Source code for ccp4

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Roberto Marabini (
# *
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os
import pwem
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import getpass

from ccp4.constants import *

_references = ['Winn_2011']
_logo = "ccp4_200.png"
__version__ = "3.0.3"

[docs]class Plugin(pwem.Plugin): _homeVar = CCP4_HOME_VARNAME _versions = {'CCP4': [V7_0]} @classmethod def _defineVariables(cls): cls._defineEmVar(CCP4_HOME_VARNAME, 'ccp4-7.0.056')
[docs] @classmethod def getProgram(cls, progName): """ Return the program binary that will be used. """ return os.path.join(cls.getHome(), 'bin', os.path.basename(progName))
[docs] @classmethod def getEnviron(cls, first=True): def deleteEnv(name): if name in os.environ: os.environ.pop(name) environ = pwutils.Environ(os.environ) #environ = pwutils.Environ() # pos = pwutils.Environ.BEGIN if ccp4First else pwutils.Environ.END _ccp4_home = cls.getHome() _ccp4_master, _dir = os.path.split(_ccp4_home) _username = getpass.getuser() deleteEnv("CCP4_MASTER") environ.update({ 'PATH': Plugin.getHome(), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': str.join(cls.getHome(), 'lib') + ":" + cls.getHome(), }, position=pwutils.Environ.BEGIN) # add to variable environ.update({ # # CCP4_MASTER is the location of the top-level directory # # containing ccp4-N.N.N. # export CCP4_MASTER=/home/roberto # export CCP4=$CCP4_MASTER/ccp4-6.5 # alias xtal='pushd $CCP4_MASTER>/dev/null' 'CCP4_MASTER': _ccp4_master, # alias ccp4='pushd $CCP4>/dev/null' 'CCP4': _ccp4_home, # # CCP4_SCR: a per-user directory for run-time-generated scratch # # files. # export CCP4_SCR=/tmp/`whoami` 'CCP4_SCR': os.path.join("/tmp", _username), # # This variable is set to ensure that the logfile output from programs # # compiled with Gfortran is in the correct order. # export GFORTRAN_UNBUFFERED_PRECONNECTED=Y 'GFORTRAN_UNBUFFERED_PRECONNECTED': "Y", # # CBIN: location of the executables -- must be on your path # # (see below) # export CBIN=$CCP4/bin # alias cbin='pushd $CBIN>/dev/null' 'CBIN': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'bin'), # # CLIB: location of (binary) library files such as libccp4.a # # and # export CLIB=$CCP4/lib # alias clib='pushd $CLIB>/dev/null' 'CLIB': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'lib'), # # CLIBD: platform-independent data files # export CLIBD=$CCP4/lib/data # alias clibd='pushd $CLIBD>/dev/null' 'CLIBD': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'lib', 'data'), # # CETC: executable scripts (NOT configuration files) # export CETC=$CCP4/etc # alias cetc='pushd $CETC>/dev/null' 'CETC': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'etc'), # # CINCL: headers and two *.def files for handling # # "logical names" in CCP4 # export CINCL=$CCP4/include # alias cincl='pushd $CINCL>/dev/null' 'CINCL': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'include'), # # CHTML: html documentation # export CHTML=$CCP4/html # alias chtml='pushd $CHTML>/dev/null' 'CHTML': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'html'), # # CEXAM: examples and some tests # export CEXAM=$CCP4/examples # alias cexam='pushd $CEXAM>/dev/null' 'CEXAM': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'examples'), # # CCP4I_TOP: the top directory of the interface # export CCP4I_TOP=$CCP4/share/ccp4i # # source code directories # #export CLIBS=$CCP4/lib/libccp4 # #alias clibs='pushd $CLIBS>/dev/null' # #export CPROG=$CCP4/src # #alias cprog='pushd $CPROG>/dev/null' 'CCP4I_TOP': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'share', 'ccp4i'), # # MMCIFDIC: platform-dependent (not in $CLIBD) data file for # # the ccif library # export MMCIFDIC=$CLIB/ccp4/cif_mmdic.lib 'MMCIFDIC': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'lib', 'cif_mmdic.lib'), # # CLIBD_MON: dictionary files for REFMAC5 (keep trailing /) # export CLIBD_MON=$CCP4/lib/data/monomers/ 'CLIBD_MON': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'lib', 'data', 'monomers'), # # CRANK: location of Crank automation suite within ccp4i # export CRANK=$CCP4I_TOP/crank 'CRANK': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'crank'), # # CCP4_HELPDIR: location of the VMS-style help file used # # by (ip)mosflm # export CCP4_HELPDIR=$CCP4/help/ # NB trailing / 'CCP4_HELPDIR': os.path.join(_ccp4_home, 'help'), }, position=pwutils.Environ.REPLACE) # replace return environ
[docs] @classmethod def isVersionActive(cls): return cls.getActiveVersion().startswith(V7_0)
[docs] @classmethod def defineBinaries(cls, env): """ Check that binaries are available. Since we do not install them this function just check that they exist""" pass
[docs] @classmethod def checkBinaries(cls, programName): """ Check that this binary is available""" if not os.path.exists(cls.getProgram(programName)): return False, "Binary file %s does not exists. " \ "Please, install CCP4 software suite (see %s)" % (programName, CCP4_URL) else: return True, ""