Source code for scipion.scripts.config

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: J. Burguet Castell (
# *
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# **************************************************************************
Check the local configuration files, and/or create them if requested
or if they do not exist.
import sys
import os
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import join, exists, basename
import optparse
from pathlib import Path

from configparser import ConfigParser
from shutil import copyfile

from scipion.utils import getTemplatesPath

SCIPION_CONF = 'scipion'
BACKUPS = 'backups'
HOSTS = 'hosts'

UPDATE_PARAM = '--update'
COMPARE_PARAM = '--compare'

[docs]def ansi(n): """Return function that escapes text with ANSI color n.""" return lambda txt: '\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m' % (n, txt)
black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white = map(ansi, range(30, 38)) # We don't take them from pyworkflow.utils because this has to run # with all python versions (and so it is simplified).
[docs]def main(args=None): parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=__doc__) add = parser.add_option # shortcut add('--overwrite', action='store_true', help="Rewrite the configuration files using the original templates.") add(UPDATE_PARAM, action='store_true', help=("Updates you local config files with the values in the template, " "only for those missing values.")) add('--notify', action='store_true', help="Allow Scipion to notify usage data (skips user question) " "TO BE DEPRECATED, use unattended param instead") add('--unattended', action='store_true', help="Scipion will skipping questions") add('-p', help='Prints the config variables associated to plugin P') add(COMPARE_PARAM, action='store_true', help="Check that the configurations seems reasonably well set up.") add('--show', action='store_true', help="Show the config files used in the default editor") options, args = parser.parse_args(args) if args: # no args which aren't options sys.exit(parser.format_help()) unattended = options.notify or options.unattended if options.p: import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils pluginName = options.p plugin = (pwutils.Config.getDomain(). importFromPlugin(pluginName, 'Plugin')) if plugin is not None: plugin._defineVariables() print("Variables defined by plugin '%s':\n" % pluginName) for k, v in plugin._vars.items(): print("%s = %s" % (k, v)) print("\nThese variables can be added/edited in '%s'" % os.environ[SCIPION_CONFIG]) url = plugin.getUrl() if url != "": print("\nMore information these variables might be found at '%s'" % url) else: print("No plugin found with name '%s'. Module name is expected,\n" "i.e. 'scipion3 config -p xmipp3' shows the config variables " "defined in 'scipion-em-xmipp' plugin." % pluginName) sys.exit(0) elif from pyworkflow.gui.text import _open_cmd scipionConf = os.environ[SCIPION_CONFIG] homeConf = os.environ[SCIPION_LOCAL_CONFIG] _open_cmd(scipionConf) if homeConf != scipionConf and os.path.exists(homeConf): _open_cmd(os.environ[SCIPION_LOCAL_CONFIG]) sys.exit(0) try: # where templates are templates_dir = getTemplatesPath() scipionConfigFile = os.environ[SCIPION_CONFIG] # Global installation configuration files. # NOTE: generating a protocols.conf from the template does not make much sense # Plugins are dynamically creating sections and the template is currently quite # outdated. It doesn't either make sense to update protocols template regularly. for fpath, tmplt in [ (scipionConfigFile, SCIPION_CONF), (getConfigPathFromConfigFile(scipionConfigFile, HOSTS), HOSTS)]: if not exists(fpath) or options.overwrite: print(fpath, tmplt) createConf(fpath, join(templates_dir, getTemplateName(tmplt)), unattended=unattended) else: checkConf(fpath, join(templates_dir, getTemplateName(tmplt)), update=options.update, unattended=unattended) # Check paths for the config checkPaths(os.environ[SCIPION_CONFIG]) except Exception as e: # This way of catching exceptions works with Python 2 & 3 print('Config error: %s\n' % e) import traceback traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1)
[docs]def getTemplateName(template): return template + '.template'
[docs]def checkNotify(config, configfile, unattended): """ Check if protocol statistics should be collected. """ print("""-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- It would be very helpful if you allow Scipion to send anonymous usage data. This information will help Scipion's team to identify the more demanded protocols and prioritize support for them. Collected usage information is COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS and does NOT include protocol parameters, files or any data that can be used to identify you or your data. At you may see examples of the transmitted data as well as the statistics created with it. You can always deactivate/activate this option by editing the file %s and setting the variable SCIPION_NOTIFY to False/True respectively. We understand, of course, that you may not wish to have any information collected from you and we respect your privacy. """ % configfile) if not unattended: input("Press <enter> to continue:") config.set(PYWORKFLOW_SECTION, SCIPION_NOTIFY, 'True')
