Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Jose Gutierrez (
# *              Adrian Quintana (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************
This module defines the text used in the application.
# NOTE: DO NOT REMOVE UNTIL plugin manager uses Config.SCIPION_MAIN_COLOR and is released
from pyworkflow.constants import Color
from PIL import Image

[docs]class Message: # Example Usage: # MyMessage = Message() # print MyMessage.label # Header List VIEW_PROJECTS = 'Projects' VIEW_PROTOCOLS = 'Protocols' VIEW_DATA = 'Data' VIEW_UPLOAD = 'Upload' # Projects Template LABEL_PROJECTS = 'Projects' LABEL_CREATE_PROJECT = 'Create Project' LABEL_IMPORT_PROJECT = 'Import project' TITLE_CREATE_PROJECT = 'Enter the project name' TITLE_CREATE_PROJECT_NAME = 'Project Name: ' TITLE_EDIT_OBJECT = 'Edit Object properties' MESSAGE_DELETE_PROJECT = 'This will *delete* the project and all its *data*. Are you sure?' LABEL_DELETE_PROJECT = '[Delete]' TITLE_DELETE_PROJECT = 'Confirm project deletion' LABEL_RENAME_PROJECT = '[Rename]' TITLE_RENAME_PROJECT = 'Confirm project renaming' LABEL_CREATED = 'Created: ' LABEL_MODIFIED = 'Modified: ' # Project Content Template LABEL_PROJECT = 'Project ' # -- Protocol Treeview -- LABEL_WORKFLOW = 'Workflow View: ' LABEL_PROTTREE_NONE = 'None' # -- Toolbar -- LABEL_NEW = 'New' LABEL_NEW_ACTION = 'New ' LABEL_EDIT = 'Edit' LABEL_RENAME = 'Rename ' LABEL_COPY = 'Copy' LABEL_PASTE = 'Paste' LABEL_DUPLICATE = 'Duplicate' LABEL_DELETE = 'Delete' LABEL_STEPS = 'Steps' LABEL_BROWSE = 'Browse' LABEL_DB = 'Db' LABEL_STOP = 'Stop' LABEL_ANALYZE = 'Analyze results' LABEL_TREE = 'Tree' LABEL_SMALLTREE = 'Small Tree' LABEL_REFRESH = 'Refresh' LABEL_DEFAULT = 'Default' LABEL_CONTINUE = 'Continue' LABEL_EXPORT = 'Export' LABEL_EXPORT_UPLOAD = 'Export & upload' LABEL_RESTART_WORKFLOW = 'Restart all' LABEL_CONTINUE_WORKFLOW = 'Continue all' LABEL_STOP_WORKFLOW = 'Stop from' LABEL_RESET_WORKFLOW = 'Reset from' # -- Tabs -- LABEL_DATA = 'Data' LABEL_SUMMARY = 'Summary' LABEL_INPUT = 'Input' LABEL_OUTPUT = 'Output' LABEL_COMMENT = 'Comments' LABEL_OBJSUMMARY = 'Object Summary' LABEL_OBJINFO = 'Info' LABEL_OBJCREATED = 'Created' LABEL_OBJLABEL = 'Label' LABEL_METHODS = 'Methods' LABEL_BIB_BTN = 'Export references' LABEL_LOGS = 'Output Logs' LABEL_LOGS_OUTPUT = 'Output Log' LABEL_LOGS_ERROR = 'Error Log' LABEL_LOGS_SCIPION = 'Scipion Log' NO_INFO_SUMMARY = 'No summary information.' NO_INFO_METHODS = 'No methods information.' NO_INFO_LOGS = 'No logs information.' NO_SAVE_SETTINGS = 'Error trying to save settings.' # ------- Protocol Form messages ---------- LABEL_CITE = 'Cite' LABEL_HELP = 'Help' TEXT_HELP = 'The file selected will be uploaded to the project folder. If the file was uploaded before, it will be replaced.' LABEL_RUNNAME = 'Run name' LABEL_EXECUTION = 'Run mode' LABEL_RUNMODE = 'Mode' LABEL_PARALLEL = 'Parallel' LABEL_HOST = 'Host' LABEL_THREADS = 'Threads' LABEL_MPI = 'MPI' LABEL_QUEUE = 'Use a queue engine?' LABEL_WAIT_FOR = 'Wait for' LABEL_EXPERT = 'Expert Level' LABEL_EXPERT_NORMAL = 'Normal' LABEL_EXPERT_ADVANCE = 'Advanced' LABEL_EXPERT_EXPERT = 'Expert' HELP_RUNMODE = """ Normally, each protocol is composed of several atomic steps. Each step could be computationally intensive, that's why the *Continue* execution