# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Pablo Conesa [1]
# *
# * [1] Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
""" This modules hosts most of the accessory code that is used in view protocols"""
import json
import os
from configparser import ConfigParser
from pyworkflow import Config
import pyworkflow.gui as pwgui
import pyworkflow.object as pwobj
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
from pyworkflow.gui.project.utils import isAFinalProtocol
from pyworkflow.project import MenuConfig
from pyworkflow.utils import Message, Icon
from pyworkflow.viewer import DESKTOP_TKINTER
[docs]class RunIOTreeProvider(pwgui.tree.TreeProvider):
"""Create the tree elements from a Protocol Run input/output children"""
def __init__(self, parent, protocol, mapper, loggerCallback):
:param parent:
:param protocol:
:param mapper:
:param loggerCallback: method to call to log events in the gui.
self.parent = parent
self.protocol = protocol
self.mapper = mapper
self._loggerCallback = loggerCallback
[docs] @staticmethod
def getColumns():
return [('Attribute', 200), ('Info', 100)]
[docs] def getObjects(self):
objs = []
if self.protocol is not None:
# Store a dict with input parents (input, PointerList)
self.inputParentDict = pwobj.OrderedDict()
inputs = []
inputObj = pwobj.String(Message.LABEL_INPUT)
inputObj._icon = Icon.ACTION_IN
self.inputParentDict['_input'] = inputObj
inputParents = [inputObj]
for key, attr in self.protocol.iterInputAttributes():
attr._parentKey = key
# Repeated keys means there are inside a pointerList
# since the same key is yielded for all items inside
# so update the parent dict with a new object
if key in self.inputParentDict:
if self.inputParentDict[key] == inputObj:
parentObj = pwobj.String(key)
parentObj._icon = Icon.ACTION_IN
parentObj._parentKey = '_input'
self.inputParentDict[key] = parentObj
self.inputParentDict[key] = inputObj
outputs = [attr for _, attr in
self.outputStr = pwobj.String(Message.LABEL_OUTPUT)
objs = inputParents + inputs + [self.outputStr] + outputs
return objs
def _visualizeObject(self, ViewerClass, obj):
viewer = ViewerClass(project=self.protocol.getProject(),
viewer.visualize(obj, windows=self.parent.window)
def _editObject(self, obj):
"""Open the Edit GUI Form given an instance"""
pwgui.dialog.EditObjectDialog(self.parent, Message.TITLE_EDIT_OBJECT,
obj, self.mapper)
def _deleteObject(self, obj):
""" Remove unnecessary output, specially for Coordinates. """
prot = self.protocol
objLabel = self.getObjectLabel(obj, prot)
if self.parent.window.askYesNo("Delete object",
"Are you sure to delete *%s* object?"
% objLabel):
prot.getProject().deleteProtocolOutput(prot, obj)
self.parent.window.showInfo("Object *%s* successfully deleted."
% objLabel)
except Exception as ex:
[docs] @staticmethod
def getObjectPreview(obj):
desc = "<name>: " + obj.getName()
return None, desc
[docs] def getObjectActions(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, pwobj.Pointer):
obj = obj.get()
isPointer = True
isPointer = False
actions = []
# If viewers not loaded yet (firstime)
domain = Config.getDomain()
if not domain.viewersLoaded():
self._loggerCallback("Discovering viewers for the first time across all the plugins.")
viewers = Config.getDomain().findViewers(obj.getClassName(), DESKTOP_TKINTER)
def viewerCallback(viewer):
return lambda: self._visualizeObject(viewer, obj)
for v in viewers:
lambda: self._editObject(obj),
# Special case to allow delete outputCoordinates
# since we can end up with several outputs and
# we may want to clean up
if self.protocol.allowsDelete(obj) and not isPointer:
lambda: self._deleteObject(obj),
return actions
[docs] @staticmethod
def getObjectLabel(obj, parent):
""" We will try to show in the list the string representation
that is more readable for the user to pick the desired object.
label = 'None'
if obj:
label = obj.getObjLabel()
if not len(label.strip()):
parentLabel = parent.getObjLabel() if parent else 'None'
label = "%s -> %s" % (parentLabel, obj.getLastName())
return label
[docs] def getObjectInfo(self, obj):
def stringToInfo():
""" String objects converted to info dictionary for the tree"""
value = obj.get()
infoStr = {'key': value, 'text': value, 'values': '', 'open': True}
if hasattr(obj, '_parentKey'):
infoStr['parent'] = self.inputParentDict[obj._parentKey]
return infoStr
def labelToValue(label, key, name):
""" To tolerate str(labelObj) in case xmippLib is missing, but
still being able to open a project."""
