Source code for continuousflex.viewers.viewer_nma_alignment

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *              Slavica Jonic  (
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************
This module implement the wrappers aroung Xmipp CL2D protocol
visualization program.

from os.path import basename
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import StringParam, LEVEL_ADVANCED
from pyworkflow.viewer import (ProtocolViewer, DESKTOP_TKINTER, WEB_DJANGO)
from pyworkflow.protocol import params
from import Point, Data
from continuousflex.viewers.nma_plotter import FlexNmaPlotter
from continuousflex.protocols import FlexProtAlignmentNMA
from continuousflex.protocols.convert import l2
from xmippLib import SymList
import numpy as np
import tkinter.messagebox as mb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from continuousflex.protocols.protocol_image_synthesize import FlexProtSynthesizeImages




[docs]class FlexAlignmentNMAViewer(ProtocolViewer): """ Visualization of results from the NMA protocol """ _label = 'viewer nma alignment' _targets = [FlexProtAlignmentNMA] _environments = [DESKTOP_TKINTER, WEB_DJANGO] def __init__(self, **kwargs): ProtocolViewer.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._data = None
[docs] def getData(self): if self._data is None: self._data = self.loadData() return self._data
def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Visualization') form.addParam('displayRawDeformation', StringParam, default='7 8', label='Display the computed normal-mode amplitudes', help='Type 7 to see the histogram of amplitudes along mode 7; \n' 'type 8 to see the histogram of amplitudes along mode 8, etc.\n' 'Type 7 8 to see the 2D plot of amplitudes along modes 7 and 8.\n' 'Type 7 8 9 to see the 3D plot of amplitudes along modes 7, 8 and 9; etc.' ) form.addParam('limits_modes', params.EnumParam, choices=['Automatic (Recommended)', 'Set manually Use upper and lower values'], default=FIGURE_LIMIT_NONE, label='Error limits', display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, help='If you want to use a range of Error in the color bar choose to set it manually.') form.addParam('LimitLow', params.FloatParam, default=None, condition='limits_modes==%d' % FIGURE_LIMITS, label='Lower Error value', help='The lower Error used in the graph') form.addParam('LimitHigh', params.FloatParam, default=None, condition='limits_modes==%d' % FIGURE_LIMITS, label='Upper Error value', help='The upper Error used in the graph') form.addParam('xlimits_mode', params.EnumParam, choices=['Automatic (Recommended)', 'Set manually x-axis limits'], default=X_LIMITS_NONE, label='x-axis limits', display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, help='This allows you to use a specific range of x-axis limits') form.addParam('xlim_low', params.FloatParam, default=None, condition='xlimits_mode==%d' % X_LIMITS, label='Lower x-axis limit') form.addParam('xlim_high', params.FloatParam, default=None, condition='xlimits_mode==%d' % X_LIMITS, label='Upper x-axis limit') form.addParam('ylimits_mode', params.EnumParam, choices=['Automatic (Recommended)', 'Set manually y-axis limits'], default=Y_LIMITS_NONE, label='y-axis limits', display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, help='This allows you to use a specific range of y-axis limits') form.addParam('ylim_low', params.FloatParam, default=None, condition='ylimits_mode==%d' % Y_LIMITS, label='Lower y-axis limit') form.addParam('ylim_high', params.FloatParam, default=None, condition='ylimits_mode==%d' % Y_LIMITS, label='Upper y-axis limit') form.addParam('zlimits_mode', params.EnumParam, choices=['Automatic (Recommended)', 'Set manually z-axis limits'], default=Z_LIMITS_NONE, label='z-axis limits', display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, help='This allows you to use a specific range of z-axis limits') form.addParam('zlim_low', params.FloatParam, default=None, condition='zlimits_mode==%d' % Z_LIMITS, label='Lower z-axis limit') form.addParam('zlim_high', params.FloatParam, default=None, condition='zlimits_mode==%d' % Z_LIMITS, label='Upper z-axis limit') group = form.addGroup('Comparing with ground-truth', expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED) group.addParam('GroundTruth', params.EnumParam, choices=['From volume synthesis protocol', 'From an external metadata file'], default=METADATA_PROJECT, label='Ground-Truth parameters', display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO, help='Use this is only when testing the method with synthetic data') group.addParam('SynthesisProject', params.PointerParam, pointerClass='FlexProtSynthesizeImages', condition='GroundTruth==%d' % METADATA_PROJECT, allowsNull=True, label="Project for volume synthesize", help='Select a previous run for subtomogram synthesize.') group.addParam('MetadataFile', params.FileParam, pointerClass='params.FileParam', allowsNull=True, condition='GroundTruth==%d' % METADATA_FILE, label="Metadata file (xmd)", help='Choose a metadata file containing angles, shifts and NM amplitudes, typically a metadata' ' file from synthesizing volumes') group.addParam('displayStatistics', params.LabelParam, label="Display error statistics and plots?") def _getVisualizeDict(self): return {'displayRawDeformation': self._viewRawDeformation, 'displayStatistics': self._viewErrorStatistics, } def _viewRawDeformation(self, paramName): components = self.displayRawDeformation.get() return self._doViewRawDeformation(components) def _doViewRawDeformation(self, components): components = list(map(int, components.split())) dim = len(components) views = [] if dim > 0: modeList = [] modeNameList = [] missingList = [] for modeNumber in components: