Source code for pyworkflow.gui.dialog

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *              Jose Gutierrez (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
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# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# **************************************************************************
Module to handling Dialogs
some code was taken from tkSimpleDialog
import tkinter as tk
import traceback
from tkcolorpicker import askcolor as _askColor
from pyworkflow import Config
from pyworkflow.exceptions import PyworkflowException
from pyworkflow.utils import Message, Icon, Color
from . import gui, Window, widgets, configureWeigths, LIST_TREEVIEW, defineStyle, ToolTip
from .tree import BoundTree, Tree
from .text import Text, TaggedText

# Possible result values for a Dialog
from .. import TK


[docs]class Dialog(tk.Toplevel): _images = {} # Images cache """Implementation of our own dialog to display messages It will have by default a three buttons: YES, NO and CANCEL Subclasses can rename the labels of the buttons like: OK, CLOSE or others The buttons(and theirs order) can be changed. An image name can be passed to display left to the message. """ def __init__(self, parent, title, lockGui=True, **kwargs): """Initialize a dialog. Arguments: parent -- a parent window (the application window) title -- the dialog title **args accepts: buttons -- list of buttons tuples containing which buttons to display """ if parent is None: parent = tk.Tk() parent.withdraw() gui.setCommonFonts() # invoke the button on the return key parent.bind_class("Button", "<Key-Return>", lambda event: event.widget.invoke()) tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, parent) defineStyle() self.withdraw() # remain invisible for now # If the master is not viewable, don't # make the child transient, or else it # would be opened withdrawn if parent.winfo_viewable() and lockGui: self.transient(parent) if title: self.title(title) self.parent = parent # Default to CANCEL so if window is "Closed" behaves the same. self.result = RESULT_CANCEL self.initial_focus = None bodyFrame = tk.Frame(self) # Call subclass method body to create that region self.body(bodyFrame) bodyFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) # Frame for the info/message label infoFrame = tk.Frame(self) infoFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='sew', padx=5, pady=(0, 5)) self.floatingMessage = tk.Label(infoFrame, text="", fg=Config.SCIPION_MAIN_COLOR) self.floatingMessage.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news') # Create buttons self.icons = kwargs.get('icons', {RESULT_YES: Icon.BUTTON_SELECT, RESULT_NO: Icon.BUTTON_CLOSE, RESULT_CANCEL: Icon.BUTTON_CANCEL, RESULT_CLOSE: Icon.BUTTON_CLOSE}) self.buttons = kwargs.get('buttons', [('OK', RESULT_YES), ('Cancel', RESULT_CANCEL)]) self.defaultButton = kwargs.get('default', 'OK') # Frame for buttons btnFrame = tk.Frame(self) self.buttonbox(btnFrame) btnFrame.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='sew', padx=5, pady=(0, 5)) gui.configureWeigths(self) if self.initial_focus is None: self.initial_focus = self self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel) if self.parent is not None: position = kwargs.get('position', (parent.winfo_rootx() + 50, parent.winfo_rooty() + 50)) self.geometry("+%d+%d" % position) self.deiconify() # become visible now self.initial_focus.focus_set() # Pablo: I've commented this when migrating to python3 since I was getting and exception: # window ".139897767953072.139897384058440" was deleted before its visibility changed # wait for window to appear on screen before calling grab_set self.wait_visibility() if lockGui: self.grab_set() self.wait_window(self)
[docs] def destroy(self): """Destroy the window""" self.initial_focus = None tk.Toplevel.destroy(self)
# # construction hooks
[docs] def body(self, master): """create dialog body. return widget that should have initial focus. This method should be overridden, and is called by the __init__ method. """ pass
