Source code for cryosparc2.convert.convert

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Yunior C. Fonseca Reyna    (
# *
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
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# **************************************************************************

import re

import emtable
import numpy as np
import os
import argparse
import json
import sys

from import UCSF

from emtable.metadata import _guessType
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
from pwem.objects import (String, Integer, Transform, Particle,
                          Coordinate, Acquisition, CTFModel)
from pyworkflow.object import ObjectWrap, Float
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pwem.constants import *

from ..constants import *

[docs]def convertCs2Star(args): from glob import glob import pandas as pd import logging from pyem import metadata from pyem import star log = logging.getLogger('root') hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) log.addHandler(hdlr) log.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(args.loglevel.upper())) if args.input[0].endswith(".cs"): log.debug("Detected CryoSPARC 2+ .cs file") cs = np.load(args.input[0]) try: df = metadata.parse_cryosparc_2_cs(cs, passthroughs=args.input[1:], minphic=args.minphic, boxsize=args.boxsize, swapxy=args.swapxy, invertx=args.invertx, inverty=args.inverty) except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: log.error(e, exc_info=True) log.error("Required fields could not be mapped. Are you using the " "right input file(s)?") return 1 else: log.debug("Detected CryoSPARC 0.6.5 .csv file") if len(args.input) > 1: log.error("Only one file at a time supported for " "CryoSPARC 0.6.5 .csv format") return 1 meta = metadata.parse_cryosparc_065_csv( args.input[0]) # Read cryosparc metadata file. df = metadata.cryosparc_065_csv2star(meta, args.minphic) if args.cls is not None: df = star.select_classes(df, args.cls) if args.strip_uid is not None: df = star.strip_path_uids(df, inplace=True, count=args.strip_uid) df = strip_path_uids1(df, inplace=True, count=args.strip_uid) if args.copy_micrograph_coordinates is not None: df = star.augment_star_ucsf(df, inplace=True) coord_star = pd.concat( (star.parse_star(inp, keep_index=False, augment=True) for inp in glob(args.copy_micrograph_coordinates)), join="inner") key = star.merge_key(df, coord_star) if key is None: log.debug("Merge key not found, removing leading UIDs") df = star.strip_path_uids(df, inplace=True) key = star.merge_key(df, coord_star) log.debug("Coordinates merge key: %s" % key) if args.cached or key == star.Relion.IMAGE_NAME: fields = star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_COORDS else: fields = star.Relion.MICROGRAPH_COORDS + [star.UCSF.IMAGE_INDEX, star.UCSF.IMAGE_PATH] df = star.smart_merge(df, coord_star, fields=fields, key=key) star.simplify_star_ucsf(df) if args.micrograph_path is not None: df = star.replace_micrograph_path(df, args.micrograph_path, inplace=True) if args.transform is not None: r = np.array(json.loads(args.transform)) df = star.transform_star(df, r, inplace=True) if args.relion2: df = star.remove_new_relion31(df, inplace=True) star.write_star(args.output, df, resort_records=True, optics=False) else: # df = star.remove_deprecated_relion2(df, inplace=True) # Changing NaN values. These values denote erroneous coordinates if hasattr(df, RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnAnglePsi.value): nanValues = len(df.rlnAnglePsi.values[np.isnan(df.rlnAnglePsi.values)]) if nanValues: df.rlnAnglePsi.values[np.isnan(df.rlnAnglePsi.values)] = 0 log.warning("WARNING: %d dataframes contains erroneous " "coordinates. These coordinates are removed" % nanValues) star.write_star(args.output, df, resort_records=True, optics=True)"Output fields: %s" % ", ".join(df.columns)) return 0
[docs]def strip_path_uids1(df, inplace=False, count=-1): df = df if inplace else df.copy() pat = re.compile("[0-9]{21}_") if UCSF.IMAGE_PATH in df: df[UCSF.IMAGE_PATH] = df[UCSF.IMAGE_PATH].str.replace(pat, "", regex=True, n=count) return df