found = False md = MetaData(self.protocol._getExtraPath('modes.xmd')) for i, objId in enumerate(md): modeId = md.getValue(MDL_ORDER, objId) if modeNumber == modeId: modeNameList.append('Mode %d' % modeNumber) modeList.append(i) found = True break if not found: missingList.append(str(modeNumber)) if missingList: return [self.errorMessage("Invalid mode(s) *%s*\n." % (', '.join(missingList)), title="Invalid input")] # Actually plot if self.limits_modes == FIGURE_LIMIT_NONE: plotter = FlexNmaPlotter(data=self.getData(), xlim_low=self.xlim_low, xlim_high=self.xlim_high, ylim_low=self.ylim_low, ylim_high=self.ylim_high, zlim_low=self.zlim_low, zlim_high=self.zlim_high) else: plotter = FlexNmaPlotter(data=self.getData(), LimitL=self.LimitLow, LimitH=self.LimitHigh, xlim_low=self.xlim_low, xlim_high=self.xlim_high, ylim_low=self.ylim_low, ylim_high=self.ylim_high, zlim_low=self.zlim_low, zlim_high=self.zlim_high) baseList = [basename(n) for n in modeNameList] self.getData().XIND = modeList[0] if dim == 1: plotter.plotArray1D("Histogram of normal-mode amplitudes: %s" % baseList[0], "Amplitude", "Number of images") else: self.getData().YIND = modeList[1] if dim == 2: plotter.plotArray2D("Normal-mode amplitudes: %s vs %s" % tuple(baseList), *baseList) elif dim == 3: self.getData().ZIND = modeList[2] plotter.plotArray3D("Normal-mode amplitudes: %s %s %s" % tuple(baseList), *baseList) views.append(plotter) return views def _viewErrorStatistics(self, paramName): if self.GroundTruth.get() == METADATA_PROJECT: metadata_file = self.SynthesisProject.get()._getExtraPath('GroundTruth.xmd') else: metadata_file = self.MetadataFile.get() return self._doViewErrorStatistics(metadata_file) def _doViewErrorStatistics(self, metadata_file): md_gt = MetaData(metadata_file) md_protocol = MetaData(self.protocol._getExtraPath('images.xmd')) md_protocol.sort() # Get the matching modes: md_modes = MetaData(self.protocol._getExtraPath('modes.xmd')) modeIds = [] for i, objId in enumerate(md_modes): modeIds.append(md_modes.getValue(MDL_ORDER, objId)) # print(modeIds) # Get the parameters from both lists: rtp_protocol = [] xy_protocol = [] mode_ampl_protocol = [] rtp_gt = [] xy_gt = [] mode_ampl_gt = [] for objId in md_protocol: rtp_protocol.append([md_protocol.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT, objId), md_protocol.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT, objId), md_protocol.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, objId)]) xy_protocol.append([md_protocol.getValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, objId), md_protocol.getValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, objId),]) mode_ampl_protocol.append(md_protocol.getValue(MDL_NMA, objId)) rtp_gt.append([md_gt.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT, objId), md_gt.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT, objId), md_gt.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, objId)]) xy_gt.append([md_gt.getValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, objId), md_gt.getValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, objId)]) mode_ampl_gt.append(md_gt.getValue(MDL_NMA, objId)) # Angular and shift distances shift_distance = [] angular_distance = [] # The full description of computeDistanceAngles function is: # A = SymList.computeDistanceAngles(SymList(), rot1, tilt1, psi1, rot2, tilt2, psi2, projdir_mode, check_mirrors, object_rotation) # By default, they are all set to False. However, check_mirrors should be true in general. for i in range(len(rtp_protocol)): shift_distance.append(l2(xy_gt[i], xy_protocol[i])) angular_distance.append(SymList.computeDistanceAngles(SymList(), rtp_protocol[i][0], rtp_protocol[i][1], rtp_protocol[i][2], rtp_gt[i][0], rtp_gt[i][1], rtp_gt[i][2], False, True, False)) # Normal mode amplitudes distances: we need to find the subset of normal modes used in alignment in the groundtruth mode_distances = [] counter = 0 plt.figure() mean_amplitudes = [] std_amplitudes = [] label = [] dist = [] for i in modeIds: # mode 7 corresponds to zero in the ground truth, so we need to subtract 7 A = np.array(mode_ampl_gt)[:,i - 7] B = np.array(mode_ampl_protocol)[:, counter] mean_amplitudes.append(np.mean(np.array(A - B))) std_amplitudes.append(np.std(np.array(A - B))) label.append('mode ' + str(i)) dist.append(np.array(A - B)) counter +=1 plt.title('histogram of normal mode amplitude distances') plt.hist(dist, bins=100, label=label) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.figure() plt.hist(np.array(angular_distance), bins=100) plt.title('histogram of angular distance') plt.figure() plt.hist(np.array(shift_distance), bins=100) plt.title('histogram of shift distance') message = 'mean and standard deviation angular distance: ' + str(np.mean(np.array(angular_distance)))[:7] message += ' and ' + str(np.std(np.array(angular_distance)))[:7] message += '\nmean and standard deviation shift distance: ' + str(np.mean(np.array(shift_distance)))[:7] message += ' and ' + str(np.std(np.array(shift_distance)))[:7] counter = 0 for i in modeIds: message += '\nmean and standard deviation for mode ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(mean_amplitudes[counter])[:7] + \ ' ' + str(std_amplitudes[counter])[:7] counter +=1 mb.showinfo('Distances compared to the ground truth', message) pass
[docs] def loadData(self): """ Iterate over the images and their deformations to create a Data object with theirs Points. """ particles = self.protocol.outputParticles data = Data() for i, particle in enumerate(particles): pointData = list(map(float, particle._xmipp_nmaDisplacements)) data.addPoint(Point(pointId=particle.getObjId(), data=pointData, weight=particle._xmipp_cost.get())) return data