Source code for eman2.viewers.viewers

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin ( [1]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
import math

from pyworkflow.gui.project import ProjectWindow
import pyworkflow.gui.text as text
from pyworkflow.gui.dialog import askYesNo, showInfo, showError
from pyworkflow.viewer import (ProtocolViewer, DESKTOP_TKINTER,
                               WEB_DJANGO, CommandView)

from import FSC, Image, Volume
import pwem.viewers.showj as showj
from pwem.viewers import (ObjectView, DataView, EmPlotter,
                          ChimeraView, ClassesView, DataViewer,
                          FscViewer, EmProtocolViewer, ChimeraAngDist)
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import LEVEL_ADVANCED
from pyworkflow.protocol.executor import StepExecutor
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (LabelParam, NumericRangeParam,
                                        EnumParam, FloatParam, IntParam, BooleanParam)
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils

from .. import Plugin
from ..constants import *
from ..convert import loadJson
from ..protocols import (EmanProtBoxing, EmanProtCTFAuto,
                         EmanProtInitModel, EmanProtRefine2D,
                         EmanProtRefine2DBispec, EmanProtRefine,
                         EmanProtTiltValidate, EmanProtInitModelSGD)

[docs]class EmanViewer(DataViewer): """ Wrapper to visualize different type of objects with the Xmipp program xmipp_showj """ _environments = [DESKTOP_TKINTER] _targets = [EmanProtBoxing, EmanProtInitModel, EmanProtInitModelSGD, Image, Volume] def _visualize(self, obj, **args): cls = type(obj) if issubclass(cls, Volume) or issubclass(cls, Image): fn = obj.getFileName() if pwutils.getExt(fn) in ['.stk', '.vol', '.xmp']: # eman2 expects spider files with .spi extension only pwutils.createLink(fn, pwutils.replaceExt(fn, 'spi')) fn = pwutils.replaceExt(fn, 'spi') view = CommandView("%s %s &" % (Plugin.getProgram(''), fn), env=Plugin.getEnviron()) return [view] elif isinstance(obj, EmanProtBoxing): coords = obj.getCoords() if coords: return DataViewer._visualize(self, obj.outputCoordinates) elif isinstance(obj, EmanProtInitModel): obj = obj.outputVolumes fn = obj.getFileName() labels = 'id enabled comment _filename ' objCommands = "'%s' '%s' '%s'" % (OBJCMD_CLASSAVG_PROJS, OBJCMD_PROJS, OBJCMD_INITVOL) self._views.append(ObjectView(self._project, obj.strId(), fn, viewParams={showj.MODE: showj.MODE_MD, showj.VISIBLE: labels, showj.RENDER: '_filename', showj.OBJCMDS: objCommands})) return self._views elif isinstance(obj, EmanProtInitModelSGD): obj = obj.outputVolumes fn = obj.getFileName() labels = 'id enabled comment _filename ' objCommands = "'%s'" % OBJCMD_CLASSAVG_PROJS self._views.append(ObjectView(self._project, obj.strId(), fn, viewParams={showj.MODE: showj.MODE_MD, showj.VISIBLE: labels, showj.RENDER: '_filename', showj.OBJCMDS: objCommands})) return self._views
[docs]def showExtraFile(volumeSet, volId, suffix): vol = volumeSet[volId] volFn = vol.getFileName().replace('.hdf', suffix) DataView(volFn).show()
[docs]def showClassAvgProjs(volumeSet, volId): showExtraFile(volumeSet, volId, '_aptcl.hdf')
[docs]def showProjs(volumeSet, volId): showExtraFile(volumeSet, volId, '_proj.hdf')
[docs]def showInitialRandomVolume(volumeSet, volId): showExtraFile(volumeSet, volId, '_init.hdf')
ProjectWindow.registerObjectCommand(OBJCMD_CLASSAVG_PROJS, showClassAvgProjs) ProjectWindow.registerObjectCommand(OBJCMD_PROJS, showProjs) ProjectWindow.registerObjectCommand(OBJCMD_INITVOL, showInitialRandomVolume)
