# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Grigory Sharov (gsharov@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk)
# *
# * MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (MRC-LMB)
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
import os
from glob import glob
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow.constants import PROD
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pyworkflow.utils.properties import Message
from pyworkflow.protocol import STEPS_PARALLEL
from pwem.constants import RELATION_CTF
from pwem.objects import SetOfCoordinates
from pwem.protocols import ProtParticlePickingAuto
import gautomatch
from gautomatch.convert import (readSetOfCoordinates, writeDefectsFile,
from gautomatch.constants import MICS_ALL, MICS_SUBSET
[docs]class ProtGautomatch(ProtParticlePickingAuto):
""" Automated particle picker for SPA.
Gautomatch is a GPU accelerated program for accurate, fast, flexible and
fully automatic particle picking from cryo-EM micrographs with or without
_label = 'auto-picking'
_devStatus = PROD
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
ProtParticlePickingAuto.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_PARALLEL
# --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ----------------------
def _defineParams(self, form):
ProtParticlePickingAuto._defineParams(self, form)
form.addParam('inputReferences', params.PointerParam,
label='Input References', important=True,
help="Template images (2D class averages or "
"reprojections from a reference volume) to be used "
"in picking.\n "
"If not provided, references will be "
"auto-generated. This is fine for *spherical "
"particles* like virus or ribosome.")
params.BooleanParam, default=True,
label='References have inverted contrast',
help='Set to Yes to indicate that the reference have '
'inverted contrast with respect to the particles '
'in the micrographs.\n'
'Keep in mind that auto-generated templates will '
'be WHITE.')
form.addParam('angStep', params.IntParam, default=5,
label='Angular step size',
help='Angular step size for picking, in degrees')
form.addParam('micrographsSelection', params.EnumParam,
choices=['All', 'Subset'],
label='Micrographs for wizard',
help='Select which micrographs will be used for '
'optimizing the parameters in the wizard. '
'By default, ALL micrograph are used. '
'You can select to use a subset based on '
'defocus values (where micrographs will be '
'taken from different defocus). ')
form.addParam('micrographsNumber', params.IntParam, default='10',
condition='micrographsSelection==%d' % MICS_SUBSET,
label='Micrographs for optimization:',
help='Select the number of micrographs that you want '
'to be used for the parameters optimization. ')
form.addParam('ctfRelations', params.RelationParam,
condition='micrographsSelection==%d' % MICS_SUBSET,
label='CTF estimation',
help='Choose some CTF estimation related to the '
'input micrographs to create the subset '
'by defocus values.')
form.addParam('threshold', params.FloatParam, default=0.1,
help='Particles with CCC above the threshold will be '
form.addParam('particleSize', params.IntParam, default=-1,
label='Particle radius (A)',
help="Particle radius in Angstrom. Default -1 means "
"it will be equal to 75% of references size if they "
"were provided, otherwise 250 A.")
form.addHidden(params.GPU_LIST, params.StringParam, default='0',
label="Choose GPU IDs")
form.addParam('advanced', params.BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Guess advanced parameters?',
help="By default, the program will optimize advanced "
"parameters by itself, however if you want to "
"modify them, select No")
form.addParam('boxSize', params.IntParam, default=-1,
label='Box size (pix)', condition='not advanced', allowsPointers=True,
help="Box size, in pixels; a suggested value will be "
"automatically calculated using pixel size and "
"particle size")
form.addParam('minDist', params.IntParam, default=300,
label='Min inter-particle distance (A)',
condition='not advanced',
help='Minimum distance between particles in Angstrom\n '
'Use value of 0.9~1.1X diameter; '
'can be 0.3~0.5X for filament-like particle')
form.addParam('speed', params.IntParam, default=2,
label='Speed', condition='not advanced',
help='Speed level {0,1,2,3,4}. The bigger the faster, '
'but less accurate.\n'
'Suggested values: 2 for >1 MDa complex, 1 for <500 '
'kD complex, 1 or 2 for 500~1000 kD.\n'
'0 is not suggested, because the accuracy is simply '
'fitting noise, unless for special noise-free '
'micrographs. Use 3 for huge viruses, but 2 is '
'still preferred. Probably do not use 4 at all, '
'it is not accurate in general.')
form.addSection(label='Sigma & avg')
form.addParam('advLabel', params.LabelParam,
label='To adjust these parameters, select "No" for the '
'"Guess advanced parameters?" on the Advanced tab.')
group = form.addGroup('Local sigma parameters',
condition='not advanced')
group.addParam('localSigmaCutoff', params.FloatParam, default=1.2,
label='Local sigma cut-off',
help='Local sigma cut-off (relative value), 1.2~1.5 '
'should be a good range\n'
'Normally a value >1.2 will be ice, protein '
'aggregation or contamination.\n'
'This option is designed to get rid of sharp '
'carbon/ice edges or sharp metal particles.')
