Source code for scipion.install.plugin_funcs

import requests
import os
import re
import sys
import json
import pkg_resources
from pkg_resources import parse_version

from .funcs import Environment
from pwem import Domain
from pyworkflow.utils import redStr, yellowStr
from pyworkflow.utils.path import cleanPath
from pyworkflow import LAST_VERSION, CORE_VERSION, Config
from importlib import reload

NULL_VERSION = "0.0.0"
# This constant is used in order to install all plugins taking into account a
# json file
DEVEL_VERSION = "999.9.9"



PIP_CMD = '{0} -m pip install %(installSrc)s'.format(

PIP_UNINSTALL_CMD = '{0} -m pip uninstall -y %s'.format(

[docs]class PluginInfo(object): def __init__(self, pipName="", name="", pluginSourceUrl="", remote=True, plugin=None, **kwargs): self.pipName = pipName = name self.pluginSourceUrl = pluginSourceUrl self.remote = remote # things from pypi self.homePage = "" self.summary = "" = "" = "" self.compatibleReleases = {} self.latestRelease = "" # things we have when installed self.dirName = "" self.pipVersion = "" self.binVersions = [] self.pluginEnv = None # Distribution self._dist = None self._plugin = plugin if self.remote: self.setRemotePluginInfo() else: self.setFakedRemotePluginInfo() self.setLocalPluginInfo() # get local info if installed # ###################### Install funcs ############################
[docs] def install(self): """Installs both pip module and default binaries of the plugin""" self.installPipModule() self.installBin() self.setLocalPluginInfo()
def _getDistribution(self): if self._dist is None: try: self._dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(self.pipName) except: pass return self._dist def _getPlugin(self): if self._plugin is None: try: dirname = self.getDirName() self._plugin = Config.getDomain().getPluginModule(dirname) except: pass return self._plugin
[docs] def hasPipPackage(self): """Checks if the current plugin is installed via pip""" return self._getDistribution() is not None
[docs] def isInstalled(self): """Checks if the current plugin is installed (i.e. has pip package). NOTE: we might want to change definition of isInstalled, hence the extra function.""" reload(pkg_resources) return self.hasPipPackage()
[docs] def installPipModule(self, version=""): """Installs the version specified of the pip plugin, as long as it is compatible with the current Scipion version. If no version specified, will install latest compatible one.""" environment = Environment() if not version: version = self.latestRelease elif version not in self.compatibleReleases: if self.compatibleReleases: print('%s version %s not compatible with current Scipion ' 'version %s.' % (self.pipName, version, LAST_VERSION)) print("Please choose a compatible release: %s" % " ".join( self.compatibleReleases.keys())) else: print("%s has no compatible versions with current Scipion " "version %s." % (self.pipName, LAST_VERSION)) return False if version == NULL_VERSION: print("Plugin %s is not available for this Scipion %s yet" % (self.pipName, LAST_VERSION)) return False if self.pluginSourceUrl: if os.path.exists(self.pluginSourceUrl): # install from dir in editable mode installSrc = '-e %s' % self.pluginSourceUrl target = "%s*" % self.pipName if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.pluginSourceUrl, 'pyproject.toml')): target = target.replace('-', '_') else: # path doesn't exist, we assume is git and force install installSrc = '--upgrade git+%s' % self.pluginSourceUrl target = "%s*" % self.pipName.replace('-', '_') else: # install from pypi installSrc = "%s==%s" % (self.pipName, version) target = "%s*" % self.pipName.replace('-', '_') cmd = PIP_CMD % {'installSrc': installSrc} environment.addPipModule(self.pipName, target=target, pipCmd=cmd) # check if we're doing a version change of an already installed plugin reloadPkgRes = self.isInstalled() environment.execute() # we already have a dir for the plugin: if reloadPkgRes: # if plugin was already installed, pkg_resources has the old one # so it needs a reload reload(pkg_resources) self.dirName = self.getDirName() Domain.refreshPlugin(self.dirName) self._plugin = None return True
