# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Yunior C. Fonseca Reyna (cfonseca@cnb.csic.es)
# *
# *
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
import getpass
import os
import shutil
import time
from pkg_resources import parse_version
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pwem.constants import SCIPION_SYM_NAME
from pwem.constants import (SYM_CYCLIC, SYM_TETRAHEDRAL,
from pwem.convert import Ccp4Header
from . import Plugin
from .constants import (CS_SYM_NAME, SYM_DIHEDRAL_Y, CRYOSPARC_USER,
VERSION = 'version'
STATUS_FAILED = "failed"
STATUS_ABORTED = "aborted"
STATUS_COMPLETED = "completed"
STATUS_KILLED = "killed"
STATUS_RUNNING = "running"
STATUS_QUEUED = "queued"
STATUS_LAUNCHED = "launched"
STATUS_STARTED = "started"
STATUS_BUILDING = "building"
# Module variables
_csVersion = None # Lazy variable: never use it directly. Use getCryosparcVersion instead
[docs]def getCryosparcDir(*paths):
Get the root directory where cryoSPARC code and dependencies are installed.
return Plugin.getHome(*paths)
[docs]def getCryosparcProgram(mode="cli"):
Get the cryosparc program to launch any command
csDir = getCryosparcDir()
# TODO Find a better way to do that
if csDir is not None:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(csDir, CRYOSPARC_MASTER, "bin")):
# Case of CS v3.X.X is instaled
return os.path.join(csDir, CRYOSPARC_MASTER, "bin",
'cryosparcm %s' % mode)
# Case of CS v2.X.X is instaled
return os.path.join(csDir, 'cryosparc2_master', "bin",
'cryosparcm %s' % mode)
return None
[docs]def cryosparcExists():
Determine if scipion can find cryosparc
:returns True if found, False otherwise
csDir = getCryosparcDir()
return csDir is not None and os.path.exists(csDir)
[docs]def isCryosparcRunning():
Determine if cryosparc services are running
:returns True if running, false otherwise
import subprocess
status = -1
if getCryosparcProgram() is not None:
test_conection_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %stest_connection()%s ' % ("'", "'"))
test_conection = subprocess.getstatusoutput(test_conection_cmd)
status = test_conection[0]
return status == 0
[docs]def cryosparcValidate():
Validates some cryo properties that must be satisfy
if not cryosparcExists():
return ["cryoSPARC software not found at %s. Please, fill %s variable "
"in scipion's config file." % (getCryosparcDir(),
if not isCryosparcRunning():
return ['Failed to connect to cryoSPARC. Please, make sure cryoSPARC '
'is running.\nRunning: *%s* might fix this.'
% getCryosparcProgram("start")]
cryosparcVersion = parse_version(getCryosparcVersion())
supportedVersions = Plugin.getSupportedVersions()
minSupportedVersion = parse_version(supportedVersions[0])
maxSupportedVersion = parse_version(supportedVersions[-1])
# If version lower than first one
if minSupportedVersion > cryosparcVersion:
return ['The installed Cryosparc version is not '
'compatible with the plugin. This can cause a '
'malfunction of the protocol. Please install one of '
'these versions: ' + str(supportedVersions).replace('\'', '')]
elif maxSupportedVersion < cryosparcVersion:
print(pwutils.yellowStr("cryoSPARC %s is newer than those we've tested %s. Instead of blocking the "
"execution, we are allowing this to run assuming compatibility is not broken."
