Source code for pyworkflow.gui.form

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin ( [1]
# *              Jose Gutierrez ( [2]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# * [2] Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************
This modules implements the automatic
creation of protocol form GUI from its
params definition.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import os
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime

import pyworkflow as pw
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pyworkflow.object as pwobj
import pyworkflow.protocol as pwprot
from pyworkflow.mapper import Mapper
from pyworkflow.viewer import DESKTOP_TKINTER
from pyworkflow.protocol.constants import MODE_RESTART, MODE_RESUME

from . import gui, RESULT_RUN_SINGLE
from pyworkflow.gui.project.utils import getStatusColorFromRun
from .gui import configureWeigths, Window
from .browser import FileBrowserWindow
from .widgets import Button, HotButton, IconButton
from .dialog import (showInfo, showError, showWarning, EditObjectDialog,
                     ListDialog, Dialog, RESULT_CANCEL,  RESULT_RUN_ALL)
from .canvas import Canvas
from .tree import TreeProvider, BoundTree
from .text import Text
from ..project.project import ModificationNotAllowedException

THREADS = 'Threads'

# ----------------- Variables wrappers around more complex objects ------------
[docs]class BoolVar: """Wrapper around tk.IntVar""" def __init__(self, value=None): self.tkVar = tk.IntVar() self.set(value) self.trace = self.tkVar.trace
[docs] def set(self, value): if value is None: self.tkVar.set(-1) elif value: self.tkVar.set(1) else: self.tkVar.set(0)
[docs] def get(self): if self.tkVar.get() == -1: return None return self.tkVar.get() == 1
[docs]class PointerVar: """ Wrapper around tk.StringVar to hold object pointers. """ def __init__(self, protocol): self.tkVar = tk.StringVar() self._pointer = pwobj.Pointer() self.trace = self.tkVar.trace self._protocol = protocol
[docs] def set(self, value): if value is None: value = pwobj.Pointer(None) if not isinstance(value, pwobj.Pointer): raise Exception('Pointer var should be used with pointers!!!\n' ' Passing: %s, type: %s' % (value, type(value))) self._pointer.copy(value) label, _ = getPointerLabelAndInfo(self._pointer, self._protocol.getMapper()) self.tkVar.set(label)
[docs] def get(self): return self._pointer
[docs] def getPointer(self): return self._pointer
[docs] def remove(self): self.set(None)
[docs]class ScalarWithPointerVar(tk.StringVar): """ tk.StringVar to hold object pointers and scalars. """ def __init__(self, protocol, changeListener): self._pointer = None self._protocol = protocol self.inInit = True tk.StringVar.__init__(self) self.inInit = False self.insideSet = False self.listeners = [] # Register inner listener tk.StringVar.trace(self, 'w', self._listenDirectEntryChanges) self.trace('w', changeListener)
[docs] def trace(self, mode, callback): # let's ignore the mode for now all are "w" self.listeners.append(callback)
def _listenDirectEntryChanges(self, *args): """ We need to be aware of any change done in the entry. When the user type anything, the set is not invoked. We need to distinguish when this is invoked from the set(), in this case we do nothing""" if not self.insideSet: self._pointer = None # Call the listeners for callback in self.listeners: callback(*args)
[docs] def set(self, value): # Flag we are inside the set method to avoid # triggering _listenDirectEntryChanges self.insideSet = True if self.inInit: return # If a scalar is being set if not isinstance(value, pwobj.Pointer): # Reset the pointer self._pointer = None label = value # it's a pointer else: self._pointer = value label, _ = getPointerLabelAndInfo(self._pointer, self._protocol.getMapper()) tk.StringVar.set(self, label) # Cancel the flag. self.insideSet = False
[docs] def get(self): if self.hasPointer(): return self._pointer else: return tk.StringVar.get(self)
[docs] def hasPointer(self): return self._pointer is not None
[docs] def getPointer(self): return self._pointer if self.hasPointer() else None
[docs]class MultiPointerVar: """ Wrapper around tk.StringVar to hold object pointers. This class is related with MultiPointerTreeProvider, which stores the list of pointed objects and have the logic to add and remove from the list. """ def __init__(self, provider, tree): # keep a reference to tree provider to add or remove objects self.provider = provider self.tree = tree self.tkVar = tk.StringVar() self.trace = self.tkVar.trace def _updateObjectsList(self): self.tkVar.set(str( # cause a trace to notify changes self.tree.update() # Update the tkinter tree gui
[docs] def set(self, value): if isinstance(value, pwobj.Object) or isinstance(value, list): self.provider.addObject(value) self._updateObjectsList()
[docs] def remove(self): """ Remove first element selected. """ values = self.getSelectedObjects() for v in values: self.provider.removeObject(v) self._updateObjectsList()
[docs] def clear(self): self.provider.clear() self._updateObjectsList()
[docs] def getSelectedObjects(self): return self.tree.getSelectedObjects()
[docs] def get(self): return self.provider.getObjects()
[docs]class MultiPointerTreeProvider(TreeProvider): """ Store several pointers to objects to be used in a BoundTree and as storage from MultiPointerVar. """ def __init__(self, mapper): TreeProvider.__init__(self) self._objectDict = OrderedDict() self._mapper = mapper def _getObjKey(self, obj): """ This method will create an unique key to identify the pointed object. The objId is not enough because of pointers and extended values to items inside a set or properties. """ strId = None if isinstance(obj, pwobj.Pointer): if obj.hasValue(): strId = obj.getObjValue().strId() if obj.hasExtended(): strId += obj.getExtended() else: strId = obj.strId() if strId is None: raise Exception('ERROR: strId is None for MultiPointerTreeProvider!!!') return strId def _getObjPointer(self, obj): """ If obj is a pointer return obj. If not create a pointer and return it. """ if isinstance(obj, pwobj.Pointer): ptr = obj else: ptr = pwobj.Pointer(value=obj) return ptr def _addObject(self, obj): strId = self._getObjKey(obj) ptr = self._getObjPointer(obj) ptr._strId = strId self._objectDict[strId] = ptr
[docs] def addObject(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, list): for o in obj: self._addObject(o) else: self._addObject(obj)
[docs] def removeObject(self, obj): strId = self._getObjKey(obj) if strId in self._objectDict: del self._objectDict[strId]
[docs] def getObjects(self): return list(self._objectDict.values())
[docs] def getColumns(self): return [('Object', 250), ('Info', 150)]
[docs] def getObjectInfo(self, obj): label, info = getPointerLabelAndInfo(obj, self._mapper) return {'key': obj._strId, 'text': label, 'values': (' ' + info,)}
[docs] def clear(self): self._objectDict.clear()
[docs]class ComboVar: """ Create a variable that display strings (for combobox) but the values are integers (for the underlying EnumParam). """ def __init__(self, enum): self.tkVar = tk.StringVar() self.enum = enum self.value = None self.trace = self.tkVar.trace
[docs] def set(self, value): self.value = value if isinstance(value, int): # self.enum.choices is an object of type odict_values, which # cannot be indexed, so a type cast to list is required self.tkVar.set(list(self.enum.choices)[value]) else: self.tkVar.set(value) # also support string values
[docs] def get(self): v = self.tkVar.get() self.value = None for i, c in enumerate(list(self.enum.choices)): if c == v: self.value = i return self.value
[docs]class TextVar: """Wrapper around tk.StringVar to bind the value of a Text widget. """ def __init__(self, text, value=''): """ Params: text: Text widget associated with this variable. value: initial value for the widget. """ self.text = text text.bind('<KeyRelease>', self._onTextChanged) self.tkVar = tk.StringVar() self.set(value) self.trace = self.tkVar.trace
[docs] def set(self, value): self.tkVar.set(value) if value is None: value = '' self.text.setText(value)
[docs] def get(self): return self.tkVar.get()
def _onTextChanged(self, e=None): self.tkVar.set(self.text.getText().strip())
# ---------------- Some used providers for the TREES --------------------------
[docs]class ProtocolClassTreeProvider(TreeProvider): """Will implement the methods to provide the object info of subclasses objects(of className) found by mapper""" def __init__(self, protocolClassName): TreeProvider.__init__(self) self.protocolClassName = protocolClassName
[docs] def getObjects(self): # FIXME: Maybe find a way to pass the current domain? # FIXME: Or we just rely on the one defined in pw.Config? domain = pw.Config.getDomain() return [pwobj.String(s) for s in domain.findSubClasses(domain.getProtocols(), self.protocolClassName).keys()]
[docs] def getColumns(self): return [('Protocol', 250)]
[docs] def getObjectInfo(self, obj): return {'key': obj.get(), 'values': (obj.get(),)}
[docs]def getPointerLabelAndInfo(pobj, mapper): """ Return a string to represent selected objects that are stored by pointers. This function will be used from PointerVar and MultiPointerVar. """ label = getObjectLabel(pobj, mapper) obj = pobj.get() info = str(obj) if obj is not None else '' return label, info
[docs]def getObjectLabel(pobj, mapper): """ We will try to show in the list the string representation that is more readable for the user to pick the desired object. """ # FIXME: maybe we can remove this function obj = pobj.get() prot = pobj.getObjValue() if prot is None: label = '' elif obj is None: label = '%s.%s' % (prot.getRunName(), pobj.getExtended()) else: # This is for backward compatibility # Now always the pobj.getObjValue() should # be the protocol extended = pobj.getExtended() if isinstance(prot, pwprot.Protocol) else '' while not isinstance(prot, pwprot.Protocol): extended = '%s.%s' % (prot.getLastName(), extended) prot = mapper.getParent(prot) label = obj.getObjLabel().strip() if not len(label): label = '%s.%s' % (prot.getRunName(), extended) label = label.replace("\n", " ") # if obj is not None: # return label + " (%d)" % obj.getObjId() return label