[docs] def installBin(self, args=None): """Install binaries of the plugin. Args is the list of args to be passed to the install environment.""" environment = self.getInstallenv(envArgs=args) environment.execute()
[docs] def uninstallBins(self, binList=None): """Uninstall binaries of the plugin. :param binList: if given, will uninstall the binaries in it. The binList may contain strings with only the name of the binary or name and version in the format name-version :returns None """ if binList is None: binList = self.binVersions binFolder = Environment.getEmFolder() for binVersion in binList: f = os.path.join(binFolder, binVersion) if os.path.exists(f): print('Removing %s binaries...' % binVersion) realPath = os.path.realpath(f) # in case it's a link cleanPath(f, realPath) print('Binary %s has been uninstalled successfully ' % binVersion) else: print('The binary %s does not exist ' % binVersion) return
[docs] def uninstallPip(self): """Removes pip package from site-packages""" print('Removing %s plugin...' % self.pipName) import subprocess args = (PIP_UNINSTALL_CMD % self.pipName).split() % self.pipName, shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
# ###################### Remote data funcs ############################
[docs] def getPipJsonData(self): """"Request json data from pypi, return json content""" pipData = requests.get("%s/%s/json" % (PIP_BASE_URL, self.pipName)) if pipData.ok: pipData = pipData.json() return pipData else: print("Warning: Couldn't get remote plugin data for %s" % self.pipName) return {}
[docs] def getCompatiblePipReleases(self, pipJsonData=None): """Get pip releases of this plugin that are compatible with current Scipion version. Returns dict with all compatible releases and a special key "latest" with the most recent one.""" if pipJsonData is None: pipJsonData = self.getPipJsonData() reg = r'scipion-([\d.]*\d)' releases = {} latestCompRelease = NULL_VERSION for release, releaseData in pipJsonData['releases'].items(): releaseData = releaseData[0] scipionVersions = [parse_version(v) for v in re.findall(reg, releaseData['comment_text'])] if len(scipionVersions) != 0: releases[release] = releaseData if any([v == parse_version(CORE_VERSION) for v in scipionVersions]): if parse_version(latestCompRelease) < parse_version(release): latestCompRelease = release else: print(yellowStr("WARNING: %s's release %s did not specify a " "compatible Scipion version. Please, remove this " "release from pypi") % (self.pipName, release)) releases['latest'] = latestCompRelease return releases
[docs] def setRemotePluginInfo(self): """Sets value for the attributes that need to be obtained from pypi""" pipData = self.getPipJsonData() if not pipData: return info = pipData['info'] releases = self.getCompatiblePipReleases(pipJsonData=pipData) self.homePage = self.getPipData(info, ['home_page', 'project_urls.Homepage']) self.summary = self.getPipData(info, ['summary']) = self.getPipData(info, ['author', 'author_email']) = self.getPipData(info, ['author_email']) self.compatibleReleases = releases self.latestRelease = releases['latest']
[docs] def setFakedRemotePluginInfo(self): """Sets value for the attributes that need to be obtained from json file""" self.homePage = self.pluginSourceUrl self.compatibleReleases = {DEVEL_VERSION: {'upload_time': ' devel_mode'}} self.latestRelease = DEVEL_VERSION = ' Developer mode'
[docs] def getPipData(self, info, keys): """ Extracts a value from a dictionary (info) based on the primary key. Supports nested keys using dot notation (e.g., "project_urls.Homepage"). :param info: Dictionary containing data (e.g., pip info). :param keys: List of keys to extract the value (dot notation for nested keys). :return: The extracted value or '' if no keys match. """ def getNestedValue(data, key): keysList = key.split(".") for k in keysList: if isinstance(data, dict) and k in data: data = data[k] else: return None return data # Try backup keys if the main key doesn't yield a value for key in keys: value = getNestedValue(info, key) if value: return value return ' '
