Source code for continuousflex.protocols.protocol_structure_mapping

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Mohsen Kazemi  (
# *              C.O.S. Sorzano (
# *              Slavica Jonic (
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
# from glob import glob
import numpy as np

import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
from pwem.emlib import MetaData, MDL_IMAGE
from pwem.objects import Volume, SetOfVolumes
from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pyworkflow import VERSION_1_1
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import LEVEL_ADVANCED, STEPS_PARALLEL
from pyworkflow.utils.path import cleanPattern, copyFile, makePath

from xmipp3.convert import getImageLocation
# from xmipp3.base import XmippMdRow
from continuousflex.protocols.pdb import FlexProtConvertToPseudoAtomsBase
#from xmipp3.protocols.pdb.protocol_pseudoatoms_base import XmippProtConvertToPseudoAtomsBase
#from ..pdb.protocol_pseudoatoms_base import XmippProtConvertToPseudoAtomsBase
from .protocol_nma_base import FlexProtNMABase, NMA_CUTOFF_REL
from pwem.utils import runProgram

[docs]def mds(d, dimensions = 2): """ Multidimensional Scaling - Given a matrix of interpoint distances, find a set of low dimensional points that have similar interpoint distances. """ (n,n) = d.shape E = (-0.5 * d**2) # Use mat to get column and row means to act as column and row means. Er = np.mat(np.mean(E,1)) Es = np.mat(np.mean(E,0)) # From Principles of Multivariate Analysis: A User's Perspective (page 107). F = np.array(E - np.transpose(Er) - Es + np.mean(E)) [U, S, V] = np.linalg.svd(F) Y = U * np.sqrt(S) return (Y[:,0:dimensions], S)
[docs]class FlexProtStructureMapping(FlexProtConvertToPseudoAtomsBase, FlexProtNMABase): """ A quantitive analysis of dissimilarities (distances) among the EM maps that placing the entire set of density maps in to a common space of comparison.The approach is based on statistical analysis of distance among elastically aligned EM maps, and results in visualizing those maps as points in a lower dimensional distance space. """ _label = 'structure mapping' _lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_1_1 #--------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, **kwargs): EMProtocol.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_PARALLEL def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputVolumes', params.MultiPointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfVolumes,Volume', label="Input volume(s)", important=True, help='Select one or more volumes (Volume or SetOfVolumes)\n' 'to be aligned againt the reference volume.') form.addParam('keepingOutputFiles', params.BooleanParam, default=False, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Keeping intermediate output files", help="Set to true if you want to keep all intermediate " "produced files during rigid and elastic alignment.") form.addSection(label='Pseudoatom') FlexProtConvertToPseudoAtomsBase._defineParams(self,form) self.getParam("pseudoAtomRadius").setDefault(1.5) self.getParam("pseudoAtomTarget").setDefault(2) form.addSection(label='Normal Mode Analysis') form.addParam('rigidAlignment', params.BooleanParam, default=True, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Rigid alignment', help='Perform a rigid alignment before elastic alignment') form.addParam('optimizeScale', params.BooleanParam, default=False, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Optimize scale", condition="rigidAlignment") FlexProtNMABase._defineParamsCommon(self,form) form.addParallelSection(threads=4, mpi=1) #--------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): cutoffStr='' if self.cutoffMode == NMA_CUTOFF_REL: cutoffStr = 'Relative %f'%self.rcPercentage.get() else: cutoffStr = 'Absolute %f'%self.rc.get() #alignArgs = self._getAlignArgs() self.alignmentAlgorithm = 1 # Local alignment volList = [vol.clone() for vol in self._iterInputVolumes()] nVoli = 1 for voli in volList: fnIn = getImageLocation(voli) fnMask = self._insertMaskStep(fnIn) suffix = "_%d"%nVoli self._insertFunctionStep('convertToPseudoAtomsStep', fnIn, fnMask, voli.getSamplingRate(), suffix) fnPseudoAtoms = self._getPath("pseudoatoms_%d.pdb"%nVoli) self._insertFunctionStep('computeModesStep', fnPseudoAtoms, self.numberOfModes, cutoffStr) self._insertFunctionStep('reformatOutputStep', os.path.basename(fnPseudoAtoms)) stepQualify = self._insertFunctionStep('qualifyModesStep', self.numberOfModes, self.collectivityThreshold.get(), self._getPath("pseudoatoms_%d.pdb"%nVoli), suffix) #rigid alignment nVolj = 1 deps = [] for volj in volList: if nVolj != nVoli: inVolFn = getImageLocation(volj) if self.rigidAlignment: refFn = getImageLocation(voli) volId = volj.getObjId() outVolFn = self._getPath('outputRigidAlignment_vol_%d_to_%d.vol' % (nVolj, nVoli)) stepId=self._insertFunctionStep('alignVolumeStep', refFn, inVolFn, outVolFn, volId, prerequisites=[stepQualify]) else: outVolFn = inVolFn stepId = stepQualify deps.append(self._insertFunctionStep('elasticAlignmentStep', nVoli, voli.getSamplingRate(), nVolj, inVolFn, prerequisites=[stepId])) nVolj += 1 self._insertFunctionStep('gatherSingleVolumeStep',prerequisites=deps) # This is a synchronization step, does not do any real work nVoli += 1 self._insertFunctionStep('gatherResultsStep') self._insertFunctionStep('managingOutputFilesStep') #--------------------------- STEPS functions --------------------------------------------