[docs]def createConf(fpath, ftemplate, unattended=False): """Create config file in fpath following the template in ftemplate""" # Remove from the template the sections in "remove", and if "keep" # is used only keep those sections. backup(fpath) # Read the template configuration file. print(yellow("* Creating configuration file: %s" % fpath)) print("Please edit it to reflect the configuration of your system.\n") if not os.path.exists(ftemplate): raise FileNotFoundError('Missing file: %s' % ftemplate) # Special case for scipion config if getTemplateName(SCIPION_CONF) in ftemplate: cf = ConfigParser() cf.optionxform = str # keep case ( addPyworkflowVariables(cf) addPluginsVariables(cf) # Collecting protocol Usage Statistics checkNotify(cf, fpath, unattended=unattended) # Create the actual configuration file. cf.write(open(fpath, 'w')) else: # For host.conf and protocols.conf, just copy files copyfile(ftemplate, fpath)
[docs]def backup(fpath): """ Create directory "backup" if necessary and back up the file. :param fpath: :return: None """ dname = os.path.dirname(fpath) if not exists(dname): os.makedirs(dname) elif exists(fpath): if not exists(join(dname, BACKUPS)): os.makedirs(join(dname, BACKUPS)) backupFn = join(dname, BACKUPS, '%s.%s' % (basename(fpath),"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))) print(yellow("* Creating backup: %s" % backupFn)) os.rename(fpath, backupFn)
[docs]def addVariablesToSection(cf, section, vars, exclude=[]): """ Add all the variables in vars to the config "cf" at the section passed it cleans the path to avoid long absolute repetitive paths""" def cleanVarPath(varValue): """ Clean variable to avoid long paths and relate them to SCIPION_HOME or EM_ROOT""" import pwem import pyworkflow as pw # If it's EM_ROOT, just replace SCIPION_HOME to make it relative if varValue == pwem.Config.EM_ROOT: varValue = varValue.replace(pwem.Config.SCIPION_HOME, "") if varValue.startswith(os.path.sep): varValue = varValue[1:] elif varValue.startswith(pwem.Config.EM_ROOT): varValue = varValue.replace(pwem.Config.EM_ROOT, "%(EM_ROOT)s") # duplicate % elif "%" in varValue: varValue = varValue.replace("%", "%%") # If value contains SCIPION_HOME and is not scipion home if varValue.startswith(pw.Config.SCIPION_HOME) and varValue != pw.Config.SCIPION_HOME: varValue = varValue.replace(pwem.Config.SCIPION_HOME, "${SCIPION_HOME}") # Replace HOME paths with ~ home = str(Path.home()) if varValue.startswith(home): varValue = varValue.replace(home, "~") return varValue cf.add_section(section) for var in sorted(vars.keys()): if var not in exclude: value = vars[var] cf.set(section, var, cleanVarPath(str(value)))
[docs]def addPyworkflowVariables(cf): # Once more we need a local import to prevent the Config to be wrongly initialized import pyworkflow as pw exclude = ["SCIPION_CONFIG", "SCIPION_CWD", "SCIPION_LOCAL_CONFIG", "SCIPION_HOME", "SCIPION_PROTOCOLS", "SCIPION_HOSTS"] # Load pyworkflow variables from the config addVariablesToSection(cf, PYWORKFLOW_SECTION, pw.Config.getVars(), exclude)
[docs]def addPluginsVariables(cf): # Once more we need a local import to prevent the Config to be wrongly initialized import pyworkflow as pw from pyworkflow.plugin import Plugin # Trigger plugin discovery and variable definition pw.Config.getDomain().getPlugins() addVariablesToSection(cf, "PLUGINS", Plugin.getVars())
[docs]def checkPaths(conf): """Check that some paths in the config file actually make sense""" print("Checking paths in %s ..." % conf) cf = ConfigParser() cf.optionxform = str # keep case ( assert != [], 'Missing file: %s' % conf def get(var): try: return cf.get('BUILD', var) except Exception: # Not mandatory anymore return MISSING_VAR allOk = True for fname in [join(get('JAVA_BINDIR'), 'java'), get('JAVAC'), get('JAR'), join(get('MPI_BINDIR'), get('MPI_CC')), join(get('MPI_BINDIR'), get('MPI_CXX')), join(get('MPI_BINDIR'), get('MPI_LINKERFORPROGRAMS')), join(get('MPI_INCLUDE'), 'mpi.h')]: if not fname.startswith(MISSING_VAR) and not exists(fname): print(" Cannot find file: %s" % red(fname)) allOk = False if allOk: print(green("All seems fine with %s" % conf)) else: print(red("Errors found.")) print("Please edit %s and check again." % conf) print("To regenerate the config files trying to guess the paths, you " "can run: scipion config --overwrite")
