

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Marta Martinez (
# *              Roberto Marabini (
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os

from pwem.convert import Ccp4Header
from pwem.convert.atom_struct import retry, fromPDBToCIF, fromCIFTommCIF

from pyworkflow import Config
from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import PointerParam, FloatParam, IntParam, LEVEL_ADVANCED
from phenix.constants import  PHENIX_HOME, DOCKINMAP, DISPLAY
from os.path import relpath

    from pwem.objects import AtomStruct
    from pwem.objects import PdbFile as AtomStruct
from phenix import Plugin

[docs]class PhenixProtRunDockInMap(EMProtocol): """Docking of a PDB (one or several copies) into a map """ _label = 'dock in map' _program = "" # _version = VERSION_1_2 DOCKINMAPFILE = 'dock_in_map.mrc' # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputVolume1', PointerParam, pointerClass="Volume", label='Input map', important=True, help="Set the starting density map.") form.addParam('resolution', FloatParam, default=3.0, label='Resolution (A):', help="Map resolution (Angstroms)." "Use at least the double of the sampling rate (" "Angstroms/pixel)") form.addParam('inputStructure', PointerParam, pointerClass="AtomStruct", important=True, label='Input atom structure', help="PDBx/mmCIF to be fitted against the volume. ") form.addParam('modelCopies', IntParam, default=1, label='Atom structure number of copies', help="Write here the number of copies of your atom structure. ") form.addParam('numberOfThreads', IntParam, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, default=1, label='Number of threads', help="Write here the number of threads to run the protocol. ") # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions --------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('convertInputStep') self._insertFunctionStep('runDockInMapStep') self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') # --------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------
[docs] def convertInputStep(self): """ convert 3D maps to MRC '.mrc' format """ vol = self._getInputVolume() inVolName = vol.getFileName() newFn = self._getExtraPath(self.DOCKINMAPFILE) origin = vol.getOrigin(force=True).getShifts() sampling = vol.getSamplingRate() Ccp4Header.fixFile(inVolName, newFn, origin, sampling, Ccp4Header.START) # ORIGIN
[docs] def runDockInMapStep(self): # starting structure atomStructFileName = self.inputStructure.get().getFileName() atomStruct = os.getcwd() + "/" + atomStructFileName # starting map (.mrc) mapFile = self.DOCKINMAPFILE vol = os.getcwd() + "/" + self._getExtraPath(mapFile) args = self._writeArgsDocKInMap(vol, atomStruct) cwd = os.getcwd() + "/" + self._getExtraPath() retry(Plugin.runPhenixProgram, Plugin.getProgram(DOCKINMAP), # args, cwd=os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath()), args, cwd=cwd, listAtomStruct=[atomStruct], log=self._log)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): self._getDockInMapOutput() pdb = AtomStruct() pdb.setFileName(relpath(self.outAtomStructName)) if self.inputVolume1.get() is not None: pdb.setVolume(self.inputVolume1.get()) else: pdb.setVolume(self.inputStructure.get().getVolume()) self._defineOutputs(outputPdb=pdb) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputStructure.get(), pdb) if self.inputVolume1.get() is not None: self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputVolume1.get(), pdb)
# --------------------------- INFO functions --------------------------- def _validate(self): errors = [] # Check that the program exists program = Plugin.getProgram(DOCKINMAP) if program is None: errors.append("Missing variables DOCKINMAP and/or PHENIX_HOME") elif not os.path.exists(program): errors.append("Binary '%s' does not exists.\n" % program) elif not self.is_tool(DISPLAY): errors.append("display program missing.\n " "Please install imagemagick package") # If there is any error at this point it is related to config variables if errors: errors.append("Check configuration file: " + Config.SCIPION_LOCAL_CONFIG) errors.append("and set DOCKINMAP and PHENIX_HOME variables " "properly.") if program is not None: errors.append("Current values:") errors.append("PHENIX_HOME = %s" % Plugin.getVar(PHENIX_HOME)) errors.append("DOCKINMAP = %s" % DOCKINMAP) # Check that the input volume exist if self._getInputVolume() is None: errors.append("Error: You should provide a map.\n") if self.inputStructure is None: errors.append("Error: You should provide an atomic structure to fit.\n") return errors def _summary(self): # Think on how to update this summary with created PDB summary = [] # try: # dataDict = json.loads(str(self.stringDataDict)) # summary.append("Optimal Threshold: %0.2f Rotamer-Ratio: %0.2f" # % (dataDict['Optimal Threshold'], # dataDict['Rotamer-Ratio'])) # summary.append("Max Zscore: %0.2f Model Length: %d" # % (dataDict['Max Zscore'], # dataDict['Model Length'])) # summary.append("EMRinger Score: %0.2f" # % dataDict['EMRinger Score']) # except: # summary = ["EMRinger Score not yet computed"] return summary def _methods(self): methodsMsgs = [] methodsMsgs.append("TODO") return methodsMsgs def _citations(self): return ['Barad_2015'] # --------------------------- UTILS functions -------------------------- def _getInputVolume(self): if self.inputVolume1.get() is None: fnVol = self.inputStructure.get().getVolume() else: fnVol = self.inputVolume1.get() return fnVol
[docs] def is_tool(self, name): """Check whether `name` is on PATH.""" from distutils.spawn import find_executable return find_executable(name) is not None
def _getDockInMapOutput(self): outAtomStructName = os.getcwd() + "/" +\ self._getExtraPath("placed_model.pdb") # convert cif to mmcif by using maxit program # to get the right number and name of chains log = self._log self.outAtomStructName = outAtomStructName.replace("pdb", "cif") fromPDBToCIF(outAtomStructName, self.outAtomStructName, log) fromCIFTommCIF(self.outAtomStructName, self.outAtomStructName, log) def _writeArgsDocKInMap(self, vol, atomStruct): args = "" args += " map_file=%s" % vol args += " resolution=%f" % self.resolution args += " search_model=%s" % atomStruct if self.modelCopies > 1: args += " search_model_copies=%d" % self.modelCopies args += " use_symmetry=False" if self.numberOfThreads > 1: args += " nproc=%d" % self.numberOfThreads return args