# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (delarosatrevin@scilifelab.se) [1]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# *
# * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
import re
import collections
from pyworkflow.object import *
from .constants import *
[docs]class Param(FormElement):
"""Definition of a protocol parameter"""
def __init__(self, **args):
FormElement.__init__(self, **args)
# This should be defined in subclasses
self.paramClass = args.get('paramClass', None)
self.default = String(args.get('default', None))
# Allow pointers (used for scalars)
self.allowsPointers = args.get('allowsPointers', False)
self.validators = args.get('validators', [])
self.readOnly = args.get("readOnly", False)
def __str__(self):
return " label: %s" % self.label.get()
[docs] def addValidator(self, validator):
""" Validators should be callables that
receive a value and return a list of errors if so.
If everything is ok, the result should be an empty list.
[docs] def validate(self, value):
errors = []
for val in self.validators:
errors += val(value)
return errors
[docs] def getDefault(self):
return self.default.get()
[docs] def setDefault(self, newDefault):
[docs]class ElementGroup(FormElement):
""" Class to group some params in the form.
Such as: Labeled group or params in the same line.
def __init__(self, form=None, **args):
FormElement.__init__(self, **args)
self._form = form
self._paramList = []
[docs] def iterParams(self):
""" Return key and param for every child param. """
for name in self._paramList:
yield name, self._form.getParam(name)
[docs] def addParam(self, paramName, ParamClass, **kwargs):
"""Add a new param to the group"""
param = ParamClass(**kwargs)
self._form.registerParam(paramName, param)
return param
[docs] def addHidden(self, paramName, ParamClass, **kwargs):
"""Add a hidden parameter to be used in conditions. """
kwargs.update({'label': '', 'condition': 'False'})
self.addParam(paramName, ParamClass, **kwargs)
[docs] def addLine(self, lineName, **kwargs):
labelName = lineName
for symbol in ' ()':
labelName = labelName.replace(symbol, '_')
return self.addParam(labelName, Line, form=self._form,
label=lineName, **kwargs)
# ----------- Some type of ElementGroup --------------------------
[docs]class Line(ElementGroup):
""" Group to put some parameters in the same line. """
[docs]class Group(ElementGroup):
""" Group some parameters with a labeled frame. """
[docs]class Section(ElementGroup):
"""Definition of a section to hold other params"""
def __init__(self, form, **args):
ElementGroup.__init__(self, form, **args)
self.questionParam = String(args.get('questionParam', ''))
[docs] def hasQuestion(self):
"""Return True if a question param was set"""
return self.questionParam.get() in self._paramList
[docs] def getQuestionName(self):
""" Return the name of the question param. """
return self.questionParam.get()
[docs] def getQuestion(self):
""" Return the question param"""
return self._form.getParam(self.questionParam.get())
[docs] def addGroup(self, groupName, **kwargs):
labelName = groupName
for symbol in ' ()':
labelName = labelName.replace(symbol, '_')
return self.addParam(labelName, Group, form=self._form,
label=groupName, **kwargs)
[docs]class StringParam(Param):
"""Param with underlying String value"""
def __init__(self, **args):
Param.__init__(self, paramClass=String, **args)
[docs]class TextParam(StringParam):
"""Long string params"""
def __init__(self, **args):
StringParam.__init__(self, **args)
self.height = args.get('height', 5)
self.width = args.get('width', 30)
[docs]class RegexParam(StringParam):
"""Regex based string param"""
[docs]class PathParam(StringParam):
"""Param for path strings"""
# TODO: Handle filter pattern
[docs]class FileParam(PathParam):
"""Filename path"""
[docs]class FolderParam(PathParam):
"""Folder path"""
[docs]class LabelParam(StringParam):
""" Just the same as StringParam, but to be rendered
as a label and can not be directly edited by the user
in the Protocol Form.
