# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Szu-Chi Chung (phonchi@stat.sinica.edu.tw)
# * Yunior C. Fonseca Reyna (cfonseca@cnb.csic.es)
# *
# * SABID Laboratory, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
import os
import emtable
import pwem.protocols as pwprot
from pwem import ALIGN_2D
from pyworkflow.object import String
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, FloatParam, IntParam,
BooleanParam, Positive)
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from .protocol_base import ProtCryosparcBase
from ..convert import (rowToAlignment, defineArgs, convertCs2Star,
from ..utils import (addComputeSectionParams, cryosparcValidate, gpusValidate,
enqueueJob, waitForCryosparc, clearIntermediateResults,
from ..constants import *
[docs]class ProtCryo2D(ProtCryosparcBase, pwprot.ProtClassify2D):
""" Wrapper to CryoSparc 2D clustering program.
Classify particles into multiple 2D classes to facilitate stack cleaning
and removal of junk particles. Also useful as a sanity check to
investigate particle quality.
_label = '2D classification'
IS_2D = True
_className = "class_2D"
def __init__(self, **args):
pwprot.ProtClassify2D.__init__(self, **args)
if self.numberOfMpi.get() < 2:
def _defineFileNames(self):
""" Centralize how files are called within the protocol. """
myDict = {
'input_particles': self._getTmpPath('input_particles.star'),
'out_particles': self._getExtraPath() + '/output_particle.star',
'out_class': self._getExtraPath() + '/output_class.star',
'out_class_m2': self._getExtraPath() + '/output_class_m2.star'
# --------------------------- DEFINE param functions -----------------------
def _defineParams(self, form):
form.addParam('inputParticles', PointerParam,
label="Input particles", important=True,
help='Select the input images from the project.')
# ----------- [2D Classification] --------------------------------
form.addSection(label="2D Classification")
form.addParam('numberOfClasses', IntParam, default=50,
label='Number of classes:',
help='The number of 2D classes into which to sort the '
'dataset. Runtime is approximately linear in the '
'number of classes. Often, sorting the same dataset '
'into different numbers of classes can be helpful in '
'finding junk particles or rare views.')
form.addParam('maximunResolution', IntParam, default=6,
label='Maximum resolution (A)',
help='The maximum resolution in Angstroms to consider when '
'aligning and reconstructing 2D classes. This setting '
'controls the box size that is used internally, and '
'higher resolutions can slow down processing.')
form.addParam('initialClassification', FloatParam, default=2.0,
label='Initial classification uncertainty factor',
help='This factor (a number greater than 1) controls the '
'initial search for 2D references. A value of 1.0 '
'indicates that the search should quickly become '
'certain about classes and assignments, leading to '
'the algorithm finding more "junk" classes. A value '
'larger than 1.0 (usually between 2 and 10) causes '
'the algorithm to remain uncertain about classes and '
'assignments for more iterations, resulting in more '
'diversity of "good" classes.')
form.addParam('useCircular2D', BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Use circular mask on 2D classes?',
help='Whether or not to apply a circular window to the 2D '
'classes during classification. This ensures that '
'each 2D class has no density outside the circular '
'window. By default, the window is a circle that only '
'masks out the corners of the 2D classes.')
form.addParam('class2D_window_inner_A', FloatParam, default=None,
label='Circular mask diameter (A)',
help='The inner diameter (in Angstroms) of the window '
'that is applied to 2D classes during '
'classification. If None, the window only masks out '
'the corners of each 2D class.',
form.addParam('class2D_window_outer_A', FloatParam, default=None,
label='Circular mask diameter outer (A)',
help='The outer diameter (in Angstroms) of the window. '
'If None, outer diameter is 20 percent larger than '
'inner diameter. The window mask transitions '
'smoothly between inner and outer diameters.',
form.addParam('reCenter2D', BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Re-center 2D classes',
help='Whether or not to re-center 2D class references at '
'every iteration to avoid drift of density away from '
'the center of the box. This option is often '
'important to keep classes centered and avoid '
'artefacts near the edges of the box.')
form.addParam('reCenterMask', FloatParam, default=0.2,
label='Re-center mask threshold',
help='2D classes are recentered by computing the '
'center-of-mass (COM) of pixels that are above this '
'threshold value. The threshold is relative to the '
'maximum density value in the reference, so 0.2 means '
'pixels with greater than 20%% of the maximum density.')
form.addParam('reCenterMaskBinary', BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Re-center mask binary',
help='If True, compute the COM for re-centering by equally '
'weighting every pixel that was above the threshold. '
'If False, weight every pixel by its greyscale '
'density value.')
form.addParam('forceMaxover', BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Force Max over poses/shifts',
help='If True, maximize over poses and shifts when '
'aligning particles to references. If False, '
'marginalize over poses and shifts to account for '
'alignment uncertainty. This is generally not '
'necessary, but can provide better results with very '
'small or low SNR particles.')