"If it fails, please consider:\n A - upgrade the plugin, there might be an update.\n "
"B - downgrade cryosparc version.\n C - Contact plugin maintainers"
" at https://github.com/scipion-em/scipion-em-cryosparc2"
% (cryosparcVersion, str(supportedVersions).replace('\'', ''))))
return []
[docs]def gpusValidate(gpuList, checkSingleGPU=False):
Validate a gpu list
# Case in which the protocol allow a single GPU
if checkSingleGPU and len(gpuList) > 1:
return ['This protocol can only be run on a single GPU.']
return []
[docs]def getCryosparcVersion():
""" Gets cryosparc version 1st, from a variable if populated,
2nd from the version txt file, if fails, asks CS using getCryosparcEnvInformation"""
global _csVersion
if _csVersion is None:
_csVersion = _getCryosparcVersionFromFile().split('+')[0]
except Exception:
_csVersion = getCryosparcEnvInformation(VERSION).split('+')[0]
except Exception:
print("Couldn't get Cryosparc's version. Please review your config (%s)" % Plugin.getUrl())
_csVersion = V_UNKNOWN
return _csVersion.rstrip('\n')
def _getCryosparcVersionFromFile():
versionFile = getCryosparcDir(CRYOSPARC_MASTER, "version")
# read the version file
with open(versionFile, "r") as fh:
return fh.readline()
[docs]def getCryosparcUser():
Get the full name of the initial admin account
return os.path.basename(os.environ.get(CRYOSPARC_USER, ""))
[docs]def getCryosparcProjectsDir():
Get the path on the worker node to a writable directory
# Make a join in case is relative it will prepend getHome.
cryoProject_Dir = os.path.join(Plugin.getHome(),
if not os.path.exists(cryoProject_Dir):
return cryoProject_Dir
[docs]def getProjectName(scipionProjectName):
""" returns the name of the cryosparc project based on
scipion project name and a hash based on the user name"""
username = getpass.getuser()
return "%s-%s" % (scipionProjectName, username)
[docs]def getProjectPath(projectDir):
Gets all projects of given path .
projectDir: Folder path to get sub folders.
returns: Set with all sub folders.
folderPaths = os.listdir(projectDir)
return folderPaths
[docs]def getJobLog(projectDirName, projectName, job):
Return the job log
return os.path.join(getCryosparcProjectsDir(), projectDirName, projectName,
job, 'job.log')
[docs]def createEmptyProject(projectDir, projectTitle):
create_empty_project(owner_user_id, project_container_dir, title=None,
create_empty_project_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %screate_empty_project("%s", "%s", "%s")%s '
% ("'", str(getCryosparcUser()),
str(projectDir), str(projectTitle), "'"))
return runCmd(create_empty_project_cmd, printCmd=False)
[docs]def createProjectDir(project_container_dir):
Given a "root" directory, create a project (PXXX) dir if it doesn't already
:param project_container_dir: the "root" directory in which to create the
project (PXXX) directory
:returns: str - the final path of the new project dir with shell variables
still in the returned path (the path should be expanded every
time it is used)
create_project_dir_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %scheck_or_create_project_container_dir("%s")%s '
% ("'", project_container_dir, "'"))
return runCmd(create_project_dir_cmd, printCmd=False)
[docs]def createEmptyWorkSpace(projectName, workspaceTitle, workspaceComment):
create_empty_workspace(project_uid, created_by_user_id,
title=None, desc=None)
returns the new uid of the workspace that was created
create_work_space_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %screate_empty_workspace("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")%s '
% ("'", projectName, str(getCryosparcUser()),
"None", str(workspaceTitle),
str(workspaceComment), "'"))
return runCmd(create_work_space_cmd, printCmd=False)
[docs]def doImportParticlesStar(protocol):
do_import_particles_star(puid, wuid, uuid, abs_star_path,
abs_blob_path=None, psize_A=None)
returns the new uid of the job that was created
print(pwutils.yellowStr("Importing particles..."), flush=True)
className = "import_particles"
params = {"particle_meta_path": str(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
"particle_blob_path": str(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