[docs]class SubclassesTreeProvider(TreeProvider): """Will implement the methods to provide the object info of subclasses objects(of className) found by mapper""" CREATION_COLUMN = 'Creation' INFO_COLUMN = 'Info' ID_COLUMN = 'Protocol Id' def __init__(self, protocol, pointerParam, selected=None): TreeProvider.__init__(self, sortingColumnName=self.CREATION_COLUMN, sortingAscending=False) self.param = pointerParam self.selected = selected # FIXME self.selectedDict = {} self.protocol = protocol self.mapper = protocol.mapper self.maxNum = 200
[docs] def getObjects(self): # Retrieve all objects of type className project = self.protocol.getProject() className = self.param.pointerClass.get() condition = self.param.pointerCondition.get() # Get the classes that are valid as input object in this Domain domain = pw.Config.getDomain() classes = [domain.findClass(c.strip()) for c in className.split(",")] # Obtaining only the outputs of the protocols that do not violate the sense of processing, # thus avoiding circular references between protocols objects = project.getProtocolCompatibleOutputs(self.protocol, classes, condition) # Sort objects before returning them self._sortObjects(objects) return objects
def _sortObjects(self, objects): objects.sort(key=self.objectKey, reverse=not self.isSortingAscending())
[docs] def objectKey(self, pobj): """ Returns the value to be evaluated during sorting based on _sortingColumnName""" obj = self._getParentObject(pobj, pobj) if self._sortingColumnName == SubclassesTreeProvider.CREATION_COLUMN: return self._getObjectCreation(obj.get()) elif self._sortingColumnName == SubclassesTreeProvider.INFO_COLUMN: return self._getObjectInfoValue(obj.get()) elif self._sortingColumnName == SubclassesTreeProvider.ID_COLUMN: return self._getObjectId(pobj) else: return self._getPointerLabel(obj)
[docs] def getColumns(self): return [('Object', 300), (SubclassesTreeProvider.INFO_COLUMN, 250), (SubclassesTreeProvider.CREATION_COLUMN, 150), (SubclassesTreeProvider.ID_COLUMN, 100)]
[docs] def isSelected(self, obj): """ Check if an object is selected or not. """ if self.selected: for s in self.selected: if s and s.getObjId() == obj.getObjId(): return True return False
@staticmethod def _getParentObject(pobj, default=None): return getattr(pobj, '_parentObject', default)
[docs] def getObjectInfo(self, pobj): parent = self._getParentObject(pobj) # Get the label label = self._getPointerLabel(pobj, parent) obj = pobj.get() objId = pobj.getUniqueId() isSelected = objId in self.selectedDict self.selectedDict[objId] = True return {'key': objId, 'text': label, 'values': (self._getObjectInfoValue(obj), self._getObjectCreation(obj), self._getObjectId(pobj)), 'selected': isSelected, 'parent': parent}
@staticmethod def _getObjectId(pobj): return pobj.getObjValue().getObjId() @staticmethod def _getObjectCreation(obj): """ Returns the Object creation time stamp or 'Not ready' for those not yet ready or possibleOutputs""" return obj.getObjCreation() if obj is not None and obj.getObjCreation() else "Not ready" @staticmethod def _getObjectInfoValue(obj): """ Returns the best summary of the object in a string.""" if obj is not None: return str(obj).replace(obj.getClassName(), '') else: # possible Outputs are not output already so here comes None return "Possible output" def _getPointerLabel(self, pobj, parent=None): # If parent is not provided, try to get it, it might have none. if parent is None: parent = self._getParentObject(pobj) # If there is no parent if parent is None: return getObjectLabel(pobj, self.mapper) else: # This is an item coming from a set # If the object has label include the label if pobj.get().getObjLabel(): return 'item %s - %s' % (pobj.get().strId(), pobj.get().getObjLabel()) else: return 'item %s' % pobj.get().strId()
[docs] def getObjectActions(self, pobj): obj = pobj.get() actions = [] domain = pw.Config.getDomain() viewers = domain.findViewers(obj.getClassName(), DESKTOP_TKINTER) proj = self.protocol.getProject() for v in viewers: actions.append((v.getName(), lambda: v(project=proj).visualize(obj))) return actions
# TODO: check if need to inherit from SubclassesTreeProvider
[docs]class RelationsTreeProvider(SubclassesTreeProvider): """Will implement the methods to provide the object info of subclasses objects(of className) found by mapper""" def __init__(self, protocol, relationParam, selected=None): SubclassesTreeProvider.__init__(self, protocol, relationParam, selected) self.item = protocol.getAttributeValue(relationParam.getAttributeName()) self.direction = relationParam.getDirection() self.relationParam = relationParam
[docs] def getObjects(self): objects = [] if self.item is not None: project = self.protocol.getProject() for pobj in project.getRelatedObjects(self.relationParam.getName(), self.item, self.direction, refresh=True): objects.append(pobj.clone()) # Sort objects self._sortObjects(objects) return objects
[docs]class ScalarTreeProvider(TreeProvider): """Will implement the methods to provide the object info of scalar outputs""" CREATION_COLUMN = 'Creation' INFO_COLUMN = 'Info' def __init__(self, protocol, scalarParam, selected=None): TreeProvider.__init__(self, sortingColumnName=self.CREATION_COLUMN, sortingAscending=False) self.param = scalarParam self.selected = selected self.selectedDict = {} self.protocol = protocol self.mapper = protocol.mapper self.maxNum = 200
[docs] def getObjects(self): # Retrieve all objects of type className project = self.protocol.getProject() className = self.param.paramClass # Get the classes that are valid as input object # em.findClass is very tight to the EMObjects...Since scalars are not # EM object can't be used unless we do something # For now this will work with exact class. classes = [className] objects = [] # Do no refresh again and take the runs that are loaded # already in the project. We will prefer to save time # here than have the 'very last' version of the runs and objects runs = project.getRuns(refresh=False) for prot in runs: # Make sure we don't include previous output of the same # protocol, it will cause a recursive loop if prot.getObjId() != self.protocol.getObjId(): for paramName, attr in prot.iterOutputAttributes(): def _checkParam(paramName, attr): # If attr is a sub-classes of any desired one, add it to the list # we should also check if there is a condition, the object # must comply with the condition p = None if any(isinstance(attr, c) for c in classes): p = pwobj.Pointer(prot, extended=paramName) p._allowsSelection = True objects.append(p) _checkParam(paramName, attr) # Sort objects before returning them self._sortObjects(objects) return objects
def _sortObjects(self, objects): objects.sort(key=self.objectKey, reverse=not self.isSortingAscending())
[docs] def objectKey(self, pobj): obj = self._getParentObject(pobj, pobj) if self._sortingColumnName == ScalarTreeProvider.CREATION_COLUMN: return self._getObjectCreation(obj.get()) elif self._sortingColumnName == ScalarTreeProvider.INFO_COLUMN: return self._getObjectInfoValue(obj.get()) else: return self._getPointerLabel(obj)
[docs] def getColumns(self): return [('Object', 300), (ScalarTreeProvider.INFO_COLUMN, 250), (ScalarTreeProvider.CREATION_COLUMN, 150)]
[docs] def isSelected(self, obj): """ Check if an object is selected or not. """ if self.selected: for s in self.selected: if s and s.getObjId() == obj.getObjId(): return True return False
@staticmethod def _getParentObject(pobj, default=None): return getattr(pobj, '_parentObject', default)
[docs] def getObjectInfo(self, pobj): parent = self._getParentObject(pobj) # Get the label label = self._getPointerLabel(pobj, parent) obj = pobj.get() objId = pobj.getUniqueId() isSelected = objId in self.selectedDict self.selectedDict[objId] = True return {'key': objId, 'text': label, 'values': (self._getObjectInfoValue(obj), self._getObjectCreation(obj)), 'selected': isSelected, 'parent': parent}
@staticmethod def _getObjectCreation(obj): return obj.getObjCreation() @staticmethod def _getObjectInfoValue(obj): return str(obj).replace(obj.getClassName(), '') def _getPointerLabel(self, pobj, parent=None): # If parent is not provided, try to get it, it might have none. if parent is None: parent = self._getParentObject(pobj) # If there is no parent if parent is None: return getObjectLabel(pobj, self.mapper) else: # This is an item coming from a set # If the object has label include the label if pobj.get().getObjLabel(): return 'item %s - %s' % ( pobj.get().strId(), pobj.get().getObjLabel()) else: return 'item %s' % pobj.get().strId()
# --------------------- Other widgets ---------------------------------------- #
[docs]class VerticalScrolledFrame(tk.Frame): """A pure Tkinter scrollable frame that actually works! * Use the 'interior' attribute to place widgets inside the scrollable frame * Construct and pack/place/grid normally * This frame only allows vertical scrolling """ def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw) # create a canvas object and a vertical scrollbar for scrolling it vscrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.VERTICAL) vscrollbar.pack(fill=tk.Y, side=tk.RIGHT, expand=tk.FALSE) canvas = Canvas(self, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, yscrollcommand=vscrollbar.set) canvas.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=tk.TRUE) vscrollbar.config(command=canvas.yview) # reset the view canvas.xview_moveto(0) canvas.yview_moveto(0) # create a frame inside the canvas which will be scrolled with it self.interior = interior = tk.Frame(canvas) interior_id = canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=interior, anchor=tk.NW) # track changes to the canvas and frame width and sync them, # also updating the scrollbar def _configure_interior(event): # update the scrollbars to match the size of the inner frame size = (interior.winfo_reqwidth(), interior.winfo_reqheight()) canvas.config(scrollregion="0 0 %s %s" % size) if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width(): # update the canvas's width to fit the inner frame canvas.config(width=interior.winfo_reqwidth()) interior.bind('<Configure>', _configure_interior) def _configure_canvas(event): if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width(): # update the inner frame's width to fill the canvas canvas.itemconfigure(interior_id, width=canvas.winfo_width()) canvas.bind('<Configure>', _configure_canvas)