[docs]class IntParam(Param):
def __init__(self, **args):
Param.__init__(self, paramClass=Integer, **args)
self.addValidator(Format(int, error="should be an integer",
allowsNull=args.get('allowsNull', False)))
[docs]class EnumParam(IntParam):
"""Select from a list of values, separated by comma"""
# Possible values for display
DISPLAY_HLIST = 2 # horizontal list, save space
def __init__(self, **args):
IntParam.__init__(self, **args)
self.choices = args.get('choices', [])
self.display = Integer(args.get('display', EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO))
[docs]class FloatParam(Param):
def __init__(self, **args):
Param.__init__(self, paramClass=Float, **args)
self.addValidator(Format(float, error="should be a float",
allowsNull=args.get('allowsNull', False)))
[docs]class BooleanParam(Param):
""" Param to store boolean values. By default it will be displayed as 2 radio buttons with Yes/no labels.
Alternatively, if you pass checkbox it will be displayed as a checkbox.
:param display: (Optional) default DISPLAY_YES_NO. (Yes /no)
Alternatively use BooleanParam.DISPLAY_CHECKBOX to use checkboxes """
def __init__(self, display=DISPLAY_YES_NO, **args):
Param.__init__(self, paramClass=Boolean, **args)
self.display = display
[docs]class HiddenBooleanParam(BooleanParam):
def __init__(self, **args):
Param.__init__(self, paramClass=Boolean, **args)
[docs]class PointerParam(Param):
""" This type of Param will serve to select existing objects
in the database that will be input for some protocol.
def __init__(self, paramClass=Pointer, **args):
Param.__init__(self, paramClass=paramClass, **args)
# This will be the class to be pointed
# Some conditions on the pointed candidates
self.pointerCondition = String(args.get('pointerCondition', None))
self.allowsNull = Boolean(args.get('allowsNull', False))
[docs] def setPointerClass(self, newPointerClass):
# Tolerate passing classes instead of their names
if isinstance(newPointerClass, list):
self.pointerClass = CsvList()
self.pointerClass.set(",". join([clazz.__name__ for clazz in newPointerClass]))
elif(isinstance(newPointerClass, str)):
if ',' in newPointerClass:
self.pointerClass = CsvList()
self.pointerClass = String(newPointerClass)
# Single class item, not the string
self.pointerClass = String(newPointerClass.__name__)
[docs]class MultiPointerParam(PointerParam):
""" This type of Param will serve to select objects
with DIFFERENT types from the database to be input for some protocol.
def __init__(self, **args):
PointerParam.__init__(self, paramClass=PointerList, **args)
self.maxNumObjects = Integer(args.get('maxNumObjects', 100))
self.minNumObjects = Integer(args.get('minNumObjects', 2))
[docs]class RelationParam(Param):
""" This type of Param is very similar to PointerParam, since it will
hold a pointer to another object. But, in the PointerParam, we search
for objects of some Class (maybe with some conditions).
Here, we search for objects related to a given attribute of a protocol
by a given relation.
def __init__(self, **args):
Param.__init__(self, paramClass=Pointer, **args)
# This will be the name of the relation
self._relationName = String(args.get('relationName'))
# We will store the attribute name in the protocol to be
# used as the object for which relations will be search
self._attributeName = String(args.get('attributeName'))
# This specify if we want to search for childs or parents
# of the given attribute of the protocol
self._direction = Integer(args.get('direction', RELATION_CHILDS))
self.allowsNull = Boolean(args.get('allowsNull', False))
[docs] def getName(self):
return self._relationName.get()
[docs] def getAttributeName(self):
return self._attributeName.get()
[docs] def getDirection(self):
return self._direction.get()
[docs]class ProtocolClassParam(StringParam):
def __init__(self, **args):
StringParam.__init__(self, **args)
self.protocolClassName = String(args.get('protocolClassName'))
self.allowSubclasses = Boolean(args.get('allowSubclasses', False))
[docs]class DigFreqParam(FloatParam):
""" Digital frequency param. """
def __init__(self, **args):
FloatParam.__init__(self, **args)
[docs]class NumericListParam(StringParam):
""" This class will serve to have list representations as strings.
Possible notation are:
1000 10 1 1 -> to define a list with 4 values [1000, 10, 1, 1], or
10x2 5x3 -> to define a list with 5 values [10, 10, 5, 5, 5]
If you ask for more elements than in the list, the last one is repeated
def __init__(self, **args):
StringParam.__init__(self, **args)
[docs]class NumericRangeParam(StringParam):
""" This class will serve to specify range of numbers with a string representation.
