# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Grigory Sharov (gsharov@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk)
# *
# * MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (MRC-LMB)
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
import os
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, FloatParam,
LabelParam, EnumParam, StringParam,
BooleanParam, IntParam, LEVEL_ADVANCED)
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow.constants import PROD
from pwem.protocols import ProtAnalysis3D
from .. import Plugin
from ..constants import *
from ..convert import writeSetOfParticles
[docs]class EmanProtTiltValidate(ProtAnalysis3D):
This protocol wraps the *e2tiltvalidate.py* EMAN2 program.
It performs tilt validation using
the method described in Rosenthal and Henderson, JMB (2003).
_label = 'tilt validate'
_devStatus = PROD
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
ProtAnalysis3D.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def _createFilenameTemplates(self):
""" Centralize the names of the files. """
myDict = {
'untiltPartSet': 'sets/untilted_ptcls.lst',
'tiltPartSet': 'sets/tilted_ptcls.lst',
'outputAngles': self._getExtraPath('TiltValidate_01/perparticletilts.json'),
'outputContourPlot': self._getExtraPath('TiltValidate_01/contour.hdf')
# --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ----------------------
def _defineParams(self, form):
form.addParam('inputVolume', PointerParam, pointerClass='Volume',
label="Input volume",
help='Select the input volume that will be validated.')
form.addParam('inputTiltPair', PointerParam,
label="Input tilt pair particles",
help='Select the input set of tilt pair particles.')
form.addParam('symmetry', StringParam, default='c1',
label='Symmetry group',
help='Set the symmetry; if no value is given then '
'the model is assumed to have no symmetry. \n'
'Choices are: *i, c, d, tet, icos, or oct* \n'
'See http://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Symmetry\n'
'for a detailed description of symmetry in Eman.')
form.addParam('maxtilt', FloatParam, default=180.0,
label='Max tilt angle',
help='Maximum tilt angle permitted when finding tilt '
form.addParam('quaternion', BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Use quaternions', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED,
help='Use quaternions for tilt distance computation')
form.addParam('delta', FloatParam, default=5.0,
label='Projection step (deg.)',
help='Angular step size for alignment')
form.addParam('shrink', IntParam, default=1,
label='Shrink particles',
help='Optionally shrink the input particles by an integer '
'amount prior to computing similarity scores. '
'For speed purposes.')
form.addParam('doContourPlot', BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Do contour plot?',
help='Also make a contour plot similar to fig. 6 '
'in Henderson paper')
form.addParam('tiltRange', IntParam, default=15,
label='Tilt range',
help='The angular tilt range to search')
form.addParam('verbose', IntParam, default=0,
label='Verbose level',
help='Verbose level from 0 to 9. ')
form.addSection(label='Similarity matrix')
form.addParam('paramsMsg', LabelParam, default=True,
label='These parameters are for advanced users only!\n',
help='For help please address to EMAN2 %s or run:\n'
'*e2help.py cmp -v 2* or\n'
'*e2help.py aligners -v 2*' % WIKI_URL)
line = form.addLine('simcmp: ',
help='The name of a cmp to be used in comparing '
'the aligned images (default=ccc)')
line.addParam('simcmpType', EnumParam,
choices=['ccc', 'dot', 'frc', 'lod', 'optsub',
'optvariance', 'phase', 'quadmindot',
'sqeuclidean', 'vertical', 'None'],
label='type', default=CMP_CCC,
line.addParam('simcmpParams', StringParam,
default='', label='params')
group = form.addGroup('First stage aligner')
line = group.addLine('simalign: ')
line.addParam('simalignType', EnumParam,
choices=['frm2d', 'rotate_flip',
'rotate_flip_iterative', 'rotate_precenter',
'rotate_translate', 'rotate_translate_bispec',
'rotational', 'rotational_bispec',