[docs]class SectionFrame(tk.Frame): """This class will be used to create a frame for the Section That will have a header with red color and a content frame with white background """ def __init__(self, master, label, callback=None, height=15, **args): headerBgColor = args.get('headerBgColor', gui.cfgButtonBgColor) if 'headerBgColor' in args: del args['headerBgColor'] self.height = height tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **args) configureWeigths(self, row=1) self._createHeader(label, headerBgColor) self._createContent() tk.Frame.grid(self, row=0, column=0, sticky="new") def _createHeader(self, label, bgColor): self.headerFrame = tk.Frame(self, bd=2, relief=tk.RAISED, bg=bgColor, name="sectionheaderframe") self.headerFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='new') configureWeigths(self.headerFrame) self.headerFrame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.headerLabel = tk.Label(self.headerFrame, text=label, fg='white', bg=bgColor, name="sectionheaderlabel") self.headerLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nw') def _createContent(self): self.canvasFrame = tk.Frame(self, name="sectioncontentframe") configureWeigths(self.canvasFrame) self.canvas = Canvas(self.canvasFrame, width=625, height=self.height, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, highlightthickness=0, name="sectioncanvas") self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news') self.canvasFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='news') configureWeigths(self.canvas) self.contentFrame = tk.Frame(self.canvas, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, bd=0, name="sectioncanvasframe") self.contentFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='news') self.contentId = self.canvas.create_window(0, 0, anchor=tk.NW, window=self.contentFrame) self.contentFrame.bind('<Configure>', self._configure_interior) self.canvas.bind('<Configure>', self._configure_canvas) self.contentFrame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) def _getReqSize(self, widget): return widget.winfo_reqwidth(), widget.winfo_reqheight() def _getSize(self, widget): return widget.winfo_width(), widget.winfo_height() # track changes to the canvas and frame width and sync them, # also updating the scrollbar def _configure_interior(self, event=None): # update the scrollbars to match the size of the inner frame fsize = self._getReqSize(self.contentFrame) csize = self._getSize(self.canvas) if fsize != csize: # update the canvas's width to fit the inner frame self.canvas.config(width=fsize[0], height=fsize[1]) self.canvas.config(scrollregion="0 0 %s %s" % fsize) def _configure_canvas(self, event=None): fsize = self._getReqSize(self.contentFrame) csize = self._getContentSize() # update the inner frame's width to fill the canvas self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.contentId, width=csize[0],height=csize[1]) self.canvas.config(scrollregion="0 0 %s %s" % fsize) def _getContentSize(self): fsize = self._getReqSize(self.contentFrame) cFrame = self._getSize(self.canvasFrame) return (max(fsize[0], cFrame[0]), max(fsize[1], cFrame[1]))
[docs] def adjustContent(self): self._configure_interior() self.update_idletasks() self._configure_canvas()
[docs]class SectionWidget(SectionFrame): """This class will be used to create a section in FormWindow""" def __init__(self, form, master, section, height, callback=None, **args): self.form = form self.section = section self.callback = callback SectionFrame.__init__(self, master, self.section.label.get(), height=height, **args) def _createHeader(self, label, bgColor): SectionFrame._createHeader(self, label, bgColor) if self.section.hasQuestion(): question = self.section.getQuestion() self.paramName = self.section.getQuestionName() self.var = BoolVar() self.var.set(question.get()) self.var.trace('w', self._onVarChanged) self.chbLabel = tk.Label(self.headerFrame, text=question.label.get(), fg='white', bg=bgColor) self.chbLabel.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='e', padx=2) self.chb = tk.Checkbutton(self.headerFrame, variable=self.var.tkVar, bg=bgColor, activebackground=gui.cfgButtonActiveBgColor) self.chb.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='e')
[docs] def show(self): self.contentFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5)
[docs] def hide(self): self.contentFrame.grid_remove()
def _onVarChanged(self, *args): if self.get(): else: self.hide() if self.callback is not None: self.callback(self.paramName)
[docs] def get(self): """Return boolean value if is selected""" return self.var.get()
[docs] def set(self, value): self.var.set(value)
[docs]class ParamWidget: """For each one in the Protocol parameters, there will be one of this in the Form GUI. It is mainly composed by: A Label: put in the left column A Frame(content): in the middle column and container of the specific components for this parameter A Frame(buttons): a container for available actions buttons It will also have a Variable that should be set when creating the specific components""" def __init__(self, row, paramName, param, window, parent, value, callback=None, visualizeCallback=None, column=0, showButtons=True): self.window = window self._protocol = self.window.protocol if self._protocol.getProject() is None: logger.error(">>> ERROR: Project is None for protocol: %s, " "start winpdb to debug it" % self._protocol) self.row = row self.column = column self.paramName = paramName self.param = param self.parent = parent self.visualizeCallback = visualizeCallback self.var = None self._btnCol = 0 self._labelFont = self.window.font self._initialize(showButtons) self._createLabel() # self.label should be set after this self._createContent() # self.content and self.var should be set after this if self.var: # Groups have not self.var self.set(value) self.callback = callback self.var.trace('w', self._onVarChanged) def _initialize(self, showButtons): # Show buttons = False means the widget is inside a Line group # then, some of the properties change accordingly if showButtons: self._labelSticky = 'ne' self._padx, self._pady = 2, 2 self._entryWidth = 10 if self.param.isImportant(): self._labelFont = self.window.fontBold self.parent.columnconfigure(0, minsize=250) self.parent.columnconfigure(1, minsize=250) self.btnFrame = tk.Frame(self.parent, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) else: self.btnFrame = None self._labelSticky = 'ne' self._padx, self._pady = 2, 0 self._labelFont = self.window.fontItalic self._entryWidth = 8 self._onlyLabel = False def _getParamLabel(self): return self.param.label.get() def _createLabel(self): bgColor = pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR if self.param.isExpert(): bgColor = 'lightgrey' self.label = tk.Label(self.parent, text=self._getParamLabel(), bg=bgColor, font=self._labelFont, wraplength=500) def _createContent(self): self.content = tk.Frame(self.parent, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) gui.configureWeigths(self.content) # self.var should be set after this self._createContentWidgets(self.param, self.content) def _addButton(self, text, imgPath, cmd): if self.btnFrame: btn = IconButton(self.btnFrame, text, imgPath, highlightthickness=0, command=cmd) btn.grid(row=0, column=self._btnCol, sticky='nes', padx=1, pady=4) self.btnFrame.columnconfigure(self._btnCol, weight=1) self._btnCol += 1 def _showHelpMessage(self, e=None): showInfo("Help",, self.parent) def _showInfo(self, msg): showInfo("Info", msg, self.parent) def _showError(self, msg): showError("Error", msg, self.parent) def _showWarning(self, msg): showWarning("Warning", msg, self.parent) def _showWizard(self, e=None): wizClass = self.window.wizards[self.wizParamName] wizard = wizClass() # wizParamName: form attribute, the wizard object can check from which parameter it was called # Used into VariableWizard objects (scipion-chem), where input and output parameters used for each wizard are defined self.window.wizParamName = self.wizParamName def _findParamWizard(self): """ Search if there are registered wizards for this param or any of its subparams (for the case of Line groups) """ if self.paramName in self.window.wizards: self.wizParamName = self.paramName return True if isinstance(self.param, pwprot.Line): for name, _ in self.param.iterParams(): if name in self.window.wizards: self.wizParamName = name return True # Search in sub-params return False
[docs] @staticmethod def createBoolWidget(parent, display=pwprot.BooleanParam.DISPLAY_YES_NO, **args): """ Return a BoolVar associated with a yes/no selection. **args: extra arguments passed to tk.Radiobutton and tk.Frame constructors. :param checkbox: will use a Checkbutton instead. """ var = BoolVar() frameArgs = dict(args) if 'font' in frameArgs: del frameArgs['font'] frame = tk.Frame(parent, **frameArgs) if display == pwprot.BooleanParam.DISPLAY_CHECKBOX: chk = tk.Checkbutton(frame, variable=var.tkVar, **args) chk.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2, sticky="w") else: rb1 = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text='Yes', variable=var.tkVar, highlightthickness=0, value=1, **args) rb1.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2, sticky='w') rb2 = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text='No', variable=var.tkVar, highlightthickness=0, value=0, **args) rb2.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2, sticky='w') return var, frame