group.addParam('localSigmaDiam', params.IntParam, default=100,
label='Local sigma diameter (A)',
help='Diameter for estimation of local sigma, '
'in Angstrom.\n'
'Usually this diameter could be 0.5-2x of your '
'particle diameter according to several factors. '
'When using bigger values, normally you should '
'decrease *Local sigma cut-off*. For smaller and '
'sharper high density contamination/ice/metal '
'particles you could use a smaller diameter and '
'larger *Local sigma cut-off*')
group = form.addGroup('Local average parameters',
condition='not advanced')
line = group.addLine('Local average range',
help="Local average cut-off (relative value), "
"any pixel values outside the range will be "
"considered as ice/aggregation/carbon etc.\n"
"Min parameter is used to reject the central "
"parts of ice, carbon etc. which normally "
"have lower density than the particles.\n"
"Max parameter is usually not useful for "
"cryo-EM micrograph with black particles, "
"but might be helpfull to get rid of 'hot' "
"area. For negative stain micrograph, if it "
"rejects most of the true particles, just "
"set Max to very big value like 10.0.")
line.addParam('localAvgMin', params.FloatParam, default=-1.0,
line.addParam('localAvgMax', params.FloatParam, default=1.0,
group.addParam('localAvgDiam', params.IntParam, default=100,
label='Local average diameter (A)',
help='Diameter for estimation of local average, in '
'Angstrom. 1.5~2.0X particle diameter suggested.\n'
'However, if you have sharp/small ice or any '
'dark/bright dots, using a smaller value will be '
'much better to get rid of these areas')
line = form.addLine('Micrograph band-pass filter range (A)',
help="Apply band-pass filter on the micrographs:\n"
"low-pass filter to increase the contrast of "
"raw micrographs, suggested range 20~50 A\n"
"high-pass filter to get rid of the global "
"background of raw micrographs, suggested "
"range 200~2000 A. This filter is applied "
"after ice/carbon/ contamination detection, "
"but before true particle detection")
line.addParam('lowPass', params.IntParam, default=30,
line.addParam('highPass', params.IntParam, default=1000,
form.addParam('preFilt', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Pre-filter micrographs?',
help="This band-pass pre-filter is normally not "
"suggested, because it can affect ice/carbon "
"detection. Use it only if you have a severe ice "
line = form.addLine('Pre-filter range (A)', condition='preFilt')
line.addParam('prelowPass', params.IntParam, default=8,
line.addParam('prehighPass', params.IntParam, default=1000,
if gautomatch.Plugin.getActiveVersion() != '0.53':
form.addParam('detectIce', params.BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Detect ice/aggregates/carbon?')
form.addParam('templateNorm', params.IntParam, default=1,
validators=[params.Range(1, 3, "value should be "
"1, 2 or 3. ")],
label='Template normalization type',
help='Template normalization: 1, 2 or 3 allowed.')
form.addParam('doBandpass', params.BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Do band-pass?',
help='Choose No to skip band-pass filtering.')
form.addSection(label='Exclusive picking')
form.addParam('exclusive', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Exclusive picking?',
help='Exclude user-provided areas. This can be useful in '
'the following cases:\n\n'
'(a) Another cycle of auto-picking after 2D '
'classification: in this case, usually you are '
'pretty sure that some of the particles are '
'completely rubbish, it will be much better to '
'exclude them during picking.\n'
'(b) Picking for partial structure: sometimes, '
'you might have two/multiple domain complex, '
'one is severely dominant and affect picking of the '
'other (the rest). If you want to focus on another '
'domain, it might be quite helpful to exclude such '
'good particles from 2D classification.\n'
'(c) Strong orientation preference: if your '
'templates were severely biased and mainly picked '
'the preferred views, then it might be nice to '
'exclude the preferred views and focused on '
'rare views.')
form.addParam('inputBadCoords', params.PointerParam, allowsNull=True,
pointerClass='SetOfCoordinates', condition='exclusive',
label='Coordinates to be excluded',
help='Coordinates can be imported beforehand or '
'generated from particles using scipion - extract '
'coordinates protocol.')
