# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Marta Martinez (mmmtnez@cnb.csic.es)
# * Roberto Marabini (roberto@cnb.csic.es)
# *
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
import os
from pwem import *
from pwem.viewers.viewer_chimera import chimeraScriptFileName, Chimera, chimeraPdbTemplateFileName, \
chimeraMapTemplateFileName, sessionFile
from pyworkflow import VERSION_1_2
from pyworkflow.utils import copyFile
from . import ChimeraProtBase
from pwem.convert.atom_struct import AtomicStructHandler
from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (PointerParam,
from pwem.convert.sequence import (SequenceHandler,
from collections import OrderedDict
from ..constants import CLUSTALO, MUSCLE
from chimera import Plugin
from chimera.utils import getEnvDictionary
[docs]class ChimeraModelFromTemplate(ChimeraProtBase):
"""Protocol to model three-dimensional structures of proteins using Modeller.
Execute command *scipionwrite #n [prefix stringAddedToFilename] from command line in order
to transfer the selected
pdb to scipion. Default value is model=#0,
model refers to the pdb file."""
_label = 'model from template'
_program = ""
_version = VERSION_1_2
INFILE1 = "unaligned_1.fasta"
OUTFILE1 = "aligned_1.fasta"
INFILE2 = "unaligned_2.fasta"
OUTFILE2 = "aligned_2.fasta"
ProgramToAlign1 = ['Bio.pairwise2', 'Clustal Omega', 'MUSCLE']
ProgramToAlign2 = ['Clustal Omega', 'MUSCLE']
OptionForAligning = ['None', 'Additional sequences to align',
'Provide your own sequence alignment']
OptionForDataBase = ['PDB', 'NR']
OptionForMatrix = ['BLOSUM45', 'BLOSUM50', 'BLOSUM62', 'BLOSUM80', 'BLOSUM90',
'PAM30', 'PAM70', 'PAM250', 'IDENTITY']
# --------------------------- DEFINE param functions --------------------
def _defineParams(self, form, doHelp=False):
section = form.getSection('Input')
section.addParam('addTemplate', BooleanParam,
default=True, label='Do you already have a template?',
help='"Yes": Option by default. Select this option in case '
'you already have a template to model your target '
'sequence.\n"No": Select this option if you want to '
'search for a template with which model your target '
'sequence. Generation of multimeric models is not '
'allowed selecting this option.\n')
section.addParam('pdbFileToBeRefined', PointerParam,
pointerClass="AtomStruct", allowsNull=True,
condition='addTemplate == True',
label='Atomic structure used as template',
help="PDBx/mmCIF file template used as basic atomic "
"structure to model your specific sequence.")
section.addParam('inputStructureChain', StringParam,
label="Chain ", allowsNull=True, important=True,
condition='addTemplate == True',
help="Select a particular chain of the atomic "
section.addParam('inputSequence1', PointerParam, pointerClass="Sequence",
label='Target sequence', allowsNull=True,
help="Input the aminoacid sequence to align with the "
"structure template sequence.")