[docs]def defineArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("input", help="Cryosparc metadata .csv (v0.6.5) or .cs (v2+) files", nargs="*") parser.add_argument("output", help="Output .star file") parser.add_argument("--boxsize", help="Cryosparc refinement box size (if different from particles)", type=float) # parser.add_argument("--passthrough", "-p", help="List file required for some Cryosparc 2+ job types") parser.add_argument("--class", help="Keep this class in output, may be passed multiple times", action="append", type=int, dest="cls") parser.add_argument("--minphic", help="Minimum posterior probability for class assignment", type=float, default=0) parser.add_argument("--stack-path", help="Path to single particle stack", type=str) parser.add_argument("--micrograph-path", help="Replacement path for micrographs") parser.add_argument("--copy-micrograph-coordinates", help="Source for micrograph paths and particle coordinates (file or quoted glob)", type=str) parser.add_argument("--swapxy", help="Swap X and Y axes when converting particle coordinates from normalized to absolute", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--invertx", help="Invert particle coordinate X axis", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--inverty", help="Invert particle coordinate Y axis", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--cached", help="Keep paths from the Cryosparc 2+ cache when merging coordinates", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--transform", help="Apply rotation matrix or 3x4 rotation plus translation matrix to particles (Numpy format)", type=str) parser.add_argument("--relion2", "-r2", help="Relion 2 compatible outputs", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--strip-uid", help="Strip all leading UIDs from file names", nargs="?", default=0, type=int) parser.add_argument("--loglevel", "-l", type=str, default="WARNING", help="Logging level and debug output") return parser
[docs]def addRandomSubset(img, imgRow): halve = 1 + (img.getObjId() % 2) imgRow.setValue(md.RLN_PARTICLE_RANDOM_SUBSET, int(halve))
[docs]def cryosparcToLocation(filename): """ Return a location (index, filename) given a cryoSPARC filename with the index@filename structure. """ if '@' in filename: indexStr, fn = filename.split('@') return int(indexStr), str(fn) else: return NO_INDEX, str(filename)
[docs]def setOfImagesToMd(imgSet, imgMd, imgToFunc, **kwargs): """ This function will fill Relion metadata from a SetOfMicrographs Params: imgSet: the set of images to be converted to metadata md: metadata to be filled rowFunc: this function can be used to setup the row before adding to meta """ if 'alignType' not in kwargs: kwargs['alignType'] = imgSet.getAlignment() for img in imgSet: objId = imgMd.addObject() imgRow = md.Row() imgToFunc(img, imgRow, **kwargs) imgRow.writeToMd(imgMd, objId)
[docs]def particleToRow(part, partRow, **kwargs): """ Set labels values from Particle to md row. """ coord = part.getCoordinate() if coord is not None: coordinateToRow(coord, partRow, copyId=False) if part.hasMicId(): partRow.setValue(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_ID, int(part.getMicId())) # If the row does not contains the micrograph name # use a fake micrograph name using id to relion # could at least group for CTF using that if not partRow.hasLabel(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME): partRow.setValue(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME, 'fake_micrograph_%06d.mrc' % part.getMicId()) if part.hasAttribute('_rlnParticleId'): partRow.setValue(md.RLN_PARTICLE_ID, int(part._rlnParticleId.get())) if kwargs.get('fillRandomSubset') and part.hasAttribute('_rlnRandomSubset'): partRow.setValue(md.RLN_PARTICLE_RANDOM_SUBSET, int(part._rlnRandomSubset.get())) if part.hasAttribute('_rlnBeamTiltX'): partRow.setValue('rlnBeamTiltX', float(part._rlnBeamTiltX.get())) partRow.setValue('rlnBeamTiltY', float(part._rlnBeamTiltY.get())) imageToRow(part, partRow, md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, **kwargs)
