Source code for continuousflex.protocols.protocol_genesis

# **************************************************************************
# * Authors: Rémi Vuillemot             (
# *
# * IMPMC, UPMC Sorbonne University
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# **************************************************************************

import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol
from import AtomStruct, SetOfAtomStructs, SetOfPDBs, SetOfVolumes,SetOfParticles

import numpy as np
import mrcfile
from pwem.utils import runProgram
from pyworkflow.utils import getListFromRangeString

from .utilities.genesis_utilities import *
from xmipp3 import Plugin
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow.utils import runCommand

[docs]class ProtGenesis(EMProtocol): """ Protocol to perform MD simulation using GENESIS. """ _label = 'Genesis' # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions -------------------------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): # Inputs ============================================================================================ form.addSection(label='Inputs') form.addParam('md_program', params.EnumParam, label="MD program", default=PROGRAM_ATDYN, choices=['ATDYN', 'SPDYN'], help="SPDYN (Spatial decomposition dynamics) and ATDYN (Atomic decomposition dynamics)" " share almost the same data structures, subroutines, and modules, but differ in" " their parallelization schemes. In SPDYN, the spatial decomposition scheme is implemented with new" " parallel algorithms and GPGPU calculation. In ATDYN, the atomic decomposition scheme" " is introduced for simplicity. The performance of ATDYN is not comparable to SPDYN due to the" " simple parallelization scheme but contains new methods and features. NMMD is available only for ATDYN.", important=True, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) form.addParam('restartChoice', params.BooleanParam, label="Restart GENESIS protocol ?", default=False, help="Restart a previous GENESIS simulation. ") form.addParam('restartProt', params.PointerParam, label="Input GENESIS protocol",pointerClass="ProtGenesis", help='Provide a GENESIS protocol to restart.', condition="restartChoice" ) form.addParam('inputPDB', params.PointerParam, pointerClass='AtomStruct', label="Input PDB", help='Select the input PDB.', important=True) group = form.addGroup('Forcefield Inputs', condition="not restartChoice" ) group.addParam('forcefield', params.EnumParam, label="Forcefield type", default=0, important=True, choices=['CHARMM', 'AAGO', 'CAGO'], help="Type of the force field used for energy and force calculation") group.addParam('generateTop', params.BooleanParam, label="Generate topology files ?", default=False, help="Use the GUI to generate topology files for you (PSF file for CHARMM and TOP file for AAGO/CAGO)." " Requires VMD psfgen for CHARMM forcefields " " and SMOG2 for GO models. Note that the generated topology files will not include" " solvent.") group.addParam('nucleicChoice', params.EnumParam, label="Contains nucleic acids ?", default=0, choices=['NO', 'RNA', 'DNA'], condition ="generateTop", help="Specify if the generator should consider nucleic residues as DNA or RNA") group.addParam('smog_dir', params.FileParam, label="Path to SMOG2 install directory (For SMOG2 installation, see " " , otherwise use the web GUI " " )", help='Path to SMOG2 directory', condition="(forcefield==1 or forcefield==2) and generateTop") group.addParam('inputTOP', params.FileParam, label="GROMACS Topology File (top)", condition="(forcefield==1 or forcefield==2) and not generateTop", help='Gromacs ‘top’ file containing information of the system such as atomic masses, charges,' ' atom connectivities. To generate this file for your system, you can either use the option' '\" generate topology files\" (SMOG 2 installation is required, ),' ' or using SMOG sever ( )') group.addParam('inputPRM', params.FileParam, label="CHARMM parameter file (prm)", condition = "forcefield==0", help='CHARMM parameter file containing force field parameters, e.g. force constants and librium' ' geometries. Latest forcefields can be founded at ' ) group.addParam('inputRTF', params.FileParam, label="CHARMM topology file (rtf)", condition="forcefield==0 or ((forcefield==1 or forcefield==2) and generateTop)", help='CHARMM topology file containing information about atom connectivity of residues and' ' other molecules. Latest forcefields can be founded at ' ' Note: In the case of generating topology files for GO models (SMOG2), ' ' the CHARMM topology file and VMD psfgen are used to fill missing atoms/residues.') group.addParam('inputPSF', params.FileParam, label="CHARMM Structure File (psf)", condition="forcefield==0 and not generateTop", help='CHARMM/X-PLOR psf file containing information of the system such as atomic masses,' ' charges, and atom connectivities. To generate this file for your system, you can either use the option' '\" generate topology files\", VMD psfgen, or online CHARMM GUI ( ).') group.addParam('inputSTR', params.FileParam, label="CHARMM stream file (str)", condition="forcefield==0", default="", help='CHARMM stream file containing both topology information and parameters. ' 'Latest forcefields can be founded at ', expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) # Simulation ================================================================================================= form.addSection(label='Simulation') form.addParam('simulationType', params.EnumParam, label="Simulation type", default=0, choices=['Minimization', 'Molecular Dynamics (MD)', 'Normal Mode Molecular Dynamics (NMMD)', 'Replica-Exchange MD', 'Replica-Exchange NMMD'], help="Type of simulation to be performed by GENESIS", important=True) group = form.addGroup('Simulation parameters') group.addParam('integrator', params.EnumParam, label="Integrator", default=0, choices=['Velocity Verlet', 'Leapfrog', ''], help="Type of integrator for the simulation", condition="simulationType!=0") group.addParam('time_step', params.FloatParam, default=0.002, label='Time step (ps)', help="Time step in the MD run", condition="simulationType!