Source code for cryosparc2.protocols.protocol_cryosparc_part_subtract

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Yunior C. Fonseca Reyna    (
# *
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************
import os

from pwem import ALIGN_PROJ
from pwem.protocols import ProtOperateParticles

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow.object import String
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, FloatParam,
                                        LEVEL_ADVANCED, Positive, BooleanParam)

from .protocol_base import ProtCryosparcBase
from ..convert import (defineArgs, convertCs2Star, readSetOfParticles,
from ..utils import (addComputeSectionParams, calculateNewSamplingRate,
                     cryosparcValidate, gpusValidate, enqueueJob,
                     waitForCryosparc, clearIntermediateResults, copyFiles)
from ..constants import *

[docs]class ProtCryoSparcSubtract(ProtCryosparcBase, ProtOperateParticles): """ Signal subtraction protocol of cryoSPARC. Subtract projections of a masked volume from particles. """ _label = 'subtract projection' _className = "particle_subtract" def _initialize(self): self._createFilenameTemplates() def _createFilenameTemplates(self): """ Centralize how files are called. """ myDict = { 'input_particles': self._getTmpPath(''), 'out_particles': self._getExtraPath('') } self._updateFilenamesDict(myDict) def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputParticles', PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfParticles', pointerCondition='hasAlignmentProj', label="Input particles", important=True, help='Select the experimental particles.') form.addParam('refVolume', PointerParam, pointerClass='Volume', label="Input map to be projected", important=True, help='Provide the input volume that will be used to ' 'calculate projections, which will be subtracted ' 'from the experimental particles. Make sure this ' 'map was calculated by RELION from the same ' 'particles as above, and preferably with those ' 'orientations, as it is crucial that the absolute ' 'greyscale is the same as in the experimental ' 'particles.') form.addParam('refMask', PointerParam, pointerClass='VolumeMask', label='Mask to be applied to this map', important=True, allowsNull=False, help="Provide a soft mask where the protein density " "you wish to subtract from the experimental " "particles is white (1) and the rest of the " "protein and the solvent is black (0). " "That is: *the mask should INCLUDE the part of the " "volume that you wish to SUBTRACT.*") # -----------[Particles Subtraction]------------------------ form.addSection(label="Particle Subtraction") form.addParam('inner_radius', FloatParam, default=0.85, validators=[Positive], label='Inner radius of reference window', help='Inner radius of the windowing applied to the ' 'particles used to generate the input structure.') form.addParam('outer_radius', FloatParam, default=0.99, validators=[Positive], label='Outer radius of reference window', help='Outer radius of the windowing applied to the ' 'particles used to generate the input structure') form.addParam('use_premult', BooleanParam, default=True, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Use premultiplier for scaling", help="Premultiplier to scale initial real space mode") form.addParam('use_halfmaps', BooleanParam, default=True, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Use halfmaps for Gold-Standard Subtraction", help="Subtract each halfmap from particles used to " "generate it. Disabling this parameter breaks the " "assumptions of gold-standard FSC calculation.") form.addParam('lpf_volume', FloatParam, default=None, allowsNull=True, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Low-pass Filter Input Structure (A)', help='Apply a lowpass filter to the specified reoslution ' 'in Angstroms to the input volume before subtraction.' 'Leave None to ignore a lowpass filter') form.addParam('mask_threshold', FloatParam, default=None, allowsNull=True, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Mask threshold', help='The threshold of binarization of the mask. Must be ' 'set to dilate or pad. Leave None to skip mask processing.') form.addParam('mask_fill_holes', BooleanParam, default=False, label="Fill holes", help="Fill the holes in the binarized mask") # --------------[Compute settings]--------------------------- form.addSection(label="Compute settings") addComputeSectionParams(form, allowMultipleGPUs=False) # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions ----------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._createFilenameTemplates() self._defineParamsName() self._initializeCryosparcProject() self._insertFunctionStep(self.convertInputStep) self._insertFunctionStep(self.processStep) self._insertFunctionStep(self.createOutputStep) # --------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------
