# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (delarosatrevin@scilifelab.se) [1]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# *
# * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
This modules contains classes required for the workflow
execution and tracking like: Step and Protocol
import os
import json
import threading
import time
from datetime import datetime
import pyworkflow as pw
from pyworkflow.exceptions import ValidationException, PyworkflowException
from pyworkflow.object import *
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow.utils.log import getExtraLogInfo, STATUS, setDefaultLoggingContext
from .executor import StepExecutor, ThreadStepExecutor, QueueStepExecutor
from .constants import *
from .params import Form
from ..utils import getFileSize
import logging
# Get the root logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Step(Object):
""" Basic execution unit.
It should define its Input, Output
and define a run method.
def __init__(self, interactive=False, needsGPU=True, **kwargs):
self._prerequisites = CsvList() # which steps needs to be done first
self.status = String()
self.initTime = String()
self.endTime = String()
self._error = String()
self.interactive = Boolean(interactive)
self._resultFiles = String()
self._needsGPU = Boolean(needsGPU)
self._index = None
[docs] def needsGPU(self) -> bool:
return self._needsGPU.get()
[docs] def getIndex(self):
return self._index
[docs] def setIndex(self, newIndex):
self._index = newIndex
[docs] def getPrerequisites(self):
return self._prerequisites
[docs] def addPrerequisites(self, *newPrerequisites):
for p in newPrerequisites:
[docs] def setPrerequisites(self, *newPrerequisites):
def _preconditions(self):
""" Check if the necessary conditions to
step execution are met"""
return self._validate() == []
def _postconditions(self):
""" Check if the step have done well its task
and accomplish its results"""
return True
def _run(self):
""" This is the function that will do the real job.
It should be override by sub-classes."""
[docs] def setRunning(self):
""" The the state as STATE_RUNNING and
set the init and end times.
self._error.set(None) # Clean previous error message
[docs] def getError(self):
return self._error
[docs] def getErrorMessage(self):
return self.getError().get('')
[docs] def setFailed(self, msg):
""" Set the run failed and store an error message. """
self._finalizeStep(STATUS_FAILED, msg=msg)
[docs] def setAborted(self):
""" Set the status to aborted and updates the endTime. """
self._finalizeStep(STATUS_ABORTED, "Aborted by user.")
[docs] def setFinished(self):
""" Set the status to finish updates the end time """
def _finalizeStep(self, status, msg=None):
""" Closes the step, setting up the endTime and optionally an error message"""
if msg:
[docs] def setSaved(self):
""" Set the status to saved and updated the endTime. """
self._error.set(None) # Clean previous error message
[docs] def getStatus(self):
return self.status.get(STATUS_NEW)
[docs] def getElapsedTime(self, default=dt.timedelta()):
""" Return the time that took to run
(or the actual running time if still is running )
elapsed = default
if self.initTime.hasValue():
t1 = self.initTime.datetime()
if self.endTime.hasValue():
t2 = self.endTime.datetime()
t2 = dt.datetime.now()
elapsed = t2 - t1
return elapsed
[docs] def setStatus(self, value):
return self.status.set(value)
[docs] def isNew(self):
return self.getStatus() == STATUS_NEW
[docs] def setInteractive(self, value):
return self.interactive.set(value)
[docs] def isActive(self):
return self.getStatus() in ACTIVE_STATUS
[docs] def isFinished(self):
return self.getStatus() == STATUS_FINISHED
[docs] def isRunning(self):
return self.getStatus() == STATUS_RUNNING
[docs] def isFailed(self):
return self.getStatus() == STATUS_FAILED
[docs] def isSaved(self):
return self.getStatus() == STATUS_SAVED
[docs] def isScheduled(self):
return self.getStatus() == STATUS_SCHEDULED
[docs] def isAborted(self):
return self.getStatus() == STATUS_ABORTED
[docs] def isLaunched(self):
return self.getStatus() == STATUS_LAUNCHED
[docs] def isInteractive(self):
return self.interactive.get()
[docs] def isWaiting(self):
return self.getStatus() == STATUS_WAITING
[docs] def run(self):
""" Do the job of this step"""
if self.status.get() == STATUS_RUNNING:
if self.isInteractive():
# If the Step is interactive, after run
# it will be waiting for use to mark it as DONE
except PyworkflowException as e:
except Exception as e:
import traceback
# raise #only in development
# finally:
# self.endTime.set(dt.datetime.now())
[docs]class FunctionStep(Step):
""" This is a Step wrapper around a normal function
This class will ease the insertion of Protocol function steps
through the function _insertFunctionStep"""
def __init__(self, func=None, funcName=None, *funcArgs, wait=False, interactive=False, needsGPU=True):
func: the function that will be executed.
funcName: the name assigned to that function (will be stored)
*funcArgs: argument list passed to the function (serialized and stored)
**kwargs: extra parameters.
super().__init__(interactive=interactive, needsGPU=needsGPU)
self._func = func # Function should be set before run
self._args = funcArgs
self.funcName = String(funcName)
self.argsStr = String(json.dumps(funcArgs, default=lambda x: None))
if wait:
def _runFunc(self):
""" Return the possible result files after running the function. """
return self._func(*self._args)
def _run(self):
""" Run the function and check the result files if any. """
resultFiles = self._runFunc()
if isinstance(resultFiles, str):
resultFiles = [resultFiles]
if resultFiles and len(resultFiles):
missingFiles = pwutils.missingPaths(*resultFiles)
if len(missingFiles):
raise Exception('Missing filePaths: ' + ' '.join(missingFiles))
def _postconditions(self):
""" This type of Step, will simply check
as postconditions that the result filePaths exists"""
if not self._resultFiles.hasValue():
return True
filePaths = json.loads(self._resultFiles.get())
return len(pwutils.missingPaths(*filePaths)) == 0
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Compare with other FunctionStep"""
return (self.funcName == other.funcName and
self.argsStr == other.argsStr)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
return "%s - %s" % (self._objId ,self.funcName.get())
[docs]class RunJobStep(FunctionStep):
""" This Step will wrapper the commonly used function runJob
for launching specific programs with some parameters.
The runJob function should be provided by the protocol
when inserting a new RunJobStep"""
def __init__(self, runJobFunc=None, programName=None, arguments=None,
resultFiles=[], **kwargs):
FunctionStep.__init__(self, runJobFunc, 'runJob', programName,
# Number of mpi and threads used to run the program
self.__runJob = runJobFunc # Store the current function to run the job
self.mpi = 1
self.threads = 1
def _runFunc(self):
""" Wrap around runJob function"""
# We know that:
# _func: is the runJob function
# _args[0]: is the program name
# _args[1]: is the arguments to the program
return self._func(None, self._args[0], self._args[1],
numberOfMpi=self.mpi, numberOfThreads=self.threads)
# TODO: Add the option to return resultFiles
def __str__(self):
return self._args[0] # return program name
[docs]class StepSet(Set):
""" Special type of Set for storing steps. """
def __init__(self, filename=None, prefix='',
mapperClass=None, **kwargs):
Set.__init__(self, filename, prefix, mapperClass, classesDict=globals(),
[docs]class Protocol(Step):
""" The Protocol is a higher type of Step.
It also have the inputs, outputs and other Steps properties,
but contains a list of steps that are executed
# Version where protocol appeared first time
_stepsCheckSecs = pw.Config.getStepsCheckSeconds()
# Protocol develop status: PROD, BETA, NEW
_devStatus = pw.PROD
"""" Possible Outputs:
This is an optional but recommended attribute to fill.
It has to be an enum with names being the name of the output and value the class of the output:
class MyOutput(enum.Enum):
outputMicrographs = SetOfMicrographs
outputMicrographDW = SetOfMicrographs
When defining outputs you can, optionally, use this enum like:
self._defineOutputs(**{MyOutput.outputMicrographs.name, setOfMics})
It will help to keep output names consistently
Alternative an inline dictionary will work:
_possibleOutputs = {"outputMicrographs" : SetOfMicrographs}
For a more fine detailed/dynamic output based on parameters, you can overwrite the getter:
getPossibleOutputs() in your protocol.