=0") group.addParam('n_steps', params.IntParam, default=10000, label='Number of steps', help="Total number of steps in one MD run") group.addParam('eneout_period', params.IntParam, default=100, label='Energy output period', help="Output frequency for the energy data") group.addParam('crdout_period', params.IntParam, default=100, label='Coordinate output period', help="Output frequency for the coordinates data") group.addParam('nbupdate_period', params.IntParam, default=10, label='Non-bonded update period', help="Update frequency of the non-bonded pairlist", expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) group = form.addGroup('NMMD parameters', condition="simulationType==2 or simulationType==4") group.addParam('nm_number', params.IntParam, default=10, label='Number of normal modes', help="Number of normal modes for NMMD. 10 should work in most cases. Avoid " " using too much NM (>50).", condition="simulationType==2 or simulationType==4") group.addParam('nm_mass', params.FloatParam, default=10.0, label='NM mass', help="Mass value of Normal modes for NMMD", condition="simulationType==2 or simulationType==4", expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) group.addParam('nm_limit', params.FloatParam, default=1000.0, label='NM amplitude threshold', help="Threshold of normal mode amplitude above which the normal modes are updated", condition="simulationType==2 or simulationType==4",expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) group.addParam('elnemo_cutoff', params.FloatParam, default=8.0, label='NMA cutoff (A)', help="Cutoff distance for elastic network model", condition="simulationType==2 or simulationType==4", expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) group.addParam('elnemo_rtb_block', params.IntParam, default=10, label='NMA Number of residue RTB', help="Number of residue per RTB block in the NMA computation", condition="simulationType==2 or simulationType==4",expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) group = form.addGroup('REMD parameters', condition="simulationType==3 or simulationType==4") group.addParam('exchange_period', params.IntParam, default=1000, label='Exchange Period', help="Number of MD steps between replica exchanges", condition="simulationType==3 or simulationType==4") group.addParam('nreplica', params.IntParam, default=1, label='Number of replicas', help="Number of replicas for REMD", condition="simulationType==3 or simulationType==4") # MD params ================================================================================================= form.addSection(label='MD parameters') group = form.addGroup('Energy') group.addParam('implicitSolvent', params.EnumParam, label="Implicit Solvent", default=1, choices=['GBSA', 'NONE'], help="Turn on Generalized Born/Solvent accessible surface area model (Implicit Solvent). Boundary condition must be NO." " ATDYN only.") group.addParam('boundary', params.EnumParam, label="Boundary", default=0, choices=['No boundary', 'Periodic Boundary Condition'], help="Type of boundary condition. In case of implicit solvent, " " GO models or vaccum simulation, choose No boundary") group.addParam('box_size_x', params.FloatParam, label='Box size X', help="Box size along the x dimension", condition="boundary==1") group.addParam('box_size_y', params.FloatParam, label='Box size Y', help="Box size along the y dimension", condition="boundary==1") group.addParam('box_size_z', params.FloatParam, label='Box size Z', help="Box size along the z dimension", condition="boundary==1") group.addParam('electrostatics', params.EnumParam, label="Non-bonded interactions", default=1, choices=['PME', 'Cutoff'], help="Type of Non-bonded interactions. " " CUTOFF: Non-bonded interactions including the van der Waals interaction are just" " truncated at cutoffdist; " " PME : Particle mesh Ewald (PME) method is employed for long-range interactions." " This option is only availabe in the periodic boundary condition") group.addParam('vdw_force_switch', params.BooleanParam, label="Switch function Van der Waals", default=True, help="This paramter determines whether the force switch function for van der Waals interactions is" " employed or not. The users must take care about this parameter, when the CHARMM" " force field is used. Typically, vdw_force_switch=YES should be specified in the case of" " CHARMM36",expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) group.addParam('switch_dist', params.FloatParam, default=10.0, label='Switch Distance', help="Switch-on distance for nonbonded interaction energy/force quenching") group.addParam('cutoff_dist', params.FloatParam, default=12.0, label='Cutoff Distance', help="Cut-off distance for the non-bonded interactions. This distance must be larger than" " switchdist, while smaller than pairlistdist") group.addParam('pairlist_dist', params.FloatParam, default=15.0, label='Pairlist Distance', help="Distance used to make a Verlet pair list for non-bonded interactions . This distance" " must be larger than cutoffdist") group = form.addGroup('Ensemble', condition="simulationType!=0") group.addParam('ensemble', params.EnumParam, label="Ensemble", default=0, choices=['NVT', 'NVE', 'NPT'], help="Type of ensemble, NVE: Microcanonical ensemble, NVT: Canonical ensemble," " NPT: Isothermal-isobaric ensemble") group.addParam('tpcontrol', params.EnumParam, label="Thermostat/Barostat", default=1, choices=['NO', 'LANGEVIN', 'BERENDSEN', 'BUSSI'], help="Type of thermostat and barostat. The availabe algorithm depends on the integrator :" " Leapfrog : BERENDSEN, LANGEVIN; Velocity Verlet : BERENDSEN (NVT only), LANGEVIN, BUSSI; " " NMMD : LANGEVIN (NVT only)") group.addParam('temperature', params.FloatParam, default=300.0, label='Temperature (K)', help="Initial and target temperature") group.addParam('pressure', params.FloatParam, default=1.0, label='Pressure (atm)', help="Target pressure in the NPT ensemble", condition="ensemble==2") group = form.addGroup('Contraints', condition="simulationType==1 or simulationType==3") group.addParam('rigid_bond', params.BooleanParam, label="Rigid