# ###################### Local data funcs ############################
[docs] def setLocalPluginInfo(self): """Sets value for the attributes that can be obtained locally if the plugin is installed.""" if self.isInstalled(): metadata = {} # Take into account 2 cases here: # A.: plugin is a proper pipmodule and is installed as such # B.: Plugin is not yet a pipmodule but a local folder. try: package = pkg_resources.get_distribution(self.pipName) keys = ['Name', 'Version', 'Summary', 'Home-page', 'Author', 'Author-email'] pattern = r'(.*): (.*)' for line in package._get_metadata(package.PKG_INFO): match = re.match(pattern, line) if match: key = if key in keys: metadata[key] = keys.remove(key) if not len(keys): break self.pipVersion = metadata.get('Version', "") self.dirName = self.getDirName() self.binVersions = self.getBinVersions() except: # Case B: code local but not yet a pipmodule. pass if not self.remote: # only do this if we don't already have it from remote self.homePage = metadata.get('Home-page', "") self.summary = metadata.get('Summary', "") = metadata.get('Author', "") = metadata.get('Author-email', "")
[docs] def getPluginClass(self): """ Tries to find the Plugin object.""" pluginModule = self._getPlugin() if pluginModule is not None: pluginClass = pluginModule._pluginInstance else: print("Warning: couldn't find Plugin for %s" % self.pipName) print("Dirname: %s" % self.getDirName()) pluginClass = None return pluginClass
[docs] def getInstallenv(self, envArgs=None): """Reads the defineBinaries function from Plugin class and returns an Environment object with the plugin's binaries.""" if envArgs is None: envArgs = dict() env = Environment(**envArgs) env.setDefault(False) plugin = self.getPluginClass() if plugin is not None: try: plugin.defineBinaries(env) except Exception as e: print("Couldn't get binaries definition of %s plugin: %s" % (, e)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() return env else: return None
[docs] def getBinVersions(self): """Get list with names of binaries of this plugin""" env = Environment() env.setDefault(False) defaultTargets = [target.getName() for target in env.getTargetList()] plugin = self.getPluginClass() if plugin is not None: try: plugin.defineBinaries(env) except Exception as e: print( redStr("Error retrieving plugin %s binaries: " %, e) binVersions = [target.getName() for target in env.getTargetList() if target.getName() not in defaultTargets] return binVersions
[docs] def getDirName(self): """Get the name of the folder that contains the plugin code itself (e.g. to import the _plugin object.)""" # top level file is a file included in all pip packages that contains # the name of the package's top level directory try: return pkg_resources.get_distribution(self.pipName).get_metadata('top_level.txt').strip() except Exception as e: return None
[docs] def printBinInfoStr(self): """Returns string with info of binaries installed to print in console with flag --help""" try: env = self.getInstallenv() return env.printHelp().split('\n', 1)[1] except IndexError as noBins: return " ".rjust(14) + "No binaries information defined.\n" except Exception as e: return " ".rjust(14) + "Error getting binaries info: %s" % \ str(e) + "\n"
[docs] def getPluginName(self): """Return the plugin name""" return
[docs] def getPipName(self): """Return the plugin pip name""" return self.pipName
[docs] def getPipVersion(self): """Return the plugin pip version""" return self.pipVersion
[docs] def getSourceUrl(self): """Return the plugin source url""" return self.pluginSourceUrl
[docs] def getHomePage(self): """Return the plugin Home page""" return self.homePage
[docs] def getSummary(self): """Return the plugin summary""" return self.summary
[docs] def getAuthor(self): """Return the plugin author""" return
[docs] def getReleaseDate(self, release): """Return the uploaded date from the release""" return self.compatibleReleases[release]['upload_time']