_possibleOutputs = None
# Cache package and plugin
_package = None
_plugin = None
# Maybe this property can be inferred from the
# prerequisites of steps, but is easier to keep it
stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_SERIAL
[docs] def modeSerial(self):
""" Returns true if steps are run one after another"""
# Maybe this property can be inferred from the
# prerequisites of steps, but is easier to keep it
return self.stepsExecutionMode == STEPS_SERIAL
[docs] def modeParallel(self):
""" Returns true if steps are run in parallel"""
return not self.modeSerial()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Step.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self._size = None
self._steps = [] # List of steps that will be executed
self._newSteps = False # Boolean to annotate when there are new steps added to the above list. And need persistence.
# All generated filePaths should be inside workingDir
self.workingDir = String(kwargs.get('workingDir', '.'))
self.mapper = kwargs.get('mapper', None)
self._inputs = []
self._outputs = CsvList()
# This flag will be used to annotate it output are already "migrated"
# and available in the _outputs list. Therefore iterating
self._useOutputList = Boolean(False)
# Expert level needs to be defined before parsing params
self.expertLevel = Integer(kwargs.get('expertLevel', LEVEL_NORMAL))
self._definition = Form(self)
self._log = logger
self._buffer = '' # text buffer for reading log files
# Project to which the protocol belongs
self.__project = kwargs.get('project', None)
# Filename templates dict that will be used by _getFileName
self.__filenamesDict = {}
# This will be used at project load time to check if
# we need to update the protocol with the data from run.db
self.lastUpdateTimeStamp = String()
# For non-parallel protocols mpi=1 and threads=1
self.allowMpi = hasattr(self, 'numberOfMpi')
if not self.allowMpi:
self.numberOfMpi = Integer(1)
self.allowThreads = hasattr(self, 'numberOfThreads')
if not self.allowThreads:
self.numberOfThreads = Integer(1)
# Check if MPI or threads are passed in **kwargs, mainly used in tests
if 'numberOfMpi' in kwargs:
if 'numberOfThreads' in kwargs:
if not hasattr(self, 'hostName'):
self.hostName = String(kwargs.get('hostName', 'localhost'))
if not hasattr(self, 'hostFullName'):
self.hostFullName = String()
# Run mode
self.runMode = Integer(kwargs.get('runMode', MODE_RESUME))
# Use queue system?
self._useQueue = Boolean(pw.Config.SCIPION_USE_QUEUE)
# Store a json string with queue name
# and queue parameters (only meaningful if _useQueue=True)
self._queueParams = String()
self.queueShown = False
self._jobId = CsvList() # Store queue job ids
self._pid = Integer()
self._stepsExecutor = None
self._stepsDone = Integer(0)
self._cpuTime = Integer(0)
self._numberOfSteps = Integer(0)
# For visualization
self.allowHeader = Boolean(True)
# Create an String variable to allow some protocol to precompute
# the summary message
self.summaryVar = String()
self.methodsVar = String()
# Create a variable to know if the protocol has expert params
self._hasExpert = None
# Store warnings here
self.summaryWarnings = []
# Get a lock for threading execution
self._lock = threading.RLock() # Recursive locks allows a thread to acquire lock on same object more
# than one time, thus avoiding deadlock situation. This fixed the concurrency problems we had before.
self.forceSchedule = Boolean(False)
def _storeAttributes(self, attrList, attrDict):
""" Store all attributes in attrDict as
attributes of self, also store the key in attrList.
for key, value in attrDict.items():
if key not in attrList:
setattr(self, key, value)
def _defineInputs(self, **kwargs):
""" This function should be used to define
those attributes considered as Input.
self._storeAttributes(self._inputs, kwargs)
def _defineOutputs(self, **kwargs):
""" This function should be used to specify
expected outputs.
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(self, k):
self._deleteChild(k, v)
self._insertChild(k, v)
# Store attributes in _output (this does not persist them!)
self._storeAttributes(self._outputs, kwargs)
# Persist outputs list
self._insertChild("_outputs", self._outputs)
self._insertChild("_useOutputList", self._useOutputList)
def _closeOutputSet(self):
"""Close all output set"""
for outputName, output in self.iterOutputAttributes():
if isinstance(output, Set) and output.isStreamOpen():
self.__tryUpdateOutputSet(outputName, output, state=Set.STREAM_CLOSED)
def _updateOutputSet(self, outputName, outputSet,
""" Use this function when updating an Stream output set.
self.__tryUpdateOutputSet(outputName, outputSet, state)
def __tryUpdateOutputSet(self, outputName, outputSet,
state=Set.STREAM_OPEN, tries=1, firstException=None):
# Update the set with the streamState value (either OPEN or CLOSED)
if self.hasAttribute(outputName):
outputSet.write() # Write to commit changes
outputAttr = getattr(self, outputName)
# Copy the properties to the object contained in the protocol
# Default Set.copy ignores some attributes like size or mapperPath.
# In this case we want all to be copied
outputAttr.copy(outputSet, copyId=False, ignoreAttrs=[])
# Persist changes
# Here the defineOutputs function will call the write() method
self._defineOutputs(**{outputName: outputSet})
# Close set database to avoid locking it
except Exception as ex:
if tries > pw.Config.getUpdateSetAttempts():
raise BlockingIOError("Can't update %s (output) of %s after %s attempts. Reason: %s. "
"Concurrency, a non writable file system or a quota exceeded could be among the causes." %
(outputName, self,tries-1, ex)) from firstException
logger.warning("Trying to update %s (output) of protocol %s, attempt=%d: %s " % (outputName, self, tries, ex))
self.__tryUpdateOutputSet(outputName, outputSet, state,
tries + 1, firstException= ex if tries==1 else firstException)
[docs] def hasExpert(self):
""" This function checks if the protocol has
any expert parameter"""
if self._hasExpert is None:
self._hasExpert = False
for paraName, param in self._definition.iterAllParams():
if param.isExpert():
self._hasExpert = True
return self._hasExpert
[docs] def getProject(self):
return self.__project
[docs] def setProject(self, project):
self.__project = project
[docs] @staticmethod
def hasDefinition(cls):
""" Check if the protocol has some definition.
This can help to detect "abstract" protocol that
only serve as base for other, not to be instantiated.
return hasattr(cls, '_definition')
[docs] @classmethod
def isNewDev(cls):
if cls._devStatus == pw.NEW:
return True
[docs] @classmethod
def isBeta(cls):
return cls._devStatus == pw.BETA
[docs] @classmethod
def isUpdated(cls):
return cls._devStatus == pw.UPDATED
[docs] def getDefinition(self):
""" Access the protocol definition. """
return self._definition
[docs] def getParam(self, paramName):
""" Return a _definition param give its name. """
return self._definition.getParam(paramName)
[docs] def getEnumText(self, paramName):
""" This function will retrieve the text value
of an enum parameter in the definition, taking the actual value in
the protocol.
:param paramName: the name of the enum param.
:returns: the string value corresponding to the enum choice.
index = getattr(self, paramName).get()
return self.getParam(paramName).choices[index]
[docs] def evalParamCondition(self, paramName):
""" Eval if the condition of paramName in _definition
is satisfied with the current values of the protocol attributes.
return self._definition.evalParamCondition(paramName)
[docs] def evalExpertLevel(self, paramName):
""" Return the expert level evaluation for a param with the given name.
return self.evalParamExpertLevel(self.getParam(paramName))
[docs] def evalParamExpertLevel(self, param):
""" Return True if the param has an expert level is less than
the one for the whole protocol.
return param.expertLevel.get() <= self.expertLevel.get()
[docs] def iterDefinitionAttributes(self):
""" Iterate over all the attributes from definition. """
for paramName, _ in self._definition.iterParams():
yield paramName, getattr(self, paramName)
[docs] def getDefinitionDict(self):
""" Similar to getObjDict, but only for those
params that are in the form.
This function is used for export protocols as json text file.
d = OrderedDict()
d['object.className'] = self.getClassName()
d['object.id'] = self.strId()
d['object.label'] = self.getObjLabel()
d['object.comment'] = self.getObjComment()
d['_useQueue'] = self._useQueue.getObjValue()
d['_prerequisites'] = self._prerequisites.getObjValue()
if self._queueParams:
d['_queueParams'] = self._queueParams.get()
od = self.getObjDict(includePointers=True)
for attrName in od:
if self.getParam(attrName) is not None:
d[attrName] = od[attrName]
return d
[docs] def processImportDict(self, importDict, importDir):
This function is used when we import a workflow from a json to process or
adjust the json data for reproducibility purposes e.g. resolve relative paths
importDict: Dict of the protocol that we got from the json
importDir: dir of the json we're importing
return importDict
[docs] def iterDefinitionSections(self):
""" Iterate over all the section of the definition. """
for section in self._definition.iterSections():
yield section
[docs] def getProtocolsToUpdate(self):
This function returns a list of protocols ids that need to update
their database to launch this protocol (this method is only used
when a WORKFLOW is restarted or continued).