Possible notation are::
"1,5-8,10" -> [1,5,6,7,8,10]
"2,6,9-11" -> [2,6,9,10,11]
"2 5, 6-8" -> [2,5,6,7,8]
def __init__(self, **args):
StringParam.__init__(self, **args)
[docs]class TupleParam(Param):
""" This class will condense a tuple of several
other params of the same type and related concept.
For example: min and max, low and high.
def __init__(self, **args):
Param.__init__(self, **args)
[docs]class DeprecatedParam:
""" Deprecated param. To be used when you want to rename an existing param
and still be able to recover old param value. It acts like a redirector, passing the
value received when its value is set to the new renamed parameter
usage: In defineParams method, before the renamed param definition line add the following:
self.oldName = DeprecatedParam("newName", self)
form.addParam('newName', ...)
def __init__(self, newParamName, prot):
:param newParamName: Name of the renamed param
:param prot: Protocol hosting this and the renamed param
self._newParamName = newParamName
self.prot = prot
# Need to fake being a Object at loading time
self._objId = None
self._objIsPointer = False
[docs] def set(self, value, cleanExtended=False):
if hasattr(self.prot, self._newParamName):
newParam = self._getNewParam()
if newParam.isPointer():
newParam.set(value, cleanExtended)
self._extended = newParam._extended
[docs] def isPointer(self):
return self._getNewParam().isPointer()
[docs] def getObjValue(self):
return None
def _getNewParam(self):
return getattr(self.prot, self._newParamName)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validators
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Validator(object):
[docs]class Conditional(Validator):
""" Simple validation based on a condition.
If the value doesn't meet the condition,
the error will be returned.
def __init__(self, error, allowsNull=False):
self.error = error
self._allowsNull = allowsNull
def __call__(self, value):
errors = []
if value is not None or not self._allowsNull:
if not self._condition(value):
return errors
[docs]class NonEmptyCondition(Conditional):
def __init__(self, error='Value cannot be empty'):
Conditional.__init__(self, error)
self._condition = lambda value: len(value) > 0
[docs]class LT(Conditional):
def __init__(self, threshold,
error='Value should be less than the threshold'):
Conditional.__init__(self, error)
self._condition = lambda value: value < threshold
[docs]class LE(Conditional):
def __init__(self, threshold,
error='Value should be less or equal than the threshold'):
Conditional.__init__(self, error)
self._condition = lambda value: value <= threshold
[docs]class GT(Conditional):
def __init__(self, threshold,
error='Value should be greater than the threshold'):
Conditional.__init__(self, error)
self._condition = lambda value: value > threshold
[docs]class GE(Conditional):
def __init__(self, thresold, error='Value should be greater or equal than the threshold'):
Conditional.__init__(self, error)
self._condition = lambda value: value is not None and value >= thresold
[docs]class Range(Conditional):
def __init__(self, minValue, maxValue, error='Value is outside range'):
Conditional.__init__(self, error)
self._condition = lambda value: minValue <= value <= maxValue
[docs]class NumericListValidator(Conditional):
""" Validator for ListParam. See ListParam. """
def __init__(self, error='Incorrect format for numeric list param'):
Conditional.__init__(self, error)
def _condition(self, value):
parts = re.split(r"[x\s]", value)
parts = list(filter(None, parts))
for p in parts:
return True
except Exception:
return False
[docs]class NumericRangeValidator(Conditional):
""" Validator for RangeParam. See RangeParam. """
def __init__(self, error='Incorrect format for numeric range param'):
Conditional.__init__(self, error)
def _condition(self, value):
parts = re.split(r"[-,\s]", value)
parts = list(filter(None, parts))
for p in parts:
return True
except Exception:
return False
[docs]class NonEmptyBoolCondition(Conditional):
def __init__(self, error='Boolean param needs to be set.'):
Conditional.__init__(self, error)
self._condition = lambda value: value is not None
# --------- Some constants validators ---------------------
Positive = GT(0.0, error='Value should be greater than zero')
FreqValidator = Range(0.001, 0.5,
error="Digital frequencies should be between 0.001 and 0.5")
NonEmpty = NonEmptyCondition()
NonEmptyBool = NonEmptyBoolCondition()