[docs] def getLatestRelease(self): """Get the plugin latest release""" return self.latestRelease
[docs]class PluginRepository(object): def __init__(self, repoUrl=REPOSITORY_URL): self.repoUrl = repoUrl self.plugins = None
[docs] @staticmethod def getBinToPluginDict(): localPlugins = Domain.getPlugins() binToPluginDict = {} for p, pobj in localPlugins.items(): pinfo = PluginInfo(name=p, plugin=pobj, remote=False) pbins = pinfo.getBinVersions() binToPluginDict.update({k: p for k in pbins}) pbinsNoVersion = set([b.split('-', 1)[0] for b in pbins]) binToPluginDict.update({k: p for k in pbinsNoVersion}) return binToPluginDict
[docs] def getPlugins(self, pluginList=None, getPipData=False): """Reads available plugins from self.repoUrl and returns a dict with PluginInfo objects. Params: - pluginList: A list with specific plugin pip-names we want to get. - getPipData: If true, each PluginInfo object will try to get the data of the plugin from pypi.""" pluginsJson = {} if self.plugins is None: self.plugins = {} if os.path.isfile(self.repoUrl): with open(self.repoUrl) as f: pluginsJson = json.load(f) getPipData = False else: try: r = requests.get(self.repoUrl) getPipData = True except requests.ConnectionError as e: print("\nWARNING: Error while trying to connect with a server:\n" " > Please, check your internet connection!\n") print(e) return self.plugins if r.ok: pluginsJson = r.json() else: print("WARNING: Can't get Scipion's plugin list, the plugin " "repository is not available") return self.plugins availablePlugins = pluginsJson.keys() if pluginList is None: targetPlugins = availablePlugins else: targetPlugins = set(availablePlugins).intersection(set(pluginList)) if len(targetPlugins) < len(pluginList): wrongPluginNames = set(pluginList) - set(availablePlugins) print("WARNING - The following plugins didn't match available " "plugin names:") print(" ".join(wrongPluginNames)) print("You can see the list of available plugins with the following command:\n" "scipion installp --help") for pluginName in targetPlugins: pluginsJson[pluginName].update(remote=getPipData) pluginInfo = PluginInfo(**pluginsJson[pluginName]) if pluginInfo.getLatestRelease() != NULL_VERSION: self.plugins[pluginName] = pluginInfo return self.plugins
[docs] def printPluginInfoStr(self, withBins=False, withUpdates=False): """Returns string to print in console which plugins are installed. :param withBins: If true, will add binary info for the plugins installed :param withUpdates: If true, will check if the installed plugins have new releases. :return A string with the plugin information summarized""" def ansi(n): """Return function that escapes text with ANSI color n.""" return lambda txt: '\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m' % (n, txt) black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white = map(ansi, range(30, 38)) printStr = "" pluginDict = self.getPlugins(getPipData=withUpdates) if pluginDict: withBinsStr = "Installed plugins and their %s" % green("binaries") \ if withBins else "Available plugins" printStr += ("%s: " "([ ] not installed, [X] seems already installed)\n\n" % withBinsStr) keys = sorted(pluginDict.keys()) for name in keys: plugin = pluginDict[name] if withBins and not plugin.isInstalled(): continue printStr += "{0:30} {1:10} [{2}]".format(name, plugin.pipVersion, 'X' if plugin.isInstalled() else ' ') if withUpdates and plugin.isInstalled(): if plugin.latestRelease != plugin.pipVersion: printStr += yellow('\t(%s available)' % plugin.latestRelease) printStr += "\n" if withBins: printStr += green(plugin.printBinInfoStr()) else: printStr = "List of available plugins in plugin repository inaccessible at this time." return printStr
[docs]def installBinsDefault(): """ Returns the default behaviour for installing binaries By default it is TRUE, define "SCIPION_DONT_INSTALL_BINARIES" to anything to deactivate binaries installation""" return os.environ.get("SCIPION_DONT_INSTALL_BINARIES", True) == True