"psize_A": str(protocol._getInputParticles().getSamplingRate())
import_particles = enqueueJob(className, protocol.projectName, protocol.workSpaceName,
str(params).replace('\'', '"'), '{}', protocol.lane)
waitForCryosparc(protocol.projectName.get(), import_particles.get(),
"An error occurred importing particles. "
"Please, go to cryoSPARC software for more "
return import_particles
[docs]def doImportVolumes(protocol, refVolumePath, refVolume, volType, msg):
print(pwutils.yellowStr(msg), flush=True)
className = "import_volumes"
params = {"volume_blob_path": str(refVolumePath),
"volume_out_name": str(volType),
"volume_psize": str(refVolume.getSamplingRate())}
importedVolume = enqueueJob(className, protocol.projectName,
str(params).replace('\'', '"'), '{}',
waitForCryosparc(protocol.projectName.get(), importedVolume.get(),
"An error occurred importing the volume. "
"Please, go to cryoSPARC software for more "
return importedVolume
[docs]def doJob(jobType, projectName, workSpaceName, params, input_group_connect):
do_job(job_type, puid='P1', wuid='W1', uuid='devuser', params={},
do_job_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %sdo_job("%s","%s","%s", "%s", %s, %s)%s' %
("'", jobType, projectName, workSpaceName, getCryosparcUser(),
params, input_group_connect, "'"))
return runCmd(do_job_cmd)
[docs]def enqueueJob(jobType, projectName, workSpaceName, params, input_group_connect,
lane, gpusToUse=False, group_connect=None, result_connect=None):
make_job(job_type, project_uid, workspace_uid, user_id,
created_by_job_uid=None, params={}, input_group_connects={})
from pyworkflow.object import String
cryosparcVersion = getCryosparcVersion()
# Create a compatible job to versions < v2.14.X
make_job_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %smake_job("%s","%s","%s", "%s", "None", %s, %s)%s' %
("'", jobType, projectName, workSpaceName, getCryosparcUser(),
params, input_group_connect, "'"))
# Create a compatible job to versions >= v2.14.X
if parse_version(cryosparcVersion) >= parse_version(V2_14_0):
make_job_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %smake_job("%s","%s","%s", "%s", "None", "None", %s, %s)%s' %
("'", jobType, projectName, workSpaceName,
params, input_group_connect, "'"))
# Create a compatible job to versions >= v3.0.X
if parse_version(cryosparcVersion) >= parse_version(V3_0_0):
make_job_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %smake_job("%s","%s","%s", "%s", "None", "None", %s, %s, "False", 0)%s' %
("'", jobType, projectName, workSpaceName,
params, input_group_connect, "'"))
exitCode, cmdOutput = runCmd(make_job_cmd)
# Extract the jobId
jobId = String(cmdOutput.split()[-1])
if group_connect is not None:
for key, valuesList in group_connect.items():
for value in valuesList:
job_connect_group = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %sjob_connect_group("%s", "%s", "%s")%s' %
("'", projectName, value, (str(jobId) + "." + key), "'"))
runCmd(job_connect_group, printCmd=False)
if result_connect is not None:
for key, value in result_connect.items():
job_connect_group = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %sjob_connect_result("%s", "%s", "%s")%s' %
("'", projectName, value, (str(jobId) + "." + key), "'"))
runCmd(job_connect_group, printCmd=True)
print(pwutils.greenStr("Got %s for JobId" % jobId), flush=True)
# Queue the job
if parse_version(cryosparcVersion) < parse_version(V2_13_0):
enqueue_job_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %senqueue_job("%s","%s","%s")%s' %
("'", projectName, jobId,
lane, "'"))
elif parse_version(cryosparcVersion) <= parse_version(V2_15_0):
hostname = getCryosparcEnvInformation('master_hostname')
if gpusToUse:
gpusToUse = str(gpusToUse)
enqueue_job_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %senqueue_job("%s","%s","%s", "%s", %s)%s' %
("'", projectName, jobId,
lane, hostname, gpusToUse, "'"))
elif parse_version(cryosparcVersion) >= parse_version(V3_0_0):
hostname = getCryosparcEnvInformation('master_hostname')
if gpusToUse:
gpusToUse = str(gpusToUse)
no_check_inputs_ready = False
enqueue_job_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %senqueue_job("%s","%s","%s", "%s", %s, "%s")%s' %
("'", projectName, jobId,
