Source code for motioncorr.protocols.protocol_ts_motioncor

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin ( [1]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************

import os

import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
import pyworkflow.protocol.constants as cons
from pyworkflow.protocol import STEPS_PARALLEL
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow import BETA

from tomo.protocols import ProtTsCorrectMotion

from .. import Plugin
from ..constants import *
from ..convert import *

[docs]class ProtTsMotionCorr(ProtTsCorrectMotion): """ This protocol wraps motioncor2 movie alignment program developed at UCSF. Motioncor2 performs anisotropic drift correction and dose weighting (written by Shawn Zheng @ David Agard lab) """ _label = 'align tilt-series movies' _devStatus = BETA evenOddCapable = True def __init__(self, **args): ProtTsCorrectMotion.__init__(self, **args) self.stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_PARALLEL # -------------------------- DEFINE param functions ----------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): ProtTsCorrectMotion._defineParams(self, form) form.addHidden(params.GPU_LIST, params.StringParam, default='0', expertLevel=cons.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Choose GPU IDs", help="GPU may have several cores. Set it to zero" " if you do not know what we are talking about." " First core index is 0, second 1 and so on." " Motioncor2 can use multiple GPUs - in that case" " set to i.e. *0 1 2*.") form.addSection(label="Motioncor2 params") form.addParam('doApplyDoseFilter', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label='Apply dose filter', help='Apply a dose-dependent filter to frames before ' 'summing them. Pre-exposure and dose per frame ' 'should be specified during movies import.') line = form.addLine('Number of patches', help='Number of patches to be used for patch based ' 'alignment. Set to *0 0* to do only global motion ' 'correction. \n') line.addParam('patchX', params.IntParam, default=5, label='X') line.addParam('patchY', params.IntParam, default=5, label='Y') form.addParam('patchOverlap', params.IntParam, default=0, label='Patches overlap (%)', help='Specify the overlapping between patches. ' '\nFor example, overlap=20 means that ' 'each patch will have a 20% overlapping \n' 'with its neighboring patches in each dimension.') form.addParam('group', params.IntParam, default='1', label='Group N frames', help='Group every specified number of frames by adding ' 'them together. The alignment is then performed on ' 'the summed frames. By default, no grouping is ' 'performed.') form.addParam('tol', params.FloatParam, default='0.5', expertLevel=cons.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Tolerance (px)', help='Tolerance for iterative alignment, default *0.5px*.') form.addParam('doSaveUnweightedMic', params.BooleanParam, default=True, condition='doApplyDoseFilter', label="Save unweighted micrographs?", help="Aligned but non-dose weighted images are sometimes " "useful in CTF estimation, although there is no " "difference in most cases.") form.addParam('extraParams2', params.StringParam, default='', expertLevel=cons.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Additional parameters', help="Extra command line parameters. See MotionCor2 help.") form.addSection(label="Gain and defects") form.addParam('gainRot', params.EnumParam, choices=['no rotation', '90 degrees', '180 degrees', '270 degrees'], label="Rotate gain reference:", default=NO_ROTATION, display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, help="Rotate gain reference counter-clockwise.") form.addParam('gainFlip', params.EnumParam, choices=['no flip', 'upside down', 'left right'], label="Flip gain reference:", default=NO_FLIP, display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, help="Flip gain reference after rotation.") form.addParam('defectFile', params.FileParam, allowsNull=True, label='Camera defects file', help='Defect file that stores entries of defects on camera.