[docs]class Refine2DViewer(ProtocolViewer): """ Visualization of e2refine2d results. """ _targets = [EmanProtRefine2D, EmanProtRefine2DBispec] _environments = [DESKTOP_TKINTER, WEB_DJANGO] _label = 'viewer refine 2d' def _defineParams(self, form): self._env = os.environ.copy() form.addSection(label='Results per Iteration') form.addParam('iterToShow', EnumParam, label="Which iteration do you want to visualize?", default=0, choices=['last', 'all', 'selection'], display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_LIST) form.addParam('iterSelection', NumericRangeParam, default='1', label='Selected iterations', condition='iterToShow==%d' % SELECTED_ITERS, help=""" *last*: only the last iteration will be visualized. *all*: all iterations will be visualized. *selection*: you may specify a range of iterations. Examples: "1,5-8,10" -> [1,5,6,7,8,10] "2,6,9-11" -> [2,6,9,10,11] "2 5, 6-8" -> [2,5,6,7,8] """) form.addParam('showClasses', LabelParam, label='Show classification in Scipion', help='Display final unaligned class averages') form.addParam('showAllRef', LabelParam, condition='_protocolIsNotBispec', label='Show sorted and aligned class averages', help='') form.addParam('showBasis', LabelParam, label='Show MSA vectors', help='Display MSA basis vectors, which may be useful ' 'if looking for signs of specific symmetries, etc.') form.addParam('showAliRef', LabelParam, condition='_protocolIsNotBispec', label='Show alignment references', help='May be useful to look at which averages were ' 'used as 2-D alignment references') def _getVisualizeDict(self): self._load() return {'showClasses': self._showClasses, 'showAllRef': lambda paramName: self._showMisc(key='allrefs'), 'showBasis': lambda paramName: self._showMisc(key='basis'), 'showAliRef': lambda paramName: self._showMisc(key='alirefs') } def _showClasses(self, paramName=None): views = [] if (self.iterToShow == LAST_ITER and getattr(self.protocol, 'outputClasses', None) is not None): fn = self.protocol.outputClasses.getFileName() v = self.createScipionView(fn) views.append(v) else: for it in self._iterations: fn = self.protocol._getIterClasses(it) v = self.createScipionView(fn) views.append(v) return views
[docs] def createScipionView(self, filename): labels = 'enabled id _size _representative._filename ' viewParams = {showj.ORDER: labels, showj.VISIBLE: labels, showj.RENDER: '_representative._filename', showj.SORT_BY: '_size desc' } inputParticlesId = self.protocol._getInputParticles().strId() view = ClassesView(self._project, self.protocol.strId(), filename, other=inputParticlesId, env=self._env, viewParams=viewParams) return view
def _showMisc(self, key): views = [] if self.iterToShow.get() == LAST_ITER: last = self.protocol._lastIter() fn = self.protocol._getFileName(key, run=self.numRun, iter=last) v = self.createScipionView(fn) views.append(v) else: for it in self._iterations: fn = self.protocol._getFileName(key, run=self.numRun, iter=it) v = self.createScipionView(fn) views.append(v) return views def _load(self): """ Load selected iterations and classes 2D for visualization mode. """ self.protocol._createFilenameTemplates() self.numRun = self.protocol._getRun() self.protocol._createIterTemplates(self.numRun) self.firstIter = self.protocol._firstIter() self.lastIter = self.protocol._lastIter() if self.iterToShow.get() == LAST_ITER: self._iterations = [self.lastIter] elif self.iterToShow.get() == ALL_ITERS: self._iterations = range(1, self.lastIter + 1) elif self.iterToShow.get() == SELECTED_ITERS: self._iterations = self._getListFromRangeString( self.iterSelection.get()) def _protocolIsNotBispec(self): return self.protocol.getClassName() == 'EmanProtRefine2D'
[docs]class RefineEasyViewer(EmProtocolViewer): """ Visualization of e2refine_easy results. """ _targets = [EmanProtRefine] _environments = [DESKTOP_TKINTER, WEB_DJANGO] _label = 'viewer Refine Easy' def _defineParams(self, form): self._env = os.environ.copy() form.addSection(label='Results per Iteration') form.addParam('iterToShow', EnumParam, label="Which iteration do you want to visualize?", default=0, choices=['last', 'all', 'selection'], display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_LIST) form.addParam('iterSelection', NumericRangeParam, default='1', label='Selected iterations', condition='iterToShow==%d' % SELECTED_ITERS, help=""" *last*: