Source code for imod.utils

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Federico P. de Isidro Gomez ( [1]
# *
# * [1] Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, CSIC, Spain
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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# **************************************************************************
This module contains utils functions for IMOD protocols

import csv
import math
import numpy as np
import pyworkflow.object as pwobj

[docs]def formatTransformFile(ts, transformFilePath): """ This method takes a tilt series and the output transformation file path and creates an IMOD-based transform file in the location indicated. """ tsMatrixTransformList = [] for ti in ts: transform = ti.getTransform().getMatrix().flatten() transformIMOD = ['%.7f' % transform[0], '%.7f' % transform[1], '%.7f' % transform[3], '%.7f' % transform[4], "{:>6}".format('%.3g' % transform[2]), "{:>6}".format('%.3g' % transform[5])] tsMatrixTransformList.append(transformIMOD) with open(transformFilePath, 'w') as f: csvW = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t') csvW.writerows(tsMatrixTransformList)
[docs]def formatTransformFileFromTransformList(transformMatrixList, transformFilePath): """ This method takes a list of Transform matrices and the output transformation file path and creates an IMOD-based transform file in the location indicated. :param transformMatrixList: list of transformation matrices to be writter in file. :param transformFilePath: output location of the file. """ tsMatrixTransformList = [] for tm in transformMatrixList: tmFlat = tm.flatten() transformIMOD = [tmFlat[0], tmFlat[1], tmFlat[3], tmFlat[4], tmFlat[2], tmFlat[5]] tsMatrixTransformList.append(transformIMOD) with open(transformFilePath, 'w') as f: csvW = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t') csvW.writerows(tsMatrixTransformList)
[docs]def formatTransformationMatrix(matrixFile): """ This method takes an IMOD-based transformation matrix file path and returns a 3D matrix containing the transformation matrices for each tilt-image belonging to the tilt-series. """ with open(matrixFile, "r") as matrix: lines = matrix.readlines() numberLines = len(lines) frameMatrix = np.empty([3, 3, numberLines]) i = 0 for line in lines: values = line.split() frameMatrix[0, 0, i] = float(values[0]) frameMatrix[1, 0, i] = float(values[2]) frameMatrix[0, 1, i] = float(values[1]) frameMatrix[1, 1, i] = float(values[3]) frameMatrix[0, 2, i] = float(values[4]) frameMatrix[1, 2, i] = float(values[5]) frameMatrix[2, 0, i] = 0.0 frameMatrix[2, 1, i] = 0.0 frameMatrix[2, 2, i] = 1.0 i += 1 return frameMatrix
[docs]def formatFiducialList(fiducialFilePath): """ This method takes an IMOD-based fiducial model file path and returns a list containing the coordinates of each fiducial for each tilt-image belonging to the tilt-series. """ fiducialList = [] with open(fiducialFilePath) as f: fiducialText = for line in fiducialText: # Fix IMOD bug: columns merge in coordinates exceed 3 digits vector = line.replace('-', ' -').split() vector = [round(float(i)) for i in vector] fiducialList.append(vector) return fiducialList
[docs]def formatFiducialResidList(fiducialFilePath): """ This method takes an IMOD-based fiducial residual model file path and returns a list containing the coordinates and residual values of each fiducial for each tilt-image belonging to the tilt-series. Since IMOD establishes a float value for each coordinate the are parsed to int. """ fiducialResidList = [] with open(fiducialFilePath) as f: fiducialText = for line in fiducialText[1:]: # Fix IMOD bug: columns merge in coordinates exceed 3 digits vector = line.replace('-', ' -').split() fiducialResidList.append([round(float(vector[0])), round(float(vector[1])), int(vector[2]), float(vector[3]), float(vector[4])]) return fiducialResidList
[docs]def generateIMODFiducialTextFile(landmarkModel, outputFilePath): """ This method takes a Scipion LandmarkModel object and generates a text file in the sepecified location in IMOD convention that contains the information of the position of each fiducial through the tilt-series. :param landmarkModel: landmarkModel Scipion object. :param outputFilePath: location where the output file must be saved. """ infoTable = landmarkModel.retrieveInfoTable() outputLines = [] for vector in infoTable: outputLines.append("\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (vector[0], vector[1], vector[2])) with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as f: f.writelines(outputLines)
