Source code for imod.viewers.views_tkinter_tree

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Yunior C. Fonseca Reyna    (
# *
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import tempfile
import threading
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg

from imod.protocols import ProtImodEtomo
from pyworkflow.gui import *
from pyworkflow.gui.tree import TreeProvider
from pyworkflow.gui.dialog import ListDialog, showInfo
import pyworkflow.viewer as pwviewer
from pyworkflow.plugin import Domain

import tomo.objects
from imod import Plugin

[docs]class protClass: protImodEtomoClass = 1 protImodCTFEstimation = 2
[docs]class ImodGenericTreeProvider(TreeProvider): """ Model class that will retrieve the information from TiltSeries, Tomogram, SetOfTomograms, SetOfTiltSeries and prepare the columns/rows models required by the TreeDialog GUI. """ COL_TS = 'Tilt series' COL_INFO = 'Info' COL_STATUS = 'Status' COL_PREALIGNED = 'Prealigned' COL_ALIGNED = 'Aligned' COL_COOR3D = 'Coordinates 3D' COL_LANDMODEL_NO_GAPS = 'Landmark models no gaps' COL_RECONST_TOMOGRAM = 'Full tomograms' COL_PREPROCESS_RECONST_TOMOGRAM = 'Postprocess tomograms' ORDER_DICT = {COL_TS: 'id'} def __init__(self, protocol, objs, isInteractive=False): self.title = 'TiltSeries display' if isinstance(objs, tomo.objects.SetOfTomograms): self.COL_TS = 'Tomograms' self.title = 'Tomograms display' elif isinstance(objs, tomo.objects.SetOfLandmarkModels): self.COL_TS = 'LandmarkModels' self.title = 'LandmarkModels display' self.protocol = protocol self.objs = objs self.isInteractive = isInteractive TreeProvider.__init__(self, sortingColumnName=self.COL_TS) self.selectedDict = {} self.mapper = protocol.mapper self.maxNum = 200
[docs] def getObjects(self): # Retrieve all objects of type className objects = [] orderBy = self.ORDER_DICT.get(self.getSortingColumnName(), 'id') direction = 'ASC' if self.isSortingAscending() else 'DESC' for obj in self.objs.iterItems(orderBy=orderBy, direction=direction): if isinstance(obj, tomo.objects.TiltSeries): item = obj.clone(ignoreAttrs=('_mapperPath',)) elif isinstance(obj, tomo.objects.LandmarkModel): self.objs.completeLandmarkModel(obj) item = obj.clone() else: item = obj.clone() item._allowsSelection = True item._parentObject = None objects.append(item) return objects
def _sortObjects(self, objects): pass
[docs] def objectKey(self, pobj): pass
[docs] def getColumns(self): cols = [ (self.COL_TS, 100), (self.COL_INFO, 350)] if self.isInteractive: protocolClass = self.getProtocolClass() if protocolClass == protClass.protImodEtomoClass: cols.append((self.COL_PREALIGNED, 80)) cols.append((self.COL_ALIGNED, 70)) cols.append((self.COL_COOR3D, 110)) cols.append((self.COL_LANDMODEL_NO_GAPS, 190)) cols.append((self.COL_RECONST_TOMOGRAM, 120)) cols.append((self.COL_PREPROCESS_RECONST_TOMOGRAM, 180)) else: cols.append((self.COL_STATUS, 80)) return cols
[docs] def isSelected(self, obj): """ Check if an object is selected or not. """ return False
@staticmethod def _getParentObject(pobj, default=None): return getattr(pobj, '_parentObject', default)
[docs] def getObjectInfo(self, obj): itemId = obj.getTsId() if itemId is None: itemId = str(obj.getObjId()) key = obj.getObjId() text = itemId values = [str(obj)] tags = '' if self.isInteractive: status = self.getObjStatus(obj, values) tags = (status,) opened = True item = { 'key': key, 'text': text, 'values': tuple(values), 'open': opened, 'selected': False, 'parent': obj._parentObject, 'tags': tags } return item
[docs] def getProtocolClass(self): if issubclass(self.protocol.__class__, ProtImodEtomo): protocolClass = protClass.protImodEtomoClass else: protocolClass = protClass.protImodCTFEstimation return protocolClass
