Source code for gautomatch.wizards

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Grigory Sharov (
# *
# * MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (MRC-LMB)
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os

import pwem.wizards as emwiz
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pyworkflow.gui.dialog as dialog
from pwem.viewers import CoordinatesObjectView
from pwem.constants import *
from pwem.convert import getSubsetByDefocus

from gautomatch.protocols import ProtGautomatch

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]class GautomatchParticleWizard(emwiz.ParticleMaskRadiusWizard): _targets = [(ProtGautomatch, ['particleSize'])] def _getParameters(self, protocol): label, value = self._getInputProtocol(self._targets, protocol) protParams = dict() protParams['input'] = protocol.inputReferences protParams['label'] = label protParams['value'] = value return protParams def _getProvider(self, protocol): _objs = self._getParameters(protocol)['input'] return emwiz.ParticleMaskRadiusWizard._getListProvider(self, _objs)
[docs] def show(self, form, *args): params = self._getParameters(form.protocol) _value = params['value'] _label = params['label'], form, _value, _label, UNIT_ANGSTROM)
# =============================================================================== # FILTERS # ===============================================================================
[docs]class GautomatchBandpassWizard(emwiz.FilterParticlesWizard): _targets = [(ProtGautomatch, ['lowPass', 'highPass'])] def _getParameters(self, protocol): label, value = self._getInputProtocol(self._targets, protocol) protParams = dict() protParams['input'] = protocol.inputMicrographs protParams['label'] = label protParams['value'] = value protParams['mode'] = FILTER_NO_DECAY return protParams def _getProvider(self, protocol): _objs = self._getParameters(protocol)['input'] return emwiz.FilterParticlesWizard._getListProvider(self, _objs)
[docs] def show(self, form): protocol = form.protocol provider = self._getProvider(protocol) params = self._getParameters(protocol) if provider is not None: args = {'mode': params['mode'], 'lowFreq': params['value'][1], 'highFreq': params['value'][0], 'unit': UNIT_ANGSTROM } args['showDecay'] = False d = emwiz.BandPassFilterDialog(form.root, provider, **args) if d.resultYes(): form.setVar('lowPass', d.getHighFreq()) form.setVar('highPass', d.getLowFreq()) else: dialog.showWarning("Input micrographs", "Select micrographs first", form.root)
# ============================================================================= # PICKER # =============================================================================
[docs]class GautomatchPickerWizard(emwiz.EmWizard): _targets = [(ProtGautomatch, ['threshold'])]
[docs] def show(self, form): prot = form.protocol micSet = prot.getInputMicrographs() gpus = prot.getGpuList() if not gpus: form.showWarning("You should select at least one GPU.") return if not micSet: form.showWarning("You should select input micrographs " "before opening the wizard.") return project = prot.getProject() if prot.micrographsSelection == 0: # all micrographs micFn = micSet.getFileName() else: # Create a subset based on defocus values ctfs = prot.ctfRelations.get() if ctfs is None: form.showWarning("You should select CTFs if using a defocus " "subset. ") return micSubset = prot._createSetOfMicrographs(suffix='subset') for mic in getSubsetByDefocus(ctfs, micSet, prot.micrographsNumber.get()): micSubset.append(mic) micSubset.write() micSubset.close() micFn = micSubset.getFileName() # Prepare a temporary folder to convert some input files # and put some of the intermediate result files coordsDir = project.getTmpPath(micSet.getName()) pwutils.cleanPath(coordsDir) pwutils.makePath(coordsDir) if prot.inputReferences.get(): refStack = os.path.join(coordsDir, 'references.mrcs') prot.convertReferences(refStack) else: refStack = None # Get current values of the properties # micFn = os.path.join(coordsDir, 'micrographs.xmd') # writeSetOfMicrographs(micSet, micFn) pickerConfig = os.path.join(coordsDir, 'picker.conf') pickScript = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '') # Let's use the first selected gpu for the wizard pickCmd = prot.getArgs(threshold=False, mindist=False) % {'GPU': gpus[0]} args = { "pickScript": "python " + pickScript, "pickCmd": pickCmd, "convertCmd": "emconvert", 'coordsDir': coordsDir, 'micsSqlite': micSet.getFileName(), 'threshold': prot.threshold.get(), "mindist": prot.minDist.get(), "refStack": refStack } # If Gautomatch will guess advanced parameter we don't need to send # the min distance to the wizard. with open(pickerConfig, "w") as f: if prot.advanced: f.write(""" parameters = threshold threshold.value = %(threshold)s threshold.label = Threshold = Particles with CCC above the threshold will be picked autopickCommand = %(pickScript)s %%(micrograph) %(refStack)s %(coordsDir)s %(pickCmd)s --cc_cutoff %%(threshold) convertCommand = %(convertCmd)s --coordinates --from gautomatch --to xmipp --input %(micsSqlite)s --output %(coordsDir)s """ % args) else: f.write(""" parameters = threshold,mindist threshold.value = %(threshold)s threshold.label = Threshold = Particles with CCC above the threshold will be picked mindist.value = %(mindist)s mindist.label = Min distance (A) = Use value of 0.9~1.1X particle diameter autopickCommand = %(pickScript)s %%(micrograph) %(refStack)s %(coordsDir)s %(pickCmd)s --cc_cutoff %%(threshold) --min_dist %%(mindist) convertCommand = %(convertCmd)s --coordinates --from gautomatch --to xmipp --input %(micsSqlite)s --output %(coordsDir)s """ % args) process = CoordinatesObjectView(project, micFn, coordsDir, prot, mode=CoordinatesObjectView.MODE_AUTOMATIC, pickerProps=pickerConfig).show() process.wait() myprops = pwutils.readProperties(pickerConfig) if myprops['applyChanges'] == 'true': form.setVar('threshold', myprops['threshold.value']) if not prot.advanced: form.setVar('minDist', myprops['mindist.value']) else: pass # TODO: We could even in future parse the 'guessed' params