bonds (SHAKE/RATTLE)", default=False, help="Turn on or off the SHAKE/RATTLE algorithms for covalent bonds involving hydrogen. " "Must be False for NMMD.") group.addParam('fast_water', params.BooleanParam, label="Fast water (SETTLE)", default=False, help="Turn on or off the SETTLE algorithm for the constraints of the water molecules") group.addParam('water_model', params.StringParam, label='Water model', default="TIP3", help="Residue name of the water molecule to be rigidified in the SETTLE algorithm", condition="fast_water") # Experiments ================================================================================================= form.addSection(label='EM data') form.addParam('EMfitChoice', params.EnumParam, label="Cryo-EM Flexible Fitting", default=0, choices=['None', 'Volume'], important=True, help="Type of cryo-EM data to be processed") group = form.addGroup('Fitting parameters', condition="EMfitChoice!=0") group.addParam('constantK', params.StringParam, default="10000", label='Force constant (kcal/mol)', help="Force constant in Eem = k*(1 - c.c.). Note that in the case of REUS, the number of " " force constant value must be equal to the number of replicas, for example for 4 replicas," " a valid force constant is \"1000 2000 3000 4000\", otherwise you can specify a range of " " values (for example \"1000-4000\") and the force constant values will be linearly distributed " " to each replica." , condition="EMfitChoice!=0") group.addParam('centerPDB', params.BooleanParam, label="Center PDB ?", default=False, help="Center the input PDBs with the center of mass", condition="EMfitChoice!=0") group.addParam('emfit_sigma', params.FloatParam, default=2.0, label="EM Fit Sigma", help="Resolution parameter of the simulated map. This is usually set to the half of the resolution" " of the target map. For example, if the target map resolution is 5 Å, emfit_sigma=2.5", condition="EMfitChoice!=0",expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) group.addParam('emfit_tolerance', params.FloatParam, default=0.01, label='EM Fit Tolerance', help="This variable determines the tail length of the Gaussian function. For example, if em-" " fit_tolerance=0.001 is specified, the Gaussian function is truncated to zero when it is less" " than 0.1% of the maximum value. Smaller value requires large computational cost", condition="EMfitChoice!=0",expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) # Volumes group = form.addGroup('Volume Parameters', condition="EMfitChoice==1") group.addParam('inputVolume', params.PointerParam, pointerClass="Volume", label="Input volume", help='Select the target EM density volume', condition="EMfitChoice==1", important=True) group.addParam('voxel_size', params.FloatParam, default=1.0, label='Voxel size (A)', help="Voxel size in ANgstrom of the target volume", condition="EMfitChoice==1") group.addParam('centerOrigin', params.BooleanParam, label="Center Origin", default=True, help="Center the volume to the origin", condition="EMfitChoice==1") group.addParam('origin_x', params.FloatParam, default=0, label="Origin X", help="Origin of the first voxel in X direction (in Angstrom) ", condition="EMfitChoice==1 and not centerOrigin") group.addParam('origin_y', params.FloatParam, default=0, label="Origin Y", help="Origin of the first voxel in Y direction (in Angstrom) ", condition="EMfitChoice==1 and not centerOrigin") group.addParam('origin_z', params.FloatParam, default=0, label="Origin Z", help="Origin of the first voxel in Z direction (in Angstrom) ", condition="EMfitChoice==1 and not centerOrigin") # Images group = form.addGroup('Image Parameters', condition="EMfitChoice==2") group.addParam('inputImage', params.PointerParam, pointerClass="Particle, SetOfParticles", label="Input image (s)", help='Select the target EM density map', condition="EMfitChoice==2", important=True) group.addParam('image_size', params.IntParam, default=64, label='Image Size', help="TODO", condition="EMfitChoice==2") group.addParam('estimateAngleShift', params.BooleanParam, label="Estimate rigid body ?", default=False, condition="EMfitChoice==2", help="If set, the GUI will perform rigid body alignement. " "Otherwise, you must provide a set of alignement parameters for each image") group.addParam('rb_n_iter', params.IntParam, default=1, label='Number of iterations for rigid body fitting', help="Number of rigid body alignement during the simulation. If 1 is set, the rigid body alignement " "will be performed once at the begining of the simulation", condition="EMfitChoice==2 and estimateAngleShift") group.addParam('rb_method', params.EnumParam, label="Rigid body alignement method", default=1, choices=['Projection Matching', 'Wavelet'], help="Type of rigid body alignement. " "Wavelet method is recommended", condition="EMfitChoice==2 and estimateAngleShift") group.addParam('imageAngleShift', params.FileParam, label="Rigid body parameters (.xmd)", condition="EMfitChoice==2 and not estimateAngleShift", help='Xmipp metadata file of rigid body parameters for each image (3 euler angles, 2 shift)') group.addParam('pixel_size', params.FloatParam, default=1.0, label='Pixel size (A)', help="Pixel size of the EM data in Angstrom", condition="EMfitChoice==2") form.addParallelSection(threads=1, mpi=1) # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions -------------------------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self._insertFunctionStep("convertInputPDBStep") if self.EMfitChoice.get() != EMFIT_NONE: self._insertFunctionStep("convertInputEMStep") self._insertFunctionStep("runGenesisStep") self._insertFunctionStep("createOutputStep") # --------------------------- Convert Input PDBs --------------------------------------------
