Source code for cistem.protocols.protocol_abinitio

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Grigory Sharov ( [1]
# *
# * [1] MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC-LMB
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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from pyworkflow.protocol import STEPS_PARALLEL
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam, FloatParam,
                                        IntParam, StringParam,
from pwem.protocols import ProtInitialVolume

[docs]class CistemProtAbInitio(ProtInitialVolume): """ Protocol to run ab-initio reconstruction in cisTEM. """ _label = 'ab-initio' def __init__(self, **args): ProtInitialVolume.__init__(self, **args) self.stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_PARALLEL # -------------------------- DEFINE param functions ----------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputParticles', PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfParticles', pointerCondition='hasCTF', important=True, label="Input particles", help='Select the input particles.') form.addParam('numOfStarts', IntParam, default=2, label='Number of starts', help='The number of times the ab-initio reconstruction ' 'is restarted, using the result from the previous ' 'run in each restart.') form.addParam('numOfCycles', IntParam, default=40, label='Number of cycles per start', help='The number of refinement cycles to run for ' 'each start. The percentage of particles and ' 'the refinement resolution limit will be ' 'adjusted automatically from cycle to cycle ' 'using initial and final values specified ' 'under Expert Options.') form.addSection(label='Expert options') group = form.addGroup('Refinement') group.addParam('StartResLimit', FloatParam, default=20.0, label='Initial resolution limit (A)', help='The starting resolution limit used to align ' 'particles against the current 3D ' 'reconstruction. In most cases, this should ' 'specify a relatively low resolution to make ' 'sure the reconstructions generated in the ' 'initial refinement cycles do not develop ' 'spurious high-resolution features.') group.addParam('EndResLimit', FloatParam, default=8.0, label='Final resolution limit (A)', help='The resolution limit used in the final ' 'refinement cycle. In most cases, this ' 'should specify a resolution at which ' 'expected secondary structure becomes ' 'apparent, i.e. around 9 A.') line = group.addLine('Mask radius (A):', help='The radius of the circular mask applied. ' 'This mask should be sufficiently large to include ' 'the largest dimension of the particle. The mask ' 'helps remove noise outside the area of the ' 'particle.') line.addParam('maskRadInner', FloatParam, default=0.0, label='inner') line.addParam('maskRad', FloatParam, default=90.0, label='outer') line = group.addLine('Search range (A): ', help='The search can be limited in the X and Y ' 'directions (measured from the box center) to ' 'ensure that only particles close to the box ' 'center are used for classification. A ' 'smaller range, for example 20 to 40 A, can ' 'speed up computation. However, the range ' 'should be chosen sufficiently generously to ' 'capture most particles. If the range of ' 'particle displacements from the box center ' 'is unknown, start with a larger value, e.g. ' '100 A, check the results when the run ' 'finishes and reduce the range appropriately.') line.addParam('rangeX', FloatParam, default=60.0, label='X') line.addParam('rangeY', FloatParam, default=60.0, label='Y') group.addParam('autoMask', BooleanParam, default=True, label='Use auto-masking?', help='Should the 3D reconstructions be masked? ' 'Masking is important to suppress weak ' 'density features that usually appear in ' 'the early stages of ab-initio reconstruction, ' 'thus preventing them to get amplified during ' 'the iterative refinement. Masking should only ' 'be disabled if it appears to interfere with ' 'the reconstruction process.') group.addParam('autoPerc', BooleanParam, default=True, label='Auto percent used?', help='Should the percentage of particles used in ' 'each refinement cycle be set automatically? ' 'If reconstructions appear very noisy or ' 'reconstructions settle into a wrong structure ' 'that does not change anymore during iterations, ' 'disable this option and specify initial and final ' 'percentages manually. To reduce noise, increase ' 'the percentage; to make reconstructions more ' 'variable, decrease the percentage. By default, ' 'the initial percentage is set to include an ' 'equivalent of 2500 asymmetric units and the ' 'final percentage corresponds to 10,000 asymmetric ' 'units used.') line = group.addLine('Percent used (%):', condition='not autoPerc', help='User-specified percentages of particles ' 'used when Auto Percent Used is disabled.') line.addParam('percUsed1', FloatParam, default=10.0, condition='not autoPerc', label='initial') line.addParam('percUsed2', FloatParam, default=10.0, condition='not autoPerc', label='final') group.addParam('symmetryGroup', StringParam, default='c1', label="Symmetry", help='') group.addParam('applySym', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Always