\n' 'Each entry corresponds to a rectangular region in image. ' 'The pixels in such a region are replaced by ' 'neighboring good pixel values. Each entry contains ' '4 integers x, y, w, h representing the x, y ' 'coordinates, width, and height, respectively.') form.addParam('defectMap', params.FileParam, allowsNull=True, label='Camera defects map', help='1. Defect map is a binary (0 or 1) map where defective ' ' pixels are assigned value of 1 and good pixels have ' 'value of 0.\n2. The defective pixels are corrected ' 'with a random pick of good pixels in its neighborhood. ' '\n3. This is map must have the same dimension and ' 'orientation as the input movie frame.\n4. This map ' 'can be provided as either MRC or TIFF file that has ' 'MRC mode of 0 or 5 (unsigned 8 bit).') form.addSection(label="Mag. correction") form.addParam('doMagCor', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label='Correct anisotropic magnification?', help='Correct anisotropic magnification by ' 'stretching image along the major axis, ' 'the axis where the lower magnification is ' 'detected.') form.addParam('scaleMaj', params.FloatParam, default=1.0, condition='doMagCor', label='Major scale factor') form.addParam('scaleMin', params.FloatParam, default=1.0, condition='doMagCor', label='Minor scale factor') form.addParam('angDist', params.FloatParam, default=0.0, condition='doMagCor', label='Distortion angle (deg)') form.addParallelSection(threads=1, mpi=1) # --------------------------- STEPS functions ----------------------------- def _processTiltImageM(self, workingFolder, tiltImageM, initialDose, dosePerFrame, gain, dark, *args): outputFn, outputFnDW = self._getOutputTiltImagePaths(tiltImageM) def _getPath(path): """ shortcut to get relative path from workingFolder. """ return os.path.relpath(path, workingFolder)"workingFolder: %s" % workingFolder)"outputFn: %s" % outputFn)"outputFn (rel): %s" % _getPath(outputFn)) a0, aN = self._getRange(tiltImageM, 'align') # default values for motioncor2 are (1, 1) cropDimX = self.cropDimX.get() or 1 cropDimY = self.cropDimY.get() or 1 numbOfFrames = self._getNumberOfFrames(tiltImageM) order = tiltImageM.getAcquisitionOrder() # reset values = 1 to 0 (motioncor2 does it automatically, # but we need to keep this for consistency) if self.patchX == 1: self.patchX.set(0) if self.patchY == 1: self.patchY.set(0) argsDict = { '-OutMrc': '"%s"' % _getPath(outputFn), '-Patch': '%d %d' % (self.patchX, self.patchY), '-MaskCent': '%d %d' % (self.cropOffsetX, self.cropOffsetY), '-MaskSize': '%d %d' % (cropDimX, cropDimY), '-FtBin': self.binFactor.get(), '-Tol': self.tol.get(), '-Group':, '-Throw': '%d' % a0, '-Trunc': '%d' % (abs(aN - numbOfFrames + 1)), '-PixSize': tiltImageM.getSamplingRate(), '-kV': tiltImageM.getAcquisition().getVoltage(), '-OutStack': 0, '-SumRange': "0.0 0.0", # switch off writing out DWS } if self.splitEvenOdd: argsDict['-SplitSum'] = 1 if self.doApplyDoseFilter: initDose = initialDose + (order - 1) * dosePerFrame argsDict.update({'-FmDose': dosePerFrame/numbOfFrames, '-InitDose': initDose if initDose > 0.001 else 0}) if self.defectFile.get(): argsDict['-DefectFile'] = "%s" % self.defectFile.get() if self.defectMap.get(): argsDict['-DefectMap'] = "%s" % self.defectMap.get() patchOverlap = self.getAttributeValue('patchOverlap') if patchOverlap: # 0 or None is False argsDict['-Patch'] += " %d" % patchOverlap if self.doMagCor: argsDict['-Mag'] = '%0.3f %0.3f %0.3f' % (self.scaleMaj, self.scaleMin, self.angDist) tiFn = tiltImageM.getFileName() inputFn = os.path.abspath(tiFn)"inputFn: %s" % tiFn)"inputFn (rel): %s" % _getPath(inputFn)) if Plugin.versionGE('1.4.7'): argsDict.update({'-LogDir': './'}) else: logFileBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(outputFn) + "_" argsDict.update({'-LogFile': logFileBase}) ext = pwutils.getExt(inputFn).lower() if ext in ['.mrc', '.mrcs']: args = ' -InMrc "%s" ' % inputFn elif ext in ['.tif', '.tiff']: args = ' -InTiff "%s" ' % inputFn else: raise Exception("Unsupported