[docs]def formatAngleFile(inputTs, angleFilePath): """ This method takes a list containing the angles for each tilt-image belonging to the tilt-series and writes the IMOD-based angle file at the given location. """ angleList = [] for ti in inputTs: angleList.append(ti.getTiltAngle()) angleList.reverse() with open(angleFilePath, 'w') as f: f.writelines("%s\n" % angle for angle in angleList)
[docs]def formatAngleList(tltFilePath): """ This method takes an IMOD-based angle file path and returns a list containing the angles for each tilt-image belonging to the tilt-series. """ angleList = [] with open(tltFilePath) as f: tltText = for line in tltText: angleList.append(float(line)) # angleList.reverse() return angleList
[docs]def format3DCoordinatesList(coordFilePath): """ This method takes an IMOD-based fiducial coordinates file path and returns a list containing each coordinate for each fiducial belonging to the tilt-series. """ coorList = [] with open(coordFilePath) as f: coorText = for line in coorText: if line != '': vector = line.replace('-', ' -').split() coorList.append([float(vector[1]), float(vector[2]), float(vector[3])]) return coorList
[docs]def getDefocusFileFlag(defocusFilePath): """ This method returns the flag that indicate the information contained in an IMOD defocus file. The flag value "is the sum of: 1 if the file has astigmatism values 2 if the astigmatism axis angle is in radians, not degrees 4 if the file has phase shifts 8 if the phase shifts are in radians, not degrees 16 if tilt angles need to be inverted to match what the program expects (what Ctfplotter would produce) with the -invert option 32 if the file has cut-on frequencies attenuating the phase at low frequencies" from """ with open(defocusFilePath) as f: lines = f.readlines() " File contains only defocus information (no astigmatism, no phase shift, no cut-on frequency) " if len(lines) == 1: return 0 elif len(lines[1].split()) == 5: return 0 else: " File contains more information apart " return int(lines[0].split()[0])
[docs]def readDefocusFileAsTable(defocusFilePath): """ This method takes an IMOD-based ctf estimation file path and returns a table containing the CTF estimation information of each tilt-image (per line) belonging to the tilt-series. """ defocusTable = [] with open(defocusFilePath) as f: lines = f.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): vector = line.split() [float(i) for i in vector] if index == 0 and len(lines) == 1: "CTF estimation is plain (no astigmatism, no phase shift, no cut-on frequency) and is the first line." "Remove last element from the first line (it contains the mode of the estimation run). This case " "considers that the estimation file only has one line. " vector.pop() defocusTable.append(vector) elif index == 0 and len(lines[1].split()) == 5: "CTF estimation is plain (no astigmatism, no phase shift, no cut-on frequency) and is the first line." "Remove last element from the first line (it contains the mode of the estimation run). " vector.pop() defocusTable.append(vector) elif index == 0 and len(lines[1].split()) != 5: "CTF estimation is not plain and is the first line." "Do not add this line to the table. Only contains flag and format info." pass else: "Any posterior line that is not the first one is added to the table ." defocusTable.append(vector) return defocusTable
[docs]def readCTFEstimationInfoFile(defocusFilePath, flag): """ This method takes an IMOD-based file path containing the information associated to a CTF estimation and produces a set of dictionaries containing the information of each parameter for each tilt-image belonging to the tilt-series. These dictionaries are readable information for Scipion, useful to generate the corresponding output CTFTomoSeries object. """ # Read info as table ctfInfoIMODTable = readDefocusFileAsTable(defocusFilePath) if flag == 0: # Plain estimation return refactorCTFDefocusEstimationInfo(ctfInfoIMODTable) elif flag == 1: # Astigmatism estimation return refactorCTFDesfocusAstigmatismEstimationInfo(ctfInfoIMODTable) elif flag == 4: # Phase-shift estimation return refactorCTFDefocusPhaseShiftEstimationInfo(ctfInfoIMODTable) elif flag == 5: # Astigmatism and phase shift estimation return refactorCTFDefocusAstigmatismPhaseShiftEstimationInfo(ctfInfoIMODTable) elif flag == 37: # Astigmatism, phase shift and cut-on frequency estimation return refactorCTFDefocusAstigmatismPhaseShiftCutOnFreqEstimationInfo(ctfInfoIMODTable) else: raise Exception("Defocus file flag do not supported. Only supported formats corresponding to flags 0, " "1, 4, 5, and 37.")