Actions done here are:
#. Iterate over the main input Pointer of this protocol
(here, 3 different cases are analyzed):
A #. When the pointer points to a protocol
B #. When the pointer points to another object (INDIRECTLY).
The pointer has an _extended value (new parameters configuration
in the protocol)
C #. When the pointer points to another object (DIRECTLY).
- The pointer has not an _extended value (old parameters
configuration in the protocol)
#. The PROTOCOL to which the pointer points is determined and saved in
the list
#. If this pointer points to a set (case B and C):
- Iterate over the main attributes of the set
- if attribute is a pointer then we add the pointed protocol to the ids list
protocolIds = []
protocol = None
for key, attrInput in self.iterInputAttributes():
outputs = []
output = attrInput.get()
if isinstance(output, Protocol): # case A
protocol = output
for _, protOutput in protocol.iterOutputAttributes():
outputs.append(protOutput) # for case A store all the protocols outputs
if attrInput.hasExtended(): # case B
protocol = attrInput.getObjValue()
else: # case C
if self.getProject() is not None:
protocol = self.getProject().getRunsGraph(refresh=True).getNode(str(output.getObjParentId())).run
# This is a problem, since protocols coming from
# Pointers do not have the __project set.
# We do not have a clear way to get the protocol if
# we do not have the project object associated
# This case implies Direct Pointers to Sets
# (without extended): hopefully this will only be
# created from tests
logger.warning("Can't get %s info from %s."
" This could render unexpected results when "
"scheduling protocols. Value: %s" % (key, self, attrInput))
if output is not None:
# If there is output
if outputs:
# Iter over all the outputs
for output in outputs:
# For each output attribute: Looking for pointers like SetOfCoordinates.micrographs
for k, attr in output.getAttributes():
# If it's a pointer
if isinstance(attr, Pointer):
logger.debug("Pointer found in output: %s.%s (%s)" % (output, k, attr))
prot = attr.getObjValue()
if prot is not None:
if isinstance(prot, Protocol):
logger.warning(f"We have found that {output}.{key} points to {attr} "
f"and is a direct pointer. Direct pointers are less reliable "
f"in streaming scenarios. Developers should avoid them.")
return protocolIds
[docs] def iterOutputAttributes(self, outputClass=None, includePossible=False):
""" Iterate over the outputs produced by this protocol. """
iterator = self._iterOutputsNew if self._useOutputList else self._iterOutputsOld
# Iterate through actual outputs
for key, attr in iterator():
if outputClass is None or isinstance(attr, outputClass):
hasOutput = True
yield key, attr
# NOTE: This will only happen in case there is no actual output.
# There is no need to avoid duplication of actual output and possible output.
if includePossible and not hasOutput and self.getPossibleOutputs() is not None:
for possibleOutput in self.getPossibleOutputs():
if isinstance(possibleOutput, str):
yield possibleOutput, self._possibleOutputs[possibleOutput]
yield possibleOutput.name, possibleOutput.value
[docs] def getPossibleOutputs(self):
return self._possibleOutputs
def _iterOutputsNew(self):
""" This methods iterates through a list where outputs have been
# Loop through the output list
for attrName in self._outputs:
# FIX: When deleting manually an output, specially for interactive protocols.
# The _outputs is properly deleted in projects.sqlite, not it's run.db remains.
# When the protocol is updated from run.db it brings the outputs that were deleted
if hasattr(self, attrName):
# Get it from the protocol
attr = getattr(self, attrName)
yield attrName, attr
def _iterOutputsOld(self):
""" This method iterates assuming the old model: any EMObject attribute
is an output."""
# Iterate old Style:
domain = self.getClassDomain()
except Exception as e:
print("Protocol in workingdir ", self.getWorkingDir(), " is of an unknown class")
print("Maybe the class name has changed")
return "none", None
for key, attr in self.getAttributes():
if isinstance(attr, domain._objectClass):
yield key, attr
[docs] def isInStreaming(self):
# For the moment let's assume a protocol is in streaming
# if at least one of the output sets is in STREAM_OPEN state
for paramName, attr in self.iterOutputAttributes():
if isinstance(attr, Set):
if attr.isStreamOpen():
return True
return False
[docs] @classmethod
def worksInStreaming(cls):
# A protocol should work in streaming if it implements the stepCheck()
# Get the stepCheck method from the Protocol
baseStepCheck = Protocol._stepsCheck
ownStepCheck = cls._stepsCheck
return not pwutils.isSameFunction(baseStepCheck, ownStepCheck)
[docs] def allowsGpu(self):
""" Returns True if this protocol allows GPU computation. """
return self.hasAttribute(GPU_LIST)
[docs] def requiresGpu(self):
""" Return True if this protocol can only be executed in GPU. """
return self.allowsGpu() and not self.hasAttribute(USE_GPU)
[docs] def usesGpu(self):
return self.allowsGpu() and self.getAttributeValue(USE_GPU, True)
[docs] def getGpuList(self):
if not self.allowsGpu():
return []
return pwutils.getListFromRangeString(self.gpuList.get())
[docs] def getOutputsSize(self):
return sum(1 for _ in self.iterOutputAttributes())
[docs] def getOutputFiles(self):
""" Return the output files produced by this protocol.
This can be used in web to download results back.
# By default return the output file of each output attribute
s = set()
for _, attr in self.iterOutputAttributes():
return s
[docs] def getOutputSuffix(self, outputPrefix):
""" Return the suffix to be used for a new output.
For example: output3DCoordinates7.
It should take into account previous outputs
and number with a higher value.
maxCounter = -1
for attrName, _ in self.iterOutputAttributes():
suffix = attrName.replace(outputPrefix, '')
counter = int(suffix)
counter = 1 # when there is not number assume 1
maxCounter = max(counter, maxCounter)
return str(maxCounter + 1) if maxCounter > 0 else '' # empty if not output
[docs] def getNextOutputName(self, outputPrefix):
"""Return the name to be used for a new output."""
return outputPrefix + self.getOutputSuffix(outputPrefix)
[docs] def copyDefinitionAttributes(self, other):
""" Copy definition attributes to other protocol. """
for paramName, _ in self.iterDefinitionAttributes():
self.copyAttributes(other, paramName)
def _createVarsFromDefinition(self, **kwargs):
""" This function will setup the protocol instance variables
from the Protocol Class definition, taking into account
the variable type and default values.
if hasattr(self, '_definition'):
for paramName, param in self._definition.iterParams():
# Create the var with value coming from kwargs or from
# the default param definition
value = kwargs.get(paramName, param.default.get())
var = param.paramClass(value=value)
setattr(self, paramName, var)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("Can't create parameter '%s' and set it to %s" %
(paramName, value)) from e
print("FIXME: Protocol '%s' has not DEFINITION"
% self.getClassName())
def _getFileName(self, key, **kwargs):
""" This function will retrieve filenames given a key and some
keywords arguments. The __filenamesDict attribute should be
updated with templates that accept the given keys.
return self.__filenamesDict[key] % kwargs
def _updateFilenamesDict(self, fnDict):
""" Update the dictionary with templates that will be used
by the _getFileName function.
def _store(self, *objs):
""" Stores objects of the protocol using the mapper.
If not objects are passed, the whole protocol is stored.
if self.mapper is not None:
with self._lock: # _lock is now a Rlock object (recursive locks)
if len(objs) == 0:
for obj in objs:
def _insertChild(self, key, child):
""" Insert a new child not stored previously.
If stored previously, _store should be used.
The child will be set as self.key attribute
setattr(self, key, child)
if self.hasObjId():
self.mapper.insertChild(self, key, child)
except Exception as ex:
print("Error with child '%s', value=%s, type=%s"
% (key, child, type(child)))
raise ex
def _deleteChild(self, key, child):
""" Delete a child from the mapper. """
def _insertAllSteps(self):
""" Define all the steps that will be executed. """
def _defineParams(self, form):
""" Define the input parameters that will be used.
form: this is the form to be populated with sections and params.
def __insertStep(self, step, prerequisites=None):
""" Insert a new step in the list.
