Source code for pyworkflow.template

""" Module to host templates classes"""
import collections
import glob
import os
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime
from pyworkflow import SCIPION_JSON_TEMPLATES, Config
from pyworkflow.utils import greenStr

[docs]class Template: def __init__(self, pluginName, tempPath): self.pluginName = pluginName # Tidy up templates names: removing .json.template and .json (when passed as parameter) self.templateName = os.path.basename(tempPath).replace(SCIPION_JSON_TEMPLATES, "").replace(".json", "") self.templatePath = os.path.abspath(tempPath) self.description, self.content = self._parseTemplate() self.params = None self.projectName = None def __str__(self): return self.templatePath
[docs] def getObjId(self): return self.pluginName + '-' + self.templateName
[docs] def genProjectName(self): self.projectName = self.getObjId() + '-' +"%y%m%d-%H%M%S")
[docs] def replaceEnvVariables(self): self.content = (self.content % os.environ).split('~')
def _parseTemplate(self): with open(self.templatePath, 'r') as myFile: allContents = description, index = Template.getDescription(allContents) if not description: description = 'Not provided' content = ''.join(allContents[index:]) return description, content
[docs] @staticmethod def getDescription(strList): # Example of json.template file with description: # ----------------------------------------------- # Here goes the description # Description # Another description line... # [ # { # "object.className": "ProtImportMovies", # "": "2",... # ----------------------------------------------- contents_start_1 = '[' contents_start_2 = '{' description = [] counter = 0 nLines = len(strList) while counter + 1 < nLines: currentLine = strList[counter] nextLine = strList[counter + 1] if contents_start_1 not in currentLine: description.append(currentLine) else: if contents_start_2 in nextLine: break else: description.append(currentLine) counter += 1 return ''.join(description), counter
[docs] def parseContent(self): def paramStr2Param(fieldIndex, fieldString): fieldLst = fieldString.split('|') title = fieldLst[0] defaultValue = fieldLst[1] if len(fieldLst) >= 2 else None varType = fieldLst[2] if len(fieldLst) >= 3 else None alias = fieldLst[3] if len(fieldLst) >= 4 else None return TemplateParam(fieldIndex, title, defaultValue, varType, alias) # Fill each field in the template in order to prevent spreading in the form self.params = collections.OrderedDict() for index in range(1, len(self.content), 2): param = paramStr2Param(index, self.content[index]) self.params[param.getTitle()] = param
[docs] def createTemplateFile(self): # Where to write the json file. (fileHandle, path) = tempfile.mkstemp() self._replaceFields() finalJson = "".join(self.content) os.write(fileHandle, finalJson.encode()) os.close(fileHandle) print("New workflow saved at " + path) return path
def _replaceFields(self): for field in self.params.values(): self.content[field.getIndex()] = field.getValue()
[docs] def getParams(self): return self.params
[docs] def setParamValue(self, alias, newValue): paramsSetted = 0 for field in self.params.values(): if field.getAlias() == alias: oldValue = field.getValue() field.setValue(newValue) if field.validate() is None: paramsSetted += 1 print(greenStr("%s set to %s") % (field.getTitle(), str(newValue))) else: field.setValue(oldValue) raise Exception("%s is not compatible with %s(%s) parameter." % (newValue, field.getTitle(), alias)) if not paramsSetted: raise Exception("Alias %s not recognized." % alias) return paramsSetted
[docs]class TemplateParam(object): def __init__(self, index, title, value=None, varType=None, alias=None): self._index = index self._title = title self._value = value self._type = varType self._alias = alias
[docs] def getTitle(self): return self._title
[docs] def getIndex(self): return self._index
[docs] def getType(self): return self._type
[docs] def getValue(self): return self._value
[docs] def setValue(self, value): self._value = value
[docs] def getAlias(self): return self._alias
[docs] def validate(self): return Validations.check(self._value, self._type)
[docs] @classmethod def check(cls, value, fieldType): if fieldType == cls.FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return cls.validBoolean(value) elif fieldType == cls.FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL: return cls.validDecimal(value) elif fieldType == cls.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER: return cls.validInteger(value) elif fieldType == cls.FIELD_TYPE_PATH: return cls.validPath(value) elif fieldType == cls.FIELD_TYPE_STR: return cls.validString(value) else: print("Type %s for %s not recognized. Review the template." % (type, value)) return
[docs] @staticmethod def validString(value): if value is None: return "String does not accept None/empty values."
[docs] @staticmethod def validInteger(value): if not value.isdigit(): return "Value does not seem to be an integer number."
[docs] @staticmethod def validPath(value): if not os.path.exists(value): return "Path does not exists."
[docs] @staticmethod def validDecimal(value): try: float(value) return None except Exception as e: return "Value can't be converted to a float (%s)" % str(e)
[docs] @staticmethod def validBoolean(value): validValues = ["true", "1", "false", "0"] valueL = value.lower() if valueL not in validValues: return "Only valid values for a boolean type are: %s" % validValues
[docs]class TemplateList: def __init__(self, templates=None): self.templates = templates if templates else []
[docs] def addTemplate(self, t): self.templates.append(t)
[docs] def genFromStrList(self, templateList): for t in templateList: parsedPath = t.split(os.path.sep) pluginName = parsedPath[parsedPath.index('templates') - 1] self.addTemplate(Template(pluginName, t))
[docs] def sortListByPluginName(self): # Create a identifier with both plugin and template names to sort by both self.templates = sorted(self.templates, key=lambda template: '.' + template.getObjId() if template.getObjId().startswith('local') else template.getObjId()) return self
[docs] def addScipionTemplates(self, tempId=None): # Check if there is any .json.template in the template folder # get the template folder (we only want it to be included once) templateFolder = Config.getExternalJsonTemplates() for templateName in glob.glob1(templateFolder, "*" + SCIPION_JSON_TEMPLATES): t = Template("local", os.path.join(templateFolder, templateName)) if tempId is not None: if t.getObjId() == tempId: self.addTemplate(t) break else: self.addTemplate(t)
[docs] def addPluginTemplates(self, tempId=None): """ Get the templates provided by all plugins. :return: a list of templates """ # Check if other plugins have json.templates domain = Config.getDomain() # Check if there is any .json.template in the template folder # get the template folder (we only want it to be included once) for pluginName, pluginModule in domain.getPlugins().items(): tempListPlugin = pluginModule._pluginInstance.getTemplates() for t in tempListPlugin: if tempId is not None: if t.getObjId() == tempId: self.addTemplate(t) break else: self.addTemplate(t)