[docs]def refactorCTFDefocusEstimationInfo(ctfInfoIMODTable): """ This method takes a table containing the information of an IMOD-based CTF estimation containing only defocus information (5 columns) and produces a new dictionary containing the same information in a format readable for Scipion. Flag 0. """ if len(ctfInfoIMODTable[0]) == 5: defocusUDict = {} for element in ctfInfoIMODTable: # Segregate information from range for index in range(int(element[0]), int(element[1]) + 1): # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO ANGSTROMS (SCIPION CONVENTION) defocus = float(element[4]) * 10 if index in defocusUDict.keys(): defocusUDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(defocus)) else: defocusUDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(defocus)] else: raise Exception("Misleading file format, CTF estimation with no astigmatism should be 5 columns long") return defocusUDict
[docs]def refactorCTFDesfocusAstigmatismEstimationInfo(ctfInfoIMODTable): """ This method takes a table containing the information of an IMOD-based CTF estimation containing defocus and astigmatism information (7 columns) and produces a set of dictionaries table containing the same information in a format readable for Scipion. Flag 1. """ if len(ctfInfoIMODTable[0]) == 7: defocusUDict = {} defocusVDict = {} defocusAngleDict = {} for element in ctfInfoIMODTable: # Segregate information from range for index in range(int(element[0]), int(element[1]) + 1): # Defocus U info # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO ANGSTROMS (SCIPION CONVENTION) defocusU = float(element[4]) * 10 if index in defocusUDict.keys(): defocusUDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(defocusU)) else: defocusUDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(defocusU)] # Defocus V info # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO ANGSTROMS (SCIPION CONVENTION) defocusV = float(element[5]) * 10 if index in defocusVDict.keys(): defocusVDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(defocusV)) else: defocusVDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(defocusV)] # Defocus angle info if index in defocusAngleDict.keys(): defocusAngleDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(element[6])) else: defocusAngleDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(element[6])] else: raise Exception("Misleading file format, CTF estimation with astigmatism should be 7 columns long") return defocusUDict, defocusVDict, defocusAngleDict
[docs]def refactorCTFDefocusPhaseShiftEstimationInfo(ctfInfoIMODTable): """ This method takes a table containing the information of an IMOD-based CTF estimation containing defocus, and phase shift information (6 columns) and produces a new set of dictionaries containing the same information in a format readable for Scipion. Flag 4. """ if len(ctfInfoIMODTable[0]) == 6: defocusUDict = {} phaseShiftDict = {} for element in ctfInfoIMODTable: # Segregate information from range for index in range(int(element[0]), int(element[1]) + 1): # Defocus U info # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO ANGSTROMS (SCIPION CONVENTION) defocusU = float(element[4]) * 10 if index in defocusUDict.keys(): defocusUDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(defocusU)) else: defocusUDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(defocusU)] # Phase shift info if index in phaseShiftDict.keys(): phaseShiftDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(element[5])) else: phaseShiftDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(element[5])] else: raise Exception("Misleading file format, CTF estimation with astigmatism and phase shift should be 6 columns " "long") return defocusUDict, phaseShiftDict
[docs]def refactorCTFDefocusAstigmatismPhaseShiftEstimationInfo(ctfInfoIMODTable): """ This method takes a table containing the information of an IMOD-based CTF estimation containing defocus, astigmatism and phase shift information (8 columns) and produces a new set of dictionaries containing the same information in a format readable for Scipion. Flag 5. """ if len(ctfInfoIMODTable[0]) == 8: defocusUDict = {} defocusVDict = {} defocusAngleDict = {} phaseShiftDict = {} for element in ctfInfoIMODTable: # Segregate information from range for index in range(int(element[0]), int(element[1]) + 1): # Defocus U info # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO ANGSTROMS (SCIPION CONVENTION) defocusU = float(element[4]) * 10 if index in defocusUDict.keys(): defocusUDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(defocusU)) else: defocusUDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(defocusU)] # Defocus V info # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO ANGSTROMS (SCIPION CONVENTION) defocusV = float(element[5]) * 10 if index in defocusVDict.keys(): defocusVDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(defocusV)) else: defocusVDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(defocusV)] # Defocus angle info if index in defocusAngleDict.keys(): defocusAngleDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(element[6])) else: defocusAngleDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(element[6])] # Phase shift info if index in phaseShiftDict.keys(): phaseShiftDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(element[7])) else: phaseShiftDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(element[7])] else: raise Exception("Misleading file format, CTF estiation with astigmatism and phase shift should be 8 columns " "long") return defocusUDict, defocusVDict, defocusAngleDict, phaseShiftDict