lane, hostname, gpusToUse,
no_check_inputs_ready, "'"))
return jobId
[docs]def runCmd(cmd, printCmd=True):
""" Runs a command and check its exit code. If different than 0 it raises an exception
:parameter cmd command to run
:parameter printCmd (default True) prints the command"""
import subprocess
if printCmd:
print(pwutils.greenStr("Running: %s" % cmd), flush=True)
exitCode, cmdOutput = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if exitCode != 0:
raise Exception("%s failed --> Exit code %s, message %s" % (cmd, exitCode, cmdOutput))
return exitCode, cmdOutput
[docs]def waitForCryosparc(projectName, jobId, failureMessage):
""" Waits for cryosparc to finish or fail a job
:parameter projectName: Cryosparc project name
:parameter jobId: cryosparc job id
:parameter failureMessage: Message for the exception thrown in case job fails
:returns job Status
:raises Exception when parsing cryosparc's output looks wrong"""
# While is needed here, cause waitJob has a timeout of 5 secs.
while True:
status = getJobStatus(projectName, jobId)
if status not in STOP_STATUSES:
waitJob(projectName, jobId)
if status != STATUS_COMPLETED:
raise Exception(failureMessage)
return status
[docs]def getJobStatus(projectName, job):
Return the job status
get_job_status_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %sget_job_status("%s", "%s")%s'
% ("'", projectName, job, "'"))
status = runCmd(get_job_status_cmd, printCmd=False)
return status[-1]
[docs]def waitJob(projectName, job):
Wait while the job not finished
wait_job_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %swait_job_complete("%s", "%s")%s'
% ("'", projectName, job, "'"))
runCmd(wait_job_cmd, printCmd=False)
[docs]def get_job_streamlog(projectName, job, fileName):
get_job_streamlog_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %sget_job_streamlog("%s", "%s")%s%s'
% ("'", projectName, job, "'", ">" + fileName))
runCmd(get_job_streamlog_cmd, printCmd=False)
[docs]def killJob(projectName, job):
Kill a Job (if running)
:param projectName: the uid of the project that contains the job to kill
:param job: the uid of the job to kill
kill_job_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %skill_job("%s", "%s")%s'
% ("'", projectName, job, "'"))
runCmd(kill_job_cmd, printCmd=True)
[docs]def clearJob(projectName, job):
Clear a Job (if queued) to get it back to building state (do not clear
params or inputs)
:param projectName: the uid of the project that contains the job to clear
:param job: the uid of the job to clear
** IMPORTANT: This method can be launch only if the job is queued
clear_job_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() +
' %sclear_job("%s", "%s")%s'
% ("'", projectName, job, "'"))
runCmd(clear_job_cmd, printCmd=False)
[docs]def getSystemInfo():
Returns system-related information related to the cryosparc app
:returns: dict -- dictionary listing information about cryosparc environment
'master_hostname' : master_hostname,
'port_webapp' : os.environ['CRYOSPARC_HTTP_PORT'],
'port_mongo' : os.environ['CRYOSPARC_MONGO_PORT'],
'port_command_core' : os.environ['CRYOSPARC_COMMAND_CORE_PORT'],
'port_command_vis' : os.environ['CRYOSPARC_COMMAND_VIS_PORT'],
'port_command_proxy' : os.environ['CRYOSPARC_COMMAND_PROXY_PORT'],
'port_command_rtp' : os.environ['CRYOSPARC_COMMAND_RTP_PORT'],
'port_rtp_webapp' : os.environ['CRYOSPARC_HTTP_RTP_PORT'],
'version' : get_running_version(),
system_info_cmd = (getCryosparcProgram() + " 'get_system_info()'")
return runCmd(system_info_cmd, printCmd=False)
[docs]def addComputeSectionParams(form, allowMultipleGPUs=True):
Add the compute settings section
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (BooleanParam, StringParam, NonEmpty,
computeSSD = os.getenv(CRYOSPARC_USE_SSD)
if computeSSD is None:
computeSSD = False
form.addParam('compute_use_ssd', BooleanParam, default=computeSSD,
label='Cache particle images on SSD',
help='Whether or not to copy particle images to the local '
'SSD before running. The cache is persistent, so after '
'caching once, particles should be available for '
'subsequent jobs that require the same data. Not '
'using an SSD can dramatically slow down processing.')
