import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
[docs]def objl_read(filename):
tree = ET.parse(filename)
objl_xml = tree.getroot()
objl = []
for p in range(len(objl_xml)):
# Mandatory attributes:
lbl = int(objl_xml[p].get('class_label'))
x = float(objl_xml[p].get('x'))
y = float(objl_xml[p].get('y'))
z = float(objl_xml[p].get('z'))
# Optional attributes:
tidx = objl_xml[p].get('tomo_idx')
objid = objl_xml[p].get('obj_id')
psi = objl_xml[p].get('psi')
phi = objl_xml[p].get('phi')
the = objl_xml[p].get('the')
csize = objl_xml[p].get('cluster_size')
# if optional attributes exist, then cast to correct type:
if tidx != None:
tidx = int(tidx)
if objid != None:
objid = int(objid)
if csize != None:
csize = int(csize)
if psi != None or phi != None or the != None:
psi = float(psi)
phi = float(phi)
the = float(the)
obj = {
'tomo_idx': tidx,
'obj_id': objid,
'label': lbl,
'x': x,
'y': y,
'z': z,
'psi': phi,
'phi': psi,
'the': the,
'cluster_size': csize
return objl
[docs]def objl_write(objl, filename):
objl_xml = ET.Element('objlist')
for idx in range(len(objl)):
tidx = objl[idx]['tomo_idx']
objid = objl[idx]['obj_id']
lbl = objl[idx]['label']
x = objl[idx]['x']
y = objl[idx]['y']
z = objl[idx]['z']
psi = objl[idx]['psi']
phi = objl[idx]['phi']
the = objl[idx]['the']
csize = objl[idx]['cluster_size']
obj = ET.SubElement(objl_xml, 'object')
if tidx!=None:
obj.set('tomo_idx', str(tidx))
if objid!=None:
obj.set('obj_id', str(objid))
obj.set('class_label' , str(lbl))
obj.set('x' , '%.3f' % x)
obj.set('y' , '%.3f' % y)
obj.set('z' , '%.3f' % z)
if psi!=None:
obj.set('psi', '%.3f' % psi)
if phi!=None:
obj.set('phi', '%.3f' % phi)
if the!=None:
obj.set('the', '%.3f' % the)
if csize!=None:
obj.set('cluster_size', str(csize))
tree = ET.ElementTree(objl_xml)
[docs]def objl_add(objl, label, coord, obj_id=None, tomo_idx=None, orient=(None, None, None), cluster_size=None):
obj = {
'tomo_idx': tomo_idx,
'obj_id': obj_id,
'label': label,
'x': coord[2],
'y': coord[1],
'z': coord[0],
'psi': orient[0],
'phi': orient[1],
'the': orient[2],
'cluster_size': cluster_size
return objl
[docs]def objl_get_labels(objl):
Returns a list with different (unique) labels contained in input objl
class_list = []
for idx in range(len(objl)):
# Set only stores a value once even if it is inserted more then once:
lbl_set = set(class_list) # insert the list to the set
lbl_list = (list(lbl_set)) # convert the set to the list
return lbl_list
[docs]def objl_get_class(objl, label):
Get all objects of specified class.
objl (list of dict)
label (int)
list of dict: contains only objects from class 'label'
idx_class = []
for idx in range(len(objl)):
if str(objl[idx]['label'])==str(label):
objlOUT = []
for idx in range(len(idx_class)):
return objlOUT
[docs]def objl_get_tomo(objl, tomo_idx):
Get all objects originating from tomo 'tomo_idx'.