[docs] def convertInputPDBStep(self): """ Convert input PDB step. Generate topology files and copy input PDB files :return None: """ # COPY PDBS ------------------------------------------------------------- inputPDBfn = self.getInputPDBfn() n_pdb = self.getNumberOfInputPDB() for i in range(n_pdb): runCommand("cp %s %s.pdb"%(inputPDBfn[i],self.getInputPDBprefix(i))) print( "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA") print(n_pdb) # TOPOLOGY FILES ------------------------------------------------- if self.restartChoice.get(): if self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CHARMM: for i in range(n_pdb): runCommand("cp %s.psf %s.psf" % (self.restartProt.get().getInputPDBprefix(i), self.getInputPDBprefix(i))) elif self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_AAGO or self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CAGO: for i in range(n_pdb): runCommand("cp" % (self.restartProt.get().getInputPDBprefix(i), self.getInputPDBprefix(i))) else: if self.generateTop.get(): #CHARMM if self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CHARMM: for i in range(n_pdb): prefix = self.getInputPDBprefix(i) generatePSF(inputPDB=prefix+".pdb",inputTopo=self.inputRTF.get(), outputPrefix=prefix, nucleicChoice=self.nucleicChoice.get()) # GO MODELS elif self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_AAGO or self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CAGO: for i in range(n_pdb): prefix = self.getInputPDBprefix(i) generatePSF(inputPDB=prefix+".pdb", inputTopo=self.inputRTF.get(), outputPrefix=prefix+"_AA", nucleicChoice=self.nucleicChoice.get()) generateGROTOP(inputPDB=prefix+"_AA.pdb", outputPrefix=prefix, forcefield=self.getForceField(), smog_dir=self.smog_dir.get(), nucleicChoice=self.nucleicChoice.get()) else: # CHARMM if self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CHARMM: for i in range(n_pdb): runCommand("cp %s %s.psf" % (self.inputPSF.get(), self.getInputPDBprefix(i))) # GO MODELS elif self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_AAGO or self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CAGO: runCommand("cp %s" % (self.inputTOP.get(), self.getInputPDBprefix(i))) # Center PDBs ----------------------------------------------------- if self.centerPDB.get(): for i in range(self.getNumberOfInputPDB()): cmd = "xmipp_pdb_center -i %s.pdb -o %s.pdb" %\ (self.getInputPDBprefix(i),self.getInputPDBprefix(i)) runCommand(cmd)
# --------------------------- Convert Input EM data --------------------------------------------
[docs] def convertInputEMStep(self): """ Convert EM data step :return None: """ inputEMfn = self.getInputEMfn() n_em = self.getNumberOfInputEM() if self.EMfitChoice.get() == EMFIT_VOLUMES: for i in range(n_em): self.convertInputVol(fnInput=inputEMfn[i], volPrefix = self.getInputEMprefix(i)) elif self.EMfitChoice.get() == EMFIT_IMAGES: for i in range(n_em): runCommand("cp %s %s.spi"%(inputEMfn[i], self.getInputEMprefix(i))) if self.estimateAngleShift.get(): currentAngles = md.MetaData() currentAngles.setValue(md.MDL_IMAGE, self.getInputEMprefix(i), currentAngles.addObject()) currentAngles.setValue(md.MDL_ANGLE_ROT, 0.0, 1) currentAngles.setValue(md.MDL_ANGLE_TILT, 0.0, 1) currentAngles.setValue(md.MDL_ANGLE_PSI, 0.0, 1) currentAngles.setValue(md.MDL_SHIFT_X, 0.0, 1) currentAngles.setValue(md.MDL_SHIFT_Y, 0.0, 1) currentAngles.write(self._getExtraPath("%s_current_angles.xmd" % str(i + 1).zfill(5)))
[docs] def convertInputVol(self,fnInput,volPrefix): """ Convert input volume data :param str fnInput: input volume file name :param str volPrefix: ouput volume prefix :return None: """ # Convert data to mrc pre, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fnInput)) if ext != ".mrc": runProgram("xmipp_image_convert", "-i %s --oext mrc -o %s.mrc" % (fnInput,volPrefix)) else: runProgram("cp","%s %s.mrc" %(fnInput,volPrefix)) # Update mrc header with"%s.mrc" % volPrefix) as old_mrc: with"%s.mrc" % volPrefix, overwrite=True) as new_mrc: new_mrc.set_data( new_mrc.voxel_size = self.voxel_size.get() new_mrc.header['origin'] = old_mrc.header['origin'] if self.centerOrigin.get(): origin = -np.array( *self.voxel_size.get() new_mrc.header['origin']['x'] = origin[0] new_mrc.header['origin']['y'] = origin[1] new_mrc.header['origin']['z'] = origin[2] else: new_mrc.header['origin']['x'] = self.origin_x.get() new_mrc.header['origin']['y'] = self.origin_y.get() new_mrc.header['origin']['z'] = self.origin_z.get() new_mrc.update_header_from_data() new_mrc.update_header_stats()
# --------------------------- GENESIS step --------------------------------------------
[docs] def runGenesisStep(self): """ Run GENESIS simulations step :return None: """ rb_condition = self.EMfitChoice.get() == EMFIT_IMAGES and self.estimateAngleShift.get() # Parallel Genesis simulation if not(rb_condition): self.runParallelGenesis() # Parallel rigid body fitting for EMFIT images else: self.runParallelGenesisRBFitting()
[docs] def runParallelGenesis(self): """ Run multiple GENESIS simulations in parallel :return None: """ # SETUP MPI parameters numMpiPerFit, numLinearFit, numParallelFit, numLastIter = self.getMPIParams() for i1 in range(numLinearFit + 1): cmds = [] n_parallel = numParallelFit if i1 < numLinearFit else numLastIter for i2 in range(n_parallel): indexFit = i2 + i1 * numParallelFit prefix = self.getOutputPrefix(indexFit) # Create INP file self.createGenesisInputFile(inputPDB=self.getInputPDBprefix(indexFit) + ".pdb", outputPrefix=prefix, indexFit=indexFit) # Create Genesis command genesis_cmd = self.getGenesisCmd(prefix=prefix) cmds.append(genesis_cmd) # Run Genesis runParallelJobs(cmds, env=self.getGenesisEnv(), numberOfMpi=numMpiPerFit, numberOfThreads=self.numberOfThreads.get(), hostConfig=self._stepsExecutor.hostConfig)