[docs]def imageToRow(img, imgRow, imgLabel=RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnImageName.value, **kwargs): # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be # done for special cases before converting image to row preprocessImageRow = kwargs.get('preprocessImageRow', None) if preprocessImageRow: preprocessImageRow(img, imgRow) setRowId(imgRow, img) # Set the id in the metadata as MDL_ITEM_ID index, fn = img.getLocation() # check if the is a file mapping filesDict = kwargs.get('filesDict', {}) filename = filesDict.get(fn, fn) imgRow.set(imgLabel, locationToCryosparc(index, filename)) if kwargs.get('writeCtf', True) and img.hasCTF(): ctfModelToRow(img.getCTF(), imgRow) # alignment is mandatory at this point, it should be check # and detected defaults if not passed at readSetOf.. level alignType = kwargs.get('alignType') if alignType != ALIGN_NONE and img.hasTransform(): alignmentToRow(img.getTransform(), imgRow, alignType) if kwargs.get('writeAcquisition', True) and img.hasAcquisition(): acquisitionToRow(img.getAcquisition(), imgRow) # Write all extra labels to the row dictLabel = {} objectToRow(img, imgRow, dictLabel, extraLabels=IMAGE_EXTRA_LABELS + kwargs.get('extraLabels', [])) # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be # done for special cases before converting image to row postprocessImageRow = kwargs.get('postprocessImageRow', None) if postprocessImageRow: postprocessImageRow(img, imgRow)
[docs]def acquisitionToRow(acquisition, ctfRow): """ Set labels values from acquisition to md row. """ objectToRow(acquisition, ctfRow, ACQUISITION_DICT)
[docs]def ctfModelToRow(ctfModel, ctfRow): """ Set labels values from ctfModel to md row. """ # Refresh phase shift! phaseShift = ctfModel.getPhaseShift() if phaseShift is not None: ctfRow.set(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnPhaseShift.value, phaseShift) objectToRow(ctfModel, ctfRow, CTF_DICT, extraLabels=CTF_EXTRA_LABELS)
[docs]def locationToCryosparc(index, filename): """ Convert an index and filename location to a string with @ as expected in cryoSPARC. """ if index != NO_INDEX: return "%06d@%s" % (index, filename) return filename
[docs]def alignmentToRow(alignment, alignmentRow, alignType): """ is2D == True-> matrix is 2D (2D images alignment) otherwise matrix is 3D (3D volume alignment or projection) invTransform == True -> for xmipp implies projection -> for xmipp implies alignment """ is2D = alignType == ALIGN_2D is3D = alignType == ALIGN_3D inverseTransform = alignType == ALIGN_PROJ matrix = alignment.getMatrix() shifts, angles = geometryFromMatrix(matrix, inverseTransform) alignmentRow.set(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnOriginX.value, shifts[0]) alignmentRow.set(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnOriginY.value, shifts[1]) if is2D: angle = angles[0] + angles[2] alignmentRow.set(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnAnglePsi.value, -angle) flip = bool(np.linalg.det(matrix[0:2, 0:2]) < 0) if flip: print("FLIP in 2D not implemented") elif is3D: raise Exception("3D alignment conversion for Relion not implemented. " "It seems the particles were generated with an " "incorrect alignment type. You may either re-launch " "the protocol that generates the particles " "with angles or set 'Consider previous alignment?' " "to No") else: alignmentRow.set(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnOriginZ.value, shifts[2]) alignmentRow.set(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnAngleRot.value, angles[0]) alignmentRow.set(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnAngleTilt.value, angles[1]) alignmentRow.set(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnAnglePsi.value, angles[2])
[docs]def geometryFromMatrix(matrix, inverseTransform): from pwem.convert.transformations import (translation_from_matrix, euler_from_matrix) if inverseTransform: from numpy.linalg import inv matrix = inv(matrix) shifts = -translation_from_matrix(matrix) else: shifts = translation_from_matrix(matrix) angles = -np.rad2deg(euler_from_matrix(matrix, axes='szyz')) return shifts, angles
[docs]def coordinateToRow(coord, coordRow, copyId=True): """ Set labels values from Coordinate coord to md row. """ if copyId: setRowId(coordRow, coord) objectToRow(coord, coordRow, COOR_DICT, extraLabels=COOR_EXTRA_LABELS) if coord.getMicName(): micName = coord.getMicName() coordRow.setValue(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME, str(micName.replace(" ", ""))) else: if coord.getMicId(): coordRow.setValue(md.RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME, str(coord.getMicId()))