value = str(label)
except Exception as e:
print("Can not convert object %s - %s to string." % (key, name))
value = str(e)
return value
def pointerToInfo():
""" Converts a Pointer into an info dictionary for the tree"""
namePtr = obj.getLastName()
# Remove ugly item notations inside lists
namePtr = namePtr.replace('__item__000', '')
# Consider Pointer as inputs
imagePtr = getattr(obj, '_icon', '')
parentPtr = self.inputParentDict[obj._parentKey]
suffix = ''
if obj.hasExtended():
# getExtended method remove old attributes conventions.
extendedValue = obj.getExtended()
if obj.hasExtended():
suffix = '[%s]' % extendedValue
# else:
# suffix = '[Item %s]' % extendedValue
# Tolerate loading projects:
# When having only the project sqlite..an obj.get() will
# the load of the set...and if it is missing this whole
# "thread" fails.
labelObjPtr = obj.get()
if labelObjPtr is None:
labelObjPtr = obj.getObjValue()
suffix = ''
except Exception:
return {'parent': parentPtr, 'image': imagePtr, 'text': namePtr,
'values': ("Couldn't read object attributes.",)}
labelObjPtr = obj.get()
objKeyPtr = obj._parentKey + str(labelObjPtr.getObjId())
labelPtr = self.getObjectLabel(labelObjPtr,
namePtr += ' (from %s %s)' % (labelPtr, suffix)
valuePtr = labelToValue(labelObjPtr, objKeyPtr, namePtr)
infoPtr = {'key': objKeyPtr, 'parent': parentPtr, 'image': imagePtr,
'text': namePtr, 'values': (valuePtr,)}
return infoPtr
if obj is None or not obj.hasValue():
return None
if isinstance(obj, pwobj.String) and not obj.getName():
info = stringToInfo()
# All attributes are considered output, unless they are pointers
image = Icon.ACTION_OUT
parent = self.outputStr
if isinstance(obj, pwobj.Pointer):
info = pointerToInfo()
name = self.getObjectLabel(obj, self.protocol)
objKey = str(obj.getObjId())
labelObj = obj
value = labelToValue(labelObj, objKey, name)
info = {'key': objKey, 'parent': parent, 'image': image,
'text': name, 'values': (value,)}
return info
[docs]class ProtocolTreeConfig:
""" Handler class that groups functions and constants
related to the protocols tree configuration.
TAG_PROTOCOL_DISABLED = 'protocol-disabled'
TAG_PROTOCOL = 'protocol'
TAG_SECTION = 'section'
TAG_PROTOCOL_GROUP = 'protocol_group'
TAG_PROTOCOL_BETA = 'protocol_beta'
TAG_PROTOCOL_NEW = 'protocol_new'
TAG_PROTOCOL_UPDATED = 'protocol_updated'
PLUGIN_CONFIG_PROTOCOLS = 'protocols.conf'
[docs] @classmethod
def getProtocolTag(cls, isInstalled, isBeta=False, isNew=False, isUpdated=False):
""" Return the proper tag depending if the protocol is installed or not.
if isInstalled:
if isBeta:
elif isNew:
elif isUpdated:
return cls.TAG_PROTOCOL
def __addToTree(cls, menu, item, checkFunction=None):
""" Helper function to recursively add items to a menu.
Add item (a dictionary that can contain more dictionaries) to menu
If check function is added will use it to check if the value must be added.
children = item.pop('children', [])
if checkFunction is not None:
add = checkFunction(item)
if not add:
subMenu = menu.addSubMenu(**item) # we expect item={'text': ...}
for child in children:
cls.__addToTree(subMenu, child, checkFunction) # add recursively to sub-menu
return subMenu
def __inSubMenu(cls, child, subMenu):
Return True if child belongs to subMenu
for ch in subMenu:
if cls.__isProtocol(child):
if ch.value is not None and ch.value == child['value']:
return ch
elif ch.text == child['text']:
return ch
return None
def _orderSubMenu(cls, session):
Sort all children of a given section:
The protocols first, then the sections (the 'more' section at the end)
def sortWhenLastIsAProtocol():
""" Sorts children when the last is a protocol"""
for i in range(lastChildPos - 1, -1, -1):
if childs[i].tag == cls.TAG_PROTOCOL:
tmp = childs[i + 1]
childs[i + 1] = childs[i]
childs[i] = tmp
def sortWhenLastIsNotAProtocol():
""" Sorts children when the last is NOT a protocol"""
for i in range(lastChildPos - 1, -1, -1):
if childs[i].tag == cls.TAG_PROTOCOL:
elif 'more' in str(childs[i].text).lower():
tmp = childs[i + 1]
childs[i + 1] = childs[i]
childs[i] = tmp
lengthSession = len(session.childs)
if lengthSession > 1:
childs = session.childs
lastChildPos = lengthSession - 1
if childs[lastChildPos].tag == cls.TAG_PROTOCOL:
def __findTreeLocation(cls, subMenu, children, parent):
Locate the protocol position in the given view
for child in children:
sm = cls.__inSubMenu(child, subMenu)
if sm is None:
cls.__addToTree(parent, child, cls.__checkItem)
elif child['tag'] == cls.TAG_PROTOCOL_GROUP or child['tag'] == cls.TAG_SECTION:
cls.__findTreeLocation(sm.childs, child['children'], sm)
def __isProtocol(cls, dict):
""" True inf the item has a key named tag with protocol as value"""
return dict["tag"] == cls.TAG_PROTOCOL
def __isProtocolNode(cls, node):
""" True if tag attribute is protocol"""
return node.tag == cls.TAG_PROTOCOL
def __checkItem(cls, item):
""" Function to check if the protocol has to be added or not.