[docs]def refactorCTFDefocusAstigmatismPhaseShiftCutOnFreqEstimationInfo(ctfInfoIMODTable): """ This method takes a table containing the information of an IMOD-based CTF estimation containing defocus, astigmatism, phase shift information and cut-on frequency (8 columns) and produces a new set of dictionaries containing the same information in a format readable for Scipion. Flag 37. """ if len(ctfInfoIMODTable[0]) == 9: defocusUDict = {} defocusVDict = {} defocusAngleDict = {} phaseShiftDict = {} cutOnFreqDict = {} for element in ctfInfoIMODTable: # Segregate information from range for index in range(int(element[0]), int(element[1]) + 1): # Defocus U info # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO ANGSTROMS (SCIPION CONVENTION) defocusU = float(element[4]) * 10 if index in defocusUDict.keys(): defocusUDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(defocusU)) else: defocusUDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(defocusU)] # Defocus V info # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO ANGSTROMS (SCIPION CONVENTION) defocusV = float(element[5]) * 10 if index in defocusVDict.keys(): defocusVDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(defocusV)) else: defocusVDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(defocusV)] # Defocus angle info if index in defocusAngleDict.keys(): defocusAngleDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(element[6])) else: defocusAngleDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(element[6])] # Phase shift info if index in phaseShiftDict.keys(): phaseShiftDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(element[7])) else: phaseShiftDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(element[7])] # Cut-on frequency info if index in cutOnFreqDict.keys(): cutOnFreqDict[index].append(pwobj.Float(element[8])) else: cutOnFreqDict[index] = [pwobj.Float(element[8])] else: raise Exception("Misleading file format, CTF estiation with astigmatism, phase shift and cut-on frequency " "should be 8 columns long") return defocusUDict, defocusVDict, defocusAngleDict, phaseShiftDict, cutOnFreqDict
[docs]def generateDefocusIMODFileFromObject(ctfTomoSeries, defocusFilePath, isRelion=False): """ This methods takes a ctfTomoSeries object a generate a defocus information file in IMOD formatting containing the same information in the specified location. """ tiltSeries = ctfTomoSeries.getTiltSeries() # Check if there is CTF estimation information as list if ctfTomoSeries.getFirstItem().hasEstimationInfoAsList(): flag = ctfTomoSeries.getIMODDefocusFileFlag() if flag == 0: # Plain estimation defocusUDict = generateDefocusUDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) nEstimationsInRange = ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange() # Write IMOD defocus file with open(defocusFilePath, 'w') as f: lines = [] pattern = "%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\n" if isRelion: lines.append(pattern % (0, 0, 0, 0, 2)) for index in defocusUDict.keys(): if index + nEstimationsInRange > len(defocusUDict.keys()): break # Dictionary keys is reversed because IMOD set indexes upside down Scipion (highest index for # the tilt-image with the highest negative angle) newLine = (pattern % ( index, index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange(), round(tiltSeries[index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange()].getTiltAngle(), 2), round(tiltSeries[index].getTiltAngle(), 2), # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO NANOMETERS (IMOD CONVENTION) int(float(defocusUDict[index][0])/10) )) lines.append(newLine) if not isRelion: # Finally, add flag to the first line of file lines[0] = lines[0][0:-1] + "\t2\n" f.writelines(lines) elif flag == 1: # Astigmatism estimation defocusUDict = generateDefocusUDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) defocusVDict = generateDefocusVDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) defocusAngleDict = generateDefocusAngleDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) # Write IMOD defocus file with open(defocusFilePath, 'w') as f: # This line is added at the beginning of the file in order to match the IMOD defocus file format. lines = ["1\t0\t0.0\t0.0\t0.0\t3\n"] for index in defocusUDict.keys(): if index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange() > len(defocusUDict.keys()): break # Dictionary keys is reversed because IMOD set indexes upside down Scipion (highest index for # the tilt-image with the highest negative angle) newLine = ("%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.2f\n" % ( index, index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange(), round(tiltSeries[index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange()].getTiltAngle(), 