[docs] def runParallelGenesisRBFitting(self): # SETUP MPI parameters numMpiPerFit, numLinearFit, numParallelFit, numLastIter = self.getMPIParams() #TODO initrst = str(self.inputRST.get()) for i1 in range(numLinearFit + 1): n_parallel = numParallelFit if i1 < numLinearFit else numLastIter # Loop rigidbody align / GENESIS fitting for iterFit in range(self.rb_n_iter.get()): # ------ ALIGN PDBs--------- # Transform PDBs to volume cmds_pdb2vol = [] for i2 in range(n_parallel): indexFit = i2 + i1 * numParallelFit inputPDB = self.getInputPDBprefix(indexFit) + ".pdb" if iterFit == 0 \ else self.getOutputPrefix(indexFit) + ".pdb" tmpPrefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_tmp" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) cmds_pdb2vol.append(pdb2vol(inputPDB=inputPDB, outputVol=tmpPrefix, sampling_rate=self.pixel_size.get(), image_size=self.image_size.get())) runParallelJobs(cmds_pdb2vol, env=self.getGenesisEnv(), hostConfig=self._stepsExecutor.hostConfig) # Loop 4 times to refine the angles # sampling_rate = [10.0, 5.0, 3.0, 2.0] # angular_distance = [-1, 20, 10, 5] sampling_rate = [10.0] angular_distance = [-1] for i_align in range(len(sampling_rate)): cmds_projectVol = [] cmds_alignement = [] for i2 in range(n_parallel): indexFit = i2 + i1 * numParallelFit tmpPrefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_tmp" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) inputImage = self.getInputEMprefix(indexFit) + ".spi" tmpMeta = self._getExtraPath("%s_tmp_angles.xmd" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) currentAngles = self._getExtraPath("%s_current_angles.xmd" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) # get commands if self.rb_method.get() == RB_PROJMATCH: cmds_projectVol.append(projectVol(inputVol=tmpPrefix, outputProj=tmpPrefix, expImage=inputImage, sampling_rate=sampling_rate[i_align], angular_distance=angular_distance[i_align])) cmds_alignement.append(projectMatch(inputImage=inputImage, inputProj=tmpPrefix, outputMeta=tmpMeta)) else: cmds_projectVol.append(projectVol(inputVol=tmpPrefix, outputProj=tmpPrefix, expImage=inputImage, sampling_rate=sampling_rate[i_align], angular_distance=angular_distance[i_align], compute_neighbors=False)) cmds_alignement.append(waveletAssignement(inputImage=inputImage, inputProj=tmpPrefix, outputMeta=tmpMeta)) # run parallel jobs runParallelJobs(cmds_projectVol, env=self.getGenesisEnv(), hostConfig=self._stepsExecutor.hostConfig) runParallelJobs(cmds_alignement, env=self.getGenesisEnv(), hostConfig=self._stepsExecutor.hostConfig) cmds_continuousAssign = [] for i2 in range(n_parallel): indexFit = i2 + i1 * numParallelFit tmpPrefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_tmp" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) tmpMeta = self._getExtraPath("%s_tmp_angles.xmd" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) currentAngles = self._getExtraPath("%s_current_angles.xmd" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) if self.rb_method.get() == RB_PROJMATCH: flipAngles(inputMeta=tmpMeta, outputMeta=tmpMeta) cmds_continuousAssign.append(continuousAssign(inputMeta=tmpMeta, inputVol=tmpPrefix, outputMeta=currentAngles)) runParallelJobs(cmds_continuousAssign, env=self.getGenesisEnv(), hostConfig=self._stepsExecutor.hostConfig) # Cleaning volumes and projections for i2 in range(n_parallel): indexFit = i2 + i1 * numParallelFit tmpPrefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_tmp" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) runCommand("rm -f %s*" % tmpPrefix) # ------ Run Genesis --------- cmds = [] for i2 in range(n_parallel): indexFit = i2 + i1 * numParallelFit if iterFit == 0: prefix = self.getOutputPrefix(indexFit) inputPDB = self.getInputPDBprefix(indexFit) + ".pdb" else: prefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_tmp" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) inputPDB = self.getOutputPrefix(indexFit) + ".pdb" # Create INP file self.createGenesisInputFile(inputPDB=inputPDB, outputPrefix=prefix, indexFit=indexFit) # run GENESIS cmds.append(self.getGenesisCmd(prefix=prefix)) runParallelJobs(cmds, env=self.getGenesisEnv(), numberOfMpi=numMpiPerFit, numberOfThreads=self.numberOfThreads.get(), hostConfig=self._stepsExecutor.hostConfig) if self.rb_n_iter.get()> 1 : if self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_REMD or self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_RENMMD: raise RuntimeError("Simulation REMD not allowed for Rigid body fitting iteration > 1") # append files if iterFit != 0: for i2 in range(n_parallel): indexFit = i2 + i1 * numParallelFit tmpPrefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_tmp" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) newPrefix = self.getOutputPrefix(indexFit) cat_cmd = "cat %s.log >> %s.log" % (tmpPrefix, newPrefix) tcl_cmd = "animate read dcd %s.dcd waitfor all\n" % (newPrefix) tcl_cmd += "animate read dcd %s.dcd waitfor all\n" % (tmpPrefix) tcl_cmd += "animate write dcd %s.dcd \nexit \n" % newPrefix with open("%s.tcl" % tmpPrefix, "w") as f: f.write(tcl_cmd) cp_cmd = "cp %s.pdb %s.pdb" % (tmpPrefix, newPrefix) runCommand(cat_cmd) runCommand(cp_cmd) runCommand("vmd -dispdev text -e %s.tcl" % tmpPrefix) # rstfile = "" for i2 in range(n_parallel): indexFit = i2 + i1 * numParallelFit newPrefix = self.getOutputPrefix(indexFit) if iterFit != 0: tmpPrefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_tmp" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) else: tmpPrefix = self.getOutputPrefix(indexFit) # runCommand("cp %s.rst %s.tmp.rst" % (tmpPrefix, newPrefix)) # rstfile += "%s.tmp.rst "%newPrefix #save angles angles = self._getExtraPath("%s_current_angles.xmd" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)) saved_angles = self._getExtraPath("%s_iter%i_angles.xmd" % (str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5), iterFit)) runCommand("cp %s %s" % (angles, saved_angles)) #cleaning runCommand("rm -rf %s" %self._getExtraPath("%s_tmp" % str(indexFit + 1).zfill(5)))