[docs]def objectToRow(obj, row, attrDict, extraLabels=[]): """ This function will convert an EMObject into a XmippMdRow. Params: obj: the EMObject instance (input) row: the XmippMdRow instance (output) attrDict: dictionary with the map between obj attributes(keys) and row MDLabels in Xmipp (values). extraLabels: a list with extra labels that could be included as _xmipp_labelName """ row.set(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnEnabled.value, obj.isEnabled()) for attr, label in attrDict.items(): if hasattr(obj, attr): valueType = md.label2Python(label) row.set(label, valueType(getattr(obj, attr).get())) attrLabels = attrDict.values() for label in extraLabels: attrName = '_' + label if label not in attrLabels and hasattr(obj, attrName): value = obj.getAttributeValue(attrName) row.setValue(label, value)
[docs]def setRowId(mdRow, obj, label=RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnImageId.value): mdRow.set(label, int(obj.getObjId()))
[docs]def convertBinaryVol(vol, outputDir): """ Convert binary volume to a format read by Cryosparc. Params: vol: input volume object to be converted. outputDir: where to put the converted file(s) Return: new file name of the volume (converted or not). """ ih = ImageHandler() # This approach can be extended when # converting from a binary file format that # is not read from Relion def convertToMrc(fn): """ Convert from a format that is not read by Relion to mrc format. """ from os.path import join newFn = join(outputDir, pwutils.replaceBaseExt(fn, 'mrc')) ih.convert(fn, newFn) return newFn ext = vol.getFileName() if not ext.endswith('.mrc'): fn = convertToMrc(vol.getFileName()) else: fn = vol.getFileName() return fn
[docs]def createItemMatrix(item, row, align): item.setCTF(rowToCtfModel(row)) item.setTransform(rowToAlignment(row, alignType=align))
[docs]def rowToAlignment(alignmentRow, alignType): """ is2D == True-> matrix is 2D (2D images alignment) otherwise matrix is 3D (3D volume alignment or projection) invTransform == True -> for xmipp implies projection """ if alignType == ALIGN_3D: raise Exception("3D alignment conversion for Relion not implemented.") is2D = alignType == ALIGN_2D inverseTransform = alignType == ALIGN_PROJ if alignmentRow.hasAnyColumn(ALIGNMENT_DICT.values()): alignment = Transform() angles = np.zeros(3) shifts = np.zeros(3) shifts[0] = alignmentRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnOriginX.value, default=0.) shifts[1] = alignmentRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnOriginY.value, default=0.) if not is2D: angles[0] = alignmentRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnAngleRot.value, default=0.) angles[1] = alignmentRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnAngleTilt.value, default=0.) angles[2] = alignmentRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnAnglePsi.value, default=0.) shifts[2] = alignmentRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnOriginZ.value, default=0.) else: angles[2] = - alignmentRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnAnglePsi.value, default=0.) M = matrixFromGeometry(shifts, angles, inverseTransform) alignment.setMatrix(M) else: alignment = None return alignment
[docs]def setCryosparcAttributes(obj, objRow, *labels): """ Set an attribute to obj from a label that is not basic ones. The new attribute will be named _rlnLabelName and the datatype will be set correctly. """ for label in labels: value = objRow.get(label) valueType = _guessType(value) if valueType is int: value = Integer(value) elif valueType is float: value = Float(value) else: value = String(value) setattr(obj, '_%s' % label, value)
[docs]def matrixFromGeometry(shifts, angles, inverseTransform): """ Create the transformation matrix from a given 2D shifts in X and Y...and the 3 euler angles. """ from pwem.convert.transformations import euler_matrix radAngles = -np.deg2rad(angles) M = euler_matrix(radAngles[0], radAngles[1], radAngles[2], 'szyz') if inverseTransform: from numpy.linalg import inv M[:3, 3] = -shifts[:3] M = inv(M) else: M[:3, 3] = shifts[:3] return M
