Source code for imod.protocols.protocol_goldBeadPicker3d

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Federico P. de Isidro Gomez ( [1]
# *
# * [1] Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, CSIC, Spain
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
from pyworkflow import BETA
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pyworkflow.utils import path
from pyworkflow.object import Set
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import STEPS_PARALLEL
import tomo.objects as tomoObj
import tomo.constants as constants
from imod import Plugin
from imod import utils
from imod.protocols.protocol_base import ProtImodBase

[docs]class ProtImodGoldBeadPicker3d(ProtImodBase): """ 3-dimensional gold bead picker using the IMOD procedure. More info: """ _label = 'Gold bead picker 3D' _devStatus = BETA # -------------------------- DEFINE param functions ----------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection('Input') form.addParam('inputSetOfTomograms', params.PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfTomograms', important=True, label='Input set of tilt-series', help='Input set of tomograms from which gold beads will be picked.') form.addParam('beadDiameter', params.IntParam, label='Fiducial diameter (pixels)', default='10', help="Diameter of beads in pixels.") form.addParam('beadsColor', params.EnumParam, choices=['Dark', 'Light'], label='Bead contrast', default='0', display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST, help='Contrast of the gold beads:\n' '-Dark: beads are dark on light background.\n' '-Light: beads are light on dark background.') form.addParam('minRelativeStrength', params.FloatParam, label='Minimum relative Strength', default=0.05, help='Minimum relative peak strength for keeping a peak in the analysis. The square root of the ' 'specified value is used for comparing with the square root of peak strength, for ' 'compatibility with existing command files. The default is 0.05, which corresponds to a ' 'relative square root peak strength of 0.22. Too many weak peaks can prevent a dip from ' 'showing up in the smoothed histogram of strengths. If the program fails to find a ' 'histogram dip, one strategy is to try raising this value.') form.addParam('minSpacing', params.FloatParam, label='Minimum spacing', default=0.9, help='Minimum spacing between peaks as a fraction of the bead size. When two peaks are closer ' 'than this distance apart, the weaker one is eliminated unless the -both option is entered. ' 'The default is 0.9. A value less than 1 is helpful for picking both beads in a pair.') form.addParallelSection(threads=4, mpi=1) # -------------------------- INSERT steps functions --------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self.defineExecutionPararell() allOutputId = [] for ts in self.inputSetOfTomograms.get(): pickId = self._insertFunctionStep(self.pickGoldBeadsStep, ts.getObjId(), prerequisites=[]) convertId = self._insertFunctionStep(self.convertModelToCoordinatesStep, ts.getObjId(), prerequisites=[pickId]) outputID = self._insertFunctionStep(self.createOutputStep, ts.getObjId(), prerequisites=[convertId]) allOutputId.append(outputID) self._insertFunctionStep('closeOutputSetStep', prerequisites=allOutputId) # --------------------------- STEPS functions ----------------------------
[docs] def pickGoldBeadsStep(self, tsObjId): tomo = self.inputSetOfTomograms.get()[tsObjId] location = tomo.getLocation()[1] fileName, _ = os.path.splitext(location) extraPrefix = self._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(fileName)) path.makePath(extraPrefix) """ Run findbeads3d IMOD program """ paramsFindbeads3d = { 'inputFile': location, 'outputFile': os.path.join(extraPrefix, "%s.mod" % os.path.basename(fileName)), 'beadSize': self.beadDiameter.get(), 'minRelativeStrength': self.minRelativeStrength.get(), 'minSpacing': self.minSpacing.get(), } argsFindbeads3d = "-InputFile %(inputFile)s " \ "-OutputFile %(outputFile)s " \ "-BeadSize %(beadSize)d " \ "-MinRelativeStrength %(minRelativeStrength)f " \ "-MinSpacing %(minSpacing)d " if self.beadsColor.get() == 1: argsFindbeads3d += "-LightBeads " Plugin.runImod(self, 'findbeads3d', argsFindbeads3d % paramsFindbeads3d)
[docs] def convertModelToCoordinatesStep(self, tsObjId): tomo = self.inputSetOfTomograms.get()[tsObjId] location = tomo.getLocation()[1] fileName, _ = os.path.splitext(location) extraPrefix = self._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(fileName)) """ Run model2point IMOD program """ paramsModel2Point = { 'inputFile': os.path.join(extraPrefix, "%s.mod" % os.path.basename(fileName)), 'outputFile': os.path.join(extraPrefix, "" % os.path.basename(fileName)), } argsModel2Point = "-InputFile %(inputFile)s " \ "-OutputFile %(outputFile)s " \ Plugin.runImod(self, 'model2point', argsModel2Point % paramsModel2Point)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self, tsObjId): tomo = self.inputSetOfTomograms.get()[tsObjId] location = tomo.getLocation()[1] fileName, _ = os.path.splitext(location) extraPrefix = self._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(fileName)) """ Create the output set of coordinates 3D from gold beads detected """ self.getOutputSetOfCoordinates3Ds(self.inputSetOfTomograms.get(), self.inputSetOfTomograms.get()) coordFilePath = os.path.join(extraPrefix, "" % os.path.basename(fileName)) coordList = utils.formatGoldBead3DCoordinatesList(coordFilePath) with self._lock: for element in coordList: newCoord3D = tomoObj.Coordinate3D() newCoord3D.setVolume(tomo) newCoord3D.setX(element[0], constants.BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER) newCoord3D.setY(element[1], constants.BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER) newCoord3D.setZ(element[2], constants.BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER) newCoord3D.setVolId(tsObjId) self.outputSetOfCoordinates3D.append(newCoord3D) self.outputSetOfCoordinates3D.update(newCoord3D) self.outputSetOfCoordinates3D.write() self._store()
[docs] def closeOutputSetStep(self): self.outputSetOfCoordinates3D.setStreamState(Set.STREAM_CLOSED) self._store()