section.addParam('dataBase', EnumParam,
condition='addTemplate == False',
label="Protein sequence database:", default=0,
help="Select a protein sequence database to search "
"for templates:\nPDB: Experimentally determined structures "
"in the "
"Protein Data Bank.\nNR: NCBI 'non-redundant'database. "
"It contains GenBank translation proteins, PDB sequences, "
"SwissProt proteins + PIR + PRF. Since NR is much larger "
"than PDB, it takes longer to search.\n")
section.addParam('similarityMatrix', EnumParam,
condition='addTemplate == False',
label="Similarity matrix:", default=2,
help="Select a similarity matrix to use for alignment "
section.addParam('cutoffValue', FloatParam,
condition='addTemplate == False',
label="cutoff evalue:", default=1e-3,
help="Least significant expectation value needed to "
"qualify the retrieved element as a hit.\n")
section.addParam('maxSeqs', IntParam,
condition='addTemplate == False',
label="Maximum number of sequences:", default=100,
help="Maximum number of sequences to retrieve "
"from the database.\n")
section.addParam('optionForAligning1', EnumParam,
condition='addTemplate == True',
label="Options to improve the alignment:", default=0,
help="None: Option by default. Only the template and the "
"target sequences will be included in the alignment. "
"This option is recommendable when these two sequences "
"are very similar. Otherwise, select any of the two "
"additional options:\n"
"Additional sequences to align: Select this option "
"if you want to add some more sequences to accomplish "
"the alignment.\n"
"Provide your own sequence alignment: Your alignment"
"should include both the target and the template "
section.addParam('inputYourOwnSequenceAlignment1', PathParam,
pointerClass="File", allowsNull=False,
condition='addTemplate == True and optionForAligning1 == 2',
label='Sequence alignment input',
help="Input your own sequence alignment.\n"
"ChimeraX allowed formats accessible here: "
"https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/commands/open.html#sequence ")
section.addParam('inputSequencesToAlign1', MultiPointerParam,
pointerClass="Sequence", allowsNull=True,
condition='addTemplate == True and optionForAligning1 == 1',
label='Other sequences to align',
help="In case you need to load more sequences to "
"align, you can load them here.")
section.addParam('inputProgramToAlign1_1', EnumParam,
label="Alignment tool for two sequences:", default=0,
condition='addTemplate == True and optionForAligning1 == 0',
help="Select a program to accomplish the sequence"
"alignment:\n\nBiophyton module "
"Bio.pairwise2 ("
"Bio.pairwise2-module.html). Built-in "
"program to align two "
"sequences. The global "
"alignment algorithm from the EMBOSS suite "
"has been implemented with match/mismatch "
"scores of 3/-1 and gap penalties "
"(open/extend) of "
"3/2.\n\nClustal Omega "
"program (http://www.clustal.org/omega/, "
"https://doi.org/10.1038/msb.2011.75): "
"Multiple sequence alignment tool. Install "
"clustalo if you choose this option for "
"the first time by 'sudo apt-get install "
"clustalo'.\n\nMUSCLE program stands for "
"MUltiple Sequence Comparison by "
"Log- Expectation("
"http://www.drive5.com/muscle/muscle.html, "
"https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkh340). "
"Install muscle if you choose this option "
"for the first time by 'sudo apt install "
section.addParam('inputProgramToAlign2_1', EnumParam,
label="Multiple alignment tool:", default=0,
condition='addTemplate == True and optionForAligning1 == 1',
help="Select a program to accomplish the sequence"
"alignment:\n\nClustal Omega "
"program (http://www.clustal.org/omega/, "
"https://doi.org/10.1038/msb.2011.75): "
"Multiple sequence alignment tool. Install "
"clustalo if you choose this option for "
"the first time by 'sudo apt-get install "
"clustalo'.\n\nMUSCLE program stands for "
"MUltiple Sequence Comparison by "
"Log- Expectation("
"http://www.drive5.com/muscle/muscle.html, "
"https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkh340). "
"Install muscle if you choose this option "
"for the first time by 'sudo apt install "
section.addParam('additionalTargetSequence', BooleanParam,
condition='addTemplate == True',
label='Additional target sequence to include?',
help='Select YES if you want to add an additional '
'target sequence to model according a different '
'chain of the structure template. This '
'option is recommendable when you want to model '
'the two interacting elements of a particular complex'
' at the same time.')
section.addParam('selectStructureChain', StringParam,
condition='addTemplate == True and '
'additionalTargetSequence == True',
label="Chain ", allowsNull=True, important=True,
help="Select a particular chain of the atomic "
section.addParam('inputSequence2', PointerParam, pointerClass="Sequence",
condition='addTemplate == True and '
'additionalTargetSequence == True',
label='Target sequence', allowsNull=True,
help="Input the aminoacid sequence to align with the "
"structure template sequence.")