def _createButton(self, frame, text, result): icon = None if result in self.icons.keys(): icon = self.getImage(self.icons[result]) return tk.Button(frame, text=text, image=icon, compound=tk.LEFT, command=lambda: self._handleResult(result))
[docs] def buttonbox(self, btnFrame): frame = tk.Frame(btnFrame) btnFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) frame.grid(row=0, column=0) col = 0 for btnLabel, btnResult in self.buttons: btn = self._createButton(frame, btnLabel, btnResult) btn.grid(row=0, column=col, padx=5, pady=5) if (btnLabel == self.defaultButton and self.initial_focus is None): self.initial_focus = btn col += 1 self.bind("<Return>", self._handleReturn) self.bind("<KP_Enter>", self._handleReturn) self.bind("<Escape>", lambda e: self._handleResult(RESULT_CANCEL))
def _handleResult(self, resultValue): """This method will be called when any button is pressed. It will set the resultValue associated with the button and close the Dialog""" self.result = resultValue noCancel = self.result != RESULT_CANCEL and self.result != RESULT_CLOSE callBack = self.validate if noCancel else self.validateClose if not callBack(): self.initial_focus.focus_set() # put focus back return self.withdraw() self.update_idletasks() try: if noCancel: self.apply() finally: self.cancel() def _handleReturn(self, e=None): """Handle press return key""" # Check which of the buttons is the default for button, result in self.buttons: if self.defaultButton == button: self._handleResult(result)
[docs] def cancel(self, event=None): # put focus back to the parent window if self.parent is not None: self.parent.focus_set() self.destroy()
# # command hooks
[docs] def validate(self): """validate the data This method is called automatically to validate the data before the dialog is destroyed. By default, it always validates OK. """ return 1 # override
[docs] def validateClose(self): return True
[docs] def apply(self): """process the data This method is called automatically to process the data, *after* the dialog is destroyed. By default, it does nothing. """ pass # override
[docs] def getImage(self, imgName): """A shortcut to get an image from its name""" return gui.getImage(imgName)
[docs] def getResult(self): return self.result
[docs] def resultYes(self): return self.result == RESULT_YES
[docs] def resultNo(self): return self.result == RESULT_NO
[docs] def resultCancel(self): return self.result == RESULT_CANCEL
[docs] def info(self, message): """ Shows a info message for long running processes to inform the user GUI is not frozen""" self.floatingMessage.config(text=message)
[docs]def fillMessageText(text, message): # Insert lines of text if isinstance(message, list): lines = message else: lines = message.splitlines() text.setReadOnly(False) text.clear() w = 0 for l in lines: w = max(w, len(l)) text.addLine(l) w = min(w + 5, 80) h = min(len(lines) + 3, 30) text.config(height=h, width=w) text.addNewline() text.setReadOnly(True)
[docs]def createMessageBody(bodyFrame, message, image, frameBg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, textBg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, textPad=5): """ Create a Text containing the message. Params: bodyFrame: tk.Frame to be filled. msg: a str or list with the lines. """ bodyFrame.config(bg=frameBg, bd=0) text = TaggedText(bodyFrame, bg=textBg, bd=0, highlightthickness=0) # Insert image if image: label = tk.Label(bodyFrame, image=image, bg=textBg, bd=0) label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nw') text.frame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='news', padx=textPad, pady=textPad) fillMessageText(text, message) bodyFrame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) bodyFrame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) return text
[docs]class MessageDialog(Dialog): """Dialog subclasses to show message info, questions or errors. It can display an icon with the message""" def __init__(self, parent, title, msg, iconPath, **args): self.msg = msg self.iconPath = iconPath if 'buttons' not in args: args['buttons'] = [('OK', RESULT_YES)] args['default'] = 'OK' Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title, **args)
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): self.image = gui.getImage(self.iconPath) createMessageBody(bodyFrame, self.msg, self.image)
