import time
instances = {}
elapsedTime = {}
[docs]def getInstancesCount():
return instances
[docs]def instanceCreated(cls):
instances[cls] = instances.get(cls, 0) + 1
[docs]def instanceDestroyed(cls):
instances[cls] = instances.get(cls, 0) - 1
[docs]def printInstances():
for k, v in instances.items():
print("%s: %d", k, v)
[docs]def waitForDebugger(seconds=20):
print("Waiting for debugger %d seconds." % seconds)
from pyworkflow.utils import printTraceBack
while seconds > 0:
# Set seconds to 0:
# Execute this in the debugger: seconds = 0
print(str(seconds) + " seconds left.")
seconds -= 1
# From:
[docs]class Timer(object):
indentation = 0
blackList = []
whiteList = []
minms = 1
def __init__(self, name=None, verbose=True):
self.verbose = verbose = name
Timer.indentation += 1
def __enter__(self):
self.start = time.time()
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
self.end = time.time()
self.secs = self.end - self.start
self.msecs = self.secs * 1000 # millisecs
Timer.indentation -= 1
toPrint = (len(Timer.whiteList) == 0)
if any( for s in Timer.blackList):
toPrint = False
if any( for s in Timer.whiteList):
toPrint = True
if self.verbose and toPrint and self.msecs > Timer.minms:
print('{0}{1:10.0f}\tms\t{2}'.format('\t' * Timer.indentation, self.msecs,
# To monitor memory leaks:
# 1.- Check you have installed pympler: scipion run pip install pympler
# 2.- Uncomment lines below
# 3.- Add a with statement like:
# with monitor.MemoryMonitor():
# <code to analyze>
# from pympler.tracker import SummaryTracker
# class MemoryMonitor(object):
# def __init__(self):
# self.tracker = None
# def __enter__(self):
# self.tracker = SummaryTracker()
# self.tracker.print_diff()
# return self
# def __exit__(self, *args):
# self.tracker.print_diff()