only the last iteration will be visualized. *all*: all iterations will be visualized. *selection*: you may specify a range of iterations. Examples: "1,5-8,10" -> [1,5,6,7,8,10] "2,6,9-11" -> [2,6,9,10,11] "2 5, 6-8" -> [2,5,6,7,8] """) group = form.addGroup('Particles') group.addParam('showImagesAngularAssignment', LabelParam, label='Particles angular assignment') group.addParam('showEulerInEman', LabelParam, label='Run', help='See') group = form.addGroup('Volumes') group.addParam('showHalves', EnumParam, choices=['half even', 'half odd', 'full map', 'all maps'], default=HALF_EVEN, label='Map to visualize', help='Select which map do you want to visualize.') group.addParam('displayVol', EnumParam, choices=['slices', 'chimera'], default=VOLUME_SLICES, display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST, label='Display volume with', help='*slices*: display volumes as 2D slices along z axis.\n' '*chimera*: display volumes as surface with Chimera.') group.addParam('displayAngDist', EnumParam, choices=['2D plot', 'chimera'], default=ANGDIST_2DPLOT, display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST, label='Display angular distribution', help='*2D plot*: display angular distribution as interative 2D in' ' matplotlib.\n*chimera*: display angular distribution using' ' Chimera with red spheres.') group.addParam('spheresScale', IntParam, default=100, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Spheres size', help='') group = form.addGroup('Resolution') group.addParam('figure', EnumParam, default=0, choices=['new', 'active'], label='Figure', display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST) group.addParam('resolutionPlotsFSC', EnumParam, choices=['unmasked', 'masked', 'masked tight', 'all'], default=FSC_UNMASK, display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, label='Display resolution plots (FSC)', help='*unmasked*: display FSC of unmasked maps.\n' '*masked*: display FSC of masked maps.\n' '*masked tight*: display FSC of masked tight maps.') group.addParam('resolutionThresholdFSC', FloatParam, default=0.143, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Threshold in resolution plots', help='') form.addParam('showHtmlReport', LabelParam, label='Show HTML report', help='An HTML report file will be generated as this ' 'program runs, telling you exactly what it decided ' 'to do and why, as well as giving information about ' 'runtime, etc while the job is still running.') def _getVisualizeDict(self): self._load() return {'showImagesAngularAssignment': self._showImagesAngularAssignment, 'showEulerInEman': self._runEulerXplor, 'displayVol': self._showVolumes, 'displayAngDist': self._showAngularDistribution, 'resolutionPlotsFSC': self._showFSC, 'showHtmlReport': self._showHtmlReport } # ========================================================================= # showImagesAngularAssignment # ========================================================================= def _showImagesAngularAssignment(self, paramName=None): views = [] for it in self._iterations: fn = self.protocol._getIterData(it) v = self.createScipionPartView(fn) views.append(v) return views
[docs] def createScipionPartView(self, filename): inputParticlesId = self.protocol.inputParticles.get().strId() labels = 'enabled id _size _filename _transform._matrix' viewParams = {showj.ORDER: labels, showj.VISIBLE: labels, showj.RENDER: '_filename', 'labels': 'id', } return ObjectView(self._project, self.protocol.strId(), filename, other=inputParticlesId, env=self._env, viewParams=viewParams)