[docs]class ExceptionDialog(MessageDialog): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._exception = None if "exception" not in kwargs else kwargs['exception'] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): super().body(bodyFrame) def addTraceback(event): detailsText = TaggedText(bodyFrame, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, bd=0, highlightthickness=0) traceStr = traceback.format_exc() fillMessageText(detailsText, traceStr) detailsText.frame.grid(row=row + 1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) event.widget.grid_forget() row = 1 if self._exception: if isinstance(self._exception, PyworkflowException): helpUrl = self._exception.getUrl() labelUrl = TaggedText(bodyFrame, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, bd=0, highlightthickness=0) fillMessageText(labelUrl, "Please go here for more details: %s" % helpUrl) labelUrl.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='news') row += 1 label = tk.Label(bodyFrame, text="Show details...", bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, bd=0) label.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='news') label.bind("<Button-1>", addTraceback)
[docs]class YesNoDialog(MessageDialog): """Ask a question with YES/NO answer""" def __init__(self, master, title, msg, **kwargs): buttonList = [('Yes', RESULT_YES), ('No', RESULT_NO)] if kwargs.get('showCancel', False): buttonList.append(('Cancel', RESULT_CANCEL)) MessageDialog.__init__(self, master, title, msg, Icon.ALERT, default='No', buttons=buttonList)
[docs]class GenericDialog(Dialog): """ Create a dialog with many buttons Arguments: parent -- a parent window (the application window) title -- the dialog title msg -- message to display into the dialog iconPath -- path of the image to show into the dialog **args accepts: buttons -- list of buttons tuples containing which buttons to display and theirs values icons -- list of icons for all buttons default -- button default Example: buttons=[('Single', RESULT_RUN_SINGLE), ('All', RESULT_RUN_ALL), ('Cancel', RESULT_CANCEL)], default='Cancel', icons={RESULT_CANCEL: Icon.BUTTON_CANCEL, RESULT_RUN_SINGLE: Icon.BUTTON_SELECT, RESULT_RUN_ALL: Icon.ACTION_EXECUTE}) """ def __init__(self, master, title, msg, iconPath, **kwargs): self.msg = msg self.iconPath = iconPath Dialog.__init__(self, master, title, **kwargs)
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): self.image = gui.getImage(self.iconPath) createMessageBody(bodyFrame, self.msg, self.image)
[docs]class EntryDialog(Dialog): """Dialog to ask some entry""" def __init__(self, parent, title, entryLabel, entryWidth=20, defaultValue='', headerLabel=None): self.entryLabel = entryLabel self.entryWidth = entryWidth self.headerLabel = headerLabel self.tkvalue = tk.StringVar() self.tkvalue.set(defaultValue) self.value = None Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title)
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): bodyFrame.config(bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) frame = tk.Frame(bodyFrame, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=20, pady=20) row = 0 if self.headerLabel: label = tk.Label(bodyFrame, text=self.headerLabel, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, bd=0) label.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='nw', padx=(15, 10), pady=15) row += 1 label = tk.Label(bodyFrame, text=self.entryLabel, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, bd=0) label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='nw', padx=(15, 10), pady=15) self.entry = tk.Entry(bodyFrame, bg=gui.cfgEntryBgColor, width=self.entryWidth, textvariable=self.tkvalue) self.entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='new', padx=(0, 15), pady=15) self.initial_focus = self.entry
[docs] def apply(self): self.value = self.entry.get()
[docs] def validate(self): if len(self.entry.get().strip()) == 0: showError("Validation error", "Value is empty", self) return False return True
