Source code for gctf.viewers

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Grigory Sharov (
# *
# * MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (MRC-LMB)
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pyworkflow.gui.project import ProjectWindow
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow.viewer import Viewer, DESKTOP_TKINTER
from pwem.viewers import EmPlotter, CtfView, showj
from tomo.viewers.viewers_data import CtfEstimationTomoViewer

from . import Plugin
from .protocols import ProtGctf, ProtTsGctf

[docs]def createCtfPlot(ctfSet, ctfId): ctfModel = ctfSet[ctfId] psdFn = ctfModel.getPsdFile() fn = pwutils.removeExt(psdFn) + "_EPA.log" xplotter = EmPlotter(windowTitle='CTF Fitting') plot_title = getPlotSubtitle(ctfModel) a = xplotter.createSubPlot(plot_title, 'Resolution (Angstroms)', 'CTF') a.invert_xaxis() version = Plugin.getActiveVersion() curves = [1, 4, 5] if version == '1.18' else [1, 3, 4] for i in curves: _plotCurve(a, i, fn) xplotter.showLegend(['simulated CTF', # 'equiphase avg.', # 'bg', # only for v1.18 'equiphase avg. - bg', 'cross correlation']) a.grid(True)
OBJCMD_GCTF = "GCTF plot results" ProjectWindow.registerObjectCommand(OBJCMD_GCTF, createCtfPlot) def _plotCurve(a, i, fn): freqs = _getValues(fn, 0) curv = _getValues(fn, i) a.plot(freqs, curv) def _getValues(fn, col): values = list() with open(fn) as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith('Resolution', 2, 12): values.append(float(line.split()[col])) return values
[docs]def getPlotSubtitle(ctf): """ Create plot subtitle using CTF values. """ ang = u"\u212B" deg = u"\u00b0" def1, def2, angle = ctf.getDefocus() phSh = ctf.getPhaseShift() score = ctf.getFitQuality() res = ctf.getResolution() title = "Def1: %d %s | Def2: %d %s | Angle: %0.1f%s | " % ( def1, ang, def2, ang, angle, deg) if phSh is not None: title += "Phase shift: %0.2f %s | " % (phSh, deg) title += "Fit: %0.1f %s | Score: %0.3f" % (res, ang, score) return title
[docs]class GctfViewer(Viewer): """ Visualization of Gctf results. """ _environments = [DESKTOP_TKINTER] _targets = [ProtGctf] def _visualize(self, prot, **kwargs): outputCTF = getattr(prot, 'outputCTF', None) if outputCTF is not None: ctfView = CtfView(self._project, outputCTF) viewParams = ctfView.getViewParams() viewParams[showj.OBJCMDS] = "'%s'" % OBJCMD_GCTF return [ctfView] else: return [self.infoMessage("The output SetOfCTFs has not been " "produced", "Missing output")]
[docs]class CtfEstimationTomoViewerGctf(CtfEstimationTomoViewer): """ This class implements a view using Tkinter CtfEstimationListDialog and the CtfEstimationTreeProvider. """ _targets = [ProtTsGctf]
[docs] def plot1D(self, ctfSet, ctfId): ctfModel = ctfSet[ctfId] psdFn = ctfModel.getPsdFile() fn = os.path.join(pwutils.removeExt(psdFn).replace("_ctf", "") + '_EPA.log') xplotter = EmPlotter(windowTitle='GCTF results') plot_title = '%s # %d\n' % (ctfSet.getTsId(), ctfId) + getPlotSubtitle(ctfModel) a = xplotter.createSubPlot(plot_title, 'Resolution (Angstroms)', 'CTF') a.invert_xaxis() version = Plugin.getActiveVersion() curves = [1, 4, 5] if version == '1.18' else [1, 3, 4] for i in curves: _plotCurve(a, i, fn) xplotter.showLegend(['simulated CTF', # 'equiphase avg.', # 'bg', # only for v1.18 'equiphase avg. - bg', 'cross correlation']) a.grid(True) return xplotter
[docs] def plot2D(self, ctfSet, ctfId): ctfModel = ctfSet[ctfId] psdFn = ctfModel.getPsdFile() img = ImageHandler().read(psdFn) fig = Figure(figsize=(7, 7), dpi=100) psdPlot = fig.add_subplot(111) psdPlot.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) psdPlot.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) psdPlot.set_title('%s # %d\n' % (ctfSet.getTsId(), ctfId) + getPlotSubtitle(ctfModel)) psdPlot.imshow(img.getData(), cmap='gray') return fig