# self.inputRST.set(rstfile) # self.inputRST.set(initrst)
[docs] def createGenesisInputFile(self,inputPDB, outputPrefix, indexFit): """ Create INP input file for GENESIS :param str inputPDB: input PDB file name :param str outputPrefix: output prefix :param int indexFit: index of the simulation :return None: """ inputPDBprefix = self.getInputPDBprefix(indexFit) inputEMprefix = self.getInputEMprefix(indexFit) inp_file = "%s_INP"% outputPrefix if self.restartChoice.get(): inputProt = self.restartProt.get() else: inputProt = self s = "\n[INPUT] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- s += "pdbfile = %s\n" % inputPDB if self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CHARMM: s += "topfile = %s\n" % inputProt.inputRTF.get() s += "parfile = %s\n" % inputProt.inputPRM.get() s += "psffile = %s.psf\n" % inputPDBprefix if inputProt.inputSTR.get() != "" and inputProt.inputSTR.get() is not None: s += "strfile = %s\n" % inputProt.inputSTR.get() elif self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_AAGO or self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CAGO: s += "grotopfile =\n" % inputPDBprefix if self.restartChoice.get(): s += "rstfile = %s \n" % self.getRestartFile(indexFit) s += "\n[OUTPUT] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- if self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_REMD or self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_RENMMD: s += "remfile = %s_remd{}.rem\n" %outputPrefix s += "logfile = %s_remd{}.log\n" %outputPrefix s += "dcdfile = %s_remd{}.dcd\n" %outputPrefix s += "rstfile = %s_remd{}.rst\n" %outputPrefix s += "pdbfile = %s_remd{}.pdb\n" %outputPrefix else: s += "dcdfile = %s.dcd\n" %outputPrefix s += "rstfile = %s.rst\n" %outputPrefix s += "pdbfile = %s.pdb\n" %outputPrefix s += "\n[ENERGY] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- if self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CHARMM: s += "forcefield = CHARMM \n" elif self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_AAGO: s += "forcefield = AAGO \n" elif self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CAGO: s += "forcefield = CAGO \n" if self.electrostatics.get() == ELECTROSTATICS_CUTOFF : s += "electrostatic = CUTOFF \n" else: s += "electrostatic = PME \n" s += "switchdist = %.2f \n" % self.switch_dist.get() s += "cutoffdist = %.2f \n" % self.cutoff_dist.get() s += "pairlistdist = %.2f \n" % self.pairlist_dist.get() if self.vdw_force_switch.get(): s += "vdw_force_switch = YES \n" if self.implicitSolvent.get() == IMPLICIT_SOLVENT_GBSA: s += "implicit_solvent = GBSA \n" s += "gbsa_eps_solvent = 78.5 \n" s += "gbsa_eps_solute = 1.0 \n" s += "gbsa_salt_cons = 0.2 \n" s += "gbsa_surf_tens = 0.005 \n" if self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_MIN: s += "\n[MINIMIZE]\n" #----------------------------------------------------------- s += "method = SD\n" else: s += "\n[DYNAMICS] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- if self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_NMMD or self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_RENMMD: s += "integrator = NMMD \n" elif self.integrator.get() == INTEGRATOR_VVERLET: s += "integrator = VVER \n" elif self.integrator.get() == INTEGRATOR_LEAPFROG: s += "integrator = LEAP \n" s += "timestep = %f \n" % self.time_step.get() s += "nsteps = %i \n" % self.n_steps.get() s += "eneout_period = %i \n" % self.eneout_period.get() s += "crdout_period = %i \n" % self.crdout_period.get() s += "rstout_period = %i \n" % self.n_steps.get() s += "nbupdate_period = %i \n" % self.nbupdate_period.get() if self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_NMMD or self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_RENMMD: s += "\n[NMMD] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- s+= "nm_number = %i \n" % self.nm_number.get() s+= "nm_mass = %f \n" % self.nm_mass.get() s+= "nm_limit = %f \n" % self.nm_limit.get() s+= "elnemo_cutoff = %f \n" % self.elnemo_cutoff.get() s+= "elnemo_rtb_block = %i \n" % self.elnemo_rtb_block.get() s+= "elnemo_path = %s \n" % Plugin.getVar("NMA_HOME") if self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_REMD or self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_RENMMD : s+= "nm_prefix = %s_remd{} \n" % outputPrefix else: s += "nm_prefix = %s \n" % outputPrefix if self.simulationType.get() != SIMULATION_MIN: s += "\n[CONSTRAINTS] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- if self.rigid_bond.get() : s += "rigid_bond = YES \n" else : s += "rigid_bond = NO \n" if self.fast_water.get() : s += "fast_water = YES \n" s += "water_model = %s \n" %self.water_model.get() else : s += "fast_water = NO \n" s += "\n[BOUNDARY] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- if self.boundary.get() == BOUNDARY_PBC: s += "type = PBC \n" s += "box_size_x = %f \n" % self.box_size_x.get() s += "box_size_y = %f \n" % self.box_size_y.get() s += "box_size_z = %f \n" % self.box_size_z.get() else : s += "type = NOBC \n" if self.simulationType.get() != SIMULATION_MIN: s += "\n[ENSEMBLE] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- if self.ensemble.get() == ENSEMBLE_NVE: s += "ensemble = NVE \n" elif self.ensemble.get() == ENSEMBLE_NPT: s += "ensemble = NPT \n" else: s += "ensemble = NVT \n" if self.tpcontrol.get() == TPCONTROL_LANGEVIN: s += "tpcontrol = LANGEVIN \n" elif self.tpcontrol.get() == TPCONTROL_BERENDSEN: s += "tpcontrol = BERENDSEN \n" elif self.tpcontrol.get() == TPCONTROL_BUSSI: s += "tpcontrol = BUSSI \n" else: s += "tpcontrol = NO \n" s += "temperature = %.2f \n" % self.temperature.get() if self.ensemble.get() == ENSEMBLE_NPT: s += "pressure = %.2f \n" % self.pressure.get() if (self.EMfitChoice.get()==EMFIT_VOLUMES or self.EMfitChoice.get()==EMFIT_IMAGES)\ and self.simulationType.get() != SIMULATION_MIN: s += "\n[SELECTION] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- s += "group1 = all and not hydrogen\n" s += "\n[RESTRAINTS] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- s += "nfunctions = 1 \n" s += "function1 = EM \n" constStr = self.constantK.get() if "-" in constStr : splt = constStr.split("-") constStr = " ".join([str(int(i)) for i in np.linspace(int(splt[0]),int(splt[1]),self.nreplica.get())]) s += "constant1 = %s \n" %constStr s += "select_index1 = 1 \n" s += "\n[EXPERIMENTS] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- s += "emfit = YES \n" s += "emfit_sigma = %.4f \n" % self.emfit_sigma.get() s += "emfit_tolerance = %.6f \n" % self.emfit_tolerance.get() s += "emfit_period = 1 \n" if self.EMfitChoice.get() == EMFIT_VOLUMES: s += "emfit_target = %s.mrc \n" % inputEMprefix elif self.EMfitChoice.get()==EMFIT_IMAGES : s += "emfit_type = IMAGE \n" s += "emfit_target = %s.spi \n" % inputEMprefix s += "emfit_pixel_size = %f\n" % self.pixel_size.get() rigid_body_params = self.getRigidBodyParams(indexFit) s += "emfit_roll_angle = %f\n" % rigid_body_params[0] s += "emfit_tilt_angle = %f\n" % rigid_body_params[1] s += "emfit_yaw_angle = %f\n" % rigid_body_params[2] s += "emfit_shift_x = %f\n" % rigid_body_params[3] s += "emfit_shift_y = %f\n" % rigid_body_params[4] if self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_REMD or self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_RENMMD: s += "\n[REMD] \n" #----------------------------------------------------------- s += "dimension = 1 \n" s += "exchange_period = %i \n" % self.exchange_period.get() s += "type1 = RESTRAINT \n" s += "nreplica1 = %i \n" % self.nreplica.get() s += "rest_function1 = 1 \n" with open(inp_file, "w") as f: f.write(s)