apply symmetry?', help='') group = form.addGroup('Reconstruction') group.addParam('applyBlur', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Apply likelihood blurring?', help='Should the reconstructions be blurred by ' 'inserting each particle image at multiple ' 'orientations, weighted by a likelihood ' 'function? Enable this option if the ab-initio ' 'procedure appears to suffer from over-fitting ' 'and the appearance of spurious high-resolution ' 'features.') group.addParam('smooth', FloatParam, default=1.0, condition='applyBlur', label='Smoothing factor [0-1]', help='A factor that reduces the range of likelihoods ' 'used for blurring. A smaller number leads to more ' 'blurring. The user should try values between ' '0.1 and 1.') form.addParallelSection(threads=4, mpi=1) # -------------------------- INSERT steps functions ----------------------- # -------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------ # -------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------- def _validate(self): errors = [] return errors def _summary(self): summary = [] return summary def _citations(self): return ['Grigorieff2016']
# -------------------------- UTILS functions ------------------------------ ''' number_of_starts_to_run=2 number_of_rounds_to_run=40 active_global_mask_radius= active_global_mask_radius = min(active_global_mask_radius, box_size * 0.45f * pixel_size) if (active_always_apply_symmetry == true && symmetry != "C1") apply_symmetry = true; else apply_symmetry = false // re-randomise the input parameters, and set the default resolution statistics.. for (class_counter = 0; class_counter < number_of_classes; class_counter++) { for ( counter = 0; counter < number_of_particles; counter++) { if (number_of_classes == 1) occupancy = 100.0; else occupancy = 100.00 / number_of_classes; /* for a scheme that does not put more views at the top - use :- */ phi = global_random_number_generator.GetUniformRandom() * 180.0; theta = rad_2_deg(acosf(2.0f * fabsf(global_random_number_generator.GetUniformRandom()) - 1.0f)); psi = global_random_number_generator.GetUniformRandom() * 180.0; phi = global_random_number_generator.GetUniformRandom() * 180.0; theta = global_random_number_generator.GetUniformRandom() * 180.0; psi = global_random_number_generator.GetUniformRandom() * 180.0; xshift = global_random_number_generator.GetUniformRandom() * 5.0f; yshift = global_random_number_generator.GetUniformRandom() * 5.0f;; score = 0.0; image_is_active = 1; sigma = 1.0; } GenerateDefaultStatistics(estimated_particle_weight_in_kda); } --------------- if (active_auto_set_percent_used == true) { int symmetry_number = ReturnNumberofAsymmetricUnits(active_refinement_package->symmetry); long number_of_asym_units = number_of_particles; long wanted_start_number_of_asym_units = 2500 * number_of_classes; long wanted_end_number_of_asym_units = 10000 * number_of_classes; // what percentage is this. start_percent_used = (float(wanted_start_number_of_asym_units) / float(number_of_asym_units)) * 100.0; end_percent_used = (float(wanted_end_number_of_asym_units) / float(number_of_asym_units)) * 100.0; symmetry_start_percent_used = (float(wanted_start_number_of_asym_units) / float(number_of_asym_units * symmetry_number)) * 100.0; symmetry_end_percent_used = (float(wanted_end_number_of_asym_units) / float(number_of_asym_units * symmetry_number)) * 100.0; if (start_percent_used > 100.0) start_percent_used = 100.0; if (end_percent_used > 100.0) end_percent_used = 100.0; if (symmetry_start_percent_used > 100.0f) symmetry_start_percent_used = 100.0f; if (symmetry_end_percent_used > 100.0) symmetry_end_percent_used = 100.0; // if (end_percent_used > 25) // { // if (number_of_classes > 1) my_parent->WriteWarningText(wxString::Format("Warning : Using max %.2f %% of the images per round, this is quite high, you may wish to increase the number of particles or reduce the number of classes", end_percent_used)); // else my_parent->WriteWarningText(wxString::Format("Warning : Using max %.2f %% of the images per round, this is quite high, you may wish to increase the number of particles", end_percent_used)); // } } else { start_percent_used = active_start_percent_used; end_percent_used = active_end_percent_used; symmetry_start_percent_used = active_start_percent_used; symmetry_end_percent_used = active_start_percent_used; } if (apply_symmetry == false) current_percent_used = start_percent_used; else current_percent_used = symmetry_start_percent_used; current_high_res_limit = active_start_res; next_high_res_limit = current_high_res_limit; ---------------------- // are we pre-preparing the stack? if (active_end_res > active_refinement_package->contained_particles[0].pixel_size * 3.0f ) { SetupPrepareStackJob(); } else // just start the reconstruction job { stack_has_been_precomputed = false; active_pixel_size = active_refinement_package->contained_particles[0].pixel_size; active_stack_filename = active_refinement_package->stack_filename; stack_bin_factor = 1.0f; SetupReconstructionJob(); } prepare_stack in parallel, but scripted mode only allows 1 job? '''