mode will try to continue from the last completed step. On the other hand, the *Restart* mode will clean the whole run directory and start from scratch. """ HELP_MPI_THREADS = """ Define the number of processors to be used in the execution. *MPI*: This is a number of independent processes that communicate through message passing over the network (or the same computer). *Threads*: This refers to different execution threads in the same process that can share memory. They run in the same computer. """ HELP_USEQUEUE = """ Click Yes if you want to send this execution to a queue engine like Slurm, Torque, ... The queue commands to launch and stop jobs should be configured at _%s_ file. See %s for more information. """ HELP_USEQUEUEPERJOB = """ Click *Yes* if you want to submit the multiple jobs per protocol to a Queue system. The queue commands for launch and stop jobs should be configured for the current host in the _hosts.conf_ file. """ HELP_WAIT_FOR = """ Specify a comma separated list of protocol IDs if you want to *schedule* this protocol and wait for those protocols to finish before starting this one. This function will allow you to "schedule" many runs that will be executed after each other. See %s for more information. """ TITLE_NAME_RUN = ' Protocol Run: ' TITLE_RUN = 'Run' TITLE_LABEL = 'Label' LABEL_OPT_COMMENT = 'Describe your run here...' TITLE_COMMENT = 'Comment' LABEL_RUN_MODE_RESUME = 'resume' LABEL_RUN_MODE_RESTART = 'restart' TITLE_EXEC = 'Execution' TITLE_BROWSE_DATA = 'Protocol data' LABEL_QUEUE_YES = 'Yes' LABEL_QUEUE_NO = 'No' LABEL_PARAM_YES = 'Yes' LABEL_PARAM_NO = 'No' LABEL_BUTTON_CLOSE = 'Close' LABEL_BUTTON_SAVE = 'Save' LABEL_BUTTON_EXEC = 'Execute' LABEL_BUTTON_VIS = 'Visualize' LABEL_BUTTON_WIZ = 'Wizard' LABEL_BUTTON_HELP = 'Help' LABEL_BUTTON_RETURN = 'Save' # VARS VAR_EXEC_HOST = 'hostName' VAR_EXPERT = 'expertLevel' VAR_MPI = 'numberOfMpi' VAR_QUEUE = '_useQueue' VAR_RUN_NAME = 'runName' VAR_COMMENT = 'comment' VAR_RUN_MODE = 'runMode' VAR_THREADS = 'numberOfThreads' LABEL_PATTERN = 'Pattern' TEXT_PATTERN = """\ Pattern (that can include wildcards) of the files to import. For example: *data/particles/***.spi* *~/Micrographs/mic/***.mrc*""" ERROR_PATTERN_EMPTY = 'The *pattern* cannot be empty.' ERROR_PATTERN_FILES = 'There are no files matching the *pattern*' LABEL_CHECKSTACK = 'Check stack files?' LABEL_COPYFILES = 'Copy files?' LABEL_VOLTAGE = 'Microscope voltage (kV)' TEXT_VOLTAGE = "Microscope voltage" LABEL_SPH_ABERRATION = 'Spherical aberration (mm)' TEXT_SPH_ABERRATION = """\ Optical effect due to the increased refraction of light rays when they strike the lens near its edge, in comparison with those that strike near the center.""" LABEL_AMPLITUDE = 'Amplitude Contrast' TEXT_AMPLITUDE = """\ Produced by the loss of amplitude (i.e. electrons) from the beam. For a weak phase and weak amplitude object, the amplitude contrast ratio Qo is automatically computed. It should be a positive number, typically between 0.05 and 0.3.""" LABEL_PATTERNU = 'Pattern untilted' LABEL_PATTERNT = 'Pattern tilted' LABEL_SAMP_MODE = 'Sampling rate mode' TEXT_SAMP_MODE = """\ You can specify the sampling rate (pixel size) directly from the image (A/pixel, Ts) or by specifying the magnification rate (M) and the scanner