Source code for continuousflex.protocols.utilities.bm4d

import continuousflex
import os
import tkinter.messagebox as tk

[docs]def bm4d(path_vol_in, path_vol_out, distribution, sigma, profile, do_wiener): # Function to run the bm4d matlab wrapper wrapper_path = continuousflex.__path__[0] + '/protocols/utilities/' if os.getenv('MATLAB_HOME') is None: tk.showerror('Error', 'MATLAB_HOME is not set in your path, it should be set to use this method. ' 'We assume that matlab executable is at $MATLAB_HOME/bin/matlab') matlab = os.getenv('MATLAB_HOME') + '/bin/matlab' command = matlab command += ' -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r ' command += '"addpath(genpath(' command += "'" + wrapper_path + "'));bm4d_wrapper(" command += "'" + path_vol_in + "', '" command += path_vol_out + "', '" command += distribution + "', " command += str(sigma) + ", '" command += profile + "', " command += str(do_wiener) command += ');exit;"' # print(command) os.system(command) pass
# bm4d('noisy_volume.vol','denoised_volume.spi','Gauss',0,'mp',0)