:param prerequisites: a single integer or a list with the steps index that need to be done
previous to the current one."""
if prerequisites is None:
if len(self._steps):
# By default add the previous step as prerequisite
# Allow passing just an id
if not isinstance(prerequisites, list):
prerequisites = [prerequisites]
self._newSteps = True
# Setup and return step index
return step.getIndex()
[docs] def setRunning(self):
""" Do not reset the init time in RESUME_MODE"""
previousStart = self.initTime.get()
if self.getRunMode() == MODE_RESUME and previousStart is not None:
[docs] def setAborted(self):
""" Abort the protocol, finalize the steps and close all open sets"""
self._updateSteps(lambda step: step.setAborted(), where="status='%s'" % STATUS_RUNNING)
except Exception as e:
print("An error occurred aborting the protocol (%s)" % e)
[docs] def setFailed(self, msg):
""" Set the run failed and close all open sets. """
def _finalizeStep(self, status, msg=None):
""" Closes the step and setting up the protocol process id """
super()._finalizeStep(status, msg)
def _updateSteps(self, updater, where="1"):
"""Set the status of all steps
:parameter updater callback/lambda receiving a step and editing it inside
:parameter where condition to filter the set with."""
stepsSet = StepSet(filename=self.getStepsFile())
for step in stepsSet.iterItems(where=where):
stepsSet.close() # Close the connection
[docs] def getPath(self, *paths):
""" Same as _getPath but without underscore. """
return self._getPath(*paths)
def _getPath(self, *paths):
""" Return a path inside the workingDir. """
return os.path.join(self.workingDir.get(), *paths)
def _getExtraPath(self, *paths):
""" Return a path inside the extra folder. """
return self._getPath("extra", *paths)
def _getTmpPath(self, *paths):
""" Return a path inside the tmp folder. """
return self._getPath("tmp", *paths)
def _getLogsPath(self, *paths):
return self._getPath("logs", *paths)
def _getRelPath(self, *path):
""" Return a relative path from the workingDir. """
return os.path.relpath(self._getPath(*path), self.workingDir.get())
def _getRelPathExecutionDir(self, *path):
""" Return a relative path from the projdir. """
# TODO must be a bettis
return os.path.relpath(
def _getBasePath(self, path):
""" Take the basename of the path and get the path
relative to working dir of the protocol.
return self._getPath(os.path.basename(path))
def _insertFunctionStep(self, func, *funcArgs, prerequisites=None, wait=False, interactive=False, needsGPU=True):
func: the function itself or, optionally, the name (string) of the function to be run in the Step.
*funcArgs: the variable list of arguments to pass to the function.
**kwargs: see __insertStep
if isinstance(func, str):
# Get the function give its name
func = getattr(self, func, None)
# Ensure the protocol instance have it and is callable
if not func:
raise Exception("Protocol._insertFunctionStep: '%s' function is "
"not member of the protocol" % func)
if not callable(func):
raise Exception("Protocol._insertFunctionStep: '%s' is not callable"
% func)
step = FunctionStep(func, func.__name__, *funcArgs, wait=wait, interactive=interactive, needsGPU=needsGPU)
return self.__insertStep(step,prerequisites)
def _insertRunJobStep(self, progName, progArguments, resultFiles=[],
""" Insert a Step that will simply call runJob function
**args: see __insertStep
return self._insertFunctionStep('runJob', progName, progArguments, **kwargs)
def _insertCopyFileStep(self, sourceFile, targetFile, **kwargs):
""" Shortcut function to insert a step for copying a file to a destiny. """
step = FunctionStep(pwutils.copyFile, 'copyFile', sourceFile, targetFile, **kwargs)
return self.__insertStep(step, **kwargs)
def _enterDir(self, path):
""" Enter into a new directory path and store the current path.
The current path will be used in _leaveDir, but nested _enterDir
are not allowed since self._currentDir is overwritten.
self._currentDir = os.getcwd()
if self._log:
self._log.info("Entered into dir: cd '%s'" % path)
def _leaveDir(self):
""" This method should be called after a call to _enterDir
to return to the previous location.
if self._log:
self._log.info("Returned to dir: cd '%s'" % self._currentDir)
def _enterWorkingDir(self):
""" Change to the protocol working dir. """
def _leaveWorkingDir(self):
""" This function make sense to use in conjunction
with _enterWorkingDir to go back to execution path.
[docs] def continueFromInteractive(self):
""" TODO: REMOVE this function.
Check if there is an interactive step and set
as finished, this is used now mainly in picking,
but we should remove this since is weird for users.
if os.path.exists(self.getStepsFile()):
stepsSet = StepSet(filename=self.getStepsFile())
for step in stepsSet:
if step.getStatus() == STATUS_INTERACTIVE:
stepsSet.close() # Close the connection
[docs] def loadSteps(self):
""" Load the Steps stored in the steps.sqlite file.
prevSteps = []
if os.path.exists(self.getStepsFile()):
stepsSet = StepSet(filename=self.getStepsFile())
for step in stepsSet:
stepsSet.close() # Close the connection
return prevSteps
def _insertPreviousSteps(self):
""" Insert steps of previous execution.
It can be used to track previous steps done for
protocol that allow some kind of continue (such as ctf estimation).
for step in self.loadSteps():
self.__insertStep(step, )
def __findStartingStep(self):
""" From a previous run, compare self._steps and self._prevSteps
to find which steps we need to start at, skipping successful done
and not changed steps. Steps that needs to be done, will be deleted
from the previous run storage.
if self.runMode == MODE_RESTART:
self._prevSteps = []
return 0
self._prevSteps = self.loadSteps()
n = min(len(self._steps), len(self._prevSteps))
self.debug("len(steps) %s len(prevSteps) %s "
% (len(self._steps), len(self._prevSteps)))
for i in range(n):
newStep = self._steps[i]
oldStep = self._prevSteps[i]
if (not oldStep.isFinished() or newStep != oldStep
or not oldStep._postconditions()):
if pw.Config.debugOn():
self.info("Starting at step %d" % i)
self.info(" Old step: %s, args: %s"
% (oldStep.funcName, oldStep.argsStr))
self.info(" New step: %s, args: %s"
% (newStep.funcName, newStep.argsStr))
self.info(" not oldStep.isFinished(): %s"
% (not oldStep.isFinished()))
self.info(" newStep != oldStep: %s"
% (newStep != oldStep))
self.info(" not oldStep._postconditions(): %s"
% (not oldStep._postconditions()))
return i
return n
def _storeSteps(self):
""" Store the new steps list that can be retrieved
in further execution of this protocol.
stepsFn = self.getStepsFile()
self._stepsSet = StepSet(filename=stepsFn)
for step in self._steps:
self.setInteractive(self.isInteractive() or step.isInteractive())
def __updateStep(self, step):
""" Store a given step and write changes. """
def _stepStarted(self, step):
"""This function will be called whenever an step
has started running.
self.info(pwutils.magentaStr("STARTED") + ": %s, step %d, time %s" %
(step.funcName.get(), step._index, step.initTime.datetime()),
extra=getExtraLogInfo("PROTOCOL", STATUS.START,
def _stepFinished(self, step):
"""This function will be called whenever an step
has finished its run.
doContinue = True
if step.isInteractive():
doContinue = False
elif step.isFailed():
doContinue = False
errorMsg = pwutils.redStr(
"Protocol failed: " + step.getErrorMessage())
self.lastStatus = step.getStatus()
self._cpuTime.set(self._cpuTime.get() + step.getElapsedTime().total_seconds())
self._store(self._stepsDone, self._cpuTime)
self.info(pwutils.magentaStr(step.getStatus().upper()) + ": %s, step %d, time %s"
% (step.funcName.get(), step._index, step.endTime.datetime()),
if step.isFailed() and self.modeParallel():
# In parallel mode the executor will exit to close
# all working threads, so we need to close
return doContinue
def _stepsCheck(self):
def _runSteps(self, startIndex):
""" Run all steps defined in self._steps. """
# Keep the original value to set in sub-protocols
self._originalRunMode = self.runMode.get()
# Always set to resume, even if set to restart
if startIndex == len(self._steps):
self.lastStatus = STATUS_FINISHED
self.info("All steps seem to be FINISHED, nothing to be done.")
self.lastStatus = self.status.get()
print("*** Last status is %s " % self.lastStatus)
def __deleteOutputs(self):
""" This function should only be used from RESTART.