def _createContentWidgets(self, param, content): """Create the specific widgets inside the content frame""" # Create widgets for each type of param t = type(param) entryWidth = 30 sticky = "we" # functions to select and remove selectFunc = None removeFunc = None if t is pwprot.HiddenBooleanParam: var = 0 elif t is pwprot.BooleanParam: var, frame = ParamWidget.createBoolWidget(content, display=param.display, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, font=self.window.font) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') elif t is pwprot.EnumParam: var = ComboVar(param) if param.display == pwprot.EnumParam.DISPLAY_COMBO: combo = ttk.Combobox(content, textvariable=var.tkVar, state='readonly', font=self.window.font) combo['values'] = param.choices combo.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='we') elif param.display == pwprot.EnumParam.DISPLAY_LIST: for i, opt in enumerate(param.choices): rb = tk.Radiobutton(content, text=opt, variable=var.tkVar, value=opt, font=self.window.font, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, highlightthickness=0) rb.grid(row=i, column=0, sticky='w') elif param.display == pwprot.EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST: rbFrame = tk.Frame(content, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) rbFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') for i, opt in enumerate(param.choices): rb = tk.Radiobutton(rbFrame, text=opt, variable=var.tkVar, value=opt, font=self.window.font, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) rb.grid(row=0, column=i, sticky='w', padx=(0, 5)) else: raise Exception("Invalid display value '%s' for EnumParam" % str(param.display)) elif t is pwprot.MultiPointerParam: tp = MultiPointerTreeProvider(self._protocol.mapper) tree = BoundTree(content, tp, height=5) var = MultiPointerVar(tp, tree) var.trace('w', self.window._onPointerChanged) tree.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='we') self._addButton("Select", pwutils.Icon.ACTION_SEARCH, self._browseObject) self._addButton("Remove", pwutils.Icon.ACTION_DELETE, self._removeObject) self._selectmode = 'extended' # allows multiple object selection self.visualizeCallback = self._visualizeMultiPointerParam elif t is pwprot.PointerParam or t is pwprot.RelationParam: var = PointerVar(self._protocol) var.trace('w', self.window._onPointerChanged) entry = tk.Label(content, textvariable=var.tkVar, font=self.window.font, anchor="w") entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='we') if t is pwprot.RelationParam: selectFunc = self._browseRelation removeFunc = self._removeRelation else: selectFunc = self._browseObject removeFunc = self._removeObject self.visualizeCallback = self._visualizePointerParam self._selectmode = 'browse' # single object selection elif t is pwprot.ProtocolClassParam: var = tk.StringVar() entry = tk.Label(content, textvariable=var, font=self.window.font, anchor="w") entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='we') protClassName = self.param.protocolClassName.get() if self.param.allowSubclasses: classes = pw.Config.getDomain().findSubClasses( pw.Config.getDomain().getProtocols(), protClassName).keys() else: classes = [protClassName] if len(classes) > 1: self._addButton("Select", pwutils.Icon.ACTION_SEARCH, self._browseProtocolClass) else: var.set(classes[0]) self._addButton("Edit", pwutils.Icon.ACTION_EDIT, self._openProtocolForm) elif t is pwprot.Line: var = None elif t is pwprot.LabelParam: var = None self._onlyLabel = True elif t is pwprot.TextParam: w = max(entryWidth, param.width) text = Text(content, font=self.window.font, width=w, height=param.height) var = TextVar(text) text.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') else: if not param.allowsPointers: var = tk.StringVar() if issubclass(t, pwprot.FloatParam) or issubclass(t, pwprot.IntParam): # Reduce the entry width for numbers entries entryWidth = self._entryWidth sticky = 'w' else: selectFunc = self._browseScalar var = ScalarWithPointerVar(self._protocol, self.window._onPointerChanged) self._selectmode = 'browse' sticky = 'ew' state = tk.DISABLED if param.readOnly else tk.NORMAL entry = tk.Entry(content, width=entryWidth, textvariable=var, font=self.window.font, state=state) # Select all content on focus entry.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda event: entry.selection_range(0, tk.END)) entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=sticky) if issubclass(t, pwprot.PathParam): self._entryPath = entry self._addButton('Browse', pwutils.Icon.ACTION_BROWSE, self._browsePath) if selectFunc is not None: self._addButton("Select", pwutils.Icon.ACTION_SEARCH, selectFunc) if removeFunc is not None: self._addButton("Remove", pwutils.Icon.ACTION_DELETE, removeFunc) if self.visualizeCallback is not None: self._addButton(pwutils.Message.LABEL_BUTTON_VIS, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_VISUALIZE, self._visualizeVar) if self._findParamWizard(): self._addButton(pwutils.Message.LABEL_BUTTON_WIZ, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_WIZ, self._showWizard) if self._addButton(pwutils.Message.LABEL_BUTTON_HELP, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_HELP, self._showHelpMessage) self.var = var def _visualizeVar(self, e=None): """ Visualize specific variable. """ self.visualizeCallback(self.paramName) def _visualizePointer(self, pointer): obj = pointer.get() if obj is None: label, _ = getPointerLabelAndInfo(pointer, self._protocol.getMapper()) self._showInfo('*%s* points to *None*' % label) else: viewers = pw.Config.getDomain().findViewers(obj.getClassName(), DESKTOP_TKINTER) if len(viewers): ViewerClass = viewers[0] # Use the first viewer registered # Instantiate the viewer and visualize object viewer = ViewerClass(project=self._protocol.getProject(), protocol=self._protocol, parent=self.window) viewer.visualize(obj) else: self._showInfo("There is no viewer registered for " "*%s* object class." % obj.getClassName()) def _visualizePointerParam(self, paramName): pointer = self.var.get() if pointer.hasValue(): self._visualizePointer(pointer) else: self._showInfo("Select input first.") def _visualizeMultiPointerParam(self, paramName): selection = self.var.getSelectedObjects() for pointer in selection: self._visualizePointer(pointer) def _browseObject(self, e=None): """Select an object from DB This function is suppose to be used only for PointerParam""" value = self.get() selected = [] if isinstance(value, list): selected = value else: selected = [value] tp = SubclassesTreeProvider(self._protocol, self.param, selected=selected) def validateSelected(selectedItems): for item in selectedItems: if not getattr(item, '_allowsSelection', True): return ("Please select object of types: %s" % self.param.pointerClass.get()) title = "Select object of types: %s" % self.param.pointerClass.get() pointerCond = self.param.pointerCondition.get() if pointerCond: title += " (condition: %s)" % pointerCond dlg = ListDialog(self.parent, title, tp, "Double click selects the item, right-click allows " "you to visualize it", validateSelectionCallback=validateSelected, selectmode=self._selectmode, selectOnDoubleClick=True) if dlg.values: if self.isMultiPointer(): self.set(dlg.values) elif isinstance(self.param, pwprot.PointerParam): self.set(dlg.values[0]) else: raise Exception('Invalid param class: %s' % type(self.param))
[docs] def isMultiPointer(self): """ True if dealing with MultiPointer params """ return isinstance(self.param, pwprot.MultiPointerParam)
def _browseScalar(self, e=None): """Select a scalar from outputs This function is supposed to be used only for Scalar Params It's a copy of there could be a refactor here.""" value = self.get() selected = [] if isinstance(value, list): selected = value else: selected = [value] tp = ScalarTreeProvider(self._protocol, self.param, selected=selected) def validateSelected(selectedItems): for item in selectedItems: if not getattr(item, '_allowsSelection', True): return ("Please select object of types: %s" % self.param.paramClass.get()) title = "Select object of types: %s" % self.param.paramClass.__name__ # Let's ignore conditions so far # pointerCond = self.param.pointerCondition.get() # if pointerCond: # title += " (condition: %s)" % pointerCond dlg = ListDialog(self.parent, title, tp, "Double click selects the item", validateSelectionCallback=validateSelected, selectOnDoubleClick=True) if dlg.values: self.set(dlg.values[0]) def _removeObject(self, e=None): """ Remove an object from a MultiPointer param. """ self.var.remove()
[docs] def clear(self): # If dealing with Multipointers ... if self.isMultiPointer(): # .. use var clear to remove all eletents since # _removeObject() will remove only the selected ones self.var.clear() else: self._removeObject()
def _browseRelation(self, e=None): """Select a relation from DB This function is suppose to be used only for RelationParam. """ try: tp = RelationsTreeProvider(self._protocol, self.param, selected=self.get()) dlg = ListDialog(self.parent, "Select object", tp, "Double click selects the item, right-click " "allows you to visualize it", selectmoded=self._selectmode, selectOnDoubleClick=True) if dlg.values: self.set(dlg.values[0]) except AttributeError: self._showError("Error loading possible inputs. " "This usually happens because the parameter " "needs info from other parameters... are " "previous mandatory parameters set?") def _removeRelation(self, e=None): self.var.remove() def _browseProtocolClass(self, e=None): tp = ProtocolClassTreeProvider(self.param.protocolClassName.get()) dlg = ListDialog(self.parent, "Select protocol", tp, selectmode=self._selectmode) if dlg.value is not None: self.set(dlg.value) self._openProtocolForm() def _browsePath(self, e=None): def onSelect(obj): self.set(obj.getPath()) v = self.get().strip() path = None if v: v = os.path.dirname(v) if os.path.exists(v): path = v if not path: path = pwutils.getHomePath() browser = FileBrowserWindow("Browsing", self.window, path=path, onSelect=onSelect) def _openProtocolForm(self, e=None): className = self.get().strip() if len(className): instanceName = self.paramName + "Instance" protocol = self._protocol # TODO: check if is present and is selected a different # class, so we need to delete that and create a new instance if not hasattr(protocol, instanceName): cls = pw.Config.getDomain().findClass(className) protocol._insertChild(instanceName, cls()) prot = getattr(protocol, instanceName) prot.allowHeader.set(False) f = FormWindow("Sub-Protocol: " + instanceName, prot, self._protocolFormCallback, self.window, childMode=True) else: self._showInfo("Select the protocol class first") def _protocolFormCallback(self, e=None): pass def _onVarChanged(self, *args): if self.callback is not None: self.callback(self.paramName)