# --------------------------- Create output step --------------------------------------------
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): """ Create output PDB or set of PDBs :return None: """ if self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_REMD or self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_RENMMD: self.convertReusOutputDcd() # Convert Output for i in range(self.getNumberOfSimulation()): outputPrefix = self.getOutputPrefixAll(i) for j in outputPrefix: # Extract the pdb from the DCD file in case of SPDYN if self.md_program.get() == PROGRAM_SPDYN: lastPDBFromDCD( inputDCD=j + ".dcd", outputPDB=j + ".pdb", inputPDB=self.getInputPDBprefix(i) + ".pdb") if self.getForceField() == FORCEFIELD_CAGO: input = PDBMol(self.getInputPDBprefix(i) + ".pdb") for i in range(self.getNumberOfSimulation()): output = PDBMol(j + ".pdb") input.coords = output.coords + ".pdb") # CREATE a output PDB if (self.simulationType.get() != SIMULATION_REMD and self.simulationType.get() != SIMULATION_RENMMD )\ and self.getNumberOfSimulation() == 1: self._defineOutputs(outputPDB=AtomStruct(self.getOutputPrefix() + ".pdb")) # CREATE SET OF output PDBs else: pdbset = self._createSetOfPDBs("outputPDBs") # Add each output PDB to the Set for i in range(self.getNumberOfSimulation()): outputPrefix =self.getOutputPrefixAll(i) for j in outputPrefix: pdbset.append(AtomStruct(j + ".pdb")) self._defineOutputs(outputPDBs=pdbset)
# --------------------------- INFO functions -------------------------------------------- def _summary(self): summary = ["Genesis in a software for Molecular Dynamics Simulation, " "Normal Mode Molecular Dynamics (NMMD), Replica Exchange Umbrela " "Sampling (REUS) and Energy Minimization"] return summary def _validate(self): errors = [] print(self.getGenesisEnv()["PATH"]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join( Plugin.getVar("GENESIS_HOME"), 'bin/atdyn')): errors.append("Missing GENESIS program : atdyn ") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join( Plugin.getVar("GENESIS_HOME"), 'bin/spdyn')): errors.append("Missing GENESIS program : spdyn ") return errors def _citations(self): return ["kobayashi2017genesis","vuillemot2022NMMD"] def _methods(self): pass # --------------------------- UTILS functions --------------------------------------------
[docs] def getNumberOfInputPDB(self): """ Get the number of input PDBs :return int: number of input PDBs """ if self.restartChoice.get(): allOutPrx = [] for i in range(self.restartProt.get().getNumberOfSimulation()): allOutPrx += self.restartProt.get().getOutputPrefixAll(i) return len(allOutPrx ) else: if isinstance(self.inputPDB.get(), SetOfAtomStructs) or \ isinstance(self.inputPDB.get(), SetOfPDBs): return self.inputPDB.get().getSize() else: return 1
[docs] def getNumberOfInputEM(self): """ Get the number of input EM data to analyze :return int : number of input EM data """ if self.EMfitChoice.get() == EMFIT_VOLUMES: if isinstance(self.inputVolume.get(), SetOfVolumes): return self.inputVolume.get().getSize() else: return 1 elif self.EMfitChoice.get() == EMFIT_IMAGES: if isinstance(self.inputImage.get(), SetOfParticles): return self.inputImage.get().getSize() else: return 1 else: return 0
[docs] def getNumberOfSimulation(self): """ Get the number of simulations to perform :return int: Number of simulations """ numberOfInputPDB = self.getNumberOfInputPDB() numberOfInputEM = self.getNumberOfInputEM() # Check input volumes/images correspond to input PDBs if numberOfInputPDB != numberOfInputEM and \ numberOfInputEM != 1 and numberOfInputPDB != 1 \ and numberOfInputEM != 0: raise RuntimeError("Number of input volumes and PDBs must be the same.") return np.max([numberOfInputEM, numberOfInputPDB])
[docs] def getInputPDBfn(self): """ Get the input PDB file names :return list : list of input PDB file names """ initFn = [] if self.restartChoice.get(): for i in range(self.restartProt.get().getNumberOfSimulation()): initFn += self.restartProt.get().getOutputPrefixAll(i) initFn = [i+".pdb" for i in initFn] else: if isinstance(self.inputPDB.get(), SetOfAtomStructs) or \ isinstance(self.inputPDB.get(), SetOfPDBs): for i in range(self.inputPDB.get().getSize()): initFn.append(self.inputPDB.get()[i+1].getFileName()) else: initFn.append(self.inputPDB.get().getFileName()) return initFn
[docs] def getInputEMfn(self): """ Get the input EM data file names :return list: list of input EM data file names """ inputEMfn = [] if self.EMfitChoice.get() == EMFIT_VOLUMES: if isinstance(self.inputVolume.get(), SetOfVolumes) : for i in self.inputVolume.get(): inputEMfn.append(i.getFileName()) else: inputEMfn.append(self.inputVolume.get().getFileName()) elif self.EMfitChoice.get() == EMFIT_IMAGES: if isinstance(self.inputImage.get(), SetOfParticles) : for i in self.inputImage.get(): inputEMfn.append(i.getFileName()) else: inputEMfn.append(self.inputImage.get().getFileName()) return inputEMfn
[docs] def getInputPDBprefix(self, index=0): """ Get the input PDB prefix of the specified index :param int index: index of input PDB :return str: Input PDB prefix """ prefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_inputPDB") if self.getNumberOfInputPDB() == 1: return prefix % str(1).zfill(5) else: return prefix % str(index + 1).zfill(5)
[docs] def getInputEMprefix(self, index=0): """ Get the input EM data prefix of the specified index :param int index: index of the EM data :return str: Input EM data prefix """ prefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_inputEM") if self.getNumberOfInputEM() == 0: return "" elif self.getNumberOfInputEM() == 1: return prefix % str(1).zfill(5) else: return prefix % str(index + 1).zfill(5)