[docs] def alignVolumeStep(self, refFn, inVolFn, outVolFn, volId): args = "--i1 %s --i2 %s --apply %s" % (refFn, inVolFn, outVolFn) args += " --local --rot 0 0 1 --tilt 0 0 1 --psi 0 0 1 -x 0 0 1 -y 0 0 1 -z 0 0 1" if self.optimizeScale: args += " --scale 1 1 0.005" else: args += " --dontScale" args += " --copyGeo %s" % ( self._getExtraPath('transformation-matrix_vol%06d.txt'%volId)) runProgram("xmipp_volume_align", args)
[docs] def elasticAlignmentStep(self, nVoli, Ts, nVolj, fnAlignedVolj): fnVolOut = self._getExtraPath('DeformedVolume_Vol_%d_To_Vol_%d' % (nVolj, nVoli)) if os.path.exists(fnVolOut+".pdb"): return makePath(self._getExtraPath("modes%d"%nVoli)) for i in range(1, self.numberOfModes.get() + 1): copyFile (self._getPath("modes/vec.%d"%i), self._getExtraPath("modes%d/vec.%d"%(nVoli, i))) mdVol = MetaData() fnOutMeta = self._getExtraPath('RigidAlignVol_%d_To_Vol_%d.xmd' % (nVolj, nVoli)) mdVol.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, fnAlignedVolj, mdVol.addObject()) mdVol.write(fnOutMeta) fnPseudo = self._getPath("pseudoatoms_%d.pdb"%nVoli) fnModes = self._getPath("modes_%d.xmd"%nVoli) fnDeform = self._getExtraPath('compDeformVol_%d_To_Vol_%d.xmd' % (nVolj, nVoli)) sigma = Ts * self.pseudoAtomRadius.get() fnPseudoOut = self._getExtraPath('PseudoatomsDeformedPDB_Vol_%d_To_Vol_%d.pdb' % (nVolj, nVoli)) runProgram('xmipp_nma_alignment_vol', "-i %s --pdb %s --modes %s --sampling_rate %s -o %s --fixed_Gaussian %s --opdb %s"%\ (fnOutMeta, fnPseudo, fnModes, Ts, fnDeform, sigma, fnPseudoOut)) runProgram('xmipp_volume_from_pdb', "-i %s -o %s --sampling %s --fixed_Gaussian %s" % (fnPseudoOut, fnVolOut, Ts, sigma))
[docs] def gatherSingleVolumeStep(self): pass
[docs] def gatherResultsStep(self): volList = [vol.clone() for vol in self._iterInputVolumes()] #score and distance matrix calculation score = [[0 for i in volList] for i in volList] nVoli = 1 for voli in volList: nVolj = 1 for volj in volList: if nVolj == nVoli: score[(nVoli-1)][(nVolj-1)] = 0 else: elasticRow = MetaData(self._getExtraPath('compDeformVol_%d_To_Vol_%d.xmd' % (nVolj, nVoli))) maxCc = elasticRow.getValue(md.MDL_MAXCC,1) score[(nVoli-1)][(nVolj-1)] = (1 - maxCc) nVolj += 1 nVoli += 1 fnRoot = self._getExtraPath ("DistanceMatrix.txt") distance = [[0 for i in volList] for i in volList] nVoli = 1 for i in volList: nVolj = 1 for j in volList: distance[(nVoli-1)][(nVolj-1)] = (score[(nVoli-1)][(nVolj-1)]+score[(nVolj-1)][(nVoli-1)])/2 fh = open(fnRoot,"a") fh.write("%f\t"%distance[(nVoli-1)][(nVolj-1)]) fh.close() nVolj += 1 fh = open(fnRoot,"a") fh.write("\n") fh.close() nVoli += 1 distance = np.asarray(distance) for i in range(1, 4): embed,_ = mds(distance,i) embedExtended = np.pad(embed,((0,0),(0,i-embed.shape[1])),"constant",constant_values=0) print(embedExtended) np.savetxt(self._defineResultsName(i),embedExtended)
[docs] def managingOutputFilesStep(self): cleanPattern(self._getPath('pseudoatoms*')) cleanPattern(self._getPath('modes')) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('vec_ani.pkl')) if not self.keepingOutputFiles.get(): cleanPattern(self._getPath('warnings*')) cleanPattern(self._getPath('outputRigid*')) cleanPattern(self._getPath('modes*.xmd')) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('RigidAlign*')) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('pseudoatoms*')) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('Pseudoatoms*')) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('comp*')) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('Deform*')) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('transformation-matrix*')) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath('modes*'))
#--------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------------------- def _validate(self): errors = [] for pointer in self.inputVolumes: if pointer.pointsNone(): errors.append('Invalid input, pointer: %s' % pointer.getObjValue()) errors.append(' extended: %s' % pointer.getExtended()) return errors def _summary(self): summary = [] nVols = self._getNumberOfInputs() if nVols > 0: summary.append("Volumes to calculate StructMap: *%d* " % nVols) else: summary.append("No volumes selected.") return summary def _citations(self): return ['Sorzano2016'] #--------------------------- UTILS functions -------------------------------------------- def _iterInputVolumes(self): """ Iterate over all the input volumes. """ for pointer in self.inputVolumes: item = pointer.get() if item is None: break itemId = item.getObjId() if isinstance(item, Volume): item.outputName = self._getExtraPath('output_vol%06d.vol' % itemId) yield item elif isinstance(item, SetOfVolumes): for vol in item: vol.outputName = self._getExtraPath('output_vol%06d_%03d.vol' % (itemId, vol.getObjId())) yield vol def _getNumberOfInputs(self): """ Return the total number of input volumes. """ nVols = 0 for _ in self._iterInputVolumes(): nVols += 1 return nVols def _defineResultsName(self,i): return self._getExtraPath('CoordinateMatrix%d.txt'%i)