objl (list of dict): contains objects from various tomograms
tomo_idx (int): tomogram index
list of dict: contains objects from tomogram 'tomo_idx'
idx_tomo = []
for idx in range(len(objl)):
if objl[idx]['tomo_idx'] == tomo_idx:
objlOUT = []
for idx in range(len(idx_tomo)):
return objlOUT
[docs]def objl_disp(objlIN):
"""Prints objl in terminal"""
for p in range(len(objlIN)):
tidx = objlIN[p]['tomo_idx']
objid = objlIN[p]['obj_id']
lbl = objlIN[p]['label']
x = objlIN[p]['x']
y = objlIN[p]['y']
z = objlIN[p]['z']
psi = objlIN[p]['psi']
phi = objlIN[p]['phi']
the = objlIN[p]['the']
csize = objlIN[p]['cluster_size']
strout = 'obj ' + str(p) + ': ('
if tidx!=None:
strout = strout + 'tomo_idx:' + str(tidx) + ', '
if objid!=None:
strout = strout + 'obj_id:' + str(objid) + ', '
strout = strout + 'lbl:' + str(lbl) + ', x:' + str(x) + ', y:' + str(y) + ', z:' + str(z) + ', '
if psi!=None or phi!=None or the!=None:
strout = strout + 'psi:' + str(psi) + ', phi:' + str(phi) + ', the:' + str(the) + ', '
if csize!=None:
strout = strout + 'cluster_size:' + str(csize)
strout = strout + ')'
[docs]class ParamsGenTarget():
def __init__(self):
self.path_objl = str()
self.path_initial_vol = str()
self.tomo_size = (int(), int(), int()) # (dimZ,dimY,dimX)
self.strategy = str()
self.radius_list = [int()]
self.path_mask_list = [str()]
self.path_target = str()
[docs] def write(self, filename):
root = ET.Element('paramsGenerateTarget')
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'path_objl')
p.set('path', str(self.path_objl))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'path_initial_vol')
p.set('path', str(self.path_initial_vol))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'tomo_size')
pp = ET.SubElement(p, 'X')
pp.set('size', str(self.tomo_size[2]))
pp = ET.SubElement(p, 'Y')
pp.set('size', str(self.tomo_size[1]))
pp = ET.SubElement(p, 'Z')
pp.set('size', str(self.tomo_size[0]))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'strategy')
p.set('strategy', str(self.strategy))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'radius_list')
for idx in range(len(self.radius_list)):
pp = ET.SubElement(p, 'class' + str(idx + 1))
pp.set('radius', str(self.radius_list[idx]))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'path_mask_list')
for idx in range(len(self.path_mask_list)):
pp = ET.SubElement(p, 'class'+str(idx + 1))
pp.set('path', str(self.path_mask_list[idx]))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'path_target')
p.set('path', str(self.path_target))
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
[docs]class ParamsTrain():
def __init__(self):
self.path_out = str()
self.path_tomo = [str()]
self.path_target = [str()]
self.path_objl_train = str()
self.path_objl_valid = str()
self.Ncl = int()
self.psize = int()
self.bsize = int()
self.nepochs = int()
self.steps_per_e = int()
self.steps_per_v = int()
self.flag_direct_read = bool()
self.flag_bootstrap = bool()
self.rnd_shift = int()
[docs] def write(self, filename):
root = ET.Element('paramsTrain')
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'path_out')
p.set('path', str(self.path_out))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'path_tomo')
for idx in range(len(self.path_tomo)):
pp = ET.SubElement(p, 'tomo' + str(idx))
pp.set('path', str(self.path_tomo[idx]))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'path_target')
for idx in range(len(self.path_target)):
pp = ET.SubElement(p, 'target' + str(idx))
pp.set('path', str(self.path_target[idx]))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'path_objl_train')
p.set('path', str(self.path_objl_train))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'path_objl_valid')
p.set('path', str(self.path_objl_valid))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'number_of_classes')
p.set('n', str(self.Ncl))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'patch_size')
p.set('n', str(self.psize))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'batch_size')
p.set('n', str(self.bsize))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'number_of_epochs')
p.set('n', str(self.nepochs))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'steps_per_epoch')
p.set('n', str(self.steps_per_e))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'steps_per_validation')
p.set('n', str(self.steps_per_v))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'flag_direct_read')
p.set('flag', str(self.flag_direct_read))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'flag_bootstrap')
p.set('flag', str(self.flag_bootstrap))
p = ET.SubElement(root, 'random_shift')
p.set('shift', str(self.rnd_shift))
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)