It will remove output attributes from mapper and object.
attributes = [a[0] for a in self.iterOutputAttributes()]
for attrName in attributes:
attr = getattr(self, attrName)
delattr(self, attrName)
[docs] def findAttributeName(self, attr2Find):
for attrName, attr in self.iterOutputAttributes():
if attr.getObjId() == attr2Find.getObjId():
return attrName
return None
[docs] def deleteOutput(self, output):
attrName = self.findAttributeName(output)
if attrName in self._outputs:
def __copyRelations(self, other):
""" This will copy relations from protocol other to self """
[docs] def copy(self, other, copyId=True, excludeInputs=False):
Copies its attributes into the passed protocol
:param other: protocol instance to copt the attributes to
:param copyId: True (default) copies the identifier
:param excludeInputs: False (default). If true input attributes are excluded
# Input attributes list
inputAttributes = []
# If need to exclude input attributes
if excludeInputs:
# Get all the input attributes, to be ignored at copy():
for key, attr in self.iterInputAttributes():
copyDict = Object.copy(self, other, copyId, inputAttributes)
for r in other.getRelations():
rName = r['name']
rCreator = r['parent_id']
rChild = r['object_child_id']
rParentExt = r['object_parent_extended']
rChildExt = r['object_child_extended']
if rParent in copyDict:
rParent = copyDict.get(rParent).getObjId()
if rChild in copyDict:
rChild = copyDict.get(rChild).getObjId()
self.mapper.insertRelationData(rName, rCreator, rParent, rChild,
rParentExt, rChildExt)
[docs] def getRelations(self):
""" Return the relations created by this protocol. """
return self.mapper.getRelationsByCreator(self)
def _defineRelation(self, relName, parentObj, childObj):
""" Insert a new relation in the mapper using self as creator. """
parentExt = None
childExt = None
if parentObj.isPointer():
parentExt = parentObj.getExtended()
parentObj = parentObj.getObjValue()
if childObj.isPointer():
childExt = childObj.getExtended()
childObj = childObj.getObjValue()
self.mapper.insertRelation(relName, self, parentObj, childObj,
parentExt, childExt)
[docs] def makePathsAndClean(self):
""" Create the necessary path or clean
if in RESTART mode.
# Clean working path if in RESTART mode
if self.runMode == MODE_RESTART:
# Delete the relations created by this protocol
# (delete this in both project and protocol db)
[docs] def cleanWorkingDir(self):
Delete all files and subdirectories related with the protocol
[docs] def makeWorkingDir(self):
# Create workingDir, logs and extra paths
paths = [self._getPath(), self._getExtraPath(), self._getLogsPath()]
# Create scratch if SCIPION_SCRATCH environment variable exist.
# In other case, tmp folder is created
[docs] def cleanTmp(self):
""" Delete all files and subdirectories under Tmp folder. """
tmpFolder = self._getTmpPath()
if os.path.islink(tmpFolder):
def _cleanExtraFiles(self):
""" This method will be called when the protocol finishes correctly.
It is the responsibility of the protocols to implement this method to make extra cleanup
of its folders, like iterations folder and files that are not needed when finished
logger.info("Nothing to clean up")
logger.debug('FOR DEVELOPERS: implement Protocol._cleanExtraFiles this protocol could'
' free up some space upon finishing.')
def _run(self):
# Check that a proper Steps executor have been set
if self._stepsExecutor is None:
raise Exception('Protocol.run: Steps executor should be set before '
'running protocol')
# Check the parameters are correct
errors = self.validate()
if len(errors):
raise ValidationException(
'Protocol has validation errors:\n' + '\n'.join(errors))
self._insertAllSteps() # Define steps for execute later
# Find at which step we need to start
startIndex = self.__findStartingStep()
self.info(" Starting at step: %d" % (startIndex + 1))
self.info(" Running steps ")
def _getEnviron(self):
""" This function should return an environ variable
that will be used when running new programs.
By default, the protocol will use the one defined
in the package that it belongs or None.
return self.getClassPackage().Plugin.getEnviron()
[docs] def runJob(self, program, arguments, **kwargs):
if self.stepsExecutionMode == STEPS_SERIAL:
kwargs['numberOfMpi'] = kwargs.get('numberOfMpi',
kwargs['numberOfThreads'] = kwargs.get('numberOfThreads',
kwargs['numberOfMpi'] = kwargs.get('numberOfMpi', 1)
kwargs['numberOfThreads'] = kwargs.get('numberOfThreads', 1)
if 'env' not in kwargs:
kwargs['env'] = self._getEnviron()
self._stepsExecutor.runJob(self._log, program, arguments, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self):
""" Before calling this method, the working dir for the protocol
to run should exist.
action = "RUNNING" if self.runMode == MODE_RESTART else "RESUMING"
self.info(pwutils.greenStr('%s PROTOCOL -----------------' % action))
self.info("Protocol starts", extra=getExtraLogInfo("PROTOCOL", STATUS.START,
self.info('Hostname: %s' % self.getHostFullName())
# Store the full machine name where the protocol is running
# and also its PID
if not self.useQueueForProtocol(): # Take as reference the pID
self.info('PID: %s' % self.getPid())
else: # Take as reference the jobID
self.info('Executing through the queue system')
self.info('JOBID: %s' % self.getJobIds())
self.info('pyworkflow: %s' % pw.__version__)
plugin = self.getPlugin()
self.info('plugin: %s - %s' % (plugin.getName(), plugin.getUrl()))
package = self.getClassPackage()
if hasattr(package, "__version__"):
self.info('plugin v: %s%s' %(package.__version__, ' (devel)' if plugin.inDevelMode() else '(production)'))
self.info('plugin binary v: %s' % plugin.getActiveVersion())
self.info('currentDir: %s' % os.getcwd())
self.info('workingDir: %s' % self.workingDir)
self.info('runMode: %s' % MODE_CHOICES[self.runMode.get()])
self.info(' MPI: %d' % self.numberOfMpi)
self.info(' threads: %d' % self.numberOfThreads)
except Exception as e:
self.info(' * Cannot get information about MPI/threads (%s)' % e)
# Something went wrong ans at this point status is launched. We mark it as failed.
except Exception as e:
self._store(self.status, self.getError())
if self.isFailed():
def _endRun(self):
""" Print some ending message and close some files. """
# self._store()
if pwutils.envVarOn(pw.SCIPION_DEBUG_NOCLEAN):
self.warning('Not cleaning temp folder since '
'%s is set to True.' % pw.SCIPION_DEBUG_NOCLEAN)
elif not self.isFailed():
self.info('Cleaning temp folder....')
self.info(pwutils.greenStr('------------------- PROTOCOL ' +
[docs] def getLogPaths(self):
return [self.getStdoutLog(),self.getStderrLog() , self.getScheduleLog()]
[docs] def getStdoutLog(self):
return self._getLogsPath("run.stdout")
[docs] def getStderrLog(self):
return self._getLogsPath('run.stderr')
[docs] def getScheduleLog(self):
return self._getLogsPath('schedule.log')
[docs] def getSteps(self):
""" Return the steps.sqlite file under logs directory. """
return self._steps
[docs] def getStepsFile(self):
""" Return the steps.sqlite file under logs directory. """
return self._getLogsPath('steps.sqlite')
def _addChunk(self, txt, fmt=None):
Add text txt to self._buffer, with format fmt.
fmt can be a color (like 'red') or a link that looks like 'link:url'.
