Source code for emfacilities.protocols.protocol_monitor_summary

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os.path

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pyworkflow import VERSION_1_1

from pwem.protocols import ProtCTFMicrographs, ProtAlignMovies
from pwem import Domain

from .report_influx import ReportInflux
from .report_html import ReportHtml
from .protocol_monitor import ProtMonitor, Monitor
from .protocol_monitor_ctf import MonitorCTF
from .protocol_monitor_movie_gain import MonitorMovieGain
from .protocol_monitor_system import MonitorSystem

[docs]class ProtMonitorSummary(ProtMonitor): """ Provide some summary of the basic steps of the Scipion-Box: - Import movies - Align movies (global and/or local) - CTF estimation - Movie gain estimation. """ _label = 'monitor summary' _lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_1_1 def __init__(self, **kwargs): ProtMonitor.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.reportDir = '' self.reportPath = '' def _defineParams(self, form): ProtMonitor._defineParams(self, form) form.addSection('MovieGain Monitor') form.addParam('stddevValue', params.FloatParam, default=0.04, label="Raise Alarm if residual gain standard " "deviation >", help="Raise alarm if residual gain standard deviation " "is greater than given value") form.addParam('ratio1Value', params.FloatParam, default=1.15, label="Raise Alarm if the ratio between the 97.5 " "and 2.5 percentiles >", help="Raise alarm if the ratio between the 97.5 " "and 2.5 percentiles is greater than given value") form.addParam('ratio2Value', params.FloatParam, default=4.5, label="Raise Alarm if the ratio between the maximum " "gain value and the 97.5 percentile >", help="Raise alarm if the ratio between the maximum " "gain value and the 97.5 percentile is greater " "than given value") form.addSection('CTF Monitor') form.addParam('maxDefocus', params.FloatParam, default=40000, label="Raise Alarm if maximum defocus (A) >", help="Raise alarm if defocus is greater than given " "value") form.addParam('minDefocus', params.FloatParam, default=1000, label="Raise Alarm if minimum defocus (A) <", help="Raise alarm if defocus is smaller than given " "value") form.addParam('astigmatism', params.FloatParam, default=1000, label="Raise Alarm if astigmatism >", help="Raise alarm if astigmatism (defocusU-defocusV)is greater than given " "value") form.addParam('monitorTime', params.FloatParam, default=30000, label="Total Logging time (min)", help="Log during this interval") form.addSection('System Monitor') form.addParam('cpuAlert', params.FloatParam, default=101, label="Raise Alarm if CPU > XX%", help="Raise alarm if memory allocated is greater " "than given percentage") form.addParam('memAlert', params.FloatParam, default=101, label="Raise Alarm if Memory > XX%", help="Raise alarm if cpu allocated is greater " "than given percentage") form.addParam('swapAlert', params.FloatParam, default=101, label="Raise Alarm if Swap > XX%", help="Raise alarm if swap allocated is greater " "than given percentage") group = form.addGroup('GPU') group.addParam('doGpu', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label="Check GPU", help="Set to true if you want to monitor the GPU") group.addParam('gpusToUse', params.StringParam, default='0', label='Which GPUs to use:', condition='doGpu', help='Provide a list of GPUs ' '(e.g. "0 1 2 3"). Default is to monitor GPU 0 only') group = form.addGroup('NETWORK') group.addParam('doNetwork', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label="Check Network", help="Set to true if you want to monitor the Network") group.addParam('netInterfaces', params.EnumParam, choices=MonitorSystem.getNifsNameList(), default=1, # usually 0 is the loopback label="Interface", condition='doNetwork', help="Name of the network interface to be checked") group = form.addGroup('Disk') group.addParam('doDiskIO', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label="Check Disk IO", help="Set to true if you want to monitor the Disk " "Acces") form.addSection('Mail settings') ProtMonitor._sendMailParams(self, form) form.addSection('HTML Report') form.addParam("doInflux", params.BooleanParam, label="use grafana/influx", default=False, help="Use grafana+influx vs apache for reports") form.addParam('publishCmd', params.StringParam, default='', condition='doInflux == False', label="Publish command", help="Specify a command to publish the template. " "You can use the special token %(REPORT_FOLDER)s " "that will be replaced with the report folder. " "For example: \n" "rsync -avL %(REPORT_FOLDER)s " "scipion@webserver:public_html/") # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions --------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('monitorStep') # --------------------------- STEPS functions ----------------------------