[docs] def processStep(self): print(pwutils.yellowStr("Particles Subtraction started..."), flush=True) self.doPartStract()
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): """ Create the protocol output. Convert cryosparc file to Relion file """ self._initializeUtilsVariables() outputStarFn = self._getFileName('out_particles') csOutputFolder = os.path.join(self.projectPath, self.projectName.get(), self.runPartStract.get()) csFileName = "subtracted_particles.cs" # Create the output folder copyFiles(csOutputFolder, os.path.join(self._getExtraPath(), self.runPartStract.get())) csFile = os.path.join(self._getExtraPath(), self.runPartStract.get(), csFileName) argsList = [csFile, outputStarFn] parser = defineArgs() args = parser.parse_args(argsList) convertCs2Star(args) imgSet = self._getInputParticles() outImgSet = self._createSetOfParticles() outImgSet.copyInfo(imgSet) self._fillDataFromIter(outImgSet) self._defineOutputs(outputParticles=outImgSet) self._defineTransformRelation(imgSet, outImgSet)
def _fillDataFromIter(self, imgSet): outImgsFn = 'particles@' + self._getFileName('out_particles') readSetOfParticles(outImgsFn, imgSet, postprocessImageRow=self._updateItem, alignType=ALIGN_PROJ) def _updateItem(self, item, row): newFn = row.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnImageName.value) index, file = cryosparcToLocation(newFn) item.setLocation((index, self._getExtraPath(file))) item.setSamplingRate(calculateNewSamplingRate(item.getDim(), self._getInputParticles().getSamplingRate(), self._getInputParticles().getDim())) # --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------- def _validate(self): """ Should be overwritten in subclasses to return summary message for NORMAL EXECUTION. """ validateMsgs = cryosparcValidate() if not validateMsgs: validateMsgs = gpusValidate(self.getGpuList(), checkSingleGPU=True) if not validateMsgs: self._validateDim(self._getInputParticles(), self.refVolume.get(), validateMsgs, 'Input particles', 'Input volume') return validateMsgs def _summary(self): summary = [] if not hasattr(self, 'outputParticles'): summary.append("Output Particles not ready yet.") else: summary.append("Input Particles: %s" % self.getObjectTag('inputParticles')) summary.append("Reference Volume: %s" % self.getObjectTag('refVolume')) summary.append("Reference Mask: %s" % self.getObjectTag('refMask')) summary.append("Inner radius of the window: %s" % str(self.inner_radius.get())) summary.append("Outer radius of the window: %s" % str(self.outer_radius.get())) summary.append("--------------------------------------------------") summary.append("Output particles %s" % self.getObjectTag('outputParticles')) return summary # ---------------Utils Functions------------------------------------------- def _defineParamsName(self): """ Define a list with all protocol parameters names""" self._paramsName = ['inner_radius', 'outer_radius', 'use_premult', 'use_halfmaps', 'lpf_volume', 'mask_threshold', 'mask_fill_holes', 'compute_use_ssd'] self.lane = str(self.getAttributeValue('compute_lane'))
[docs] def doPartStract(self): """ :return: """ input_group_connect = {"particles": self.particles.get(), "volume": self.volume.get(), "mask": self.mask.get()} input_result_connect = None if self._getInputVolume().hasHalfMaps(): input_result_connect = {"volume.0.map_half_A": self.importVolumeHalfA.get(), "volume.0.map_half_B": self.importVolumeHalfB.get()} params = {} for paramName in self._paramsName: if paramName != 'lpf_volume' and paramName != 'mask_threshold': params[str(paramName)] = str(self.getAttributeValue(paramName)) elif paramName == 'lpf_volume' and self.getAttributeValue(paramName) is not None: if float(self.getAttributeValue(paramName)) > 0: params[str(paramName)] = str(self.getAttributeValue(paramName)) elif paramName == 'mask_threshold' and self.getAttributeValue(paramName) is not None: if float(self.getAttributeValue(paramName)) > 0: params[str(paramName)] = str(self.getAttributeValue(paramName)) # Determinate the GPUs to use (in dependence of # the cryosparc version) try: gpusToUse = self.getGpuList() except Exception: gpusToUse = False runPartStractJob = enqueueJob(self._className, self.projectName.get(), self.workSpaceName.get(), str(params).replace('\'', '"'), str(input_group_connect).replace('\'', '"'), self.lane, gpusToUse, result_connect=input_result_connect) self.runPartStract = String(runPartStractJob.get()) self.currenJob.set(self.runPartStract.get()) self._store(self) waitForCryosparc(self.projectName.get(), self.runPartStract.get(), "An error occurred in the particles subtraction process. " "Please, go to cryoSPARC software for more " "details.") clearIntermediateResults(self.projectName.get(), self.runPartStract.get())