# Make the text html-safe first.
for x, y in [('&', 'amp'), ('<', 'lt'), ('>', 'gt')]:
txt = txt.replace(x, '&%s;' % y)
if fmt is None:
self._buffer += txt
elif fmt.startswith('link:'):
url = fmt[len('link:'):]
# Add the url in the TWiki style
if url.startswith('http://'):
self._buffer += '[[%s][%s]]' % (url, txt)
# Web does not exist, webtools must find a solution for this case.
# else:
# from pyworkflow.web.pages import settings as django_settings
# absolute_url = django_settings.ABSOLUTE_URL
# self._buffer += '[[%s/get_log/?path=%s][%s]]' % (absolute_url,
# url, txt)
self._buffer += '<font color="%s">%s</font>' % (fmt, txt)
[docs] def getLogsAsStrings(self):
outputs = []
for fname in self.getLogPaths():
if pwutils.exists(fname):
self._buffer = ''
pwutils.renderTextFile(fname, self._addChunk)
outputs.append('File "%s" does not exist' % fname)
return outputs
[docs] def getLogsLastLines(self, lastLines=None, logFile=0):
Get the last(lastLines) lines of a log file.
:param lastLines, if None, will try 'PROT_LOGS_LAST_LINES' env variable, otherwise 20
:param logFile: Log file to take the lines from, default = 0 (std.out). 1 for stdErr.
if not lastLines:
lastLines = int(os.environ.get('PROT_LOGS_LAST_LINES', 20))
# Get stdout
stdoutFn =self.getLogPaths()[logFile]
if not os.path.exists(stdoutFn):
return []
with open(stdoutFn, 'r') as stdout:
iterlen = lambda it: sum(1 for _ in it)
numLines = iterlen(stdout)
lastLines = min(lastLines, numLines)
sk = numLines - lastLines
sk = max(sk, 0)
stdout.seek(0, 0)
output = [l.strip('\n') for k, l in enumerate(stdout)
if k >= sk]
return output
[docs] def warning(self, message, redirectStandard=True):
[docs] def info(self, message, extra=None):
self._log.info(message, extra= extra)
[docs] def error(self, message, redirectStandard=True):
[docs] def debug(self, message):
[docs] def getWorkingDir(self):
return self.workingDir.get()
[docs] def setWorkingDir(self, path):
[docs] def setMapper(self, mapper):
""" Set a new mapper for the protocol to persist state. """
self.mapper = mapper
[docs] def getMapper(self):
return self.mapper
[docs] def getDbPath(self):
return self._getLogsPath('run.db')
[docs] def setStepsExecutor(self, executor=None):
if executor is None:
executor = StepExecutor(self.getHostConfig())
self._stepsExecutor = executor
self._stepsExecutor.setProtocol(self) # executor needs the protocol to store the jobs Ids submitted to a queue
[docs] def getFiles(self):
resultFiles = set()
for paramName, _ in self.getDefinition().iterPointerParams():
# Get all self attribute that are pointers
attrPointer = getattr(self, paramName)
obj = attrPointer.get() # Get object pointer by the attribute
if hasattr(obj, 'getFiles'):
resultFiles.update(obj.getFiles()) # Add files if any
return resultFiles | pwutils.getFiles(self.workingDir.get())
[docs] def getHostName(self):
""" Get the execution host name.
This value is only the key of the host in the configuration file.
return self.hostName.get()
[docs] def setHostName(self, hostName):
""" Set the execution host name (the host key in the config file) """
[docs] def getHostFullName(self):
""" Return the full machine name where the protocol is running. """
return self.hostFullName.get()
[docs] def setHostFullName(self, hostFullName):
[docs] def getHostConfig(self):
""" Return the configuration host. """
return self.hostConfig
[docs] def setHostConfig(self, config):
self.hostConfig = config
# Never store the host config as part of the protocol, it is kept
# in the configuration information, the hostname is enough
[docs] def getJobIds(self):
""" Return an iterable list of jobs Ids associated to a running protocol. """
return self._jobId
[docs] def setJobId(self, jobId):
" Reset this list to have the first active job "
[docs] def setJobIds(self, jobIds):
" Reset this list to have a list of active jobs "
self._jobId = jobIds
[docs] def appendJobId(self, jobId):
" Append active jobs to the list "
[docs] def removeJobId(self, jobId):
" Remove inactive jobs from the list "
[docs] def getPid(self):
return self._pid.get()
[docs] def setPid(self, pid):
[docs] def getRunName(self):
runName = self.getObjLabel().strip()
if not len(runName):
runName = self.getDefaultRunName()
return runName
[docs] def getDefaultRunName(self):
return '%s.%s' % (self.getClassName(), self.strId())
[docs] @classmethod
def getClassPackage(cls):
""" Return the package module to which this protocol belongs.
This function will only work, if for the given Domain, the
method Domain.getProtocols() has been called once. After calling
this method the protocol classes are registered with it Plugin
and Domain info.
return cls._package
[docs] @classmethod
def getClassPlugin(cls):
logger.warning("Deprecated on 04-2023. Use Protocol.getPlugin instead.")
return cls.getPlugin()
[docs] @classmethod
def getPlugin(cls):
return cls._plugin
[docs] @classmethod
def getClassPackageName(cls):
return cls.getClassPackage().__name__ if cls.getClassPackage() else "orphan"
[docs] @classmethod
def getClassDomain(cls):
""" Return the Domain class where this Protocol class is defined. """
return pw.Config.getDomain()
[docs] @classmethod
def getPluginLogoPath(cls):
package = cls.getClassPackage()
logo = getattr(package, '_logo', None)
if logo:
logoPath = (pw.findResource(logo) or
os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(package.__file__)), logo))
logoPath = None
return logoPath
[docs] @classmethod
def validatePackageVersion(cls, varName, errors):
Function to validate the package version specified in
configuration file ~/.config/scipion/scipion.conf is among the available
options and it is properly installed.
:param package: the package object (ej: eman2 or relion). Package should contain the
following methods: getVersion(), getSupportedVersions()
:param varName: the expected environment var containing the path (and version)
:param errors: list of strings to add errors if found
package = cls.getClassPackage()
packageName = cls.getClassPackageName()
varValue = package.Plugin.getVar(varName)
versions = ','.join(package.Plugin.getSupportedVersions())
errorMsg = None
if not package.Plugin.getActiveVersion():
errors.append("We could not detect *%s* version. " % packageName)
errorMsg = "The path value should contains a valid version (%s)." % versions
elif not os.path.exists(varValue):
errors.append("Path of %s does not exists." % varName)
errorMsg = "Check installed packages and versions with command:\n "
errorMsg += "*scipion install --help*"
if errorMsg:
errors.append("%s = %s" % (varName, varValue))
"Please, modify %s value in the configuration file:" % varName)
errors.append("After fixed, you NEED TO RESTART THE PROJECT WINDOW")
[docs] @classmethod
def getClassLabel(cls, prependPackageName=True):
""" Return a more readable string representing the protocol class """
label = cls.__dict__.get('_label', cls.__name__)
if prependPackageName:
label = "%s - %s" % (cls.getPlugin().getName(), label)
except Exception as e:
label = "%s -%s" % ("missing", label)
logger.error("Couldn't get the plugin name for %s" % label, exc_info=e)
return label
[docs] @classmethod
def isDisabled(cls):
""" Return True if this Protocol is disabled.
Disabled protocols will not be offered in the available protocols."""
return False
[docs] @classmethod
def isBase(cls):
""" Return True if this Protocol is a base class.
Base classes should be marked with _label = None.
return cls.__dict__.get('_label', None) is None
[docs] def getSubmitDict(self):
""" Return a dictionary with the necessary keys to
launch the job to a queue system.
queueName, queueParams = self.getQueueParams()
hc = self.getHostConfig()
script = self._getLogsPath(hc.getSubmitPrefix() + self.strId() + '.job')
d = {'JOB_SCRIPT': script,
'JOB_LOGS': self._getLogsPath(hc.getSubmitPrefix() + self.strId()),
'JOB_NODEFILE': os.path.abspath(script.replace('.job', '.nodefile')),
'JOB_NAME': self.strId(),
'JOB_QUEUE': queueName,
'JOB_NODES': self.numberOfMpi.get(),
'JOB_THREADS': self.numberOfThreads.get(),
'JOB_CORES': self.numberOfMpi.get() * self.numberOfThreads.get(),
'JOB_HOURS': 72,
'GPU_COUNT': len(self.getGpuList()),
'SCIPION_PROJECT': "SCIPION_PROJECT", # self.getProject().getShortName(),
'SCIPION_PROTOCOL': self.getRunName()
return d
[docs] def useQueue(self):
""" Return True if the protocol should be launched through a queue. """
return self._useQueue.get()
[docs] def useQueueForSteps(self):
""" This function will return True if the protocol has been set
to be launched through a queue by steps """
return self.useQueue() and (self.getSubmitDict()["QUEUE_FOR_JOBS"] == "Y")
[docs] def useQueueForProtocol(self):
""" This function will return True if the protocol has been set
to be launched through a queue """
return self.useQueue() and (self.getSubmitDict()["QUEUE_FOR_JOBS"] == "N")
[docs] def getQueueParams(self):
if self._queueParams.hasValue():
return json.loads(self._queueParams.get())
return '', {}
[docs] def hasQueueParams(self):
return self._queueParams.hasValue()
[docs] def setQueueParams(self, queueParams):
def numberOfSteps(self):
return self._numberOfSteps.get(0)
def stepsDone(self):
""" Return the number of steps executed. """
return self._stepsDone.get(0)
def cpuTime(self):
""" Return the sum of all durations of the finished steps"""
return self._cpuTime.get()
[docs] def updateSteps(self):
""" After the steps list is modified, this methods will update steps
information. It will save the steps list and also the number of steps.