pixel size (microns/pixel, Tm). They are related by Ts = Tm / M""" LABEL_SAMP_MODE_1 = 'From image' LABEL_SAMP_MODE_2 = 'From scanner' LABEL_SAMP_RATE = 'Pixel size (sampling rate) Å/px' TEXT_SAMP_RATE = "Pixel size" LABEL_MAGNI_RATE = 'Magnification rate' TEXT_MAGNI_RATE = """\ Electron optical magnification (M). It can be used to compute the Image Pixel Size ("Sampling Rate") (Ts) using the Scanner Pixel Size (Tm), Ts = Tm / M.""" LABEL_SCANNED = 'Scanned pixel size (microns/px)' ERROR_IMPORT_VOL = 'importVolumes: There are no filePaths matching the pattern' LABEL_CTF_ESTI = 'CTF Estimation' LABEL_INPUT_MIC = 'Input Micrographs' LABEL_INPUT_PART = 'Input Particles' LABEL_INPUT_VOLS = 'Input Volumes' LABEL_INPUT_MOVS = 'Input Movies' LABEL_ALIG_PART = 'Write aligned particles?' TEXT_ALIG_PART = 'If set to *Yes*, the alignment will be applied to \n'+'input particles and a new aligned set will be created.' TEXT_NO_INPUT_MIC = 'No *Input Micrographs* selected.' TEXT_NO_CTF_READY = 'CTF of *Input Micrographs* not ready yet.' TEXT_NO_OUTPUT_CO = 'Output coordinates not ready yet.' ERROR_NO_EST_CTF = '_estimateCTF should be implemented' TEXT_NO_OUTPUT_FILES = 'No output file produced' TITLE_LAUNCHED = 'Success' LABEL_LAUNCHED = 'The protocol was launched successfully.' LABEL_FOUND_ERROR = 'Errors found' TITLE_SAVED_FORM = 'Success' LABEL_SAVED_FORM = 'The protocol was saved successfully.' TITLE_DELETE_FORM = 'Confirm DELETE' TITLE_RESTART_FORM = 'Confirm RESTART' TITLE_CONTINUE_FORM = 'Confirm CONTINUE' LABEL_DELETE_FORM = """ You are going to *DELETE* the run(s): - %s *ALL DATA* related will be permanently removed. Do you really want to continue?' """ MESSAGE_RESTART_FORM = """ You are going to *RESTART* the run: %s Do you really want to restart it? """ MESSAGE_CONTINUE_FORM = """ You are going to *CONTINUE* the run: %s Do you really want to continue it? """ MESSAGE_RESTART_WORKFLOW_WITH_RESULTS = """ All previous results of the following protocols will be deleted: %s Do you really want to *RESTART* the workflow?' """ MESSAGE_CONTINUE_WORKFLOW_WITH_RESULTS = """ All previous results of the following protocols will be affected: %s Do you really want to *CONTINUE* the workflow? """ MESSAGE_ASK_SINGLE_ALL = """ What do you want to do? *Single* : Just this protocol. *All*: All above listed protocols will be launched. """ TITLE_STOP_FORM = 'Confirm STOP' LABEL_STOP_FORM = 'Do you really want to *STOP* this run?' NO_VIEWER_FOUND = 'There is no viewer for protocol:' TITLE_SAVE_OUTPUT = 'Save protocol output' LABEL_SAVE_OUTPUT = 'Do you wish to save protocol output?' TITLE_RESTART_WORKFLOW_FORM = 'Confirm RESTART workflow' TITLE_CONTINUE_WORKFLOW_FORM = 'Confirm CONTINUE workflow' TITLE_STOP_WORKFLOW_FORM = 'Confirm STOP' TITLE_RESET_WORKFLOW_FORM = 'Confirm RESET' MESSAGE_RESTART_WORKFLOW = 'Do you really want to *RESTART* this workflow?' MESSAGE_CONTINUE_WORKFLOW = 'Do you really want to *CONTINUE* this workflow?' TITLE_STOP_WORKFLOW = 'Do you really want to *STOP* this Workflow?' TITLE_RESET_WORKFLOW = 'Do you really want to *RESET* this Workflow?' TITLE_LAUNCHED_WORKFLOW_FAILED_FORM = 'Error while launching the workflow' TITLE_STOPPED_WORKFLOW_FAILED = 'Error while stopping the workflow' TITLE_RESETED_WORKFLOW_FAILED = 'Error while resetting the workflow' TITLE_LAUNCHED_WORKFLOW_FAILED = 'The workflow can not be relaunched from this protocol.