form.addParam('ctfFlipPhases', BooleanParam, default=False,
label='CTF flip phases only',
help='Treat the CTF by flipping phases only, rather that '
'correctly accounting for amplitude and phase. Not '
form.addParam('numberFinalIterator', IntParam, default=1,
label='Number of final full iterations',
help='The number of final full passes through the dataset '
'at the end of classification. Usually only one full '
'pass is needed.')
form.addParam('numberOnlineEMIterator', IntParam, default=20,
label='Number of online-EM iterations',
help='The total number of iterations of online-EM to '
'perform. Typically 20 is enough, but for small or '
'low SNR particles, or when classifying subsets that '
'have few distinct views, a larger number like 40 '
'can help.')
form.addParam('batchSizeClass', IntParam, default=100,
label='Batchsize per class',
help='The number of particles per class to use during each '
'iteration of online-EM. For small or low SNR '
'particles, this can be increased to 200.')
form.addParam('initialScale2D', IntParam, default=1,
label='2D initial scale',
help='Initial scale of random starting references. Not '
'recommended to change.')
form.addParam('zeropadFactor', IntParam, default=2,
label='2D zeropad factor',
help='Zeropadding factor. For very large box particles, '
'this can be reduced to speed up computation and '
'reduce memory requirements.')
form.addParam('useFRCRegularized', BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Use FRC based regularizer',
help='Use an FRC based regularizer to avoid overfitting '
'during classification.')
form.addParam('useFullFRC', BooleanParam, default=True,
label='Use full FRC')
form.addParam('iterationToStartAnneling', IntParam, default=2,
label='Iteration to start annealing sigma',
help='Iteration at which noise model should be annealed. '
'Not recommended to change.')
form.addParam('iterationToStartAnneal', IntParam, default=15,
label='Number of iteration to anneal sigma',
help='Number of iterations over which to anneal noise '
'model. Not recommended to change.')
form.addParam('useWhiteNoiseModel', BooleanParam, default=False,
label='Use white noise model',
help='Force the use of a white noise model.')
# ----------- [Compute settings] --------------------------------
form.addSection(label="Compute settings")
# --------------------------- INSERT steps functions -----------------------
def _insertAllSteps(self):
# --------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------
[docs] def processStep(self):
Classify particles into multiples 2D classes
print(pwutils.yellowStr("2D Classifications Started..."), flush=True)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self):
Create the protocol output. Convert cryosparc file to Relion file
print(pwutils.yellowStr("Creating the output..."), flush=True)
csOutputFolder = os.path.join(self.projectPath, self.projectName.get(),
_numberOfIterSuffix = self._getNumberOfIterSuffix()
csOutputPattern = "cryosparc_%s_%s%s" % (self.projectName.get(),
csParticlesName = csOutputPattern + "_particles.cs"
csClassAveragesName = csOutputPattern + "_class_averages.cs"
mrcFileName = csOutputPattern + "_class_averages.mrc"
# Copy the CS output to extra folder
copyFiles(csOutputFolder, self._getExtraPath(), files=[csParticlesName,
csPartFile = os.path.join(self._getExtraPath(), csParticlesName)
outputStarFn = self._getFileName('out_particles')
argsList = [csPartFile, outputStarFn]
parser = defineArgs()
args = parser.parse_args(argsList)
csClassAverageFile = os.path.join(self._getExtraPath(), csClassAveragesName)
outputClassFn = self._getFileName('out_class')
argsList = [csClassAverageFile, outputClassFn]
parser = defineArgs()
args = parser.parse_args(argsList)
inputParticles = self._getInputParticles()
classes2DSet = self._createSetOfClasses2D(inputParticles)
self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputParticles.get(), classes2DSet)
# --------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------
def _validate(self):
validateMsgs = cryosparcValidate()
if not validateMsgs:
validateMsgs = gpusValidate(self.getGpuList())
return validateMsgs
def _summary(self):
summary = []
if not hasattr(self, 'outputClasses'):
summary.append("Output classes not ready yet.")
summary.append("Input Particles: %s" %
summary.append("Classified into *%d* classes." %
summary.append("Output set: %s" %
return summary
def _methods(self):
methods = "We classified input particles %s (%d items) " % (
methods += "into %d classes using CryoSparc " % self.numberOfClasses.get()
return [methods]
# --------------------------- UTILS functions ------------------------------
def _loadClassesInfo(self, filename):
""" Read some information about the produced 2D classes
from the metadata file.