[docs] def show(self): """Grid the label and content in the specified row""" c = self.column if self._onlyLabel: # Use two columns for this case since we are only displaying a label self.label.grid(row=self.row, column=c, sticky=self._labelSticky, padx=self._padx, pady=self._pady, columnspan=2) else: self.label.grid(row=self.row, column=c, sticky=self._labelSticky, padx=self._padx, pady=self._pady) # Note: for params without label: 1st param in a line param, # label usually but take space and pushes the content, avoid # this by using it's column offset = 1 if not self._getParamLabel() else 0 self.content.grid(row=self.row, column=c + 1 - offset, columnspan=1 + offset, sticky='news', padx=self._padx, pady=self._pady) if self.btnFrame: self.btnFrame.grid(row=self.row, column=c + 2, padx=self._padx, pady=self._pady, sticky='nsew')
[docs] def hide(self): self.label.grid_remove() self.content.grid_remove() if self.btnFrame: self.btnFrame.grid_remove()
[docs] def display(self, condition): """ show or hide depending on the condition. """ if condition: else: self.hide()
[docs] def set(self, value): if value is not None: self.var.set(value) if hasattr(self, '_entryPath'): self._entryPath.xview_moveto(1)
[docs] def get(self): return self.var.get()
[docs]class LineWidget(ParamWidget): def __init__(self, row, paramName, param, window, parent, value, callback=None, visualizeCallback=None, column=0, showButtons=True): ParamWidget.__init__(self, row, paramName, param, window, parent, None)
[docs] def show(self): self.label.grid(row=self.row, column=0, sticky=self._labelSticky, padx=2) self.content.grid(row=self.row, column=1, sticky='new', columnspan=1, padx=2) if self.btnFrame: self.btnFrame.grid(row=self.row, column=2, padx=2, sticky='new')
[docs]class GroupWidget(ParamWidget): def __init__(self, row, paramName, param, window, parent): ParamWidget.__init__(self, row, paramName, param, window, parent, None) def _initialize(self, showButtons): pass def _createLabel(self): pass def _createContent(self): self.content = tk.LabelFrame(self.parent, text=self.param.getLabel(), bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) gui.configureWeigths(self.content, column=1)
[docs] def show(self): self.content.grid(row=self.row, column=0, sticky='news', columnspan=6, padx=5, pady=5)
[docs] def hide(self): self.content.grid_remove()
[docs]class Binding: def __init__(self, paramName, var, protocol, *callbacks): self.paramName = paramName self.var = var self.var.set(protocol.getAttributeValue(paramName, '')) self.var.trace('w', self._onVarChanged) self.callbacks = callbacks def _onVarChanged(self, *args): for cb in self.callbacks: cb(self.paramName)
[docs]class FormWindow(Window): """ This class will create the Protocol params GUI to fill in the parameters. The creation of input parameters will be based on the Protocol Form definition. This class will serve as a connection between the GUI variables (tk vars) and the Protocol variables. Layout: There are 4 main blocks that goes each one in a different row1. 1. Header: will contain the logo, title and some link buttons. 2. Common: common execution parameters of each run. 3. Params: the expert level and tabs with the Protocol parameters. 4. Buttons: buttons at bottom for close, save and execute. """ def __init__(self, title, protocol, callback, master=None, position=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor of the Form window. Params: title: title string of the windows. protocol: protocol from which the form will be generated. callback: callback function to call when Save or Execute are press. """ if position: title = title + " at %s,%s" % position Window.__init__(self, title, master, icon=pwutils.Icon.SCIPION_ICON_PROT, weight=False, minsize=(600, 450), **kwargs) # Some initialization self.callback = callback self.widgetDict = {} # Store tkVars associated with params self.visualizeDict = kwargs.get('visualizeDict', {}) self.disableRunMode = kwargs.get('disableRunMode', False) self.bindings = [] self.protocol = protocol self.position = position # This control when to close or not after execute self.visualizeMode = kwargs.get('visualizeMode', False) self.headerBgColor = pw.Config.SCIPION_MAIN_COLOR if self.visualizeMode: self.headerBgColor = pwutils.Color.ALT_COLOR_DARK # Allow to open child protocols form (for workflows) self.childMode = kwargs.get('childMode', False) self.updateProtocolCallback = kwargs.get('updateProtocolCallback', None) domain = pw.Config.getDomain() self.wizards = domain.findWizards(protocol, DESKTOP_TKINTER) # Call legacy for compatibility on protocol protocol.legacyCheck() self._createGUI() def _createGUI(self): mainFrame = tk.Frame(self.root, name="main") configureWeigths(mainFrame, row=2) self.root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # "Protocol: XXXXX - Cite Help headerFrame = self._createHeader(mainFrame) headerFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='new') if self.protocol.allowHeader: # Run Section with common attributes (parallel,...) commonFrame = self._createCommon(mainFrame) commonFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='new') if self._isLegacyProtocol(): paramsFrame = self._createLegacyInfo(mainFrame) else: paramsFrame = self._createParams(mainFrame) paramsFrame.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='news') buttonsFrame = self._createButtons(mainFrame) buttonsFrame.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='se') mainFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news') def _createHeader(self, parent): """ Fill the header frame with the logo, title and cite-help buttons.""" headerFrame = tk.Frame(parent, name="header") headerFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) prot = self.protocol # shortcut package = prot.getClassPackage() # Consider legacy protocols if self._isLegacyProtocol(): t = (' Missing protocol: %s' % (Mapper.getObjectPersistingClassName(prot))) else: t = ' %s' % (prot.getClassLabel()) logoPath = prot.getPluginLogoPath() or getattr(package, '_logo', '') if logoPath and os.path.exists(logoPath): # Tolerate error loading icons try: img = self.getImage(logoPath, maxheight=40) except Exception as e: print("Can't load plugin icon (%s): %s" % (logoPath, e)) img = None headerLabel = tk.Label(headerFrame, text=t, font=self.fontBig, image=img, compound=tk.LEFT) else: headerLabel = tk.Label(headerFrame, text=t, font=self.fontBig) headerLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=(5, 0), sticky='nw') # Add status label status = prot.status.get() # For viewers and new protocols (status less object): skip this if status is not None: color = getStatusColorFromRun(prot) stLabel = tk.Label(headerFrame, text=status, background=color) stLabel.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='e') def _addButton(text, icon, command, col): btn = tk.Label(headerFrame, text=text, image=self.getImage(icon), compound=tk.LEFT, cursor='hand2', name=text.lower()) btn.bind('<Button-1>', command) btn.grid(row=0, column=col, padx=5, sticky='e') _addButton(pwutils.Message.LABEL_CITE, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_REFERENCES, self._showReferences, 2) _addButton(pwutils.Message.LABEL_HELP, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_HELP, self._showHelp, 3) return headerFrame def _showReferences(self, e=None): """ Show the list of references of the protocol. """ self.showInfo('\n'.join(self.protocol.citations()), "References") def _showHelp(self, e=None): """ Show the protocol help. """ prot = self.protocol text = prot.getHelpText() # Add protocol url url = prot.getUrl() # If not empty... if url: text += "\nDocumentation or forum url for this protocol:\n" + url self.showInfo(text, "Help") def _createParallel(self, runFrame, r): """ Create the section for MPI, threads and GPU. """ # Legacy protocols retrieved from the DB may not have this param # and legacy mode will fail. Thus the try block try: # some short notation prot = self.protocol # shortcut notation allowThreads = prot.allowThreads # short notation allowMpi = prot.allowMpi # short notation allowGpu = prot.allowsGpu() numberOfMpi = prot.numberOfMpi.get() numberOfThreads = prot.numberOfThreads.get() mode = prot.stepsExecutionMode if not (allowThreads or allowMpi or allowGpu): return self._createHeaderLabel(runFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_PARALLEL, bold=True, sticky='e', row=r, pady=0) if allowThreads or allowMpi: procFrame = tk.Frame(runFrame, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) r2 = 0 c2 = 0 sticky = 'e' helpMessage = pwutils.Message.HELP_PARALLEL_HEADER if mode == pwprot.STEPS_PARALLEL: if allowThreads and numberOfThreads > 0: prot.numberOfMpi.set(1) self._createHeaderLabel(procFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_SCIPION_THREADS, sticky=sticky, row=r2, column=c2, pady=0) entry = self._createBoundEntry(procFrame, pwutils.Message.VAR_THREADS) helpMessage += pwutils.Message.HELP_SCIPION_THREADS entry.grid(row=r2, column=c2 + 1, padx=(0, 5), sticky='w') elif allowMpi and numberOfMpi > 1: self.showError("MPI parameter is deprecated for protocols " "with execution is set to STEPS_PARALLEL. " "Please use threads instead.") else: self.showError("If protocol execution is set to " "STEPS_PARALLEL number of threads " "should not be set to zero.") else: # ---- THREADS---- if allowThreads: self._createHeaderLabel(procFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_THREADS, sticky=sticky, row=r2, column=c2, pady=0) entry = self._createBoundEntry(procFrame, pwutils.Message.VAR_THREADS) entry.grid(row=r2, column=c2 + 1, padx=(0, 5), sticky='w') # Modify values to be used in MPI entry c2 += 2 sticky = 'w' helpMessage += pwutils.Message.HELP_PARALLEL_THREADS # ---- MPI ---- if allowMpi: self._createHeaderLabel(procFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_MPI, sticky=sticky, row=r2, column=c2, pady=0) entry = self._createBoundEntry(procFrame, pwutils.Message.VAR_MPI) entry.grid(row=r2, column=c2 + 1, padx=(0, 5), sticky='w') helpMessage += pwutils.Message.HELP_PARALLEL_MPI btnHelp = IconButton(procFrame, pwutils.Message.TITLE_COMMENT, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_HELP, highlightthickness=0, command=self._createHelpCommand( helpMessage)) btnHelp.