format: %s" % ext) args += ' '.join(['%s %s' % (k, v) for k, v in argsDict.items()]) if gain: args += ' -Gain "%s" ' % gain args += ' -RotGain %d' % self.gainRot.get() args += ' -FlipGain %d' % self.gainFlip.get() if dark: args += ' -Dark "%s"' % dark args += ' -Gpu %(GPU)s' args += ' ' + self.extraParams2.get() self.runJob(Plugin.getProgram(), args, cwd=workingFolder, env=Plugin.getEnviron()) # Move output log to extra dir logFn = os.path.join(workingFolder, self._getMovieLogFile(tiltImageM)) logFnExtra = self._getExtraPath(self._getMovieLogFile(tiltImageM)) pwutils.moveFile(logFn, logFnExtra) if self.doApplyDoseFilter and not self.doSaveUnweightedMic: pwutils.cleanPath(outputFn)
[docs] def processTiltImageStep(self, tsId, tiltImageId, *args): tiltImageM = self._tsDict.getTi(tsId, tiltImageId) workingFolder = self._getTmpPath(self._getTiltImageMRoot(tiltImageM)) pwutils.makePath(workingFolder) self._processTiltImageM(workingFolder, tiltImageM, *args) if self._doSplitEvenOdd(): baseName = self._getTiltImageMRoot(tiltImageM) evenName = os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath(baseName + '_EVN.mrc')) oddName = os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath(baseName + '_ODD.mrc')) # Store the corresponding tsImM to use its data later in the even/odd TS self.tsMList.append(tiltImageM) # Update even and odd average lists self.evenAvgFrameList.append(evenName) self.oddAvgFrameList.append(oddName) tiFn, tiFnDW = self._getOutputTiltImagePaths(tiltImageM) if not os.path.exists(tiFn): raise Exception("Expected output file '%s' not produced!" % tiFn) if not pwutils.envVarOn('SCIPION_DEBUG_NOCLEAN'): pwutils.cleanPath(workingFolder)
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------ def _summary(self): summary = [] if hasattr(self, 'outputTiltSeries'): summary.append('Aligned %d tilt series movies using motioncor2.' % self.inputTiltSeriesM.get().getSize()) if self.splitEvenOdd and self._createOutputWeightedTS(): summary.append('Even/odd outputs are dose-weighted!') else: summary.append('Output is not ready') return summary def _methods(self): methods = [] if self.doApplyDoseFilter: methods.append(' - Applied dose filtering') if self.patchX > 1 and self.patchY > 1: methods.append(' - Used patch-based alignment') if > 1: methods.append(' - Grouped %d frames' % return methods def _validate(self): # Check base validation before the specific ones errors = ProtTsCorrectMotion._validate(self) if self.doApplyDoseFilter and self.inputTiltSeriesM.get(): inputTs = self.inputTiltSeriesM.get() doseFrame = inputTs.getAcquisition().getDosePerFrame() if doseFrame < 0.00001 or doseFrame is None: errors.append('Dose per tilt for input TS movies is 0 or not ' 'set. You cannot apply dose filter.') return errors # --------------------------- UTILS functions ----------------------------- def _getMovieLogFile(self, tiltImageM): usePatches = self.patchX != 0 or self.patchY != 0 return '%s%s%s-Full.log' % (self._getTiltImageMRoot(tiltImageM), self._getLogSuffix(), '-Patch' if usePatches else '') def _getLogSuffix(self): return '' if Plugin.versionGE('1.4.7') else '_0' def _getRange(self, movie, prefix): n = self._getNumberOfFrames(movie) iniFrame, _, indxFrame = movie.getFramesRange() first, last = self._getFrameRange(n, prefix) if iniFrame != indxFrame: first -= iniFrame last -= iniFrame else: first -= 1 last -= 1 return first, last def _getNumberOfFrames(self, movie): _, lstFrame, _ = movie.getFramesRange() if movie.hasAlignment(): _, lastFrmAligned = movie.getAlignment().getRange() if lastFrmAligned != lstFrame: return lastFrmAligned else: return movie.getNumberOfFrames() else: return movie.getNumberOfFrames() def _getMovieShifts(self, movie): """ Returns the x and y shifts for the alignment of this movie. The shifts are in pixels irrespective of any binning. """ logPath = self._getExtraPath(self._getMovieLogFile(movie)) xShifts, yShifts = parseMovieAlignment2(logPath) return xShifts, yShifts def _createOutputWeightedTS(self): return self.doApplyDoseFilter