item: {"tag": "protocol", "value": "ProtImportMovies",
"text": "import movies"}
if not cls.__isProtocol(item):
return True
# It is a protocol as this point, get the class name and
# check if it is disabled
protClassName = item["value"]
protClass = Config.getDomain().getProtocols().get(protClassName)
icon = Icon.PRODUCTION
if protClass is not None:
if protClass.isBeta():
icon = Icon.BETA
elif protClass.isNewDev():
icon = Icon.NEW
elif protClass.isUpdated():
icon = Icon.UPDATED
item['icon'] = icon
return False if protClass is None else not protClass.isDisabled()
def __addAllProtocols(cls, domain, protocols):
# Add all protocols
allProts = domain.getProtocols()
# Sort the list
allProtsSorted = sorted(allProts.items(), key=lambda e: e[1].getClassLabel())
allProtMenu = ProtocolConfig(cls.ALL_PROTOCOLS)
packages = {}
# Group protocols by package name
for k, v in allProtsSorted:
if isAFinalProtocol(v, k):
packageName = v.getPlugin().getName()
# Get the package submenu
packageMenu = packages.get(packageName)
# If no package menu available
if packageMenu is None:
# Add it to the menu ...
packageLine = {"tag": "package", "value": packageName,
"text": packageName}
packageMenu = cls.__addToTree(allProtMenu, packageLine)
# Store it in the dict
packages[packageName] = packageMenu
# Add the protocol
tag = cls.getProtocolTag(v.isInstalled(), v.isBeta(), v.isNewDev(), v.isUpdated())
protLine = {"tag": tag, "value": k,
"text": v.getClassLabel(prependPackageName=False)}
cls.__addToTree(packageMenu, protLine)
protocols[cls.ALL_PROTOCOLS] = allProtMenu
def __addProtocolsFromConf(cls, protocols, protocolsConfPath):
Load the protocols in the tree from a given protocols.conf file,
either the global one in Scipion or defined in a plugin.
def addProtocols():
""" Adds protocols defined in the "PROTOCOLS" section of the config file. """
for menuName in cp.options('PROTOCOLS'):
if menuName not in protocols: # The view has not been inserted
menu = ProtocolConfig(menuName)
children = json.loads(cp.get('PROTOCOLS', menuName))
for child in children:
cls.__addToTree(menu, child, cls.__checkItem)
protocols[menuName] = menu
else: # The view has been inserted
menu = protocols.get(menuName)
children = json.loads(cp.get('PROTOCOLS',
cls.__findTreeLocation(menu.childs, children, menu)
# Populate the protocols menu from the plugin config file.
if os.path.exists(protocolsConfPath):
cp = ConfigParser()
cp.optionxform = str # keep case
# Ensure that the protocols section exists
if cp.has_section('PROTOCOLS'):
[docs] @classmethod
def load(cls, domain, protocolsConf):
""" Read the protocol configuration from a .conf file similar to the
one in scipion/config/protocols.conf,
which is the default one when no file is passed.
protocols = dict()
# Read the protocols.conf from Scipion (base) and create an initial
# tree view
cls.__addProtocolsFromConf(protocols, protocolsConf)
# Read the protocols.conf of any installed plugin
pluginDict = domain.getPlugins()
for pluginName in pluginDict.keys():
# if the plugin has a path
if pwutils.isModuleLoaded(pluginName) and pwutils.isModuleAFolder(pluginName):
# Locate the plugin protocols.conf file
protocolsConfPath = os.path.join(
cls.__addProtocolsFromConf(protocols, protocolsConfPath)
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to read settings. The reported error was:\n %s\n'
'To solve it, fix %s and run again.' % (e, pluginName))
# Clean empty sections
# Add all protocols to All view
cls.__addAllProtocols(domain, protocols)
return protocols
def _hideEmptySections(cls, protocols):
""" Cleans all empty sections in the tree"""
for protConf in protocols.values():
def _setVisibility(cls, node):
""" Sets the visibility of a node based on the presence of a leaf hanging form it"""
if cls.__isProtocolNode(node):
# Default visibility value is true. No need to set it again
return True
anyLeaf = False
for child in node.childs:
# NOTE: since python short circuits this, _setVisibility must be called always. So not swap!!
anyLeaf = cls._setVisibility(child) or anyLeaf
node.visible = anyLeaf
return anyLeaf
[docs]class ProtocolConfig(MenuConfig):
"""Store protocols configuration """
def __init__(self, text=None, value=None, **args):
MenuConfig.__init__(self, text, value, **args)
if 'openItem' not in args:
self.openItem = self.tag != 'protocol_base'
def __str__(self):
return self.text