2), round(tiltSeries[index].getTiltAngle(), 2), # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO NANOMETERS (IMOD CONVENTION) float(defocusUDict[index][0])/10, # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO NANOMETERS (IMOD CONVENTION) float(defocusVDict[index][0])/10, float(defocusAngleDict[index][0]), )) lines.append(newLine) f.writelines(lines) elif flag == 4: # Phase-shift estimation defocusUDict = generateDefocusUDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) phaseShiftDict = generatePhaseShiftDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) # Write IMOD defocus file with open(defocusFilePath, 'w') as f: # This line is added at the beginning of the file in order to match the IMOD defocus file format. lines = ["4\t0\t0.0\t0.0\t0.0\t3\n"] for index in defocusUDict.keys(): if index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange() > len(defocusUDict.keys()): break # Dictionary keys is reversed because IMOD set indexes upside down Scipion (highest index for # the tilt-image with the highest negative angle) newLine = ("%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.1f\t%.2f\n" % ( index, index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange(), round(tiltSeries[index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange()].getTiltAngle(), 2), round(tiltSeries[index].getTiltAngle(), 2), # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO NANOMETERS (IMOD CONVENTION) float(defocusUDict[index][0])/10, float(phaseShiftDict[index][0]), )) lines.append(newLine) f.writelines(lines) elif flag == 5: # Astigmatism and phase shift estimation defocusUDict = generateDefocusUDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) defocusVDict = generateDefocusVDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) defocusAngleDict = generateDefocusAngleDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) phaseShiftDict = generatePhaseShiftDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) # Write IMOD defocus file with open(defocusFilePath, 'w') as f: # This line is added at the beginning of the file in order to match the IMOD defocus file format lines = ["5\t0\t0.0\t0.0\t0.0\t3\n"] for index in defocusUDict.keys(): if index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange() > len(defocusUDict.keys()): break # Dictionary keys is reversed because IMOD set indexes upside down Scipion (highest index for # the tilt-image with the highest negative angle) newLine = ("%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n" % ( index, index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange(), round(tiltSeries[index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange()].getTiltAngle(), 2), round(tiltSeries[index].getTiltAngle(), 2), # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO NANOMETERS (IMOD CONVENTION) float(defocusUDict[index][0])/10, # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO NANOMETERS (IMOD CONVENTION) float(defocusVDict[index][0])/10, float(defocusAngleDict[index][0]), float(phaseShiftDict[index][0]) )) lines.append(newLine) f.writelines(lines) elif flag == 37: # Astigmatism, phase shift and cut-on frequency estimation defocusUDict = generateDefocusUDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) defocusVDict = generateDefocusVDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) defocusAngleDict = generateDefocusAngleDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) phaseShiftDict = generatePhaseShiftDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) cutOnFreqDict = generateCutOnFreqDictionary(ctfTomoSeries) # Write IMOD defocus file with open(defocusFilePath, 'w') as f: # This line is added at the beginning of the file in order to match the IMOD defocus file format lines = ["37\t0\t0.0\t0.0\t0.0\t3\n"] for index in defocusUDict.keys(): if index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange() > len(defocusUDict.keys()): break # Dictionary keys is reversed because IMOD set indexes upside down Scipion (highest index for # the tilt-image with the highest negative angle) newLine = ("%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.4f\n" % ( index, index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange(), round(tiltSeries[index + ctfTomoSeries.getNumberOfEstimationsInRange()].getTiltAngle(), 2), round(tiltSeries[index].getTiltAngle(), 2), # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO NANOMETERS (IMOD CONVENTION) float(defocusUDict[index][0])/10, # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO NANOMETERS (IMOD CONVENTION) float(defocusVDict[index][0])/10, float(defocusAngleDict[index][0]), float(phaseShiftDict[index][0]), float(cutOnFreqDict[index][0]) )) lines.append(newLine) f.writelines(lines) else: raise Exception("Defocus file flag do not supported. Only supported formats corresponding to flags 0, " "1, 4, 5, and 37.") else: # There is no information available as list (not an IMOD CTF estimation) with open(defocusFilePath, 'w') as f: lines = ["1\t0\t0.0\t0.0\t0.0\t3\n"] # CtfTomoSeries is iterated inversely because IMOD set indexes upside down Scipion (highest index for # the tilt-image with the highest negative angle) for ctfTomo in ctfTomoSeries: index = ctfTomo.getIndex().get() newLine = ("%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.2f\n" % ( index, index, tiltSeries[index].getTiltAngle(), tiltSeries[index].getTiltAngle(), # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO NANOMETERS (IMOD CONVENTION) ctfTomo.getDefocusU()/10, # CONVERT DEFOCUS VALUE TO NANOMETERS (IMOD CONVENTION) ctfTomo.getDefocusV()/10, ctfTomo.getDefocusAngle()) ) lines.append(newLine) f.writelines(lines)