self._newSteps = False
[docs] def getStatusMessage(self):
""" Return the status string and if running the steps done.
msg = self.getStatus()
if self.isRunning() or self.isAborted() or self.isFailed():
msg += " (done %d/%d)" % (self.stepsDone, self.numberOfSteps)
return msg
[docs] def getRunMode(self):
""" Return the mode of execution, either:
return self.runMode.get()
[docs] def hasSummaryWarnings(self):
return len(self.summaryWarnings) != 0
[docs] def addSummaryWarning(self, warningDescription):
"""Appends the warningDescription param to the list of summaryWarnings.
Will be printed in the protocol summary."""
return self.summaryWarnings
[docs] def checkSummaryWarnings(self):
""" Checks for warnings that we want to tell the user about by adding a
warning sign to the run box and a description to the run summary.
List of warnings checked:
1. If the folder for this protocol run exists.
if not self.isSaved() and not os.path.exists(self.workingDir.get()):
self.addSummaryWarning("*Missing run data*: The directory for this "
"run is missing, so it won't be possible to "
"use its outputs in other protocols.")
[docs] def isContinued(self):
""" Return if running in continue mode (MODE_RESUME). """
return self.getRunMode() == MODE_RESUME
# Methods that should be implemented in subclasses
def _validate(self):
""" This function can be overwritten by subclasses.
Used from the public validate function.
return []
[docs] @classmethod
def getUrl(cls):
return cls.getPlugin().getUrl(cls)
[docs] @classmethod
def isInstalled(cls):
# We a consider a protocol installed if there are not errors
# from the _validateInstallation function
return not cls.validateInstallation()
[docs] @classmethod
def validateInstallation(cls):
""" Check if the installation of this protocol is correct.
By default, we will check if the protocols' package provide a
validateInstallation function and use it.
Returning an empty list means that the installation is correct
and there are not errors. If some errors are found, a list with
the error messages will be returned.
validateFunc = getattr(cls.getClassPackage().Plugin,
'validateInstallation', None)
return validateFunc() if validateFunc is not None else []
except Exception as e:
msg = str(e)
msg += (" %s installation couldn't be validated. Possible cause "
"could be a configuration issue. Try to run scipion "
"config." % cls.__name__)
return [msg]
[docs] def validate(self):
""" Check that input parameters are correct.
Return a list with errors, if the list is empty, all was ok.
errors = []
# Validate that all input pointer parameters have a value
for paramName, param in self.getDefinition().iterParams():
# Get all self attribute that are pointers
attr = getattr(self, paramName)
paramErrors = []
condition = self.evalParamCondition(paramName)
if attr.isPointer():
obj = attr.get()
if condition and obj is None and not param.allowsNull:
paramErrors.append('cannot be EMPTY.')
elif isinstance(attr, PointerList):
# In this case allowsNull refers to not allowing empty items
if not param.allowsNull:
if len(attr) == 0:
paramErrors.append('cannot be EMPTY.')
# Consider empty pointers
if any(pointer.get() is None for pointer in attr):
paramErrors.append('Can not have EMPTY items.')
if condition:
paramErrors = param.validate(attr.get())
label = param.label.get()
errors += ['*%s* %s' % (label, err) for err in paramErrors]
# Check that all ids specified in the 'Wait for' form entry
# are valid protocol ids
proj = self.getProject()
for protId in self.getPrerequisites():
prot = proj.getProtocol(int(protId))
except Exception:
prot = None
if prot is None:
errors.append('*%s* is not a valid protocol id.' % protId)
# Validate specific for the subclass
installErrors = self.validateInstallation()
if installErrors:
errors += installErrors
childErrors = self._validate()
if childErrors:
errors += childErrors
except Exception:
import urllib
exceptionStr = pwutils.formatExceptionInfo()
errors.append("Protocol validation failed. It usually happens because there are some "
"input missing. Please check if the error message gives you any "
return errors
def _warnings(self):
""" Should be implemented in subclasses. See warning. """
return []
[docs] def warnings(self):
""" Return some message warnings that can be errors.
User should approve to execute a protocol with warnings. """
return self._warnings()
def _summary(self):
""" Should be implemented in subclasses. See summary. """
return ["No summary information."]
[docs] def summary(self):
""" Return a summary message to provide some information to users. """
baseSummary = self._summary() or ['No summary information.']
if isinstance(baseSummary, str):
baseSummary = [baseSummary]
if not isinstance(baseSummary, list):
raise Exception("Developers error: _summary() is not returning "
"a list")
comments = self.getObjComment()
if comments:
baseSummary += ['', '*COMMENTS:* ', comments]
if self.getError().hasValue():
baseSummary += ['', '*ERROR:*', self.getError().get()]
if self.summaryWarnings:
baseSummary += ['', '*WARNINGS:*']
baseSummary += self.summaryWarnings
except Exception as ex:
baseSummary = [str(ex)]
return baseSummary
[docs] def getFileTag(self, fn):
return "[[%s]]" % fn
[docs] def getObjectTag(self, objName):
if isinstance(objName, str):
obj = getattr(self, objName, None)
obj = objName
if obj is None:
return '*None*'
if obj.isPointer():
obj = obj.get() # get the pointed object
if obj is None:
return '*None*'
return "[[sci-open:%s][%s]]" % (obj.getObjId(), obj.getNameId())
def _citations(self):
""" Should be implemented in subclasses. See citations. """
return getattr(self, "_references", [])
def __getPluginBibTex(self):
""" Return the _bibtex from the package """
return getattr(self.getClassPackage(), "_bibtex", {})
def _getCite(self, citeStr):
bibtex = self.__getPluginBibTex()
if citeStr in bibtex:
text = self._getCiteText(bibtex[citeStr])
text = "Reference with key *%s* not found." % citeStr
return text
def _getCiteText(self, cite, useKeyLabel=False):
journal = cite.get("journal", cite.get("booktitle", ""))
doi = cite.get("doi", "").strip()
url = cite.get("url", "").strip()
# Get the first author surname
if useKeyLabel:
label = cite['ID']
label = cite['author'].split(' and ')[0].split(',')[0].strip()
label += ' et al., %s, %s' % (journal, cite['year'])
if len(doi) > 0:
text = '[[%s][%s]] ' % (doi, label)
elif len(url) > 0:
text = '[[%s][%s]] ' % (url, label)
text = label.strip()
return text
except Exception as ex:
print("Error with citation: " + label)
text = "Error with citation *%s*." % label
return text
def __getCitations(self, citations):
""" From the list of citations keys, obtains the full
info from the package _bibtex dict.
bibtex = self.__getPluginBibTex()
newCitations = []
for c in citations:
if c in bibtex:
return newCitations
def __getCitationsDict(self, citationList, bibTexOutput=False):
""" Return a dictionary with Cite keys and the citation links. """
bibtex = self.__getPluginBibTex()
od = OrderedDict()
for c in citationList:
if c in bibtex:
if bibTexOutput:
od[c] = bibtex[c]
od[c] = self._getCiteText(bibtex[c])
od[c] = c
return od
[docs] def getCitations(self, bibTexOutput=False):
return self.__getCitationsDict(self._citations() or [],
[docs] def getPackageCitations(self, bibTexOutput=False):
refs = getattr(self.getClassPackage(), "_references", [])
return self.__getCitationsDict(refs, bibTexOutput=bibTexOutput)
[docs] def citations(self):
""" Return a citation message to provide some information to users. """
citations = list(self.getCitations().values())
if citations:
citations.insert(0, '*Protocol references:* ')
packageCitations = self.getPackageCitations().values()
if packageCitations:
citations.append('*Package references:*')
citations += packageCitations
if not citations:
return ['No references provided']
return citations
[docs] @classmethod
def getHelpText(cls):
"""Get help text to show in the protocol help button"""
helpText = cls.getDoc()
# NOt used since getPlugin is always None
# plugin = self.getPlugin()
# if plugin:
# pluginMetadata = plugin.metadata
# helpText += "\n\nPlugin info:\n"
# for key, value in pluginMetadata.iteritems():
# helpText += "%s: \t%s\n" % (key, value)
return helpText
def _methods(self):
""" Should be implemented in subclasses. See methods. """
return ["No methods information."]