\n' TITLE_ACTIVE_PROTOCOLS = 'The following protocols are active:' # SHOWJ_WEB SHOWJ_TITLE = 'Showj' LABEL_RESLICE = 'Reslice' RESLICE_Z_NEGATIVE = 'Z Negative (Front)' RESLICE_Y_NEGATIVE = 'Y Negative (Top)' RESLICE_Y_POSITIVE = 'Y Positive (Bottom)' RESLICE_X_NEGATIVE = 'X Negative (Left)' RESLICE_X_POSITIVE = 'X Positive (Right)' LABEL_COLS = 'Cols' LABEL_ROWS = 'Rows' LABEL_MIRRORY = 'Invert Y Axis' LABEL_APPLY_TRANSFORM = 'Apply Transform Matrix' LABEL_ONLY_SHIFTS = 'Only Shifts' LABEL_WRAP = 'Wrap' LABEL_BLOCK_SELECTION = 'Select Block' LABEL_LABEL_SELECTION = 'Select Label' LABEL_VOLUME_SELECTION = 'Select Volume' LABEL_ENABLE = 'Enable' LABEL_DISABLE = 'Disable' LABEL_SELECT_ALL = 'Select all' LABEL_SELECT_FROM = 'Select from' LABEL_SELECT_TO = 'Select to' LABEL_DISPLAY_TABLE_CONFIG = 'Display Table Configuration' LABEL_LABEL = 'Label' LABEL_VISIBLE = 'Visible' LABEL_RENDER = 'Render' LABEL_BUTTON_OK = 'Ok' LABEL_BUTTON_CANCEL = 'Cancel' LABEL_THRESHOLD = 'Threshold:' ERROR_DIMENSIONS = 'Incorrect table width or height: ' ERROR_WEBGL = 'Your web browser does not support or is not configured for WebGL. See [[][WebGL Support]] for more information.' TOOLTIP_SEARCH = 'Search for a given world in the text. ' TOOLTIP_SEARCH_NEXT = 'Move to the next highlighted item. Also, press <Down> or <F3>' TOOLTIP_SEARCH_PREVIOUS = 'Move to the previous highlighted item. Also, press <Up> or <Shift-F3>' TOOLTIP_REFRESH = 'Reload the content of the files in the viewer. ' TOOLTIP_EXTERNAL = 'Open the viewer in an external window. ' TITLE_PICK_GAUSS = 'Automatic gaussian picking' LABEL_PICK_GAUSS = 'Do you wish to perform an automatic gaussian picking for the remaining micrographs?' TITLE_INSPECTOR = 'Objects inspector' LABEL_INSPECTOR = 'Objects inspector will inspect the whole project. ' \ 'Thus, it can take a while depending on the size of the project.\n' \ 'Do you want to continue?' EXECUTE_PLUGINS_MANAGER_OPERATION = 'Execute all selected operations' CANCEL_SELECTED_OPERATION = 'Cancel a selected operation'
[docs]class PluginStates: PLUGIN = 'plugin' BINARY = 'binary' UNCHECKED = 'unchecked' CHECKED = 'checked' INSTALL = 'install' UNINSTALL = 'uninstall' TO_INSTALL = 'to_install' INSTALLED = 'installed' PRECESSING = 'processing' FAILURE = 'failure' AVAILABLE_RELEASE = 'available_release' TO_UPDATE = 'to_update' SUCCESS = 'success' ERRORS = 'errors' WAITING = 'waiting'
[docs]class PluginInformation: PLUGIN_URL = 'pluginURL' PLUGIN_NAME = 'pluginName' PLUGIN_VERSION = 'pluginVersion' PLUGIN_RELEASE_DATE = 'pluginUploadedDate' PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION = 'pluginDescription' PLUGIN_AUTHORS = 'pluginAuthor'
[docs]class SpriteImage: def __init__(self, top, left, name, bottom=None, right=None): = top self.left = left self.bottom = bottom if bottom else top+16 self.right = right if right else left+16 = name def __str__(self): return def __len__(self): return len(
[docs]class Sprite: _image=None # Default width of the sprite to calculate the ratio. For other sprites make sprite file n times bigger DEFAULT_WIDTH = 320 RATIO = None "Ratio of the sprite file of the SpriteImage definitions"