[docs] def monitorStep(self): # create monitors movieGainMonitor = self.createMovieGainMonitor() ctfMonitor = self.createCtfMonitor() sysMonitor = self.createSystemMonitor() reportHtml = self.createHtmlReport(ctfMonitor, sysMonitor, movieGainMonitor) monitor = Monitor(workingDir=self.workingDir.get(), samplingInterval=self.samplingInterval.get(), monitorTime=self.monitorTime.get()) def initAll(): if ctfMonitor is not None: ctfMonitor.initLoop() if movieGainMonitor is not None: movieGainMonitor.initLoop() sysMonitor.initLoop() def stepAll(): finished = False try: if ctfMonitor is not None: # Call ctf monitor step ctfMonitor.step() if movieGainMonitor is not None: # Call movie gain step movieGainMonitor.step() # sysmonitor watches all input protocols so # when sysmonitor done all protocols done sysMonitorFinished = sysMonitor.step() htmlFinished = reportHtml.generate(finished) if sysMonitorFinished and htmlFinished: finished = True reportHtml.generate(finished) except Exception as ex: print("An error happened:") import traceback traceback.print_exc() return finished monitor.initLoop = initAll monitor.step = stepAll monitor.loop()
[docs] def createReportDir(self): self.reportDir = os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath(self.getProject().getShortName())) self.reportPath = os.path.join(self.reportDir, 'index.html') # create report dir pwutils.makePath(self.reportDir)
def _getAlignProtocol(self): for protPointer in self.inputProtocols: prot = protPointer.get() if isinstance(prot, ProtAlignMovies): return prot return None def _getCtfProtocol(self): for protPointer in self.inputProtocols: prot = protPointer.get() if isinstance(prot, ProtCTFMicrographs): return prot return None def _getMovieGainProtocol(self): XmippProtMovieGain = Domain.importFromPlugin('xmipp3.protocols', 'XmippProtMovieGain') if XmippProtMovieGain is None: return None for protPointer in self.inputProtocols: prot = protPointer.get() if prot.getClassName() == XmippProtMovieGain.__name__: return prot return None
[docs] def createMovieGainMonitor(self): movieGainProt = self._getMovieGainProtocol() if movieGainProt is None: return None movieGainProt.setProject(self.getProject()) movieGainMonitor = MonitorMovieGain( movieGainProt, influx=self.doInflux, workingDir=self.workingDir.get(), samplingInterval=self.samplingInterval.get(), monitorTime=self.monitorTime.get(), email=self.createEmailNotifier(), stdout=True, stddevValue=self.stddevValue.get(), ratio1Value=self.ratio1Value.get(), ratio2Value=self.ratio2Value.get()) return movieGainMonitor
[docs] def createCtfMonitor(self): ctfProt = self._getCtfProtocol() if ctfProt is None: return None ctfProt.setProject(self.getProject()) ctfMonitor = MonitorCTF(ctfProt, influx=self.doInflux, workingDir=self.workingDir.get(), samplingInterval=self.samplingInterval.get(), monitorTime=self.monitorTime.get(), email=self.createEmailNotifier(), stdout=True, minDefocus=self.minDefocus.get(), maxDefocus=self.maxDefocus.get(), astigmatism=self.astigmatism.get()) return ctfMonitor
[docs] def createSystemMonitor(self): protocols = self.getInputProtocols() sysMon = MonitorSystem(protocols, influx=self.doInflux, workingDir=self.workingDir.get(), samplingInterval=self.samplingInterval.get(), monitorTime=self.monitorTime.get(), email=self.createEmailNotifier(), stdout=True, cpuAlert=self.cpuAlert.get(), memAlert=self.memAlert.get(), swapAlert=self.swapAlert.get(), doGpu=self.doGpu.get(), gpusToUse=self.gpusToUse.get(), doNetwork=self.doNetwork.get(), doDiskIO=self.doDiskIO.get(), nif=MonitorSystem.getNifsNameList()[ self.netInterfaces.get()]) return sysMon
[docs] def getReportPath(self): return self.reportPath
[docs] def createHtmlReport(self, ctfMonitor=None, sysMonitor=None, movieGainMonitor=None): ctfMonitor = ctfMonitor or self.createCtfMonitor() sysMonitor = sysMonitor or self.createSystemMonitor() movieGainMonitor = movieGainMonitor or self.createMovieGainMonitor() self.createReportDir() if self.doInflux: htmlReport = ReportInflux(self, ctfMonitor, sysMonitor, movieGainMonitor, self.publishCmd.get(), refreshSecs=self.samplingInterval.get()) else: htmlReport = ReportHtml(self, ctfMonitor, sysMonitor, movieGainMonitor, self.publishCmd.get(), refreshSecs=self.samplingInterval.get()) htmlReport.setUp() return htmlReport