[docs] def getOutputPrefix(self, index=0): """ Output prefix of the specified index :param int index: index of the simulation to get :return string : Output prefix of the specified index """ return self._getExtraPath("%s_output" % str(index + 1).zfill(5))
[docs] def getOutputPrefixAll(self, index=0): """ All output prefix of the specified index including multiple replicas in case of REUS :param int index: index of the simulation to get :return list: list of all output prefix of the specified index """ outputPrefix=[] if self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_REMD or self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_RENMMD: for i in range(self.nreplica.get()): outputPrefix.append(self._getExtraPath("%s_output_remd%i" % (str(index + 1).zfill(5), i + 1))) else: outputPrefix.append(self._getExtraPath("%s_output" % str(index + 1).zfill(5))) return outputPrefix
[docs] def getMPIParams(self): """ Get mpi parameters for the simulation :return tuple: numberOfMpiPerFit, numberOfLinearFit, numberOfParallelFit, numberOflastIter """ if self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_REMD or self.simulationType.get() == SIMULATION_RENMMD: nreplica = self.nreplica.get() if nreplica > self.numberOfMpi.get(): raise RuntimeError("Number of MPI cores should be larger than the number of replicas.") else : nreplica = 1 n_fit = self.getNumberOfSimulation() * nreplica if n_fit <= self.numberOfMpi.get(): numberOfMpiPerFit = self.numberOfMpi.get()//self.getNumberOfSimulation() numberOfLinearFit = 1 numberOfParallelFit = self.getNumberOfSimulation() numberOflastIter = 0 else: numberOfMpiPerFit = nreplica numberOfLinearFit = n_fit//self.numberOfMpi.get() numberOfParallelFit = self.numberOfMpi.get()//nreplica numberOflastIter = n_fit % self.numberOfMpi.get() return numberOfMpiPerFit, numberOfLinearFit, numberOfParallelFit, numberOflastIter
[docs] def getRigidBodyParams(self, index=0): """ Get the current rigid body parameters for the specified index in case of EMFIT with iamges :param int index: Index of the simulation :return list: angle_rot, angle_tilt, angle_psi, shift_x, shift_y """ if not self.estimateAngleShift.get(): mdImg = md.MetaData(self.imageAngleShift.get()) idx = int(index + 1) else: mdImg = md.MetaData(self._getExtraPath("%s_current_angles.xmd" % str(index + 1).zfill(5))) idx=1 return [ mdImg.getValue(md.MDL_ANGLE_ROT, idx), mdImg.getValue(md.MDL_ANGLE_TILT, idx), mdImg.getValue(md.MDL_ANGLE_PSI, idx), mdImg.getValue(md.MDL_SHIFT_X, idx), mdImg.getValue(md.MDL_SHIFT_Y, idx), ]
[docs] def getGenesisEnv(self): """ Get environnement for running GENESIS :return Environ: environnement """ environ = pwutils.Environ(os.environ) environ.set('PATH', os.path.join(Plugin.getVar("GENESIS_HOME"), 'bin'), position=pwutils.Environ.BEGIN) return environ
[docs] def getGenesisCmd(self, prefix): """ Get GENESIS cmd to run :param str prefix: prefix of the simulation :return str : GENESIS commadn to run """ cmd="" if self.md_program.get() == PROGRAM_ATDYN: cmd += "atdyn %s " % ("%s_INP" % prefix) else: cmd += "spdyn %s " % ("%s_INP" % prefix) cmd += " > %s.log" % prefix return cmd
[docs] def getRestartFile(self, index=0): """ Get input restart file :param int index: Index of the simulation :return str: restart file """ allOutPrx = [] for i in range(self.restartProt.get().getNumberOfSimulation()): allOutPrx += self.restartProt.get().getOutputPrefixAll(i) allOut = [i + ".rst" for i in allOutPrx] return allOut[index]
[docs] def getForceField(self): """ Get simulation forcefield :return int: forcefield """ if self.restartChoice.get(): return self.restartProt.get().getForceField() else: return self.forcefield.get()
[docs] def convertReusOutputDcd(self): for i in range(self.getNumberOfSimulation()): remdPrefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_output_remd" % str(i + 1).zfill(5)) tmpPrefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_output_tmp" % str(i + 1).zfill(5)) inp_file = self._getExtraPath("tmp_INP") with open(inp_file, "w") as f: f.write("\n[INPUT]\n") f.write("reffile = %s.pdb # PDB file\n" % self.getInputPDBprefix(i)) f.write("remfile = %s{}.rem # REMD parameter ID file\n" % remdPrefix) f.write("dcdfile = %s{}.dcd # DCD file\n" % remdPrefix) f.write("logfile = %s{}.log # REMD energy log file\n" % remdPrefix) f.write("\n[OUTPUT]\n") f.write("trjfile = %s{}.dcd # coordinates sorted by temperature\n"% tmpPrefix) f.write("logfile = %s{}.log # energy log sorted by temperature\n"% tmpPrefix) f.write("\n[SELECTION]\n") f.write("group1 = all # selection group 1\n") f.write("\n[FITTING]\n") f.write("fitting_method = NO # [NO,TR,TR+ROT,TR+ZROT,XYTR,XYTR+ZROT]\n") f.write("mass_weight = NO # mass-weight is not applied\n") f.write("\n[OPTION]\n") f.write("check_only = NO\n") f.write("convert_type = PARAMETER # (REPLICA/PARAMETER)\n") f.write("num_replicas = %i # total number of replicas used in the simulation\n"% self.nreplica.get()) f.write("convert_ids = # selected index (empty = all)(example: 1 2 5-10)\n") f.write("nsteps = %i # nsteps in [DYNAMICS]\n" % self.n_steps.get()) f.write("exchange_period = %i # exchange_period in [REMD]\n" % self.exchange_period.get()) f.write("crdout_period = %i # crdout_period in [DYNAMICS]\n" % self.eneout_period.get() ) f.write("eneout_period = %i # eneout_period in [DYNAMICS]\n" % self.crdout_period.get() ) f.write("trjout_format = DCD # (PDB/DCD)\n") f.write("trjout_type = COOR+BOX # (COOR/COOR+BOX)\n") f.write("trjout_atom = 1 # atom group\n") f.write("centering = NO\n") f.write("pbc_correct = NO\n") runCommand("remd_convert %s"%inp_file, env=self.getGenesisEnv()) for j in range(self.nreplica.get()): repPrefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_output_remd%i" % (str(i + 1).zfill(5), j+1)) reptmpPrefix = self._getExtraPath("%s_output_tmp%i" % (str(i + 1).zfill(5), j+1)) runCommand("mv %s.dcd %s.dcd"%(reptmpPrefix,repPrefix)) runCommand("mv %s.log %s.log"%(reptmpPrefix,repPrefix))