def _runEulerXplor(self, paramName=None): program = Plugin.getProgram('') hostConfig = self.protocol.getHostConfig() # Create the steps executor executor = StepExecutor(hostConfig) self.protocol.setStepsExecutor(executor) # Finally run the protocol self.protocol.runJob(program, "", cwd=self.protocol._getExtraPath(), numberOfMpi=1, numberOfThreads=1) return [] # ========================================================================= # ShowVolumes # ========================================================================= def _showVolumes(self, paramName=None): if self.displayVol == VOLUME_CHIMERA: return self._showVolumesChimera() elif self.displayVol == VOLUME_SLICES: return self._createVolumesSqlite() def _showVolumesChimera(self): """ Create a chimera script to visualize selected volumes. """ volumes = self._getVolumeNames() cmdFile = self.protocol._getExtraPath('chimera_volumes.cxc') with open(cmdFile, 'w+') as f: for vol in volumes: if os.path.exists(vol): localVol = os.path.relpath(vol, self.protocol._getExtraPath()) f.write("open %s\n" % localVol) f.write('tile\n') view = ChimeraView(cmdFile) return [view] def _createVolumesSqlite(self): """ Write an sqlite with all volumes selected for visualization. """ path = self.protocol._getExtraPath('eman2_viewer_volumes.sqlite') samplingRate = self.protocol.inputParticles.get().getSamplingRate() vols = self._getVolumeNames() files = [] for vol in vols: if os.path.exists(vol): files.append(vol) self.createVolumesSqlite(files, path, samplingRate) return [ObjectView(self._project, self.protocol.strId(), path)] # ========================================================================= # showAngularDistribution # ========================================================================= def _showAngularDistribution(self, paramName=None): views = [] if self.displayAngDist == ANGDIST_CHIMERA: for it in self._iterations: views.append(self._createAngDistChimera(it)) elif self.displayAngDist == ANGDIST_2DPLOT: for it in self._iterations: plot = self._createAngDist2D(it) if isinstance(plot, EmPlotter): views.append(plot) return views def _createAngDistChimera(self, it): radius = self.spheresScale.get() volumes = self._getVolumeNames() self.protocol._execEmanProcess(self.protocol._getRun(), it) angularDist = self.protocol._getFileName("angles", iter=it) def createSqlite(prefix): nparts = self._getNumberOfParticles(it, prefix) sqliteFn = self.protocol._getFileName('projections', iter=it, half=prefix) self.createAngDistributionSqlite(sqliteFn, nparts, itemDataIterator=self._iterAngles( it, prefix)) return sqliteFn if len(volumes) > 1: showError("Error", "Please select a single volume to show it's angular distribution", self.getTkRoot()) elif not os.path.exists(angularDist): showError("Error", "Please select a valid iteration to show the angular distribution", self.getTkRoot()) else: if self.showHalves.get() == HALF_EVEN: sqliteFn = createSqlite('even') elif self.showHalves.get() == HALF_ODD: sqliteFn = createSqlite('odd') elif self.showHalves.get() == FULL_MAP: sqliteFn = createSqlite('full') else: showError("Error", "Please select a single volume to show it's angular distribution", self.getTkRoot()) vol = self.protocol.outputVolume volOrigin = vol.getOrigin(force=True).getShifts() samplingRate = vol.getSamplingRate() return ChimeraAngDist(volumes[0], self.protocol._getTmpPath(), voxelSize=samplingRate, volOrigin=volOrigin, angularDistFile=sqliteFn, spheresDistance=radius) def _createAngDist2D(self, it): nrefs = self._getNumberOfRefs() gridsize = self._getGridSize(nrefs) self.protocol._execEmanProcess(self.protocol._getRun(), it) angularDist = self.protocol._getFileName("angles", iter=it) if os.path.exists(angularDist): xplotter = EmPlotter(x=gridsize[0], y=gridsize[1], mainTitle="Iteration %d" % it, windowTitle="Angular distribution") def plot(prefix): nparts = self._getNumberOfParticles(it, prefix) title = '%s particles' % prefix sqliteFn = self.protocol._getFileName('projections', iter=it, half=prefix) self.createAngDistributionSqlite(sqliteFn, nparts, itemDataIterator=self._iterAngles( it, prefix)) xplotter.plotAngularDistributionFromMd(sqliteFn, title) if self.showHalves.get() == HALF_EVEN: plot('even') elif self.showHalves.get() == HALF_ODD: plot('odd') elif self.showHalves.get() == FULL_MAP: plot('full') else: for prefix in ['even', 'odd', 'full']: plot(prefix) return xplotter else: return # ========================================================================= # plotFSC # ========================================================================= def _getFigure(self): return None if self.figure == 0 else 'active' def _showFSC(self, paramName=None): threshold = self.resolutionThresholdFSC.get() fscPlot = self.resolutionPlotsFSC.get() fscViewer = FscViewer(project=self.protocol.getProject(), threshold=threshold, protocol=self.protocol, figure=self._getFigure(), addButton=True) fscSet = self.protocol._createSetOfFSCs() for it in self._iterations: label = self._getLabel(fscPlot, it) if label is not None: fn = self.protocol._getFileName(label[0], run=self.protocol._getRun(), iter=it) if os.path.exists(fn): fsc = self._plotFSC(fn, label[1]) fscSet.append(fsc) else: fscUnmask = self.protocol._getFileName('fscUnmasked', run=self.protocol._getRun(), iter=it) fscMask = self.protocol._getFileName('fscMasked', run=self.protocol._getRun(), iter=it) fscMaskTight = self.protocol._getFileName('fscMaskedTight', run=self.protocol._getRun(), iter=it) if os.path.exists(fscUnmask): fscU = self._plotFSC(fscUnmask, label='unmasked it %d' % it) fscM = self._plotFSC(fscMask, label='masked it %d' % it) fscT = self._plotFSC(fscMaskTight, label='masked tight it %d' % it) fscSet.append(fscU) fscSet.append(fscM) fscSet.append(fscT) fscViewer.visualize(fscSet) return [fscViewer] def _plotFSC(self, fscFn, label): res_inv, frc = self._getFscValues(fscFn) fsc = FSC(objLabel=label) fsc.setData(res_inv, frc) return fsc def _showHtmlReport(self, paramName=None): reportPath = self.protocol._getFileName('reportHtml', run=self.protocol._getRun()) if os.path.exists(reportPath): text._open_cmd(reportPath, self.getTkRoot()) else: self.showInfo('Your html report is not ready yet. Please try again in a minute.') # ========================================================================= # Utils Functions # ========================================================================= def _load(self): """ Load selected iterations and classes 3D for visualization mode. """ self.protocol._createFilenameTemplates() self.protocol._createIterTemplates(self.protocol._getRun()) self.firstIter = self.protocol._firstIter() self.lastIter = self.protocol._lastIter() if self.iterToShow.get() == LAST_ITER: self._iterations = [self.lastIter] elif self.iterToShow.get() == ALL_ITERS: self._iterations = range(1, self.lastIter + 1) elif self.iterToShow.get() == SELECTED_ITERS: self._iterations = self._getListFromRangeString( self.iterSelection.get()) from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter self._plotFormatter = FuncFormatter(self._formatFreq) @staticmethod def _formatFreq(value, pos): """ Format function for Matplotlib formatter. """ inv = 999. if value: inv = 1 / value return "1/%0.2f" % inv def _getVolumeNames(self): vols = [] runType = self.protocol._getRun() for it in self._iterations: if self.showHalves.get() == HALF_EVEN: volFn = self.protocol._getFileName('mapEven', run=runType, iter=it) vols.append(volFn) elif self.showHalves.get() == HALF_ODD: volFn = self.protocol._getFileName('mapOdd', run=runType, iter=it) vols.append(volFn) elif self.showHalves.get() == FULL_MAP: volFn = self.protocol._getFileName('mapFull', run=runType, iter=it) vols.append(volFn) else: volFn = self.protocol._getFileName('mapEven', run=runType, iter=it) vols.append(volFn) volFn = self.protocol._getFileName('mapOdd', run=runType, iter=it) vols.append(volFn) volFn = self.protocol._getFileName('mapFull', run=runType, iter=it) vols.append(volFn) return vols def _getNumberOfRefs(self): if self.showHalves.get() == ALL_MAPS: refs = 3 else: refs = 1 return refs def _getGridSize(self, n=None): """ Figure out the layout of the plots given the number of references. """ if n == 1: gridsize = [1, 1] elif n == 2: gridsize = [2, 1] else: gridsize = [(n + 1) / 2, 2] return gridsize def _getFscValues(self, fscFn): resolution_inv, frc = [], [] with open(fscFn) as f1: for l in f1: resolution_inv.append(float(l.split()[0])) frc.append(float(l.split()[1])) return resolution_inv, frc def _getNumberOfParticles(self, it, prefix='full'): with open(self.protocol._getFileName('angles', iter=it)) as f: nLines = int(f.readlines()[-1].split()[0]) + 1 if prefix == 'full': return nLines else: return nLines // 2 def _iterAngles(self, it, half="full"): rest = 0 if half == 'even' else 1 with open(self.protocol._getFileName('angles', iter=it)) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if '#' not in line: angles = [float(x) for x in line.split()] if angles[1] != 0: # skip disabled images rot = float("{0:.2f}".format(angles[2])) tilt = float("{0:.2f}".format(angles[3])) if half == 'full' or i % 2 == rest: yield rot, tilt def _getLabel(self, label, it): if label == FSC_UNMASK: return ['fscUnmasked', 'unmasked it %d' % it] elif label == FSC_MASK: return ['fscMasked', 'masked it %d' % it] elif label == FSC_MASKTIGHT: return ['fscMaskedTight', 'masked tight it %d' % it] else: return None
[docs]class TiltValidateViewer(ProtocolViewer): """ Visualization of e2tiltvalidate results.""" _targets = [EmanProtTiltValidate] _environments = [DESKTOP_TKINTER, WEB_DJANGO] _label = 'viewer tilt validate' def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Visualization') form.addParam('radcut', FloatParam, default=45.0, label='Max radius (deg.)', help='Truncate the polar plt at this radius value. ' '-1 means no limit.') form.addParam('planethres', FloatParam, default=360.0, label='Max out of plane threshold (deg.)', help='Maximum out of plane threshold for the tilt axis. ' '0 = perfectly in plane, 360 = normal to plane.') form.addParam('displayPlot', EnumParam, choices=['scatter plot', 'contour plot'], default=TILT_SCATTER, display=EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST, label='Display tilt geometry plot', help='*scatter plot*: display polar plot of computed ' ' tilt geometry per particle pair.\n' '*contour plot*: display contour plot similar ' 'to fig.6 in Henderson paper.') form.addParam('displayEmanPlot', LabelParam, label='Display scatter plot with EMAN2 GUI') form.addParam('colozaxis', BooleanParam, default=False, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, condition='displayPlot == 0', # scatter plot label='Color Z-axis', help='Color scatter dots by Z axis') def _getVisualizeDict(self): self._load() return {'displayPlot': self._showPlot, 'displayEmanPlot': self._showEmanPlot} def _showPlot(self, paramName=None): views = [] color = self.colozaxis rmax = self.radcut.get() if self.displayPlot == TILT_SCATTER: views.append(self._createScatterPlot(rmax, colorzaxis=color)) elif self.displayPlot == TILT_CONTOUR: plotFn = self.protocol._getFileName('outputContourPlot') if os.path.exists(plotFn): views.append(DataView(plotFn)) else: showError("File not found", "Contour plot file not found: %s" % plotFn, self.getTkRoot()) return views def _createScatterPlot(self, rmax, colorzaxis=False): gridsize = self._getGridSize(1) xplotter = EmPlotter(x=gridsize[0], y=gridsize[1], windowTitle='Tilt geometry plot') plot_title = 'Tilt pair parameter plot' a = xplotter.createSubPlot(plot_title, 'Tilt axis', 'Tilt angle', projection='polar') datap, r, theta, zaxis = self._getValues() if colorzaxis: a.scatter(theta, r, c=zaxis) else: a.scatter(theta, r) a.set_rmax(rmax) return xplotter def _showEmanPlot(self, paramName=None): program = Plugin.getProgram('') args = "--path=TiltValidate_01 --radcut=%0.2f --gui --planethres=%0.2f" % ( self.radcut.get(), self.planethres.get()) if self.colozaxis: args += " --colorzaxis" hostConfig = self.protocol.getHostConfig() # Create the steps executor executor = StepExecutor(hostConfig) self.protocol.setStepsExecutor(executor) # Finally run the protocol self.protocol.runJob(program, args, cwd=self.protocol._getExtraPath(), numberOfMpi=1, numberOfThreads=1) return [] # ========================================================================= # Utils Functions # ========================================================================= def _load(self): """ Load selected iterations and classes 3D for visualization mode. """ self.protocol._createFilenameTemplates() def _getValues(self): fileName = self.protocol._getFileName('outputAngles') planethres = self.planethres.get() r = [] theta = [] datap = [] zaxis = [] if os.path.exists(fileName): jsonPosDict = loadJson(fileName) if "particletilt_list" in jsonPosDict: tiltpairs = jsonPosDict["particletilt_list"] maxcolorval = max(tiltpairs, key=lambda x: x[3])[3] for tp in tiltpairs: if tp[3] > planethres: continue datap.append(tp[0]) r.append(tp[1]) theta.append(math.radians(tp[2])) # Color the Z axis out of plane zaxis.append(self._computeRGBcolor(tp[3], 0, maxcolorval)) return datap, r, theta, zaxis def _computeRGBcolor(self, value, minval, maxval): """ From Author: John Flanagan ( Copyright (c) 2000-2011 Baylor College of Medicine Modified by Stephen Murray ( 3/28/13 Compute a RGB value to represent a data range. Basically convert Hue to GSB with I=0.33 and S=1.0 """ # Normalize from 0 to 1 normval = (value - minval) / (maxval - minval) radval = normval * 2 * math.pi if radval < 2 * math.pi / 3: B = 0.0 R = 0.33 * (1 + math.cos(radval) / math.cos(math.pi / 3 - radval)) G = 1.0 - R if 2 * math.pi / 3 < radval < 4 * math.pi / 3: hue = radval - 2 * math.pi / 3 R = 0.0 G = 0.33 * (1 + math.cos(hue) / math.cos(math.pi / 3 - hue)) B = 1.0 - G if radval > 4 * math.pi / 3: hue = radval - 4 * math.pi / 3 G = 0 B = 0.33 * (1 + math.cos(hue) / math.cos(math.pi / 3 - hue)) R = 1.0 - B return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (255 * int(R), 255 * int(G), 255 * int(B)) def _getGridSize(self, n=None): """ Figure out the layout of the plots given the number of references.""" if n is None or n == 1: gridsize = [1, 1] elif n == 2: gridsize = [2, 1] else: gridsize = [(n + 1) / 2, 2] return gridsize
[docs]class CtfViewer(ProtocolViewer): """ Visualization of e2ctf_auto results.""" _targets = [EmanProtCTFAuto] _environments = [DESKTOP_TKINTER, WEB_DJANGO] _label = 'viewer ctf' def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Visualization') form.addParam('outputType', EnumParam, default=0, choices=self._getOutputs(), label='Select output set', help='Choose output particle set to display') form.addParam('displayCtf', LabelParam, label='Display particle set with Scipion') form.addParam('displayEmanCtf', LabelParam, label='Display all results with EMAN2 GUI') def _getVisualizeDict(self): self._load() return {'displayCtf': self._showCtf, 'displayEmanCtf': self._showEmanCtf} def _showCtf(self, paramName=None): views = [] outputType = self.getEnumText('outputType') obj = getattr(self.protocol, outputType) strId = obj.strId() fn = obj.getFileName() particlesView = ObjectView(self._project, strId, fn) views.append(particlesView) return views def _showEmanCtf(self, paramName=None): program = Plugin.getProgram('') args = '--allparticles --minptcl=0 --minqual=0' args += ' --gui --constbfactor=-1.0 --sf=auto' hostConfig = self.protocol.getHostConfig() # Create the steps executor executor = StepExecutor(hostConfig) self.protocol.setStepsExecutor(executor) # Finally run the protocol self.protocol.runJob(program, args, cwd=self.protocol._getExtraPath(), numberOfMpi=1, numberOfThreads=1) # Open dialog to request confirmation to overwrite output saveChanges = askYesNo("Save output changes?", "Do you want to overwrite output particles with new CTF values?\n" "This may take a while depending on the set size.", self.getTkRoot()) if saveChanges: self.protocol.createOutputStep() showInfo("Output updated", "Output particles were updated with new CTF values.", self.getTkRoot()) def _load(self): self.protocol._createFilenameTemplates() def _getOutputs(self): outputList = [] for attrName, _ in self.protocol.iterOutputAttributes(): outputList.append(attrName) return outputList