[docs]def generateDefocusUDictionary(ctfTomoSeries): """ This method generates a dictionary containing the defocus U estimation information from a ctfTomoSeries object. """ defocusUDict = {} for ctfTomo in ctfTomoSeries: defocusInfoList = ctfTomo.getDefocusUList() if hasattr(ctfTomo, "_defocusUList") \ else ctfTomo.getDefocusVList() defocusInfoList = defocusInfoList.split(",") index = ctfTomo.getIndex().get() defocusUDict[index] = defocusInfoList return defocusUDict
[docs]def generateDefocusVDictionary(ctfTomoSeries): """ This method generates a dictionary containing the defocus V estimation information from a ctfTomoSeries object. """ defocusVDict = {} for ctfTomo in ctfTomoSeries: defocusInfoList = ctfTomo.getDefocusVList() defocusInfoList = defocusInfoList.split(",") index = ctfTomo.getIndex().get() defocusVDict[index] = defocusInfoList return defocusVDict
[docs]def generateDefocusAngleDictionary(ctfTomoSeries): """ This method generates a dictionary containing the defocus angle estimation information from a ctfTomoSeries object. """ defocusAngleDict = {} for ctfTomo in ctfTomoSeries: defocusAngleList = ctfTomo.getDefocusAngleList() defocusAngleList = defocusAngleList.split(",") index = ctfTomo.getIndex().get() defocusAngleDict[index] = defocusAngleList return defocusAngleDict
[docs]def generatePhaseShiftDictionary(ctfTomoSeries): """ This method generates a dictionary containing the phase shift estimation information from a ctfTomoSeries object. """ phaseShiftDict = {} for ctfTomo in ctfTomoSeries: phaseShiftList = ctfTomo.getPhaseShiftList() phaseShiftList = phaseShiftList.split(",") index = ctfTomo.getIndex().get() phaseShiftDict[index] = phaseShiftList return phaseShiftDict
[docs]def generateCutOnFreqDictionary(ctfTomoSeries): """ This method generates a dictionary containing the cut-on frequency estimation information from a ctfTomoSeries object. """ cutOnFreqDict = {} for ctfTomo in ctfTomoSeries: cutOnFreqList = ctfTomo.getCutOnFreqList() cutOnFreqList = cutOnFreqList.split(",") index = ctfTomo.getIndex().get() cutOnFreqDict[index] = cutOnFreqList return cutOnFreqDict
[docs]def formatGoldBead3DCoordinatesList(coordFilePath): """This method takes the IMOD-based gold bead 3D coordinates obtained with find3dbeads program file path and returns a list containing each coordinate for each bead belonging to the tilt-series""" coorList = [] with open(coordFilePath) as f: coorText = for line in coorText: vector = line.split() coorList.append([float(vector[0]), float(vector[1]), float(vector[2])]) return coorList
[docs]def calculateRotationAngleFromTM(ts): """ This method calculates que average tilt image rotation angle from its associated transformation matrix.""" avgRotationAngle = 0 for ti in ts: tm = ti.getTransform().getMatrix() cosRotationAngle = tm[0][0] sinRotationAngle = tm[1][0] avgRotationAngle += math.degrees(math.atan(sinRotationAngle/cosRotationAngle)) avgRotationAngle = avgRotationAngle / ts.getSize() return avgRotationAngle
[docs]def generateDoseFileFromDoseTS(ts, doseFileOutputPath): """ This method generates a file containing the dose information of a tilt series in the specified location from the dose per tilt information. The format file consist in a single column with one dose value per line that must coincide with each image from the tilt-series""" ind = np.argsort([ti.getIndex() for ti in ts]) tiList = [ti for ti in ts] doseInfoList = [tiList[i].getAcquisition().getDosePerFrame() for i in ind] with open(doseFileOutputPath, 'w') as f: for dose in doseInfoList: f.writelines("%f\n" % dose)
[docs]def generateDoseFileFromAccDoseTS(ts, doseFileOutputPath): """ This method generates a file containing the dose information of a tilt series in the specified location from the accumulated dose per tilt information. The format file consist in a single column with one dose value per line that must coincide with each image from the tilt-series""" doseInfoList = [] for ti in ts: doseInfoList.append(ti.getAcquisition().getAccumDose()) with open(doseFileOutputPath, 'w') as f: for dose in doseInfoList: f.writelines("%f\n" % dose)
[docs]def readExcludeViewsFile(excludeViewsFilePath): """ Thie method retrieves from a input exclude views file path a matrix with two columns containing the tsId of tilt-series from which exlude the views in the first column and in the second a string with the pattern of the excluded views""" excludedViews = [] with open(excludeViewsFilePath, 'r') as f: lines = for line in lines: vector = line.split() excludedViews.append(vector) return excludedViews