scipion.install.update_manager module

This module is responsible for updating scipion-em, scipion-pyworkflow and scipion-app if a higher version of these is released

class scipion.install.update_manager.UpdateManager[source]

Bases: object

Class responsible for updating scipion-em, scipion-pyworkflow and scipion-app if a higher version of these is released

classmethod getPackageState(packageName, version)[source]

Check if a package needs to be updated or not

  • packageName – the package name

  • version – version of the installed package

:return (True, version) if the package needs to be updated, otherwise

(False, version)

classmethod getPackagesStatus(printAll=True)[source]

Check for scipion-app, scipion-pyworkflow and scipion-em updates return: a list of modules to be updated

packageNames = [('scipion-pyworkflow', '3.10.6'), ('scipion-em', '3.9.4'), ('scipion-app', '3.8.0')]
pwem = <module 'pwem' from '/home/buildbot/devel/scipion/scipion-em/pwem/'>
pyworkflow = <module 'pyworkflow' from '/home/buildbot/devel/scipion/scipion-pyworkflow/pyworkflow/'>
scipion = <module 'scipion' from '/home/buildbot/buildbot-worker/devel/scipion/scipion-app/scipion/'>
classmethod updateScipion(outdatedPackages)[source]

Update a module from which there is released a higher version


Create the parser for the “update” command