self._classesInfo = {} # store classes info, indexed by class id
mdFileName = '%s@%s' % ('particles', filename)
table = emtable.Table(fileName=filename)
for classNumber, row in enumerate(table.iterRows(mdFileName)):
index, fn = cryosparcToLocation(row.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnImageName.value))
# Store info indexed by id, we need to store the row.clone() since
# the same reference is used for iteration
scaledFile = self._getScaledAveragesFile(fn)
self._classesInfo[classNumber + 1] = (index, scaledFile, row)
self._numClass = index
def _fillClassesFromLevel(self, clsSet):
""" Create the SetOfClasses2D from a given iteration. """
# the particle with orientation parameters (all_parameters)
xmpMd = 'particles@' + self._getFileName("out_particles")
itemDataIterator=emtable.Table.iterRows(xmpMd)) # relion style
def _updateParticle(self, item, row):
item.setTransform(rowToAlignment(row, ALIGN_2D))
def _updateClass(self, class2D):
classId = class2D.getObjId()
if classId in self._classesInfo:
index, fn, row = self._classesInfo[classId]
class2Drep = class2D.getRepresentative()
class2Drep.setLocation(index, fn)
def _createModelFile(self):
with open(self._getFileName('out_class'), 'r') as input_file, \
open(self._getFileName('out_class_m2'), 'w') as output_file:
for line in input_file:
if "@" in line:
row = "%s@%s/%s"
classNumber = line.split('@')[0]
image = line.split('/')[1]
output_file.write(row % (classNumber, self._getExtraPath(), image))
def _getNumberOfIterSuffix(self):
_numberOfIter = (self.numberOnlineEMIterator.get() +
self.numberFinalIterator.get() - 1)
_numberOfIterSuffix = "_00%s" % str(self.numberOnlineEMIterator.get())
if _numberOfIter > 9:
_numberOfIterSuffix = "_0%s" % str(_numberOfIter)
if _numberOfIter > 99:
_numberOfIterSuffix = "_%s" % str(_numberOfIter)
return _numberOfIterSuffix
def _defineParamsName(self):
""" Define a list with all protocol parameters names"""
self.lane = str(self.getAttributeValue('compute_lane'))
[docs] def assignParamValue(self):
params = {"class2D_K": str(self.numberOfClasses.get()),
"class2D_max_res": str(self.maximunResolution.get()),
"class2D_sigma_init_factor": str(self.initialClassification.get()),
"class2D_window": str(self.useCircular2D.get()),
"class2D_recenter": str(self.reCenter2D.get()),
"class2D_recenter_thresh": str(self.reCenterMask.get()),
"class2D_recenter_binary": str(self.reCenterMaskBinary.get()),
"class2D_force_max": str(self.forceMaxover.get()),
"class2D_ctf_phase_flip_only": str(self.ctfFlipPhases.get()),
"class2D_num_full_iter": str(self.numberFinalIterator.get()),
"class2D_num_full_iter_batch": str(self.numberOnlineEMIterator.get()),
"class2D_num_full_iter_batchsize_per_class": str(self.batchSizeClass.get()),
"class2D_init_scale": str(self.initialScale2D.get()),
"class2D_zp_factor": str(self.zeropadFactor.get()),
"class2D_use_frc_reg": str(self.useFRCRegularized.get()),
"class2D_use_frc_reg_full": str(self.useFullFRC.get()),
"class2D_sigma_init_iter": str(self.iterationToStartAnneling.get()),
"class2D_sigma_num_anneal_iters": str(self.iterationToStartAnneal.get()),
"class2D_sigma_use_white": str(self.useWhiteNoiseModel.get()),
"intermediate_plots": str('False'),
"compute_use_ssd": str(self.compute_use_ssd.get())}
if self.class2D_window_inner_A.get() is not None:
params["class2D_window_inner_A"] = str(self.class2D_window_inner_A.get())
if self.class2D_window_outer_A.get() is not None:
params["class2D_window_outer_A"] = str(self.class2D_window_outer_A.get())
return params
[docs] def doRunClass2D(self):
do_run_class_2D: do_job(job_type, puid='P1', wuid='W1',
uuid='devuser', params={},
returns: the new uid of the job that was created
# {'particles' : 'JXX.imported_particles' }
input_group_connect = {"particles": self.particles.get()}
# Determinate the GPUs or the number of GPUs to use (in dependence of
# the cryosparc version)
gpusToUse = self.getGpuList()
numberGPU = len(gpusToUse)
except Exception:
gpusToUse = False
numberGPU = 1
params = self.assignParamValue()
params["compute_num_gpus"] = str(numberGPU)
runClass2DJob = enqueueJob(self._className, self.projectName.get(),
str(params).replace('\'', '"'),
str(input_group_connect).replace('\'', '"'),
self.lane, gpusToUse)
self.runClass2D = String(runClass2DJob.get())
waitForCryosparc(self.projectName.get(), self.runClass2D.get(),
"An error occurred in the 2D classification process. "
"Please, go to cryoSPARC software for more "
clearIntermediateResults(self.projectName.get(), self.runClass2D.get())