# This is here because getCryosparcEnvInformation is failing in some machines
versionAllowGPUs = parse_version(getCryosparcVersion()) >= parse_version(V2_13_0)
# Code is failing to get CS info, either stop or some error
except Exception:
# ... we assume is a modern version
versionAllowGPUs = True
if versionAllowGPUs:
if allowMultipleGPUs:
form.addHidden(GPU_LIST, StringParam, default='0',
label='Choose GPU IDs:', validators=[NonEmpty],
help='This argument is necessary. By default, the '
'protocol will attempt to launch on GPU 0. You can '
'override the default allocation by providing a '
'list of which GPUs (0,1,2,3, etc) to use. '
'GPU are separated by ",". For example: "0,1,5"')
form.addHidden(GPU_LIST, StringParam, default='0',
label='Choose GPU ID:', validators=[NonEmpty],
help='This argument is necessary. By default, the '
'protocol will attempt to launch on GPU 0. You can '
'override the default allocation by providing a '
'single GPU (0, 1, 2 or 3, etc) to use.')
form.addParam('compute_lane', StringParam, default='default',
label='Lane name:',
help='The scheduler lane name to add the protocol execution')
[docs]def addSymmetryParam(form, help=""):
Add the symmetry param with the conventions
:param form:
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (EnumParam, IntParam, Positive)
form.addParam('symmetryGroup', EnumParam,
" (" + SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_I222] + ")",
" (" + SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_I222r] + ")"],
help="Symmetry as defined by cryosparc. Please note that "
"Dihedral symmetry in cryosparc is defined with respect"
"to y axis (Dyn).\n"
"If no symmetry is present, use C1.\n" +
form.addParam('symmetryOrder', IntParam, default=1,
condition='symmetryGroup==%d or symmetryGroup==%d' %
label='Symmetry Order',
help='Order of symmetry.')
[docs]def getSymmetry(symmetryGroup, symmetryOrder):
Get the symmetry(string) taking into account the symmetry convention
symmetry = {
0: CS_SYM_NAME[SYM_CYCLIC][0] + str(symmetryOrder), # Cn
1: CS_SYM_NAME[SYM_DIHEDRAL_Y][0] + str(symmetryOrder), # Dn
4: CS_SYM_NAME[SYM_I222], # I1
5: CS_SYM_NAME[SYM_I222r] # I2
return symmetry.get(symmetryGroup, "C1")
[docs]def calculateNewSamplingRate(newDims, previousSR, previousDims):
:param newDims:
:param previousSR:
:param previousDims:
pX = previousDims[0]
nX = newDims[0]
return previousSR * pX / nX
[docs]def fixVolume(paths):
:param paths: accept a string or a list of strings
if isinstance(paths, str):
paths = [paths]
for path in paths:
ccp4header = Ccp4Header(path, readHeader=True)
[docs]def copyFiles(src, dst, files=None):
Copy a list of files from src to dst. If files is None, all files of src are
copied to dst
:param src: source folder path
:param dst: destiny folder path
:param files: a list of files to be copied
if files is None:
shutil.copytree(src, dst)
if isinstance(files, str):
files = [files]
for file in files:
shutil.copy(os.path.join(src, file),
os.path.join(dst, file))
except Exception as ex:
print("Unable to execute the copy: Files or directory does not exist: ",