section.addParam('optionForAligning2', EnumParam,
condition='addTemplate == True and '
'additionalTargetSequence == True',
label="Options to improve the alignment:", default=0,
help="None: Option by default. Only the template and the "
"target sequences will be included in the alignment. "
"This option is recommendable when these two sequences "
"are very similar. Otherwise, select any of the two "
"additional options:\n"
"Additional sequences to align: Select this option "
"if you want to add some more sequences to accomplish "
"the alignment.\n"
"Provide your own sequence alignment: Your alignment"
"should include both the target and the template "
section.addParam('inputYourOwnSequenceAlignment2', PathParam,
pointerClass="File", allowsNull=False,
condition='addTemplate == True and '
'optionForAligning2 == 2 and '
'additionalTargetSequence == True',
label='Sequence alignment input',
help="Input your own sequence alignment.\n"
"ChimeraX allowed formats accessible here: "
"https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/commands/open.html#sequence ")
section.addParam('inputSequencesToAlign2', MultiPointerParam,
pointerClass="Sequence", allowsNull=True,
condition='addTemplate == True and '
'optionForAligning2 == 1 and '
'additionalTargetSequence == True',
label='Other sequences to align',
help="In case you need to load more sequences to "
"align, you can load them here.")
section.addParam('inputProgramToAlign1_2', EnumParam,
label="Alignment tool for two sequences:", default=0,
condition='addTemplate == True and '
'optionForAligning2 == 0 and '
'additionalTargetSequence == True',
help="Select a program to accomplish the sequence"
"alignment:\n\nBiophyton module "
"Bio.pairwise2 ("
"Bio.pairwise2-module.html). Built-in "
"program to align two "
"sequences. The global "
"alignment algorithm from the EMBOSS suite "
"has been implemented with match/mismatch "
"scores of 3/-1 and gap penalties "
"(open/extend) of "
"3/2.\n\nClustal Omega "
"program (http://www.clustal.org/omega/, "
"https://doi.org/10.1038/msb.2011.75): "
"Multiple sequence alignment tool. Install "
"clustalo if you choose this option for "
"the first time by 'sudo apt-get install "
"clustalo'.\n\nMUSCLE program stands for "
"MUltiple Sequence Comparison by "
"Log- Expectation("
"http://www.drive5.com/muscle/muscle.html, "
"https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkh340). "
"Install muscle if you choose this option "
"for the first time by 'sudo apt install "
section.addParam('inputProgramToAlign2_2', EnumParam,
label="Multiple alignment tool:", default=0,
condition='addTemplate == True and '
'optionForAligning2 == 1 and '
'additionalTargetSequence == True',
help="Select a program to accomplish the sequence"
"alignment:\n\nClustal Omega "
"program (http://www.clustal.org/omega/, "
"https://doi.org/10.1038/msb.2011.75): "
"Multiple sequence alignment tool. Install "
"clustalo if you choose this option for "
"the first time by 'sudo apt-get install "
"clustalo'.\n\nMUSCLE program stands for "
"MUltiple Sequence Comparison by "
"Log- Expectation("
"http://www.drive5.com/muscle/muscle.html, "
"https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkh340). "
"Install muscle if you choose this option "
"for the first time by 'sudo apt install "
section.addParam('extraCommands', StringParam,
default = '',
condition = 'False',
label = 'Extra commands for chimera viewer',
help = "Add extra commands in cmd file. Use for testing")
form.addLine("Step 1:\nIn the sequence window your target "
"sequence (and other additional sequences that you "
"want to use in the alignment) will appear aligned to "
"the template's sequence. Select in the sequence window "
"menu:\nTools -> Sequence -> Modeller Comparative;\nA new "
"window for Comparative Modeling with Modeller will "
"appear. Select your specific template(s) as the Sequence "
"alignments and the target(s)sequence as the sequence "
"to be modeled"
+ '''
. To run Modeller via web service
write the Modeller license key supplied (Academic user can
register free of charge to receive a license key). Finally, press OK.