[docs]class EditObjectDialog(Dialog): """Dialog to edit some text""" def __init__(self, parent, title, obj, mapper, **kwargs): self.obj = obj self.mapper = mapper self.textWidth = 5 self.textHeight = 1 self.labelText = kwargs.get('labelText', Message.TITLE_LABEL) self.valueText = self.obj.getObjLabel() self.commentLabel = Message.TITLE_COMMENT self.commentWidth = 50 self.commentHeight = 15 self.valueComment = self.obj.getObjComment() Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title, **kwargs)
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): bodyFrame.config(bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) frame = tk.Frame(bodyFrame, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=20, pady=20) # Label label_text = tk.Label(bodyFrame, text=self.labelText, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, bd=0) label_text.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nw', padx=(15, 10), pady=15) # Label box var = tk.StringVar() var.set(self.valueText) self.textLabel = tk.Entry(bodyFrame, width=self.textWidth, textvariable=var, font=gui.getDefaultFont()) self.textLabel.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) # Comment label_comment = tk.Label(bodyFrame, text=self.commentLabel, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, bd=0) label_comment.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='nw', padx=(15, 10), pady=15) # Comment box self.textComment = Text(bodyFrame, height=self.commentHeight, width=self.commentWidth) self.textComment.setReadOnly(False) self.textComment.setText(self.valueComment) self.textComment.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) self.initial_focus = self.textLabel
[docs] def getLabel(self): return self.textLabel.get()
[docs] def getComment(self): return self.textComment.getText()
[docs] def apply(self): self.obj.setObjLabel(self.getLabel()) self.obj.setObjComment(self.getComment()) if self.obj.hasObjId(): self.mapper.commit()
[docs] def buttonbox(self, btnFrame): # Cancel the binding of <Return> key Dialog.buttonbox(self, btnFrame) # self.bind("<Return>", self._noReturn) self.unbind("<Return>")
def _noReturn(self, e): pass
""" Functions to display dialogs """
[docs]def askYesNo(title, msg, parent): d = YesNoDialog(parent, title, msg) return d.resultYes()
[docs]def askYesNoCancel(title, msg, parent): d = YesNoDialog(parent, title, msg, showCancel=True) return d.result
[docs]def askSingleAllCancel(title, msg, parent): d = GenericDialog(parent, title, msg, Icon.ALERT, buttons=[('Single', RESULT_RUN_SINGLE), ('All', RESULT_RUN_ALL), ('Cancel', RESULT_CANCEL)], default='Single', icons={RESULT_CANCEL: Icon.BUTTON_CANCEL, RESULT_RUN_SINGLE: Icon.BUTTON_SELECT, RESULT_RUN_ALL: Icon.ACTION_EXECUTE}) return d.result
[docs]def showInfo(title, msg, parent): MessageDialog(parent, title, msg, Icon.INFO)
[docs]def showWarning(title, msg, parent): MessageDialog(parent, title, msg, Icon.ALERT)
[docs]def showError(title, msg, parent, exception=None): ExceptionDialog(parent, title, msg, Icon.ERROR, exception=exception)
[docs]def askString(title, label, parent, entryWidth=20, defaultValue='', headerLabel=None): d = EntryDialog(parent, title, label, entryWidth, defaultValue, headerLabel) return d.value
[docs]def askColor(parent, defaultColor='black'): (rgbcolor, hexcolor) = _askColor(defaultColor, parent=parent) return hexcolor
[docs]class ListDialog(Dialog): """ Dialog to select an element from a list. It is implemented using the Tree widget. """ def __init__(self, parent, title, provider, message=None, **kwargs): """ From kwargs: :param message: message tooltip to show when browsing. :param validateSelectionCallback: a callback function to validate selected items. :param previewCallback: method to be called on item click to fill the callback frame. :param selectmode: 'extended' by default. Selection mode of the tk.Tree :param selectOnDoubleClick: (False). If True, double click will trigger "Select" button click :param allowsEmptySelection: (False). Allows empty selection :param allowSelect: if set to False, the 'Select' button will not be shown. :param allowsEmptySelection: if set to True, it will not validate that at least one element was selected. """ self.values = [] self.provider = provider self.message = message