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=(5, 0), pady=2, sticky='e') procFrame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=60) procFrame.grid(row=r, column=1, sticky='ew', columnspan=2) r += 1 if allowGpu: self._createHeaderLabel(runFrame, "GPU IDs", bold=True, sticky='e', row=r, column=0, pady=0) gpuFrame = tk.Frame(runFrame, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) gpuFrame.grid(row=r, column=1, sticky='ew', columnspan=2) self.useGpuVar = tk.IntVar() # For protocols that require GPU, there is not the option to choose if not prot.requiresGpu(): self.useGpuVar.set(int(prot.useGpu.get())) for i, opt in enumerate(['Yes', 'No']): rb = tk.Radiobutton(gpuFrame, text=opt, variable=self.useGpuVar, value=1 - i, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, highlightthickness=0) rb.grid(row=0, column=i, sticky='w', padx=(0, 5), pady=5) self.gpuListVar = tk.StringVar() self.gpuListVar.set(prot.getAttributeValue(pwprot.GPU_LIST, '')) gpuEntry = tk.Entry(gpuFrame, width=9, font=self.font, textvariable=self.gpuListVar) gpuEntry.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='w', padx=(0, 5), pady=(0, 5)) # Legacy protocols retrieved from the DB will not have this param # and legacy mode will fail. try added at the top. gpuListParam = prot.getParam(pwprot.GPU_LIST) btnHelp = IconButton(gpuFrame, pwutils.Message.TITLE_COMMENT, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_HELP, highlightthickness=0, command=self._createHelpCommand( gpuListParam.getHelp())) btnHelp.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=(5, 0), pady=2, sticky='e') # Trace changes in GPU related widgets to store values in protocol self.useGpuVar.trace('w', self._setGpu) self.gpuListVar.trace('w', self._setGpu) except Exception as e: print("Parallel section couldn't be created. %s" % e) def _createCommon(self, parent): """ Create the second section with some common parameters. """ commonFrame = tk.Frame(parent, name="commonparams") configureWeigths(commonFrame) # ---------- Run section --------- runSection = SectionFrame(commonFrame, label=pwutils.Message.TITLE_RUN, headerBgColor=self.headerBgColor, name="runsection") runFrame = tk.Frame(runSection.contentFrame, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, name="runframe") runFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='new') r = 0 # Run name self._createHeaderLabel(runFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_RUNNAME, bold=True, sticky='ne') self.runNameVar = tk.StringVar() entry = tk.Label(runFrame, font=self.font, width=25, textvariable=self.runNameVar, anchor="w") entry.grid(row=r, column=1, padx=(0, 5), pady=5, sticky='ew') btn = IconButton(runFrame, pwutils.Message.TITLE_COMMENT, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_EDIT, highlightthickness=0, command=self._editObjParams) btn.grid(row=r, column=2, padx=(5, 0), pady=5, sticky='w') c = 3 # Comment self._createHeaderLabel(runFrame, pwutils.Message.TITLE_COMMENT, sticky='e', column=c) self.commentVar = tk.StringVar() entry = tk.Label(runFrame, font=self.font, width=25, textvariable=self.commentVar, anchor="w") entry.grid(row=r, column=c + 1, pady=5, sticky='ew') btn = IconButton(runFrame, pwutils.Message.TITLE_COMMENT, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_EDIT, highlightthickness=0, command=self._editObjParams) btn.grid(row=r, column=c + 2, padx=(5, 0), pady=5, sticky='w') self.updateLabelAndCommentVars() r = 1 # Run mode modeFrame = tk.Frame(runFrame, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) if not self.disableRunMode: self._createHeaderLabel(runFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_EXECUTION, bold=True, sticky='e', row=r, pady=0) runMode = self._createBoundOptions(modeFrame, pwutils.Message.VAR_RUN_MODE, pwprot.MODE_CHOICES, self.protocol.runMode.get(), self._onRunModeChanged, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, font=self.font) runMode.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='e', padx=(0, 5), pady=5) btnHelp = IconButton(modeFrame, pwutils.Message.TITLE_COMMENT, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_HELP, highlightthickness=0, command=self._createHelpCommand(pwutils.Message.HELP_RUNMODE)) btnHelp.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=(5, 0), pady=2, sticky='e') modeFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) modeFrame.grid(row=r, column=1, sticky='w', columnspan=2) # Queue self._createHeaderLabel(runFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_QUEUE, row=r, sticky='e', column=c) var, frame = ParamWidget.createBoolWidget(runFrame, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, font=self.font) btn = IconButton(frame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_BUTTON_WIZ, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_EDIT, highlightthickness=0, command=self._editQueueParams, tooltip="Edit queue parameters") btn.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='nes', padx=1, pady=4) frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self._addVarBinding(pwutils.Message.VAR_QUEUE, var) frame.grid(row=r, column=c + 1, pady=5, sticky='ew') btnHelp = IconButton(runFrame, pwutils.Message.TITLE_COMMENT, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_HELP, highlightthickness=0, command=self._createHelpCommand(pwutils.Message.HELP_USEQUEUE % (pw.Config.SCIPION_HOSTS, pw.DOCSITEURLS.HOST_CONFIG))) btnHelp.grid(row=r, column=c + 2, padx=(5, 0), pady=5, sticky='w') r = 2 # Parallel and Wait for other protocols (SCHEDULE) self._createParallel(runFrame, r) self._createHeaderLabel(runFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_WAIT_FOR, row=r, sticky='e', column=c, padx=(15, 5), pady=0) self.waitForVar = tk.StringVar() self.waitForVar.set(', '.join(self.protocol.getPrerequisites())) entryWf = tk.Entry(runFrame, font=self.font, width=25, textvariable=self.waitForVar) entryWf.grid(row=r, column=c + 1, padx=(0, 5), pady=5, sticky='ew') self.waitForVar.trace('w', self._setWaitFor) btnHelp = IconButton(runFrame, pwutils.Message.TITLE_COMMENT, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_HELP, highlightthickness=0, command=self._createHelpCommand(pwutils.Message.HELP_WAIT_FOR % pw.DOCSITEURLS.WAIT_FOR)) btnHelp.grid(row=r, column=c + 2, padx=(5, 0), pady=2, sticky='e') # Run Name not editable # entry.configure(state='readonly') # Run mode # self._createHeaderLabel(runFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_RUNMODE).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='ne', padx=5, pady=5) # runSection.addContent() runSection.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) return commonFrame def _createHelpCommand(self, msg): """ Show the help of some value of the header. """ return lambda: showInfo("Help", msg, self.root) def _editObjParams(self, e=None): """ Show a Text area to edit the protocol label and comment. """ self.updateProtocolLabel() d = EditObjectDialog(self.root, pwutils.Message.TITLE_EDIT_OBJECT, self.protocol, self.protocol.mapper, labelText=pwutils.Message.LABEL_RUNNAME) if d.resultYes(): self.updateLabelAndCommentVars() if self.updateProtocolCallback: self.updateProtocolCallback(self.protocol) def _getHostConfig(self): """ Retrieve the hostConfig object for the select hostname""" return self.protocol.getProject().getHostConfig(self.protocol.getHostName()) def _editQueueParams(self, e=None): """ Open the dialog to edit the queue parameters. """ # Grab the host config from the project, since it # have not been set in the protocol hostConfig = self._getHostConfig() queues = hostConfig.queueSystem.queues if not queues: self.showError("No queues configured!") return False else: queues = OrderedDict(sorted(queues.items())) # If there is only one Queue and it has no parameters # don't bother to showing the QueueDialog noQueueChoices = len(queues) == 1 and len(list(queues.values())[0]) == 0 if noQueueChoices: result = list(queues.keys())[0], {} else: dlg = QueueDialog(self, queues) if not dlg.resultYes(): return False result = dlg.value self.protocol.setQueueParams(result) self.protocol.queueShown = True return True def _createParams(self, parent): paramsFrame = tk.Frame(parent, name="params") configureWeigths(paramsFrame, row=1, column=0) # Expert level (only if the protocol has some param with expert level) if self.protocol.hasExpert(): expFrame = tk.Frame(paramsFrame, name="expert") expLabel = tk.Label(expFrame, text=pwutils.Message.LABEL_EXPERT, font=self.fontBold) expLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nw', padx=5) expCombo = self._createBoundOptions(expFrame, pwutils.Message.VAR_EXPERT, pwprot.LEVEL_CHOICES, self.protocol.expertLevel.get(), self._onExpertLevelChanged, font=self.font) expCombo.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw', pady=5) expFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nw') contentFrame = self._createSections(paramsFrame) contentFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='news') return paramsFrame def _isLegacyProtocol(self): return isinstance(self.protocol, pwprot.LegacyProtocol) def _createLegacyInfo(self, parent): frame = tk.Frame(parent, name="legacy") t = tk.Label(frame, text="This protocol is missing in this installation. " "\nThis could be because you are opening an old " "project and some of \nthe executed protocols do " "not exist anymore and were deprecated" ",\n or because your scipion installation requires a " "plugin where this protocol can be found.