\nWAITING TIME: (you may see the status of your job in chimera main
window, lower left corner.)\n\nStep 2:\nWhen the process finished,
5 models will
be automatically superimposed onto the template and model scores
will appear in Modeller Results window. In Chimera Model panel
you will have: #1 (coordinate axes); #2 (
template); #3.1 to 3.5 (models).Choose the one you like the best,
for example model #3.1. To save it in Scipion, we need to change the
model ID. In Chimera main menu: Favorites -> Command Line, write
*rename #3.1 id #4*. Then, you will see in Model panel
that selected model #3.1 renamed to #3. Save it
as first guess in Scipion by executing the Chimera command
*scipionwrite [model] #n [prefix XX]*. In our example
*scipionwrite #4 pefix model_3_1_*.\n
When you use the command line scipionwrite, the Chimera session will
be saved by default. Additionally, you can save the Chimera session
whenever you want by executing the command *scipionss*. You will be
able to restore the saved session by using the protocol chimera
restore session (SCIPION menu: Tools/Calculators/chimera restore
session). Once you have save your favorite model you can press
Quit in the Modeller Results window.''')
# --------------------------- INSERT steps functions --------------------
[docs] def prerequisitesStep(self):
if self.addTemplate:
# read PDB
fileName = self._readPDB()
# get pdb sequence
import json
chainIdDict = json.loads(self.inputStructureChain.get())
userSeq = self.inputSequence1.get() # SEQ object from Scipion
inFile = self.INFILE1
outFile = self.OUTFILE1
addSeq = self.optionForAligning1.get()
yourAlignment = self.inputYourOwnSequenceAlignment1.get()
inputSeqAlign = self.inputSequencesToAlign1
programToAlign1 = self.inputProgramToAlign1_1
programToAlign2 = self.inputProgramToAlign2_1
self.prePreRequisites(fileName, chainIdDict, userSeq,
inFile, outFile, addSeq, yourAlignment,
inputSeqAlign, programToAlign1,
self.selectedChain1 = self.selectedChain
if self.additionalTargetSequence.get() is True:
chainIdDict = json.loads(self.selectStructureChain.get())
userSeq = self.inputSequence2.get() # SEQ object from Scipion
inFile = self.INFILE2
outFile = self.OUTFILE2
addSeq = self.optionForAligning2.get()
yourAlignment = self.inputYourOwnSequenceAlignment2.get()
inputSeqAlign = self.inputSequencesToAlign2
programToAlign1 = self.inputProgramToAlign1_2
programToAlign2 = self.inputProgramToAlign2_2
self.prePreRequisites(fileName, chainIdDict, userSeq,
inFile, outFile, addSeq, yourAlignment,
inputSeqAlign, programToAlign1,
self.selectedChain2 = self.selectedChain
userSeq = self.inputSequence1.get() # SEQ object from Scipion
# get target sequence imported by the user
outFile = self.OUTFILE1
self.targetSeqID1 = self.preTemplate(userSeq, outFile)
[docs] def prePreRequisites(self, fileName, chainIdDict, userSeq, inFile,
outFile, addSeq, yourAlignment, inputSeqAlign,
programToAlign1, programToAlign2):
# get sequence of structure chain with id chainId (selected by the user)
self.selectedModel = chainIdDict['model']
self.selectedChain = chainIdDict['chain']
# self.selectedModel = chainId.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].strip()
# self.selectedChain = chainId.split(',')[1].split(':')[1].strip()
print("Selected chain: %s from model: %s from structure: %s" \
% (self.selectedChain, self.selectedModel,
# Bio.Seq.Seq object
structureSeq = self.structureHandler.getSequenceFromChain(
self.selectedModel, self.selectedChain)
# obtain a seqID for our PDB sequence
structSeqID = self.structureHandler.getFullID(self.selectedModel,