self.validateSelectionCallback = kwargs.get('validateSelectionCallback', None) self.previewCallBack = kwargs.get('previewCallback', None) self._selectmode = kwargs.get('selectmode', 'extended') self._selectOnDoubleClick = kwargs.get('selectOnDoubleClick', False) self._allowsEmptySelection = kwargs.get('allowsEmptySelection', False) buttons = [] if kwargs.get('allowSelect', True): buttons.append(('Select', RESULT_YES)) if kwargs.get('cancelButton', False): buttons.append(('Close', RESULT_CLOSE)) else: buttons.append(('Cancel', RESULT_CANCEL)) Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title, buttons=buttons, **kwargs)
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): bodyFrame.config() gui.configureWeigths(bodyFrame) dialogFrame = tk.Frame(bodyFrame) dialogFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) dialogFrame.config() gui.configureWeigths(dialogFrame, row=1) self._createFilterBox(dialogFrame) self._createTree(dialogFrame) if self.previewCallBack: self._createPreviewPanel(dialogFrame) if self.message: label = tk.Label(bodyFrame, text=self.message, compound=tk.LEFT, image=self.getImage(Icon.LIGHTBULB)) label.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='nw', padx=5, pady=5) self.initial_focus = self.tree
def _createTree(self, parent): self.tree = BoundTree(parent, self.provider, selectmode=self._selectmode, style=LIST_TREEVIEW) if self._selectOnDoubleClick: self.tree.itemDoubleClick = lambda obj: self._handleResult(RESULT_YES) if self.previewCallBack: self.tree.itemClick = self._itemClick self.tree.grid(row=1, column=0) def _itemClick(self, obj): self.previewCallBack(obj, self.previewFrame) def _createPreviewPanel(self, parent): self.previewFrame = tk.Frame(parent) self.previewFrame.grid(row=1, column=1) def _createFilterBox(self, content): """ Create the Frame with Filter widgets """ def _onSearch(e=None): def comparison(): pattern = self._searchVar.get().lower() return [w[0] for w in self.lista.items() if pattern in self.lista.get(w[0]).lower()] self.tree.update() self.lista = {} for item in self.tree.get_children(): itemStr = self.tree.item(item)['text'] for value in self.tree.item(item)['values']: if isinstance(value, int): itemStr = itemStr + ' ' + str(value) else: itemStr = itemStr + ' ' + value self.lista[item] = itemStr if self._searchVar.get() != '': matchs = comparison() if matchs: for item in self.tree.get_children(): if item not in matchs: self.tree.delete(item) else: self.tree.delete(*self.tree.get_children()) self.searchBoxframe = tk.Frame(content) label = tk.Label(self.searchBoxframe, text="Filter") label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nw') self._searchVar = tk.StringVar(value='') self.entry = tk.Entry(self.searchBoxframe, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, textvariable=self._searchVar, width=40, font=gui.getDefaultFont()) self.entry.bind('<KeyRelease>', _onSearch) self.entry.focus_set() self.entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='news') self.searchBoxframe.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=(10, 5))
[docs] def apply(self): self.values = self.tree.getSelectedObjects()
[docs] def validate(self): self.apply() # load self.values with selected items err = '' if self.values: if self.validateSelectionCallback: err = self.validateSelectionCallback(self.values) else: if not self._allowsEmptySelection: err = "Please select an element" if err: showError("Validation error", err, self) return False return True
[docs]class ToolbarButton: """ Store information about the buttons that will be added to the toolbar. """ def __init__(self, text, command, icon=None, tooltip=None, shortcut=None): self.text = text self.command = command self.icon = icon self.tooltip = tooltip self.shortcut = shortcut
[docs]class ToolbarListDialog(ListDialog): """ This class extend from ListDialog to allow an extra toolbar to handle operations over the elements in the list (e.g. Edit, New, Delete). """ def __init__(self, parent, title, provider, message=None, toolbarButtons=None, **kwargs): """ From kwargs: message: message tooltip to show when browsing. selected: the item that should be selected. validateSelectionCallback: a callback function to validate selected items. allowSelect: if set to False, the 'Select' button will not be shown. """ self.toolbarButtons = toolbarButtons self._itemDoubleClick = kwargs.get('itemDoubleClick', None) ListDialog.__init__(self, parent, title, provider, message, **kwargs)