[docs]def checkConf(fpath, ftemplate, update=False, unattended=False, compare=False): """Check that all the variables in the template are in the config file too :parameter fpath: path to the config file :parameter ftemplate, template file to compare. Only used for protocols and hosts :parameter update: flag, default to false. if true, values from the template will be written to the config file :parameter unattended: avoid questions, default to false. :parameter compare: make a comparison with the template""" # Remove from the checks the sections in "remove", and if "keep" # is used only check those sections. # Read the config file fpath and the template ftemplate cf = ConfigParser(interpolation=None) cf.optionxform = str # keep case ( assert != [], 'Missing file %s' % fpath ct = ConfigParser(interpolation=None) ct.optionxform = str suggestUpdate = True # Flag to suggest --update # Special case for scipion config... get values from objects if getTemplateName(SCIPION_CONF) in ftemplate: # This will be the place to "exclude some variables" addPyworkflowVariables(ct) addPluginsVariables(ct) ftemplate = ":MEMORY:" else: # Cancel update for others than SCIPION_CONF update = False suggestUpdate = False assert != [], 'Missing file %s' % ftemplate df = dict([(s, set(cf.options(s))) for s in cf.sections()]) dt = dict([(s, set(ct.options(s))) for s in ct.sections()]) # That funny syntax to create the dictionaries works with old pythons. if compare: compareConfig(cf, ct, fpath, ftemplate) return confChanged = False if df == dt: print(green("All the expected sections and options found in " + fpath)) else: print("Found differences between the configuration file\n %s\n" "and the current defined variables.\n %s" % (fpath, ftemplate)) sf = set(df.keys()) st = set(dt.keys()) for s in sf - st: print("Section %s exists in the configuration file but " "not in the template." % red(s)) for s in st - sf: print("Section %s is defined but not in the configuration file. Use %s parameter to update " "local config files." % (yellow(s), UPDATE_PARAM)) if update: # Update config file with missing section cf.add_section(s) # add it to the keys sf.add(s) df[s] = set() print("Section %s added to your config file." % green(s)) confChanged = True for s in st & sf: for o in df[s] - dt[s]: print("In section %s, variable %s exists in the configuration " "file but not defined by any package." % (red(s), red(o))) for o in dt[s] - df[s]: suggestion = "" if not suggestUpdate else " Use %s parameter to update local config files." % UPDATE_PARAM print("In section %s, variable %s is defined by a package but not in the configuration file.%s" % ( yellow(s), yellow(o), suggestion)) if update: if o == 'SCIPION_NOTIFY': checkNotify(ct, fpath, unattended) # Update config file with missing variable value = ct.get(s, o) cf.set(s, o, value) confChanged = True print("Variable %s -> %s added and set to %s in your config file." % (s, green(o), value)) if update: if not confChanged: print("Update requested no changes detected for %s." % fpath) else: print("Changes detected: writing changes into %s.") try: # Make a back up backup(fpath) with open(fpath, 'w') as f: cf.write(f) except Exception as e: print("Could not update the config: ", e)
[docs]def compareConfig(cf, ct, fPath, fTemplate): """ Compare configuration against template values""" print(magenta("COMPARING %s to %s" % (fPath, fTemplate))) print(magenta("We expect values to follow the <package>-<version> pattern." " If you see any value not following this pattern please " "update it.")) # loop through the config for s in cf.sections(): # Get the section for variable in cf._sections[s]: # Get values valueInConfig = getConfigVariable(cf, s, variable) valueInTemplate = getConfigVariable(ct, s, variable) # Compare value with template compareConfigVariable(s, variable, valueInConfig, valueInTemplate)
[docs]def getConfigVariable(config, section, variableName): return config._sections[section].get(variableName)
[docs]def compareConfigVariable(section, variableName, valueInConfig, valueInTemplate): if valueInTemplate is None: return if valueInConfig != valueInTemplate: print("%s at %s section (%s) differs from the default value in the " "template: %s" % (red(variableName), section, red(valueInConfig), yellow(valueInTemplate)))
[docs]def getConfigPathFromConfigFile(scipionConfigFile, configFile): """ :param scipionConfigFile path to the config file to derive the folder name from :param configFile: name of the template: protocols or hosts so far :return theoretical path for the template at the same path as the config file""" return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(scipionConfigFile), configFile + ".conf")
if __name__ == '__main__': main()