# END PDB sequence
# start user imported target sequence
# get target sequence imported by the user
targetSeqID = userSeq.getId() # ID associated to SEQ object (str)
userSequence = userSeq.getSequence() # sequence associated to
# that SEQ object (str)
# transformation of this sequence (str) in a Bio.Seq.Seq object:
seqHandler = SequenceHandler(userSequence,
targetSeq = seqHandler._sequence # Bio.Seq.Seq object
# creation of Dic of IDs and sequences
SeqDic = OrderedDict()
SeqDic[structSeqID] = structureSeq
SeqDic[targetSeqID] = targetSeq
# align sequences and save them to disk, -this will be chimera input-
# get all sequences in a fasta file
inFile = self._getInFastaSequencesFile(inFile)
outFile = self._getOutFastaSequencesFile(outFile)
# get the alignment of sequences
if addSeq == 0:
saveFileSequencesToAlign(SeqDic, inFile)
inputSeqAlign = None
if programToAlign1.get() == \
# Only the two first sequences will be included in the alignment
self.alignment = alignBioPairwise2Sequences(
structSeqID, structureSeq,
targetSeqID, targetSeq,
# All the sequences will be included in the alignment
if programToAlign1.get() == \
self.ProgramToAlign1.index('Clustal Omega'):
cline = alignClustalSequences(inFile, outFile)
cline = alignMuscleSequences(inFile, outFile)
args = ''
self.runJob(cline, args)
elif addSeq == 1:
# if there are additional sequences imported by the user
if inputSeqAlign is not None:
for seq in inputSeqAlign:
seq = seq.get()
ID = seq.getId()
sequence = seq.getSequence()
seqHandler = SequenceHandler(sequence,
otherSeq = seqHandler._sequence # Bio.Seq.Seq object
SeqDic[ID] = otherSeq
# align sequences and save them to disk, -this will be chimera input-
# get all sequences in a fasta file
# inFile = self._getInFastaSequencesFile()
saveFileSequencesToAlign(SeqDic, inFile)
# outFile = self._getOutFastaSequencesFile()
# All the sequences will be included in the alignment
if programToAlign2 == self.ProgramToAlign2.index(
'Clustal Omega'):
cline = alignClustalSequences(inFile, outFile)
cline = alignMuscleSequences(inFile, outFile)
args = ''
self.runJob(cline, args)
aligmentFile = os.path.basename(yourAlignment)
outFile = os.path.join(self._getExtraPath(), aligmentFile)
copyFile(yourAlignment, outFile)
[docs] def preTemplate(self, userSeq, outFile):
userSequence = userSeq.getSequence() # sequence associated to
# that SEQ object (str)
targetSeqID = userSeq.getId() # ID associated to SEQ object (str)
# transformation of this sequence (str) in a Bio.Seq.Seq object:
seqHandler = SequenceHandler(userSequence,
targetSeq = seqHandler._sequence # Bio.Seq.Seq object
# creation of Dic of IDs and sequences
SeqDic = OrderedDict()
SeqDic[targetSeqID] = targetSeq
outFile = self._getOutFastaSequencesFile(outFile)
saveFileSequencesToAlign(SeqDic, outFile)
return targetSeqID
def _readPDB(self):
self.structureHandler = AtomicStructHandler()
fileName = os.path.abspath(self.pdbFileToBeRefined.get(
return fileName
def _getInFastaSequencesFile(self, inFile):
INFILENAME = self._getTmpPath(inFile)
return os.path.abspath(INFILENAME)
def _getOutFastaSequencesFile(self, outFile):
OUTFILENAME = self._getExtraPath(outFile)
return os.path.abspath(OUTFILENAME)
[docs] def runChimeraStep(self):
# building script file including the coordinate axes and the input
# volume with samplingRate and Origin information
f = open(self._getTmpPath(chimeraScriptFileName), "w")
# building coordinate axes
dim = 150 # eventually we will create a PDB library that
# computes PDB dim
sampling = 1.