[docs]def convertBinaryFiles(imgSet, outputDir, extension='mrcs'): """ Convert binary images files to a format read by Cryosparc. Params: imgSet: input image set to be converted. outputDir: where to put the converted file(s) Return: A dictionary with old-file as key and new-file as value If empty, not conversion was done. """ filesDict = {} ih = ImageHandler() outputRoot = os.path.join(outputDir, 'input') # Get the extension without the dot stackFiles = imgSet.getFiles() ext = pwutils.getExt(next(iter(stackFiles)))[1:] rootDir = pwutils.commonPath(list(stackFiles)) def getUniqueFileName(fn, extension): """ Get an unique file for either link or convert files. It is possible that the base name overlap if they come from different runs. (like particles.mrcs after relion preprocess) """ from os.path import join newFn = join(outputRoot, pwutils.replaceBaseExt(fn, extension)) newRoot = pwutils.removeExt(newFn) values = filesDict.values() counter = 1 while newFn in values: counter += 1 newFn = '%s_%05d.%s' % (newRoot, counter, extension) return newFn def createBinaryLink(fn): """ Just create a link named .mrcs to cryoSPARC understand that it is a binary stack file and not a volume. """ newFn = getUniqueFileName(fn, extension) if not os.path.exists(newFn): pwutils.createAbsLink(fn, newFn) print(" %s -> %s" % (newFn, fn)) return newFn def convertStack(fn): """ Convert from a format that is not read by Cryosparc to an spider stack. """ newFn = getUniqueFileName(fn, 'mrc') ih.convertStack(fn, newFn) print(" %s -> %s" % (fn, newFn)) return newFn def replaceRoot(fn): """ Link create to the root folder, so just replace that in the name, no need to do anything else. """ return fn.replace(rootDir, outputRoot) if ext == extension: print("convertBinaryFiles: creating soft links.") print(" Root: %s -> %s" % (outputRoot, rootDir)) mapFunc = replaceRoot pwutils.createAbsLink(os.path.abspath(rootDir), outputRoot) elif ext == 'mrc' and extension == 'mrcs': print("convertBinaryFiles: creating soft links (mrcs -> mrc).") mapFunc = createBinaryLink elif ext.endswith('hdf') or ext.endswith('stk'): # assume eman .hdf format or .stk format print("convertBinaryFiles: converting stacks. (%s -> %s)" % (ext, extension)) mapFunc = convertStack else: mapFunc = None if mapFunc is not None: pwutils.makePath(outputRoot) for fn in stackFiles: newFn = mapFunc(fn) # convert or link filesDict[fn] = newFn # map new filename return filesDict
[docs]def writeSetOfParticles(imgSet, fileName, extraPath): args = {'outputDir': extraPath, 'fillMagnification': True, 'fillRandomSubset': True} if imgSet.hasAlignmentProj() and imgSet.getAttributeValue("_rlnRandomSubset") is None: args['postprocessImageRow'] = addRandomSubset cryosPARCwriteSetOfParticles(imgSet, fileName, **args)
[docs]def cryosPARCwriteSetOfParticles(imgSet, starFile, outputDir, **kwargs): if outputDir is not None: filesDict = convertBinaryFiles(imgSet, outputDir) kwargs['filesDict'] = filesDict partMd = md.MetaData() setOfImagesToMd(imgSet, partMd, particleToRow, **kwargs) if kwargs.get('fillMagnification', False): pixelSize = imgSet.getSamplingRate() mag = imgSet.getAcquisition().getMagnification() detectorPxSize = mag * pixelSize / 10000 partMd.fillConstant(md.RLN_CTF_MAGNIFICATION, mag) partMd.fillConstant(md.RLN_CTF_DETECTOR_PIXEL_SIZE, detectorPxSize) else: # Remove Magnification from metadata to avoid wrong values of pixel size. # In Relion if Magnification and DetectorPixelSize are in metadata, # pixel size is ignored in the command line. partMd.removeLabel(md.RLN_CTF_MAGNIFICATION) blockName = kwargs.get('blockName', 'particles') partMd.write('%s@%s' % (blockName, starFile))
[docs]def rowToCtfModel(ctfRow): """ Create a CTFModel from a row of a meta """ if ctfRow.hasAllColumns(CTF_DICT.values()): ctfModel = CTFModel() rowToObject(ctfRow, ctfModel, CTF_DICT, extraLabels=CTF_EXTRA_LABELS) if ctfRow.hasColumn(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnPhaseShift.value): ctfModel.setPhaseShift(ctfRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnPhaseShift.value, 0)) ctfModel.standardize() setPsdFiles(ctfModel, ctfRow) else: ctfModel = None return ctfModel
[docs]def setPsdFiles(ctfModel, ctfRow): """ Set the PSD files of CTF estimation related to this ctfModel. The values will be read from the ctfRow if present. """ for attr, label in CTF_PSD_DICT.items(): if ctfRow.hasColumn(label): setattr(ctfModel, attr, String(ctfRow.get(label)))
[docs]def rowToObject(row, obj, attrDict, extraLabels=[]): """ This function will convert from a XmippMdRow to an EMObject. Params: row: the XmippMdRow instance (input) obj: the EMObject instance (output) attrDict: dictionary with the map between obj attributes(keys) and row MDLabels in Xmipp (values). extraLabels: a list with extra labels that could be included as properties with the label name such as: _rlnSomeThing """ obj.setEnabled(row.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnEnabled.value, 1) > 0) for attr, label in attrDict.items(): value = row.get(label) if not hasattr(obj, attr): setattr(obj, attr, ObjectWrap(value)) else: getattr(obj, attr).set(value) attrLabels = attrDict.values() for label in extraLabels: if label not in attrLabels and row.hasColumn(label): setattr(obj, '_' + label, ObjectWrap(row.get(label)))