[docs] def getImodEtomoColumnValues(self, obj, values): status = 'pending' for item in self.protocol.inputSetOfTiltSeries.get(): if item.getTsId() == obj.getTsId(): """Prealigned tilt-series""" prealiFilePath = self.protocol.getFilePath(item, extension=".preali") if os.path.exists(prealiFilePath): values.append('Yes') status = 'done' else: values.append('No') """Aligned tilt-series""" aligFilePath = self.protocol.getFilePath(item, extension=".ali") if os.path.exists(aligFilePath): values.append('Yes') status = 'done' else: values.append('No') coordFilePath = self.protocol.getFilePath(item, suffix='fid', extension=".xyz") if os.path.exists(coordFilePath): values.append('Yes') status = 'done' else: values.append('No') """Landmark models with no gaps""" if (os.path.exists(self.protocol.getFilePath(item, suffix="_nogaps", extension=".fid")) and os.path.exists( self.protocol.getFilePath(item, extension=".resid"))): values.append('Yes') status = 'done' else: values.append('No') """Full reconstructed tomogram""" reconstructTomoFilePath = self.protocol.getFilePath(item, suffix="_full", extension=".rec") if os.path.exists(reconstructTomoFilePath): values.append('Yes') status = 'done' else: values.append('No') """Post-processed reconstructed tomogram""" posprocessedRecTomoFilePath = self.protocol.getFilePath(item, extension=".rec") if os.path.exists(posprocessedRecTomoFilePath): values.append('Yes') status = 'done' else: values.append('No') break return status
[docs] def getImodCTFEstimationColumnValues(self, obj, values): status = 'pending' for item in self.protocol.inputSetOfTiltSeries: if item.getTsId() == obj.getTsId(): extraPrefix = self.protocol._getExtraPath(item.getTsId()) defocusFilePath = os.path.join(extraPrefix, item.getFirstItem().parseFileName(extension=".defocus")) if os.path.exists(defocusFilePath): values.append('DONE') status = 'done' else: values.append('TODO') break return status
[docs] def getObjStatus(self, obj, values): protocolClass = self.getProtocolClass() if protocolClass == protClass.protImodEtomoClass: status = self.getImodEtomoColumnValues(obj, values) else: status = self.getImodCTFEstimationColumnValues(obj, values) return status
[docs] def getObjectActions(self, obj): actions = [] if not self.isInteractive: viewers = Domain.findViewers(obj.getClassName(), pwviewer.DESKTOP_TKINTER) for viewerClass in viewers: def createViewer(viewerClass, obj): proj = self.protocol.getProject() item = self.objs[obj.getObjId()] # to load mapper return lambda : viewerClass(project=proj).visualize(item) actions.append(('Open with %s' % viewerClass.__name__, createViewer(viewerClass, obj))) return actions
[docs] def configureTags(self, tree): tree.tag_configure("pending", foreground="red") tree.tag_configure("done", foreground="green")
[docs]class ImodListDialog(ListDialog): def __init__(self, parent, title, provider, displayAllButton=True, createSetButton=False, itemDoubleClick=False, **kwargs): self.displayAllButton = displayAllButton self.createSetButton = createSetButton self._itemDoubleClick = itemDoubleClick self.provider = provider ListDialog.__init__(self, parent, title, provider, message=None, allowSelect=False, cancelButton=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): bodyFrame.config() gui.configureWeigths(bodyFrame) dialogFrame = tk.Frame(bodyFrame) dialogFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) dialogFrame.config() gui.configureWeigths(dialogFrame, row=1) self._createFilterBox(dialogFrame) self._col = 0 if self.displayAllButton: self.displayAll = self._addButton(dialogFrame, 'Display all at once', pwutils.Icon.ACTION_VISUALIZE, self._displayAll, sticky='ne', state=tk.NORMAL) if self.createSetButton: self.createSet = self._addButton(dialogFrame, 'CTFTomo', pwutils.Icon.PLUS_CIRCLE, self._createOutput, sticky='ne', state=tk.NORMAL) self._createTree(dialogFrame) self.initial_focus = self.tree if self._itemDoubleClick: self.tree.itemDoubleClick = self.doubleClickOnItem