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): gui.configureWeigths(bodyFrame, 1, 0) # Add an extra frame to insert the Toolbar # and another one for the ListDialog's body self.toolbarFrame = tk.Frame(bodyFrame) self.toolbarFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='new') subBody = tk.Frame(bodyFrame) subBody.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) ListDialog.body(self, subBody) if self.toolbarButtons: for i, b in enumerate(self.toolbarButtons): self._addButton(b, i) if self._itemDoubleClick: self.tree.itemDoubleClick = self._itemDoubleClick
def _addButton(self, button, col): btn = tk.Label(self.toolbarFrame, text=button.text, image=self.getImage(button.icon), compound=tk.LEFT, cursor='hand2') btn.grid(row=0, column=col, sticky='nw', padx=(5, 0), pady=(5, 0)) btn.bind('<Button-1>', button.command) if button.tooltip: tooltip = button.tooltip + ' (%s)' % button.shortcut if button.shortcut else button.tooltip self.bind(button.shortcut, button.command) ToolTip(btn, tooltip, delay=150) if button.shortcut: self.bind(button.shortcut, button.command)
[docs]class FlashMessage: def __init__(self, master, msg, delay=5, relief='solid', func=None): self.root = tk.Toplevel(master=master) # hides until know geometry self.root.withdraw() self.root.wm_overrideredirect(1) tk.Label(self.root, text=" %s " % msg, bd=1, bg='DodgerBlue4', fg='white').pack() gui.centerWindows(self.root, refWindows=master) self.root.deiconify() self.root.grab_set() self.msg = msg if func: self.root.update_idletasks() self.root.after(10, self.process, func) else: self.root.after(int(delay * 1000), self.close) self.root.wait_window(self.root)
[docs] def process(self, func): func() self.root.destroy()
[docs] def close(self): self.root.destroy()
[docs]class FloatingMessage: def __init__(self, master, msg, xPos=None, yPos=None, textWidth=280, font='Helvetica', size=12, bd=1, bg=Config.SCIPION_MAIN_COLOR, fg='white'): if xPos is None: xPos = (master.winfo_width() - textWidth) / 2 yPos = master.winfo_height() / 2 self.floatingMessage = tk.Label(master, text=" %s " % msg, bd=bd, bg=bg, fg=fg), y=yPos, width=textWidth) self.floatingMessage.config(font=(font, size))
[docs] def setMessage(self, msg): self.floatingMessage.config(text=msg)
[docs] def show(self): self.floatingMessage.update_idletasks()
[docs] def close(self): self.floatingMessage.destroy()
[docs]class FileBrowseDialog(Dialog): """Dialog to select files from the filesystem.""" def __init__(self, parent, title, provider, message=None, **args): """ From args: message: message tooltip to show when browsing. selected: the item that should be selected. """ self.value = None self.provider = provider self.message = args.get('message', None) Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title, buttons=[('Select', RESULT_YES), ('Cancel', RESULT_CANCEL)])
[docs] def body(self, bodyFrame): bodyFrame.config(bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) gui.configureWeigths(bodyFrame) self._createTree(bodyFrame) if self.message: label = tk.Label(bodyFrame, text=self.message, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR, image=self.getImage(Icon.LIGHTBULB), compound=tk.LEFT) label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='nw', padx=5, pady=5) self.initial_focus = self.tree
def _createTree(self, parent): self.tree = BoundTree(parent, self.provider)
[docs] def apply(self): index = self.tree.index(self.tree.getFirst()) self.value = self.tree._objects[index]
[docs] def validate(self): if self.tree.getFirst() is None: showError("Validation error", "Please select an element", self) return False return True