tmpFileName = os.path.abspath(self._getTmpPath("axis_input.bild"))
f.write("open %s\n" % tmpFileName)
f.write("cofr 0,0,0\n") # set center of coordinates
# input vol with its origin coordinates
pdbModelCounter = 1
if (not self.addTemplate and
self.inputSequence1.get() is not None and
self._getOutFastaSequencesFile is not None):
alignmentFile1 = self._getOutFastaSequencesFile(self.OUTFILE1)
f.write("open %s\n" % alignmentFile1)
f.write("blastprotein %s:%s database %s matrix %s "
"cutoff %.3f maxSeqs %d log true\n" %
(alignmentFile1.split("/")[-1], self.targetSeqID1,
self.cutoffValue, self.maxSeqs))
if (hasattr(self, 'pdbFileToBeRefined') and
self.pdbFileToBeRefined.get() is not None):
pdbModelCounter += 1
pdbFileToBeRefined = self.pdbFileToBeRefined.get()
f.write("open %s\n" % os.path.abspath(
if pdbFileToBeRefined.hasOrigin():
x, y, z = (pdbFileToBeRefined.getOrigin().getShifts())
f.write("move %0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f model #%d "
"coord #0\n" % (x, y, z, pdbModelCounter))
# Alignment of sequence and structure
if (hasattr(self, 'inputSequence1') and
hasattr(self, 'inputStructureChain')):
if (self.inputSequence1.get() is not None and
self.inputStructureChain.get() is not None):
pdbModelCounter = 2
if str(self.selectedModel) != '0':
f.write("select #%s.%s/%s\n"
% (pdbModelCounter,
str(self.selectedModel + 1),
f.write("select #%s/%s\n"
% (pdbModelCounter,
if self._getOutFastaSequencesFile is not None:
alignmentFile1 = self._getOutFastaSequencesFile(self.OUTFILE1)
f.write("open %s\n" % alignmentFile1)
f.write("sequence disassociate #%s %s\n" %
if str(self.selectedModel) != '0':
f.write("sequence associate #%s.%s/%s %s:1\n" %
str(self.selectedModel + 1),
f.write("sequence associate #%s/%s %s:1\n" %
if (self.additionalTargetSequence.get() is True and
self.inputSequence2.get() is not None and
self.inputStructureChain.get() is not None):
f.write("select clear\n")
f.write("select #%s/%s,%s\n"
% (pdbModelCounter,
if self._getOutFastaSequencesFile is not None:
alignmentFile2 = self._getOutFastaSequencesFile(self.OUTFILE2)
f.write("open %s\n" % alignmentFile2)
f.write("sequence disassociate #%s %s\n" %
if str(self.selectedModel) != '0':
f.write("sequence associate #%s.%s/%s %s:1\n" %
str(self.selectedModel + 1),
f.write("sequence associate #%s/%s %s:1\n" %
# run the text:
_chimeraScriptFileName = os.path.abspath(
if len(self.extraCommands.get()) > 2:
args = " --nogui " + _chimeraScriptFileName
args = " " + _chimeraScriptFileName
self._log.info('Launching: ' + Plugin.getProgram() + ' ' + args)
# run in the background
cwd = os.path.abspath(self._getExtraPath())
Plugin.runChimeraProgram(Plugin.getProgram(), args, cwd=cwd, extraEnv=getEnvDictionary(self))
def _validate(self):
# Check that CLUSTALO or MUSCLE program exists
errors = super(ChimeraModelFromTemplate, self)._validate()
if not (self.is_tool(CLUSTALO) or self.is_tool(MUSCLE)):
errors.append("Clustal-omega and MUSCLE programs missing.\n "
"You need at least one of them to run this program.\n"
"Please install Clustal-omega and/or MUSCLE:\n"
" sudo apt-get install clustalo\n"
" sudo apt-get install muscle")
return errors