[docs] def getParsedMethods(self):
""" Get the _methods results and parse possible cites. """
baseMethods = self._methods() or []
bibtex = self.__getPluginBibTex()
parsedMethods = []
for m in baseMethods:
for bibId, cite in bibtex.items():
k = '[%s]' % bibId
link = self._getCiteText(cite, useKeyLabel=True)
m = m.replace(k, link)
except Exception as ex:
parsedMethods = ['ERROR generating methods info: %s' % ex]
return parsedMethods
[docs] def methods(self):
""" Return a description about methods about current protocol
execution. """
# TODO: Maybe store the methods and not computing all times??
return self.getParsedMethods() + [''] + self.citations()
[docs] def runProtocol(self, protocol):
""" Setup another protocol to be run from a workflow. """
name = protocol.getClassName() + protocol.strId()
# protocol.setName(name)
self._store() # TODO: check if this is needed
[docs] def isChild(self):
""" Return true if this protocol was invoked from a workflow
(another protocol)"""
return self.hasObjParentId()
[docs] def getStepsGraph(self, refresh=True):
""" Build a graph taking into account the dependencies between
steps. In streaming we might find first the createOutputStep (e.g 24)
depending on 25"""
from pyworkflow.utils.graph import Graph
g = Graph(rootName='PROTOCOL')
root = g.getRoot()
root.label = 'Protocol'
steps = self.loadSteps()
stepsDict = {str(i + 1): steps[i] for i in range(0, len(steps))}
stepsDone = {}
def addStep(i, step):
# Exit if already done
# This happens when, in streaming there is a child "before" a parent
if i in stepsDone:
index = step.getIndex() or i
sid = str(index)
n = g.createNode(sid)
n.step = step
stepsDone[i] = n
if step.getPrerequisites().isEmpty():
for p in step.getPrerequisites():
# If prerequisite exists
if p not in stepsDone:
addStep(p, stepsDict[p])
for i, s in stepsDict.items():
addStep(i, s)
return g
[docs] def closeMappers(self):
""" Close the mappers of all output Sets. """
for _, attr in self.iterOutputAttributes(Set):
[docs] def loadMappers(self):
""" Open mapper connections from previous closed outputs. """
for _, attr in self.iterOutputAttributes(Set):
[docs] def allowsDelete(self, obj):
return False
[docs] def legacyCheck(self):
""" Hook defined to run some compatibility checks
before display the protocol.
[docs] def getSize(self):
""" Returns the size of the folder corresponding to this protocol"""
if not self._size:
self._size = getFileSize(self.getPath())
return self._size
[docs] def cleanExecutionAttributes(self):
""" Clean all the executions attributes """
[docs]class LegacyProtocol(Protocol):
""" Special subclass of Protocol to be used when a protocol class
is not found. It means that have been removed or it is in another
development branch. In such, we will use the LegacyProtocol to
simply store the parameters and inputs/outputs."""
def __str__(self):
return self.getObjLabel()
# overload getClassDomain because legacy protocols
# do not have a package associated to it
[docs] @classmethod
def getClassDomain(cls):
return pw.Config.getDomain()
# ---------- Helper functions related to Protocols --------------------
[docs]def runProtocolMain(projectPath, protDbPath, protId):
Main entry point when a protocol will be executed.
This function should be called when::
scipion runprotocol ...
:param projectPath: the absolute path to the project directory.
:param protDbPath: path to protocol db relative to projectPath
:param protId: id of the protocol object in db.
# Enter to the project directory and load protocol from db
protocol = getProtocolFromDb(projectPath, protDbPath, protId, chdir=True)
setDefaultLoggingContext(protId, protocol.getProject().getShortName())
hostConfig = protocol.getHostConfig()
# Create the steps executor
executor = None
nThreads = max(protocol.numberOfThreads.get(), 1)
if protocol.modeParallel() and nThreads > 1:
if protocol.useQueueForSteps():
executor = QueueStepExecutor(hostConfig,
nThreads - 1,
executor = ThreadStepExecutor(hostConfig, nThreads - 1,
if executor is None and protocol.useQueueForSteps():
executor = QueueStepExecutor(hostConfig, protocol.getSubmitDict(), 1,
if executor is None:
executor = StepExecutor(hostConfig,
logger.info("Running protocol using the %s executor." % executor)
# Finally run the protocol
[docs]def getProtocolFromDb(projectPath, protDbPath, protId, chdir=False):
""" Retrieve the Protocol object from a given .sqlite file
and the protocol id.
if not os.path.exists(projectPath):
raise Exception("ERROR: project path '%s' does not exist. "
% projectPath)
fullDbPath = os.path.join(projectPath, protDbPath)
if not os.path.exists(fullDbPath):
raise Exception("ERROR: protocol database '%s' does not exist. "
% fullDbPath)
# We need this import here because from Project is imported
# all from protocol indirectly, so if move this to the top
# we get an import error
from pyworkflow.project import Project
project = Project(pw.Config.getDomain(), projectPath)
project.load(dbPath=os.path.join(projectPath, protDbPath), chdir=chdir,
protocol = project.getProtocol(protId)
return protocol
[docs]def getUpdatedProtocol(protocol):
""" Retrieve the updated protocol and close db connections
prot2 = getProtocolFromDb(protocol.getProject().path,
# Close DB connections
return prot2
[docs]def isProtocolUpToDate(protocol):
""" Check timestamps between protocol lastModificationDate and the
corresponding runs.db timestamp"""
if protocol is None:
return True
if protocol.lastUpdateTimeStamp.get(None) is None:
return False
protTS = protocol.lastUpdateTimeStamp.datetime()
if protTS is None:
return False
dbTS = pwutils.getFileLastModificationDate(protocol.getDbPath())
if not (protTS and dbTS):
logger.info("Can't compare if protocol is up to date: "
"Protocol %s, protocol time stamp: %s, %s timeStamp: %s"
% (protocol, protTS, protocol, dbTS))
return protTS >= dbTS
[docs]class ProtImportBase(Protocol):
""" Base Import protocol"""
[docs]class ProtStreamingBase(Protocol):
""" Base protocol to implement streaming protocols.
stepsGeneratorStep should be implemented (see its description) and output
should be created at the end of the processing Steps created by the stepsGeneratorStep.
To avoid concurrency error, when creating the output, do it in a with self._lock: block.
Minimum number of threads is 3 and should run in parallel mode.
stepsExecutionMode = STEPS_PARALLEL
def _insertAllSteps(self):
# Insert the step that generates the steps
self._insertFunctionStep(self.resumableStepGeneratorStep, str(datetime.now()), needsGPU=False)
[docs] def resumableStepGeneratorStep(self, ts):
""" This allow to resume protocols. ts is the time stamp so this stap is alway different form previous exceution"""
def _stepsCheck(self):
# Just store steps created in checkNewInputStep
if self._newSteps:
[docs] def stepsGeneratorStep(self):
This step should be implemented by any streaming protocol.
It should check its input and when ready conditions are met
call the self._insertFunctionStep method.
:return: None
def _validateThreads(self, messages:list):
if self.numberOfThreads.get() < 2:
messages.append("At least 2 threads are needed for running this protocol. "
"1 for the 'stepsGenerator step' and one more for the actual processing" )
def _validate(self):
""" If you want to implement a validate method do it but call _validateThreads or validate threads value."""
errors = []
return errors