[docs]class SearchBaseWindow(Window): """ Base window for searching in a list You are going to implement several elements: columnsConfig: a dictionary with elements with this structure: <column-key>: (<title>,{kwargs for tree.column method}, weight, <casting_method>(optional, otherwise str)) Example: columnConfig = { '#0': ('Status', {'width': 50, 'minwidth': 50, 'stretch': tk.NO}, 3), 'protocol': ('Protocol', {'width': 300, 'stretch': tk.FALSE}), 5, 'streaming': ('Streamified', {'width': 100, 'stretch': tk.FALSE}, 3), 'installed': ('Installation', {'width': 110, 'stretch': tk.FALSE}, 3), 'help': ('Help', {'minwidth': 300, 'stretch': tk.YES}, 3), 'score': ('Score', {'width': 50, 'stretch': tk.FALSE}, 3, int), } _createResultsTree method _onSearchClick method See SearchProtocolWindow as an example """ COLUMN_TEXT_INDEX = 0 COLUMN_KWARGS_INDEX = 1 WEIGHT_INDEX = 2 CASTING_INDEX = 3 columnConfig = {} # Columns configuration def __init__(self, parentWindow, title="Search element", onClick=None, onDoubleClick=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(title=title, masterWindow=parentWindow) self.onClick = self._click if onClick is None else onClick self.onDoubleClick = self._double_click if onDoubleClick is None else onDoubleClick content = tk.Frame(self.root, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) self._createContent(content) content.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news') content.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) content.rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
[docs] def getColumnKeys(self): return self.columnConfig.keys()
def _createContent(self, content): self._createSearchBox(content) self._createResultsBox(content) def _createSearchBox(self, content): """ Create the Frame with Search widgets """ frame = tk.Frame(content, bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) label = tk.Label(frame, text="Search", bg=Config.SCIPION_BG_COLOR) label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nw') self._searchVar = tk.StringVar() entry = tk.Entry(frame, bg='white', textvariable=self._searchVar, font=gui.getDefaultFont()) entry.bind(TK.RETURN, self._onSearchClick) entry.bind(TK.ENTER, self._onSearchClick) entry.focus_set() entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw') btn = widgets.IconButton(frame, "Search", imagePath=Icon.ACTION_SEARCH, command=self._onSearchClick) btn.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='nw') frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='new', padx=5, pady=(10, 5)) def _createResultsBox(self, content): frame = tk.Frame(content, bg=Color.ALT_COLOR, padx=5, pady=5) configureWeigths(frame) self._resultsTree = self._createResultsTree(frame, show=None, columns=list(self.getColumnKeys())[1:]) self._configureTreeColumns() self._resultsTree.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news') frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='news', padx=5, pady=5) def _createResultsTree(self, frame, show, columns): t = Tree(frame, show=show, columns=columns, style=LIST_TREEVIEW) t.column('#0', minwidth=100) t.bind("<Button-1>", self.onClick) t.bind("<Double-1>", self.onDoubleClick) return t def _click(self, event): """ To be implemented, triggered on tree-view click """ pass def _double_click(self, event): """ To be implemented, triggered on tree-view double click """ pass
[docs] def addSearchWeight(self, line2Search, searchtext): # Adds a weight value for the search weight = 0 linelower = [str(v).lower() for v in line2Search] for index, column in enumerate(self.columnConfig.values()): if searchtext in linelower[index]: # prioritize findings in label weight += column[self.WEIGHT_INDEX] * 2 elif " " in searchtext: for word in searchtext.split(): if word in linelower[index]: weight += column[self.WEIGHT_INDEX] return line2Search + (weight,)
def _configureTreeColumns(self): for key, columnConf in self.columnConfig.items(): casting = str if len(columnConf) <= self.CASTING_INDEX else columnConf[self.CASTING_INDEX] self._resultsTree.column(key, **columnConf[self.COLUMN_KWARGS_INDEX]) self._resultsTree.heading(key, text=columnConf[self.COLUMN_TEXT_INDEX], command=lambda bound_key=key, bound_casting=casting: self._resultsTree.sortByColumn(bound_key, False, casting=bound_casting)) def _onSearchClick(self, e=None): """ To be implemented, triggered on search button click""" pass