form.addParam('inputDefects', params.PointerParam, allowsNull=True,
pointerClass='SetOfCoordinates', condition='exclusive',
label='Detector defects coordinates',
help='Occasionally you might have detector defects, e.g. '
'a black/white stripe. This will help to get rid of '
'these bad areas. The boxes in this case should be '
'overlapping and organized in a stripe/line like '
'this: http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/kzhang/'
form.addParam('writeCC', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Write CC files?',
help='Specify to write out cross-correlation files '
'in MRC stack')
form.addParam('writeFilt', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Write pre-filtered micrographs?',
help='Specify to write out pre-filted micrographs')
form.addParam('writeBg', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Write estimated background?',
help='Specify to write out estimated background of '
'the micrographs')
form.addParam('writeBgSub', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Write background-subtracted micrographs?',
help='Specify to write out background-subtracted '
form.addParam('writeSigma', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Write local sigma?',
help='Specify to write out local sigma micrographs')
form.addParam('writeMsk', params.BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Write detected mask?',
help='Specify to write out the auto-detected mask (ice, '
'contamination, aggregation, carbon edges etc.)')
# Allow many threads if we can put more than one in a GPU
# or several GPUs
form.addParallelSection(threads=1, mpi=1)
# --------------------------- INSERT steps functions ----------------------
def _insertInitialSteps(self):
convId = self._insertFunctionStep('convertInputStep')
return [convId]
# --------------------------- STEPS functions -----------------------------
def _pickMicrograph(self, mic, *args):
self._pickMicrographList([mic], *args)
def _pickMicrographList(self, micList, *args):
""" Pick several micrographs at once, probably a bit more efficient."""
micPath = self._getMicrographDir(micList[0])
if len(micList) > 1:
micPath += ('-%06d' % micList[-1].getObjId())
micFnList = []
for mic in micList:
micFn = mic.getFileName()
# The coordinates conversion is done for each micrograph
# and not in convertInputStep, this is needed for streaming
badCoords = self.inputBadCoords.get()
if self.exclusive and badCoords:
fnCoords = os.path.join(micPath, '%s_rubbish.star'
% pwutils.removeBaseExt(micFn))
writeMicCoords(mic, badCoords.iterCoordinates(mic), fnCoords)
# Move output from micPath (tmp) to extra
for f in glob(os.path.join(micPath, '*.star')):
pwutils.moveFile(f, self.getMicrographsDir())
# Move debug output to extra
debugSuffixes = ['*_ccmax.mrc', '*_pref.mrc', '*_bg.mrc',
'*_bgfree.mrc', '*_lsigma.mrc', '*_mask.mrc']
for p in debugSuffixes:
for f in glob(os.path.join(micPath, p)):
pwutils.moveFile(f, self.getMicrographsDir())
except Exception as e:
self.error("ERROR: Gautomatch has failed for %s. %s" % (
micFnList, e))
[docs] def createOutputStep(self):
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------
def _validate(self):
errors = []
if not self.localAvgMin < self.localAvgMax:
errors.append('Wrong values of local average cut-off!')
if self.exclusive and not self.inputBadCoords.get() and not self.inputDefects.get():
errors.append("You have to provide at least "
"one set of coordinates ")
errors.append("for exclusive picking!")
nprocs = max(self.numberOfMpi.get(), self.numberOfThreads.get())
if nprocs < len(self.getGpuList()):
errors.append("Multiple GPUs can not be used by a single process. "
"Make sure you specify more processors than GPUs. ")
return errors
def _summary(self):
summary = []
if self.getInputMicrographs() is not None:
summary.append("Number of input micrographs: %d"
% self.getInputMicrographs().getSize())
if self.getOutputsSize() > 0:
summary.append("Number of particles picked: %d"
% self.getCoords().getSize())
summary.append("Particle size: %d px"
% self.getCoords().getBoxSize())
summary.append("Threshold min: %0.2f" % self.threshold)
return summary
def _methods(self):
methodsMsgs = []
if self.getInputMicrographs() is None:
return ['Input micrographs not available yet.']
methodsMsgs.append("Input micrographs %s."
% (self.getObjectTag(self.getInputMicrographs())))
if self.getOutputsSize() > 0:
output = self.getCoords()
methodsMsgs.append("%s: User picked %d particles with a particle "
"size of %d px and minimal threshold %0.2f."