\n\n" "If you are a developer, it could be the case that " "you have changed \nto another branch where the " "protocol does not exist.\n\n" "Anyway, you can still inspect the parameters by " "opening the DB from the toolbar activating the Debug mode." ) t.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5) return frame def _createSections(self, parent): """Create section widgets""" r = 0 sectionsFrame = tk.Frame(parent) configureWeigths(sectionsFrame) tab = ttk.Notebook(sectionsFrame) tab.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) self._sections = [] for section in self.protocol.iterDefinitionSections(): label = section.getLabel() if label != 'General' and label != 'Parallelization': frame = SectionWidget(self, tab, section, height=150, callback=self._checkChanges, headerBgColor=self.headerBgColor) tab.add(frame, text=section.getLabel()) frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=400) self._fillSection(section, frame) self._sections.append(frame) r += 1 self._checkAllChanges() return sectionsFrame def _createButtons(self, parent): """ Create the bottom buttons: Close, Save and Execute. """ btnFrame = tk.Frame(parent) btnClose = self.createCloseButton(btnFrame) btnClose.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='se') # Save button is not added in VISUALIZE or CHILD modes # Neither in the case of a LegacyProtocol if (not self.visualizeMode and not self.childMode and not self._isLegacyProtocol()): # Check editable or not: btnState = tk.DISABLED if (self.protocol.isActive() and not self.protocol.isInteractive()) \ else tk.NORMAL btnSaveState = tk.DISABLED if (btnState == tk.DISABLED or self.protocol.getOutputsSize()) \ else tk.NORMAL self.btnSave = Button(btnFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_BUTTON_RETURN, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_SAVE,, state=btnSaveState) self.btnSave.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='se') self.btnExecute = HotButton(btnFrame, pwutils.Message.LABEL_BUTTON_EXEC, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_EXECUTE, command=self.execute, state=btnState) self.btnExecute.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=(5, 28), pady=5, sticky='se') self._onPointerChanged() return btnFrame def _addVarBinding(self, paramName, var, func=None, *callbacks): if func is None: func = self.setParamFromVar binding = Binding(paramName, var, self.protocol, func, *callbacks) self.widgetDict[paramName] = var self.bindings.append(binding) def _createBoundEntry(self, parent, paramName, width=5, func=None, value=None, **kwargs): var = tk.StringVar() setattr(self, paramName + 'Var', var) self._addVarBinding(paramName, var, func) if value is not None: var.set(value) return tk.Entry(parent, font=self.font, width=width, textvariable=var, **kwargs) def _createEnumBinding(self, paramName, choices, value=None, *callbacks): param = pwprot.EnumParam(choices=choices) var = ComboVar(param) if value is not None: var.set(value) self._addVarBinding(paramName, var, None, *callbacks) return param, var def _createBoundOptions(self, parent, paramName, choices, value, *callbacks, **kwargs): param, var = self._createEnumBinding(paramName, choices, value, *callbacks) rbArgs = {} frameArgs = dict(kwargs) if 'bg' in kwargs: rbArgs['bg'] = kwargs['bg'] if 'font' in kwargs: rbArgs['font'] = kwargs['font'] del frameArgs['font'] frame = tk.Frame(parent, **frameArgs) for i, opt in enumerate(param.choices): rb = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text=opt, variable=var.tkVar, value=opt, highlightthickness=0, **rbArgs) rb.grid(row=0, column=i, sticky='nw', padx=(0, 5)) return frame def _createHeaderLabel(self, parent, text, bold=False, **gridArgs): font = self.font if bold: font = self.fontBold label = tk.Label(parent, text=text, font=font, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) if gridArgs: gridDefaults = {'row': 0, 'column': 0, 'padx': 5, 'pady': 5} gridDefaults.update(gridArgs) label.grid(**gridDefaults) return label
[docs] def resize(self, frame): self.root.update_idletasks() MaxHeight = 1200 MaxWidth = 1600 rh = frame.winfo_reqheight() rw = frame.winfo_reqwidth() height = min(rh + 100, MaxHeight) width = min(rw, MaxWidth) x = self.root.winfo_x() y = self.root.winfo_y() self.root.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (width, height, x, y)) return width, height
[docs] def adjustSize(self): self.resize(self.root)
[docs] def save(self, e=None): self._close(onlySave=True)
[docs] def schedule(self): if self.protocol.useQueue(): if not self._getQueueReady(): return self._close(doSchedule=True)
def _getQueueReady(self): """ Check if queue is active, if so ask for params if missing""" if self.protocol.hasQueueParams() and self.protocol.queueShown: return True else: return self._editQueueParams()
[docs] def execute(self, e=None): if self.protocol.useQueue(): if not self._getQueueReady(): return else: # use queue = No hostConfig = self._getHostConfig() cores = self.protocol.numberOfMpi.get(1) * self.protocol.numberOfThreads.get(1) mandatory = hostConfig.queueSystem.getMandatory() if mandatory and cores >= mandatory: self.showWarning("You need to submit the job to queue since you \n" "are requesting a total of *%d* cores (MPI * threads)\n\n" "*Note*: Your system is configured with MANDATORY = %d.\n" " This value can be changed in Scipion/config/hosts.conf" % (cores, mandatory)) return errors = [] resultAction = RESULT_RUN_SINGLE mode = MODE_RESTART if self.protocol.getRunMode() == MODE_RESTART else MODE_RESUME # we only take into account the protocols that are already part of the workflow if not self.protocol.isNew(): from pyworkflow.gui.project.viewprotocols import ProtocolsView errors, resultAction = ProtocolsView._launchSubWorkflow(self.protocol, mode, self.root, askSingleAll=True) if errors: self.showInfo(errors) return if resultAction == RESULT_CANCEL: return elif resultAction == RESULT_RUN_ALL: if errors: self.showInfo(errors) self.close() return # This code will happen when protocol is executed alone errors += self.protocol.validate() if errors: self.showInfo(errors) else: warns = self.protocol.warnings() if warns and not self.askYesNo("There are some warnings", '\n'.join(warns + ['\nDo you want to continue?'])): return self._close()
def _close(self, onlySave=False, doSchedule=False): try: # Set the protocol label self.updateProtocolLabel() # Clear parameters that are pointers and do not match the condition # to avoid ghost inputs self._checkAllChanges(toggleWidgetVisibility=False) message = self.callback(self.protocol, onlySave, doSchedule, position=self.position) if not self.visualizeMode: if len(message): self.showInfo(message, "Protocol action") if not onlySave: self.close() except ModificationNotAllowedException as ex: self.showInfo("Modification not allowed.\n\n %s\n" % ex) except Exception as ex: action = "EXECUTE" if onlySave: action = "SAVE" self.showError("Error during %s: \n%s" % (action, ex), exception=ex)
[docs] def getWidgetValue(self, protVar, param): widgetValue = "" if (isinstance(param, pwprot.PointerParam) or isinstance(param, pwprot.MultiPointerParam) or isinstance(param, pwprot.RelationParam)): widgetValue = protVar # For Scalar params that allowPointers elif param.allowsPointers: if protVar.hasPointer(): # Get the pointer widgetValue = protVar.getPointer() else: widgetValue = protVar.get() else: widgetValue = protVar.get(param.default.get()) return widgetValue
def _visualize(self, paramName): protVar = getattr(self.protocol, paramName) if protVar.hasValue(): obj = protVar.get() # Get the reference to the object viewers = pw.Config.getDomain().findViewers(obj.getClassName(), DESKTOP_TKINTER) if len(viewers): ViewerClass = viewers[0] # Use the first viewer registered v = ViewerClass(project=self.protocol.getProject(), protocol=self.protocol, parent=self) v.visualize(obj) # Instantiate the viewer and visualize object else: self.showInfo("There is no viewer registered for this object") else: self.showInfo("Select the object before visualize") def _fillSection(self, sectionParam, sectionWidget): parent = sectionWidget.contentFrame r = 0 for paramName, param in sectionParam.iterParams(): if isinstance(param, pwprot.Group): widget = GroupWidget(r, paramName, param, self, parent) self._fillGroup(param, widget) elif isinstance(param, pwprot.Line): widget = LineWidget(r, paramName, param, self, parent, None) self._fillLine(param, widget) else: protVar = getattr(self.protocol, paramName, None) if protVar is None: raise Exception("_fillSection: param '%s' not found in protocol" % paramName) if sectionParam.getQuestionName() == paramName: widget = sectionWidget if not protVar: widget.hide() # Show only if question var is True else: if isinstance(param, pwprot.PointerParam): visualizeCallback = self._visualize # Add visualize icon for pointer params else: visualizeCallback = self.visualizeDict.get(paramName, None) widget = ParamWidget(r, paramName, param, self, parent, value=self.getWidgetValue(protVar, param), callback=self._checkChanges, visualizeCallback=visualizeCallback) # Show always, conditions will be checked later r += 1 self.widgetDict[paramName] = widget # Ensure width and height needed w, h = parent.winfo_reqwidth(), parent.winfo_reqheight() sectionWidget.columnconfigure(0, minsize=w) sectionWidget.rowconfigure(0, minsize=h) def _fillGroup(self, groupParam, groupWidget): parent = groupWidget.content r = 0 for paramName, param in groupParam.iterParams(): if isinstance(param, pwprot.Line): widget = LineWidget(r, paramName, param, self, parent, None) self._fillLine(param, widget) else: protVar = getattr(self.protocol, paramName, None) if protVar is None: raise Exception("_fillSection: param '%s' not found in protocol" % paramName) if isinstance(param, pwprot.PointerParam): visualizeCallback = self._visualize # Add visualize icon for