Source code for pyworkflow.apps.pw_run_tests

#!/usr/bin/env python
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
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# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

Run or show the selected tests. Tests can be selected by giving
the "case", or by giving the paths and file pattern to use for
searching them.
from pyworkflow.utils import LoggingConfigurator
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict

import pyworkflow.tests as pwtests
from pyworkflow import getTestsScript, SCIPION_TESTS_CMD, Config

from pyworkflow.tests import *

TEST = 2

[docs]class Tester:
[docs] def main(self, args=None): # Trigger plugin's variable definition Config.getDomain().getPlugins() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=self.getTestsCommand(), description=__doc__) g = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument('--run', action='store_true', help='run the selected tests') g.add_argument('--show', action='store_true', help='show available tests', default=True) add = parser.add_argument # shortcut add('--pattern', default='test*.py', help='pattern for the files that will be used in the tests') add('--grep', default=None, nargs='+', help='only show/run tests containing the provided words') add('--skip', default=None, nargs='+', help='skip tests that contains these words') add('--log', default=None, nargs='?', help="Generate logs files with the output of each test.") add('--mode', default='classes', choices=['modules', 'classes', 'onlyclasses', 'all'], help='how much detail to give in show mode') add('tests', metavar='TEST', nargs='*', help='test case from string identifier (module, class or callable)') args = parser.parse_args(args) if not and not and not args.tests: sys.exit(parser.format_help()) # Logging stuff first self.log = args.log if self.log: LoggingConfigurator.setupLogging(logFile=self.log) else: logging.basicConfig(level=Config.SCIPION_LOG_LEVEL, format=Config.SCIPION_LOG_FORMAT) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # This goes intentionally to the output. Is not a logging line._S print("Scanning tests...") testsDict = OrderedDict() testLoader = unittest.defaultTestLoader if args.tests: print(pwutils.cyanStr("Loading test/s %s" % args.tests)) # In this case the tests are passed as argument. # The full name of the test will be used to load it. testsDict['tests'] = unittest.TestSuite() for t in args.tests: try: testsDict['tests'].addTests(testLoader.loadTestsFromName(t)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Cannot load test %s -- skipping' % t, exc_info=True) else: # In this other case, we will load the test available # from pyworkflow and the other plugins # self.paths = [('pyworkflow', os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pw.__file__)))] self.paths = [] for name, plugin in pw.Config.getDomain().getPlugins().items(): self.paths.append((name, os.path.dirname(plugin.__path__[0]))) for k, p in self.paths: testPath = os.path.join(p, k, 'tests') if os.path.exists(testPath): self.logger.debug("Discovering tests at %s" % testPath) testsDict[k] =, pattern=args.pattern, top_level_dir=p) self.grep = [g.lower() for g in args.grep] if args.grep else [] self.skip = [s.lower() for s in args.skip] if args.skip else [] self.mode = args.mode if args.tests: self.runSingleTest(testsDict['tests']) elif for moduleName, tests in testsDict.items():">>>> %s" % moduleName)) self.runTests(moduleName, tests) elif args.grep: pattern = args.grep[0] for moduleName, tests in testsDict.items(): self.printTests(pattern, tests) else: for moduleName, tests in testsDict.items(): if self._match(moduleName): print(pwutils.cyanStr(">>>> %s" % moduleName)) self.printTests(moduleName, tests)
def _match(self, itemName): # Add a space to allow " tomo." as a filter for example to narrow search to tomo and leaving out xmipptomo, emntomo, ... itemLower = " " + itemName.lower() grep = (not self.grep or all(g in itemLower for g in self.grep)) skip = (self.skip and any(s in itemLower for s in self.skip)) return grep and not skip def __iterTests(self, test): """ Recursively iterate over a testsuite. """ self.logger.debug("__iterTests: %s, is-suite: %s" % (str(test.__class__), isinstance(test, unittest.TestSuite))) if isinstance(test, unittest.TestSuite): for t in test: self.__iterTests(t) else: yield test def _visitTests(self, moduleName, tests, newItemCallback): """ Show the list of tests available """ mode = self.mode assert mode in ['modules', 'classes', 'onlyclasses', 'all'], 'Unknown mode %s' % mode # First flatten the list of tests. # testsFlat = list(iter(self.__iterTests(tests))) testsFlat = [] toCheck = [t for t in tests] while toCheck: test = toCheck.pop() if isinstance(test, unittest.TestSuite): toCheck += [t for t in test] elif test not in testsFlat: testsFlat.append(test) # Follow the flattened list of tests and show the module, class # and name, in a nice way. lastClass = None lastModule = None if testsFlat: for t in testsFlat: testModuleName, className, testName ='.', 2) # If there is a failure loading the test, show it errorStr = 'unittest.loader._FailedTest.' if testModuleName.startswith(errorStr): newName =, '') if self._match(newName): self.logger.error( pwutils.redStr('Error loading the test. Please, run the test for more information: ' + newName)) continue if testModuleName != lastModule: lastModule = testModuleName if mode != 'onlyclasses': newItemCallback(MODULE, "%s" % testModuleName) if mode in ['classes', 'onlyclasses', 'all'] and className != lastClass: lastClass = className newItemCallback(CLASS, "%s.%s" % (testModuleName, className)) if mode == 'all': newItemCallback(TEST, "%s.%s.%s" % (testModuleName, className, testName)) else: if not self.grep: self.logger.warning(pwutils.greenStr(' The plugin does not have any test')) def _printNewItem(self, itemType, itemName): if self._match(itemName): spaces = (itemType * 2) * ' ' # Do not use intentionally the logger. This is not a logging output but a GUI output print("%s %s %s" % (spaces, self.getTestsCommand(), itemName))
[docs] def getTestsCommand(self): return os.environ.get(SCIPION_TESTS_CMD, getTestsScript())
[docs] def printTests(self, moduleName, tests): self._visitTests(moduleName, tests, self._printNewItem)
def _runNewItem(self, itemType, itemName): if self._match(itemName): spaces = (itemType * 2) * ' ' script = getTestsScript() cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (pw.PYTHON, script, spaces, itemName) run = ((itemType == MODULE and self.mode == 'modules') or (itemType == CLASS and self.mode in ('classes', 'onlyclasses')) or (itemType == TEST and self.mode == 'all')) if run: if self.log: # logFile = join(self.testsDir, '%s.txt' % itemName) cmdFull = cmd + " >> %s 2>&1" % self.log else: logFile = '' cmdFull = cmd t = pwutils.Timer() t.tic() self.testCount += 1 os.system(cmdFull)
[docs] def runTests(self, moduleName, tests): self.testCount = 0 self._visitTests(moduleName, tests, self._runNewItem)
[docs] def runSingleTest(self, tests): result = pwtests.GTestResult() result.doReport() resultPassed = result.numberTests - result.testFailed sys.exit(1 if result.testFailed > 0 or resultPassed == 0 else 0)
if __name__ == '__main__': Tester().main()