% (self.getObjectTag(output), output.getSize(),
output.getBoxSize(), self.threshold))
return methodsMsgs
# --------------------------- UTILS functions -----------------------------
[docs] def readCoordsFromMics(self, workingDir, micList, coordSet):
if coordSet.getBoxSize() is None:
readSetOfCoordinates(self.getMicrographsDir(), micList, coordSet)
[docs] def readRejectedCoordsFromMics(self, micList):
micSet = self.getInputMicrographs()
rejectedCoordSqlite = self._getPath('coordinates_rejected.sqlite')
if not os.path.exists(rejectedCoordSqlite):
coordSetAux = self._createSetOfCoordinates(micSet,
coordSetAux = SetOfCoordinates(filename=rejectedCoordSqlite)
readSetOfCoordinates(self.getMicrographsDir(), micList,
coordSetAux, suffix='_rejected.star')
# debug output
if self.writeCC:
if self.writeFilt:
if self.writeBg:
if self.writeBgSub:
if self.writeSigma:
if self.writeMsk:
[docs] def createDebugOutput(self, suffix):
micSet = self.getInputMicrographs()
pixSize = micSet.getSamplingRate()
outputDebugMics = self._createSetOfMicrographs(suffix=suffix)
# debug output images are downsampled by a factor of 4
outputDebugMics.setSamplingRate(float(pixSize * 4))
for mic in micSet:
micFn = self.getOutputName(mic.getFileName(), suffix)
def _getPickArgs(self):
return [self.getArgs()]
[docs] def getArgs(self, threshold=True, mindist=True):
""" Return the Gautomatch parameters for picking one micrograph.
The command line will depends on the protocol selected parameters.
micFn: micrograph filename
refStack: filename with the references stack (.mrcs)
args = ' --apixM %0.2f' % self.inputMicrographs.get().getSamplingRate()
args += ' --ang_step %d' % self.angStep
args += ' --diameter %d' % self._getDiameter()
args += ' --lp %d' % self.lowPass
args += ' --hp %d' % self.highPass
args += ' --gid %(GPU)s'
if self.inputReferences.get():
args += ' --apixT %0.2f' % self.inputReferences.get().getSamplingRate()
if not self.invertTemplatesContrast:
args += ' --dont_invertT'
if threshold:
args += ' --cc_cutoff %0.2f' % self.threshold
if not self.advanced:
args += ' --speed %d' % self.speed
args += ' --boxsize %d' % self._getBoxSize()
if mindist:
args += ' --min_dist %d' % self.minDist
args += ' --lsigma_cutoff %0.2f' % self.localSigmaCutoff
args += ' --lsigma_D %d' % self.localSigmaDiam
args += ' --lave_max %0.2f' % self.localAvgMax
args += ' --lave_min %0.2f' % self.localAvgMin
args += ' --lave_D %d' % self.localAvgDiam
if self.preFilt:
args += ' --do_pre_filter --pre_lp %d' % self.prelowPass
args += ' --pre_hp %d' % self.prehighPass
if gautomatch.Plugin.getActiveVersion() != '0.53':
args += ' --detect_ice %d' % (1 if self.detectIce else 0)
args += ' --T_norm_type %d' % self.templateNorm.get()
args += ' --do_bandpass %d' % (1 if self.doBandpass else 0)
if self.exclusive:
if self.inputBadCoords.get():
args += ' --exclusive_picking --excluded_suffix _rubbish.star'
if self.inputDefects.get():
args += (' --global_excluded_box %s' % self._getDefectsFn())
if self.writeCC:
args += ' --write_ccmax_mic'
if self.writeFilt:
args += ' --write_pref_mic'
if self.writeBg:
args += ' --write_bg_mic'
if self.writeBgSub:
args += ' --write_bgfree_mic'
if self.writeSigma:
args += ' --write_lsigma_mic'
if self.writeMsk:
args += ' --write_mic_mask'
return args
def _getBoxSize(self):
if self.boxSize and self.boxSize > 0:
return self.boxSize.get()
inputRefs = self.inputReferences.get()
if inputRefs and inputRefs.getXDim():
return inputRefs.getXDim()
return 100
def _getMicrographDir(self, mic):
""" Return an unique dir name for results of the micrograph. """
return self._getTmpPath('mic_%06d' % mic.getObjId())
[docs] def getMicrographsDir(self):
return self._getExtraPath('micrographs')
[docs] def convertReferences(self, refStack):
""" Write input references as an .mrcs stack. """
if refStack: # refStack should be None when not using references
[docs] def getOutputName(self, fn, key):
""" Give a key, append the mrc extension
and prefix the protocol working dir.
template = pwutils.removeBaseExt(fn) + key + '.mrc'
return os.path.join(self.getMicrographsDir(), template)
def _getDefectsFn(self):
""" Return the filename for the defects star file. """
return self._getExtraPath('micrographs', 'defects.star')
def _getReferencesFn(self):
if self.inputReferences.get():
return self._getExtraPath('references.mrcs')
return None
def _getDiameter(self):
""" Return 75% of references size"""
refs = self.inputReferences.get()
if self.particleSize and self.particleSize > 0:
return 2 * self.particleSize.get()
if refs:
pix = refs.getSamplingRate()
dim = refs.getXDim()
return int(0.75 * dim * pix)
return 250