[docs] @classmethod def getSpritesFile(cls): from pyworkflow import Config return Config.SCIPION_SPRITES_FILE
[docs] @classmethod def loadSprites(cls): """ Loads the image of the sprite""" if not cls._image: cls._image = from pyworkflow import Config # If any zoom to apply if Config.SCIPION_ICON_ZOOM != 100: factor = Config.SCIPION_ICON_ZOOM/100 size = cls._image.size newSize=size[0] * factor, size[1]* factor cls.image = cls._image.thumbnail(newSize) width = cls._image.width cls.RATIO = width/cls.DEFAULT_WIDTH return cls._image
[docs] @classmethod def getImage(cls, sprite:SpriteImage): """ Returns the image cut put from the stripe file at the locations define by SpriteImage""" sprites = cls.loadSprites() return sprites.crop((sprite.left*cls.RATIO,*cls.RATIO, sprite.right*cls.RATIO, sprite.bottom*cls.RATIO))
# To get font awesome icons into png use:
[docs]class Icon: # Protocols status PROT_DISABLED = SpriteImage(16,32,'prot_disabled.png',bottom=32,right=64) BETA = SpriteImage(0,0,'beta.png',bottom=16,right=32) NEW = SpriteImage(32,0,'new.png',bottom=48,right=32) PRODUCTION = SpriteImage(32,32,'production.png',bottom=48,right=64) UPDATED = SpriteImage(16,0,'updated.png',bottom=32,right=32) GROUP = SpriteImage(80, 224,'class_obj.png') FAVORITE = SpriteImage(80,256,'bookmark.png') DEBUG = SpriteImage(64,288,'debug.png') DOWNLOAD = SpriteImage(48,272,'fa-download.png') FIND = SpriteImage(80,272,'binoculares.png') SELECT_ALL = SpriteImage(0,32,'workflow.png') # Project window icons RUNS_TREE = SpriteImage(16,272,'fa-sitemap.png') ACTION_NEW = SpriteImage(80,304,'fa-plus-circle.png') ACTION_EDIT = SpriteImage(32,272,'fa-pencil.png') ACTION_SELECT_FROM = SpriteImage(64,272,'fa-arrow-down.png') ACTION_SELECT_TO = SpriteImage(64,256,'fa-arrow-up.png') ACTION_COPY = SpriteImage(80,208,'clipboard-regular.png') ACTION_PASTE = SpriteImage(0,64,'paste-solid.png') ACTION_DUPLICATE = SpriteImage(48,208,'fa-files-o.png') ACTION_DELETE = SpriteImage(16,176,'fa-trash-o.png') ACTION_REFRESH = SpriteImage(32,144, 'fa-refresh.png') ACTION_RENAME = SpriteImage(0,48,'rename.png') ACTION_BROWSE = SpriteImage(32,304,'fa-folder-open.png') ACTION_DB = SpriteImage(48,288,'fa-database.png') ACTION_STOP = SpriteImage(16,256,'fa-stop.png') ACTION_CONTINUE = SpriteImage(32,256,'fa-play-circle-o.png') ACTION_STOP_WORKFLOW = SpriteImage(16,240,'fa-stop-workflow.png') ACTION_RESULTS = SpriteImage(48,240,'fa-eye.png') ACTION_SAVE = SpriteImage(32,112, 'fa-save.png') ACTION_VISUALIZE = ACTION_RESULTS ACTION_WIZ = SpriteImage(32,288,'fa-magic.png') ACTION_HELP = SpriteImage(32,160,'fa-question-circle.png') ACTION_REFERENCES = SpriteImage(48,256,'link') ACTION_EXPORT = ACTION_REFERENCES ACTION_EXPORT_UPLOAD = SpriteImage(16,96, 'fa-upload.png') ACTION_SEARCH = SpriteImage(32,96, 'fa-search.png') ACTION_EXECUTE = SpriteImage(48,304,'fa-cogs.png') ACTION_IN = SpriteImage(16,304,'fa-sign-in.png') ACTION_OUT = SpriteImage(16,288,'fa-sign-out.png') ACTION_FIND_NEXT = SpriteImage(32,208,'fa-next.png') ACTION_FIND_PREVIOUS = SpriteImage(32,192,'fa-previous.png') ACTION_COLLAPSE = SpriteImage(32,240,'fa-minus-square.png') ACTION_EXPAND = SpriteImage(32,224,'fa-plus-square.png') ACTION_CIRCLE = SpriteImage(48,192,'circle.png') ACTION_PICKING = SpriteImage(64, 192, 'picking.png') ACTION_STATS = SpriteImage(80, 192, 'stats.png') ACTION_ZOOM = SpriteImage(64, 176, 'zoom.png') ACTION_HAND = SpriteImage(80, 176, 'hand.png') ACTION_FILAMENT_PICKING = SpriteImage(48, 176, 'filament.png') ACTION_GRID = SpriteImage(64, 160, 'grid.png') ACTION_CONTRAST = SpriteImage(80, 160, 'contrast.png') # Host template BUTTON_SELECT = SpriteImage(64,224,'fa-check.png') BUTTON_CANCEL = SpriteImage(64,240,'fa-ban.png') ACTION_CLOSE = BUTTON_CANCEL BUTTON_CLOSE = ACTION_CLOSE BUTTON_SAVE = ACTION_SAVE ARROW_UP = ACTION_SELECT_TO TAGS = SpriteImage(16,224,'fa-tags.png') HOME = SpriteImage(0,304,'fa-home.png') LIGHTBULB = SpriteImage(32,80,'fa-lightbulb-o.png') ROCKET = SpriteImage(32,128, 'fa-rocket.png') # File browser icons FOLDER_OPEN = ACTION_BROWSE DB = SpriteImage(0,144,'file_sqlite.png') TXT_FILE = SpriteImage(0,96,'file_text.png') FILE_VOL = SpriteImage(0,80,'file_vol.png') FILE_STACK = SpriteImage(0,112,'file_stack.png') FILE_STACK_LINK = SpriteImage(0,128, 'file_stack_link.png') PYTHON_FILE = SpriteImage(0,160,'file_python.png') FILE_METADATA = SpriteImage(0,176,'file_md.png') FILE_METADATA_LINK = SpriteImage(0,192, 'file_md_link.png') FILE_IMAGE = SpriteImage(0,208, 'file_image.png') FILE_IMAGE_LINK = SpriteImage(0,224, 'file_image_link.png') FILE = SpriteImage(0,240, 'file_generic.png') FILE_LINK = SpriteImage(0,256, 'file_generic_link.png') FOLDER = SpriteImage(0,272, 'file_folder.png') FOLDER_LINK = SpriteImage(0,288, 'file_folder_link.png') BROOM = SpriteImage(80,240,'broom-solid.png') BACKWARD = SpriteImage(80,288,'backward-solid.png') CODE_BRANCH = SpriteImage(64,304,'code-branch-solid.png') # Dialog icons ERROR = 'fa-times-circle_alert.png' INFO = 'fa-info-circle_alert.png' ALERT = 'fa-exclamation-triangle_alert.png' NO_IMAGE_128 = 'no-image128.png' SCIPION_ICON = 'scipion_icon.png' SCIPION_ICON_PROJ = 'scipion_icon_proj.png' SCIPION_ICON_PROJS = 'scipion_icon_projs.png' SCIPION_ICON_PROT = 'scipion_icon_prot.png' SCIPION_LOGO_SMALL = 'scipion_logo_small.png' # EXTERNAL PROGRAMS CHIMERA = 'chimera.png' # PLUGIN MANAGER ICONS CHECKED = SpriteImage(64,208,'fa-checked.png') UNCHECKED = SpriteImage(16,160,'fa-unchecked.png') INSTALL = SpriteImage(32,64,'fa-install.png') UNINSTALL = ACTION_CLOSE TO_INSTALL = SpriteImage(32,256,'fa-to_install.png') INSTALLED = SpriteImage(16, 64,'fa-installed.png') PROCESSING = SpriteImage(32, 176, 'fa-processing.png',48,192) FAILURE = SpriteImage(48,224,'fa-failure.png') DELETE_OPERATION = ACTION_DELETE TO_UPDATE = SpriteImage(32,144,'fa-update.png') WAITING = 'wait.gif' ACTION_UNDO = SpriteImage(16,144,'fa-undo.png') PLUGIN_AUTHORS = SpriteImage(16,80,'users.png') PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION = FILE_STACK PLUGIN_RELEASE_DATE = ACTION_EXPORT_UPLOAD PLUGIN_VERSION = FILE_VOL PLUGIN_PACKAGE = FOLDER
[docs]class colorText: """printing in colors, bold, etc, example: print colorText.BOLD + 'Hello World !' + color.END """ PURPLE = '\033[95m' CYAN = '\033[96m' DARKCYAN = '\033[36m' BLUE = '\033[94m' GREEN = '\033[92m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' RED = '\033[91m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' END = '\033[0m'
[docs]class KEYSYM: """ Keysym values for evaluating key pressed within events as reported at """ DELETE = 'Delete' RETURN = 'Return' SHIFT = 'Shift' CONTROL = 'Control'