[docs]def setObjId(obj, mdRow, label=RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnImageId.value): obj.setObjId(mdRow.get(label, None))
[docs]def rowToParticle(partRow, particleClass=Particle, **kwargs): """ Create a Particle from a row of a meta """ img = particleClass() # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be # done for special cases before converting image to row preprocessImageRow = kwargs.get('preprocessImageRow', None) if preprocessImageRow: preprocessImageRow(img, partRow) # Decompose Relion filename index, filename = cryosparcToLocation(partRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnImageName.value)) img.setLocation(index, filename) if partRow.hasColumn(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnClassNumber.value): img.setClassId(partRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnClassNumber.value)) if kwargs.get('readCtf', True): img.setCTF(rowToCtfModel(partRow)) # alignment is mandatory at this point, it should be check # and detected defaults if not passed at readSetOf.. level alignType = kwargs.get('alignType') if alignType != ALIGN_NONE: img.setTransform(rowToAlignment(partRow, alignType)) if kwargs.get('readAcquisition', True): img.setAcquisition(rowToAcquisition(partRow)) if kwargs.get('magnification', None): img.getAcquisition().setMagnification(kwargs.get("magnification")) setObjId(img, partRow) # Read some extra labels extraLabel = {} rowToObject(partRow, img, extraLabel, extraLabels=IMAGE_EXTRA_LABELS + kwargs.get('extraLabels', [])) img.setCoordinate(rowToCoordinate(partRow)) # copy micId if available from row to particle if partRow.hasColumn(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnMicrographId.value): img.setMicId(partRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnMicrographId.value)) # copy particleId if available from row to particle if partRow.hasColumn(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnParticleId.value): img._rlnParticleId = Integer(partRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnParticleId.value)) # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be # done for special cases before converting image to row postprocessImageRow = kwargs.get('postprocessImageRow', None) if postprocessImageRow: postprocessImageRow(img, partRow) return img
[docs]def rowToCoordinate(coordRow): """ Create a Coordinate from a row of a meta """ # Check that all required labels are present in the row if coordRow.hasAllColumns(COOR_DICT): coord = Coordinate() rowToObject(coordRow, coord, COOR_DICT, extraLabels=COOR_EXTRA_LABELS) micName = None if coordRow.hasColumn(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnMicrographId.value): micId = int(coordRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnMicrographId.value)) coord.setMicId(micId) # If RLN_MICROGRAPH_NAME is not present, use the id as a name micName = micId if coordRow.hasLabel(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnMicrographName.value): micName = coordRow.get(RELIONCOLUMNS.rlnMicrographName.value) coord.setMicName(micName) else: coord = None return coord
[docs]def rowToAcquisition(acquisitionRow): """ Create an acquisition from a row of a meta """ if acquisitionRow.hasAllColumns(ACQUISITION_DICT): acquisition = Acquisition() rowToObject(acquisitionRow, acquisition, ACQUISITION_DICT) else: acquisition = None return acquisition
[docs]def readSetOfParticles(filename, partSet, **kwargs): """read from Relion image meta filename: The metadata filename where the image are. imgSet: the SetOfParticles that will be populated. rowToParticle: this function will be used to convert the row to Object """ for imgRow in emtable.Table.iterRows(filename): img = rowToParticle(imgRow, **kwargs) partSet.append(img) partSet.setHasCTF(img.hasCTF()) partSet.setAlignment(kwargs['alignType'])
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = defineArgs() sys.exit(convertCs2Star(parser.parse_args()))