def _addButton(self, frame, text, image, command, sticky='news', state=tk.NORMAL): defaults = {'activebackground': gui.cfgButtonActiveBgColor, 'bg': gui.cfgButtonBgColor, 'fg': gui.cfgButtonFgColor, 'activeforeground': gui.cfgButtonActiveFgColor, 'compound': tk.LEFT} btn = tk.Button(frame, text=text, image=self.getImage(image), cursor='hand2', state=state, **defaults) btn.bind('<Button-1>', command) btn.grid(row=0, column=self._col, sticky=sticky, padx=(0, 5), pady=5) self._col += 1 return btn def _displayAll(self, e=None): set = self.provider.objs if isinstance(set, tomo.objects.SetOfTiltSeries): ImodSetView(set) elif isinstance(set, tomo.objects.SetOfLandmarkModels): ImodSetOfLandmarkModelsView(set) elif isinstance(set, tomo.objects.SetOfTomograms): ImodSetOfTomogramsView(set) def _createOutput(self, e=None): self.provider.protocol.createOutput()
[docs] def doubleClickOnItem(self, e=None): ts = e protocol = self.provider.protocol self.proc = threading.Thread(target=protocol.runAllSteps, args=(ts,)) self.proc.start() self.after(1000, self.refresh_gui)
[docs] def refresh_gui(self): self.tree.update() if self.proc.isAlive(): self.after(1000, self.refresh_gui)
[docs]class ImodSetView(pwviewer.CommandView): """ Wrapper to visualize different type of objects with the 3dmod """ def __init__(self, set, **kwargs): fn = "" for item in set: # Remove :mrc if present fn += " " + item.getFirstItem().getFileName().split(':')[0] pwviewer.CommandView.__init__(self, "%s %s" % (Plugin.getImodCmd('3dmod'), fn))
[docs]class ImodSetOfTomogramsView(pwviewer.CommandView): """ Wrapper to visualize set of tomograms with 3dmod """ def __init__(self, set, **kwargs): fn = " -s 0,0 " for item in set: fn += " " + item.getLocation()[1] pwviewer.CommandView.__init__(self, Plugin.getImodCmd('3dmod') + fn)
[docs]class ImodSetOfLandmarkModelsView(pwviewer.CommandView): """ Wrapper to visualize landmark models with 3dmod """ def __init__(self, set, **kwargs): fn = "" for index, item in enumerate(set): itemComplete = set.completeLandmarkModel(item) if itemComplete.getTiltSeries().getFirstItem().hasTransform(): otuputTSInterpolatedPath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "ts_interpolated_%d.mrc" % index) itemComplete.getTiltSeries().applyTransform(otuputTSInterpolatedPath) fn += Plugin.getImodCmd('3dmod') + " -m " + otuputTSInterpolatedPath + " " + \ itemComplete.getModelName() + " ; " else: fn += Plugin.getImodCmd('3dmod') + " -m " + itemComplete.getTiltSeries().getFirstItem().getFileName() + \ " " + itemComplete.getModelName() + " ; " pwviewer.CommandView.__init__(self, fn)
[docs]class ImodGenericViewer(pwviewer.View): """ This class implements a view using Tkinter ListDialog and the ImodTreeProvider. """ def __init__(self, parent, protocol, objs, displayAllButton=True, createSetButton=False, isInteractive=False, itemDoubleClick=False, **kwargs): """ Params: parent: Tkinter parent widget From kwargs: message: message tooltip to show when browsing. selected: the item that should be selected. validateSelectionCallback: a callback function to validate selected items. allowSelect: if set to False, the 'Select' button will not be shown. allowsEmptySelection: if set to True, it will not validate that at least one element was selected. """ self._tkParent = parent self._protocol = protocol self._provider = ImodGenericTreeProvider(protocol, objs, isInteractive) self.title = self._provider.title self.displayAllButton = displayAllButton self.createSetButton = createSetButton self.itemDoubleClick = itemDoubleClick
[docs] def show(self): ImodListDialog(self._tkParent, self.title, self._provider, displayAllButton=self.displayAllButton, createSetButton=self.createSetButton, itemDoubleClick=self.itemDoubleClick)