Source code for emantomo.protocols.protocol_tomo_boxing_convnet

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     David Herreros Calero ( [1]
# *
# * [1] Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
import glob

from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler

from pyworkflow import BETA
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from import Message
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import IntParam, BooleanParam, StringParam, USE_GPU, GPU_LIST, LEVEL_ADVANCED

from tomo.protocols import ProtTomoPicking
from tomo.objects import SetOfCoordinates3D
import tomo.constants as const

from emantomo.convert import loadJson, readSetOfCoordinates3D
import emantomo

[docs]class EmanProtTomoConvNet(ProtTomoPicking): """Eman Deep Learning based picking for Tomography """ _label = 'tomo boxer convnet' _devStatus = BETA # nn_boxSize = 96 def __init__(self, **kwargs): ProtTomoPicking.__init__(self, **kwargs) # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ---------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): ProtTomoPicking._defineParams(self, form) form.addHidden(USE_GPU, BooleanParam, default=True, label="Use GPU for execution", help="This protocol has both CPU and GPU implementation.\ Select the one you want to use.") form.addHidden(GPU_LIST, StringParam, default='0', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Choose GPU IDs", help="Add a list of GPU devices that can be used") form.addParam('boxSize', IntParam, label="Box Size", default=96, help='Final box size for the coordinates') form.addParam('groupId', IntParam, label="GroupId", default=1, help="Select a group ID that will be given to the particles. This value is useful to indentify " "different structures in a SetOfCoordinates3D when different sets are joint.") # --------------------------- STEPS functions ----------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep('convertInputStep') self._insertFunctionStep('launchBoxingGUIStep', interactive=True)
[docs] def convertInputStep(self): out_path = self._getExtraPath('tomograms') info_path = self._getExtraPath('info') pwutils.makePath(out_path) pwutils.makePath(info_path) # program = emantomo.Plugin.getProgram("") for tomo in self.inputTomograms.get().iterItems(): tomo_file = tomo.getFileName() # tomo_file_hdf = pwutils.removeBaseExt(tomo_file) + ".hdf" # dim = tomo.getDimensions() # Only rescale Tomomgrams if needed. Otherwise create a symbolic link to save space # if self.minBoxSize.get() < self.nn_boxSize: # out_file = os.path.join(out_path, pwutils.removeBaseExt(tomo_file) + ".mrc") # factor = self.nn_boxSize / self.minBoxSize.get() # ImageHandler.scaleSplines(tomo_file + ':mrc', out_file, factor) # else: # args = "%s %s --process normalize --clip 927,927,300" % (tomo_file, os.path.join(out_path, tomo_file_hdf)) # pwutils.runJob(None, program, args, env=emantomo.Plugin.getEnviron()) # args = "%s %s --process normalize --clip %d,%d,%d" \ # % (tomo_file, os.path.join(out_path, tomo_file_hdf), max(dim), max(dim), dim[2]) # pwutils.runJob(None, program, args, env=emantomo.Plugin.getEnviron()) out_file = os.path.join(out_path, pwutils.removeBaseExt(tomo_file)) pwutils.createLink(tomo_file, out_file) self.writeInfoJson(tomo_file, info_path)
[docs] def launchBoxingGUIStep(self): program = emantomo.Plugin.getProgram("") args = "--label particles_00" if self.useGpu.get(): args += " --gpuid %s" % self.getGpuList()[0] pwutils.runJob(None, program, args, env=emantomo.Plugin.getEnviron(), cwd=self._getExtraPath()) self._createOutput()
def _createOutput(self): setTomograms = self.inputTomograms.get() outPath = self._getExtraPath("info") coord3DSetDict = {} suffix = self._getOutputSuffix(SetOfCoordinates3D) coord3DSet = self._createSetOfCoordinates3D(setTomograms, suffix) coord3DSet.setName("tomoCoord") coord3DSet.setPrecedents(setTomograms) coord3DSet.setSamplingRate(setTomograms.getSamplingRate()) coord3DSet.setBoxSize(self.boxSize.get()) for tomo in setTomograms.iterItems(): outFile = '*%s_info.json' % pwutils.removeBaseExt(tomo.getFileName().split("__")[0]) pattern = os.path.join(outPath, outFile) files = glob.glob(pattern) if not files or not os.path.isfile(files[0]): continue jsonFnbase = files[0] jsonBoxDict = loadJson(jsonFnbase) index = int((list(jsonBoxDict["class_list"].keys()))[0]) coord3DSetDict[index] = coord3DSet # Populate Set of 3D Coordinates with 3D Coordinates # factor = self.minBoxSize.get() / self.nn_boxSize if self.minBoxSize.get() is not None else 1 # FIXME: Correct the scaling factor when there is a mismatch between the sr in the header and in Scipion # FIXME: Could be useful in the future? # sr = setTomograms.getSamplingRate() # if mrcfile.validate(tomo.getFileName()): # with as mrc: # sr_header = mrc.voxel_size.tolist()[0] # factor *= sr / sr_header readSetOfCoordinates3D(jsonBoxDict, coord3DSetDict, tomo.clone(), origin=const.CENTER_GRAVITY, groupId=self.groupId.get()) name = self.OUTPUT_PREFIX + suffix args = {} args[name] = coord3DSet self._defineOutputs(**args) self._defineSourceRelation(setTomograms, coord3DSet) # Update Outputs for index, coord3DSet in coord3DSetDict.items(): self._updateOutputSet(name, coord3DSet, state=coord3DSet.STREAM_CLOSED) # --------------------------- UTILS functions -----------------------------
[docs] def writeInfoJson(self, tomo_file, info_path): # boxSize = self.minBoxSize.get() if self.minBoxSize.get() else self.nn_boxSize contents = '{ "boxes_3d": [], "apix_unbin": %.2f, ' \ '"class_list": { "0": { "boxsize": 96, "name": ' \ '"particles_00"} } }' % (self.inputTomograms.get().getSamplingRate()) info_file = os.path.join(info_path, pwutils.removeBaseExt(tomo_file) + "_info.json") with open(info_file, 'w') as fid: fid.write(contents)
# --------------------------- INFO functions -----------------------------
[docs] def getInfo(self, output): msg = '\tNumber of particles picked: *%d* \n' % output.getSize() msg += '\tParticle box size: *%d*' % output.getBoxSize() return msg
def _methods(self): methodsMsgs = [] if self.getOutputsSize() >= 1: for key, output in self.iterOutputAttributes(): msg = self.getInfo(output) methodsMsgs.append("%s: \n %s" % (self.getObjectTag(output), msg)) else: methodsMsgs.append(Message.TEXT_NO_OUTPUT_CO) return methodsMsgs def _summary(self): summary = [] if self.getOutputsSize() < 1: summary.append(Message.TEXT_NO_OUTPUT_CO) else: for key, output in self.iterOutputAttributes(): msg = self.getInfo(output) summary.append("%s: \n %s" % (self.getObjectTag(output), msg)) return summary
[docs] def validate(self): errors = [] dim = self.inputTomograms.get().getFirstItem().getDimensions() if dim[0] != dim[1] and not emantomo.Plugin.isVersion(emantomo.constants.V_CB): errors.append("Error: input tomograms must be square. Please, use a resizing protocol or reconstruct " "your tomograms so X and Y dimensions match.") return errors
def _warnings(self): warnings = [] # if self.minBoxSize.get() < self.nn_boxSize: # warnings.append("Boxsize is smaller than the minimum size allowed by Eman (96). This implies " # "that temporary rescaled Tomograms will be created so your boxsize corresponds " # " to a size of 96 to work with Eman. This may occupy a large space in disk.") return warnings