pointer params else: visualizeCallback = self.visualizeDict.get(paramName, None) widget = ParamWidget(r, paramName, param, self, parent, value=self.getWidgetValue(protVar, param), callback=self._checkChanges, visualizeCallback=visualizeCallback) # Show always, conditions will be checked later r += 1 self.widgetDict[paramName] = widget def _fillLine(self, groupParam, groupWidget): parent = groupWidget.content c = 0 for paramName, param in groupParam.iterParams(): protVar = getattr(self.protocol, paramName, None) if protVar is None: raise Exception("_fillSection: param '%s' not found in protocol" % paramName) if isinstance(param, pwprot.PointerParam): visualizeCallback = self._visualize # Add visualize icon for pointer params else: visualizeCallback = self.visualizeDict.get(paramName, None) widget = ParamWidget(0, paramName, param, self, parent, value=self.getWidgetValue(protVar, param), callback=self._checkChanges, visualizeCallback=visualizeCallback, column=c, showButtons=False) # Show always, conditions will be checked later c += 2 self.widgetDict[paramName] = widget def _checkCondition(self, paramName, toggleWidgetVisibility=True): """Check if the condition of a param is satisfied hide or show it depending on the result""" widget = self.widgetDict.get(paramName, None) if isinstance(widget, ParamWidget): # Special vars like MPI, threads or runName are not real widgets if isinstance(widget, LineWidget) or isinstance(widget, GroupWidget): param = widget.param else: param = self.protocol.getParam(paramName) showLevel = self.protocol.evalParamExpertLevel(param) showCondition = self.protocol.evalParamCondition(paramName) show = showCondition and showLevel if toggleWidgetVisibility: widget.display(show) else: # If condition is false and param is a pointer, or Multipointer ... if (not showCondition) and isinstance(param, pwprot.PointerParam): widget.clear() def _checkChanges(self, paramName): """Check the conditions of all params affected by this param""" self.setParamFromVar(paramName) param = self.protocol.getParam(paramName) for d in param._dependants: self._checkCondition(d) self.adjustSections() def _checkAllChanges(self, toggleWidgetVisibility=True): for paramName in self.widgetDict: self._checkCondition(paramName, toggleWidgetVisibility=toggleWidgetVisibility) def _onExpertLevelChanged(self, *args): self._checkAllChanges() self.root.update_idletasks() self.adjustSections()
[docs] def adjustSections(self): for s in self._sections: s.adjustContent()
def _setGpu(self, *args): prot = self.protocol # shortcut notation if not prot.requiresGpu(): # Only set this if gpu is optional prot.useGpu.set(self.useGpuVar.get()) prot.gpuList.set(self.gpuListVar.get()) def _setWaitFor(self, *args): l1 = self.waitForVar.get().split(',') idList = [] for p1 in l1: idList.extend([p2.strip() for p2 in p1.split(' ') if p2]) try: idIntList = map(int, idList) self.protocol.setPrerequisites(*idIntList) except Exception as ex: pass def _setHostName(self, *args): self.protocol.setHostName(self.hostVar.get()) def _onRunModeChanged(self, paramName): self.setParamFromVar(paramName)
[docs] def getVarValue(self, varName): """This method should retrieve a value from """ pass
[docs] def setVar(self, paramName, value): var = self.widgetDict[paramName] var.set(value)
[docs] def setVarFromParam(self, paramName): var = self.widgetDict[paramName] param = getattr(self.protocol, paramName, None) if param is not None: # Special treatment to pointer params if isinstance(param, pwobj.Pointer): var.set(param) else: var.set(param.get(''))
[docs] def setParamFromVar(self, paramName): param = getattr(self.protocol, paramName, None) if param is not None: widget = self.widgetDict[paramName] try: value = widget.get() # Special treatment for pointer params if isinstance(param, pwobj.Pointer): param.copy(value) # Special treatment for Scalars that allow pointers # Combo widgets do not have .param! elif hasattr(widget, "param") and widget.param.allowsPointers: if isinstance(value, pwobj.Pointer): # Copy the pointer, otherwise changes in the # widget pointer will be reflected pointerCopy = pwobj.Pointer() pointerCopy.copy(value) param.setPointer(pointerCopy) else: param.setPointer(None) param.set(value) elif isinstance(param, pwobj.Object): param.set(value) except ValueError: if len(value): print(">>> ERROR: setting param for: ", paramName, "value: '%s'" % value) param.set(None)
[docs] def updateLabelAndCommentVars(self): """ Read the label and comment first line to update the entry boxes in the form. """ self.runNameVar.set(self.protocol.getObjLabel()) # Get only the first comment line comment = self.protocol.getObjComment() if comment: lines = comment.split('\n') if lines: comment = lines[0] self.commentVar.set(comment)
[docs] def updateProtocolLabel(self): self.protocol.setObjLabel(self.runNameVar.get())
[docs] def updateProtocolParams(self): """ This method is only used from WEB, since in Tk all params are updated when they are changed. """ for paramName, _ in self.protocol.iterDefinitionAttributes(): self.setParamFromVar(paramName)
def _onPointerChanged(self, *args): btnExecute = getattr(self, 'btnExecute', None) # This event can be fired even before the button is created if btnExecute is None: return btnState = tk.DISABLED if (self.protocol.isActive() and not self.protocol.isInteractive()) else tk.NORMAL emptyInput, openSetPointer, emptyPointers = self.protocol.getInputStatus() if emptyInput: btnState = tk.DISABLED if openSetPointer or emptyPointers: btnText = 'Schedule' cmd = self.schedule else: btnText = pwutils.Message.LABEL_BUTTON_EXEC cmd = self.execute btnExecute.config(text=btnText, command=cmd, state=btnState)
[docs] def takeScreenShot(self): """ Method to take a screenshot of itself. The idea is to, in the future, take a screenshot and collect parameter to either create a page of the protocol in rst or send it to the Scipion site and have there one page per protocol. For now this is not used.""" from PIL import ImageGrab x,y, width, height = (self.root.winfo_x(), self.root.winfo_y(), self.root.winfo_width(), self.root.winfo_height()) ss_region = (x,y,x+width, y+height) ss_img = ImageGrab.grab(ss_region)"/tmp/form.png")
[docs]def editObject(self, title, root, obj, mapper): """ Show a Text area to edit the protocol label and comment. """ return EditObjectDialog(root, title, obj, mapper)
[docs]class QueueDialog(Dialog): """ Dialog to entry the queue parameters. """ def __init__(self, window, queueDict): self.value = None self.widgets = [] # widget list self.vars = [] self.queueDict = queueDict self.window = window self.queueName, queueParams = window.protocol.getQueueParams() # If there is only one queue and not one selected, use the first one if not self.queueName and len(queueDict.keys()) == 1: self.queueName = list(queueDict.keys())[0] queueParams = {} # Store all selected queue parameters to # preserve values when temporarily changed # from one queue to another self.allQueueParams = {self.queueName: queueParams} Dialog.__init__(self, window.root, "Queue parameters")
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): bodyFrame.config(bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) self.content = tk.Frame(bodyFrame, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) self.content.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=20, pady=20) label = tk.Label(self.content, text='Submit to queue', font=self.window.fontBold, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ne', padx=5, pady=5) self.queueVar = tk.StringVar() self.queueVar.trace('w', self._onQueueChanged) combo = ttk.Combobox(self.content, textvariable=self.queueVar, state='readonly', width=14) combo.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw', padx=5, pady=5) queueKeys = list(self.queueDict.keys()) combo['values'] = queueKeys self.queueVar.set(self.queueName) # This will trigger queue params setup self.initial_focus = combo
def _onQueueChanged(self, *args): for w in self.widgets: w.destroy() selected = self.queueVar.get() if selected != self.queueName: # Store previous selection _, previousParams = self._getSelectedParams(self.queueName) self.allQueueParams[self.queueName] = previousParams self.queueName = selected # Load default params from the queues params = self.queueDict.get(selected, {}) # Load previous selected params selectedParams = self.allQueueParams.get(selected, {}) self.widgets = [] # clear the widget list self.vars = [] r = 1 # starting row to place params for p in params: if len(p) == 3: # No help provided name, value, label = p helpMsg = None elif len(p) == 4: name, value, label, helpMsg = p else: raise Exception('Incorrect number of params for %s, expected 3 or 4' % p[0]) label = tk.Label(self.content, text=label, bg=pw.Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) label.grid(row=r, column=0, sticky='ne', padx=5, pady=(0, 5)) var = tk.StringVar() # Set the value coming in the protocol var.set(selectedParams.get(name, value)) entry = tk.Entry(self.content, textvariable=var, width=15) entry.grid(row=r, column=1, sticky='nw', padx=5, pady=(0, 5)) if helpMsg: def addHelpButton(name, helpMsg): def showHelp(): showInfo("Help", helpMsg, self) btn = IconButton(self.content, pwutils.Message.LABEL_BUTTON_HELP, pwutils.Icon.ACTION_HELP, command=showHelp) btn.grid(row=r, column=2, sticky='ne', padx=5, pady=(0, 5)) self.widgets.append(btn) addHelpButton(name, helpMsg) self.vars.append(var) self.widgets.append(label) self.widgets.append(entry) r += 1 def _getSelectedParams(self, selected): if selected in self.queueDict: paramsDict = {} params = self.queueDict[selected] for p, v in zip(params, self.vars): if len(p) == 3: name, value, label = p else: name, value, label, _ = p paramsDict[name] = v.get() # get the value from the corresponding tk var return selected, paramsDict return '', {}
[docs] def apply(self): # Set as value the queue selected and a dictionary # with the values of each parameter selected = self.queueVar.get() self.value = self._getSelectedParams(selected)
[docs] def validate(self): return True