'rtf_slow_exhaustive', 'scale', 'symalign',
'symalignquat', 'translational', 'None'],
label='type', default=ALN_ROTATE_TRANSLATE_TREE,
line.addParam('simalignParams', StringParam,
default='', label='params')
line = group.addLine('simaligncmp: ')
line.addParam('simaligncmpType', EnumParam,
choices=['ccc', 'dot', 'frc', 'lod', 'optsub',
'optvariance', 'phase', 'quadmindot',
'sqeuclidean', 'vertical', 'None'],
label='type', default=CMP_CCC,
line.addParam('simaligncmpParams', StringParam,
default='', label='params')
group = form.addGroup('Second stage aligner')
line = group.addLine('simralign: ')
line.addParam('simralignType', EnumParam,
choices=['None', 'refine', 'refine_3d',
'refine_3d_grid', 'refinecg'],
label='type', default=RALN_NONE,
line.addParam('simralignParams', StringParam,
default='', label='params')
line = group.addLine('simraligncmp: ')
line.addParam('simraligncmpType', EnumParam,
choices=['ccc', 'dot', 'frc', 'lod', 'optsub',
'optvariance', 'phase', 'quadmindot',
'sqeuclidean', 'vertical', 'None'],
label='type', default=CMP_DOT,
line.addParam('simraligncmpParams', StringParam,
default='', label='params')
form.addParallelSection(threads=1, mpi=0)
# --------------------------- INSERT steps functions ----------------------
def _insertAllSteps(self):
args = self._prepareParams()
self._insertFunctionStep('runValidateStep', args)
# --------------------------- STEPS functions -----------------------------
[docs] def convertImagesStep(self):
part = self.inputTiltPair.get()
partUnt = part.getUntilted()
partTilt = part.getTilted()
storePath = self._getExtraPath("particles")
print("Converting input particle set..")
for partSet, suffix in zip([partUnt, partTilt],
['_untilted_ptcls', '_tilted_ptcls']):
partAlign = partSet.getAlignment()
writeSetOfParticles(partSet, storePath,
alignType=partAlign, suffix=suffix)
setName = suffix.split('_')[1]
program = Plugin.getProgram('e2buildsets.py')
args = " particles/*%s.hdf --setname=%s --minhisnr=-1" % (
suffix, setName)
self.runJob(program, args, cwd=self._getExtraPath(),
numberOfMpi=1, numberOfThreads=1)
[docs] def runValidateStep(self, args):
program = Plugin.getProgram('e2tiltvalidate.py')
self.runJob(program, args, cwd=self._getExtraPath(), numberOfThreads=1)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self):
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------
def _validate(self):
errors = []
self.inputVolume.get(), errors,
'Input tilt pair particles', 'Input volume')
return errors
def _summary(self):
summary = list()
summary.append("Max. tilt angle: *%0.2f*" % self.maxtilt.get())
summary.append("Projection step: *%d deg.*" % self.delta.get())
summary.append("Symmetry: *%s*" % self.symmetry.get())
return summary
# --------------------------- UTILS functions -----------------------------
def _prepareParams(self):
args = " --untiltdata=%(untilt)s --tiltdata=%(tilt)s --volume=%(volume)s"
args += " --maxtiltangle=%(maxtilt)f --sym=%(sym)s --delta=%(delta)f"
args += " --verbose=%(verb)d"
if self.shrink.get() != 1:
args += " --shrink=%d" % self.shrink.get()
if self.quaternion:
args += " --quaternion"
if self.doContourPlot:
args += " --docontourplot --tiltrange %d" % self.tiltRange.get()
if self.numberOfThreads.get() > 1:
args += " --parallel=thread:%d" % self.numberOfThreads.get()
params = {'untilt': self._getFileName("untiltPartSet"),
'tilt': self._getFileName("tiltPartSet"),
'volume': os.path.relpath(self.inputVolume.get().getFileName(),
self._getExtraPath()).replace(":mrc", ""),
'maxtilt': self.maxtilt.get(),
'sym': self.symmetry.get(),
'delta': self.delta.get(),
'verb': self.verbose.get()
args %= params
for param in ['simcmp', 'simalign', 'simaligncmp',
'simralign', 'simraligncmp']:
args += self._getSimmxOpts(param)
return args
def _getSimmxOpts(self, option):
optionType = self.getEnumText(option + 'Type')
optionParams = getattr(self, option + 'Params').get()
if optionType == 'None':
return ''
if optionParams != '':
argStr = ' --%s=%s:%s' % (option, optionType, optionParams)
argStr = ' --%s=%s' % (option, optionType)
return argStr