scipion.scripts.kickoff module

Creates a scipion workflow file (json formatted) base on a template. The template may have some ~placeholders~ that will be overwritten with values Template may look like this, separator is “~” and within it you can define: ~title|value|type~ Template string sits at the end of the file ready for a running streaming demo.

class scipion.scripts.kickoff.KickoffView(parent, window, template: Optional[Template] = None, argsList=[], showScheduleOption=True, schedule=True, showProjectOption=True, showProject=True, showProjectName=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Frame

Construct a frame widget with the parent MASTER.

Valid resource names: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, class, colormap, container, cursor, height, highlightbackground, highlightcolor, highlightthickness, relief, takefocus, visual, width.

class scipion.scripts.kickoff.KickoffWindow(template, argsList, showScheduleOption, schedule, showProjectOption, showProject, showProjectName)[source]

Bases: ProjectBaseWindow

Windows to manage all projects.

Create a Tk window. title: string to use as title for the windows. master: if not provided, the windows create will be the principal one weight: if true, the first col and row will be configured with weight=1 minsize: a minimum size for height and width icon: if not None, set the windows icon

switchView(newView, **kwargs)[source]
scipion.scripts.kickoff.assignAllParams(argsList, template)[source]

Assign CML params to the template, if missing params after assignment return False

scipion.scripts.kickoff.chooseTemplate(templates, parentWindow=None)[source]
scipion.scripts.kickoff.createProjectFromWorkflow(workflow, projectName, argsList, comment)[source]
scipion.scripts.kickoff.flag2Value(argsList, flag)[source]
scipion.scripts.kickoff.getFlagArg(argsList, flag)[source]

Checks if a flag exists (True) or not (False)


Get a template or templates either from arguments or from the templates directory. If more than one template is found or passed, a dialog is raised to choose one.

scipion.scripts.kickoff.importTemplate(template, window)[source]

Import a resolved template


Checks if project GUI has to be launched. Only if –noGUI param is found in the argument List it will return False

scipion.scripts.kickoff.launchTemplate(argsList, template: Template)[source]

Launches a resolved template


Resolves command line arguments for scipion template

scipion.scripts.kickoff.resolveTemplate(template, argsList, showScheduleOption=True, schedule=True, showProjectOption=True, showProject=True, showProjectName=True)[source]

Resolve a template assigning CML params to the template. if not enough, a window will pop pup to ask for missing ones only
