Source code for pwem.viewers.viewer_localres

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin ( [1]
# * Authors:     Daniel Del Hoyo (
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import numpy as np

import pyworkflow.viewer as pwviewer
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
import pyworkflow.gui.plotter as plotter

import pwem.constants as emcts
from pwem import emlib, splitRange
from pwem.objects import AtomStruct, SetOfAtomStructs
from pwem.viewers.viewer_chimera import mapVolsWithColorkey, Chimera, ChimeraView, generateColorLegend
from pwem.convert.atom_struct import *

from .plotter import EmPlotter, plt

[docs]def getChimeraError(): return 'Chimera program is not found were it was expected: \n\n{}\n\n' \ 'Either install ChimeraX in this path or install our ' \ 'scipion-em-chimera plugin'.format(Chimera.getProgram())
[docs]class LocalResolutionViewer(pwviewer.ProtocolViewer): """ Visualization tools for local resolution results. """ binaryCondition = ('(colorMap == %d) ' % emcts.COLOR_OTHER) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pwviewer.ProtocolViewer.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def getImgData(self, imgFile, minMaskValue=0.1, maxMaskValue=None): import numpy as np # if image ends in .mrc or .map :mrc if imgFile[-4:] == ".mrc" or imgFile[-4:] == ".map": imgFile += ":mrc" img = emlib.image.ImageHandler().read(imgFile) imgData = img.getData() voldim = (img.getDimensions())[:-1] if maxMaskValue: imgData = > maxMaskValue, imgData, copy=False) maxRes = np.amax(imgData) if minMaskValue: imgData = < minMaskValue, imgData, copy=False) minRes = np.amin(imgData) return imgData, minRes, maxRes, voldim
[docs] def getSlice(self, index, volumeData): return int(index * volumeData.shape[0] / 9)
[docs] def getSliceImage(self, volumeData, sliceNumber, dataAxis): if dataAxis == 'y': imgSlice = volumeData[:, sliceNumber, :] elif dataAxis == 'x': imgSlice = volumeData[:, :, sliceNumber] else: imgSlice = volumeData[sliceNumber, :, :] return imgSlice
[docs] def createChimeraScript(self, scriptFile, fnResVol, fnOrigMap, sampRate, numColors=13, lowResLimit=None, highResLimit=None, showAxis=True): imageFile = os.path.abspath(fnResVol) _, minRes, maxRes, voldim = self.getImgData(imageFile) # Narrow the color range to the highest resolution range if lowResLimit is None: lowResLimit = min(maxRes, minRes + 5) if highResLimit is None: highResLimit = minRes stepColors = splitRange(highResLimit, lowResLimit, splitNum=numColors) colorList = plotter.getHexColorList(len(stepColors), self._getColorName()) fnVol = os.path.abspath(fnOrigMap) mapVolsWithColorkey(fnVol, imageFile, stepColors, colorList, voldim, volOrigin=None, step=-1, sampling=sampRate, scriptFileName=scriptFile, bgColorImage='white', showAxis=showAxis)
def _getColorName(self): return self.colorMap.get()
[docs]class ChimeraAttributeViewer(pwviewer.ProtocolViewer): """ Viewer for attributes of a SetOfAtomStruct or AtomStruct. Includes visualization in chimera and in histograms""" _label = 'Atomic structure attributes viewer' _targets = [] _environments = [pwviewer.DESKTOP_TKINTER, pwviewer.WEB_DJANGO] def __init__(self, **kwargs): pwviewer.ProtocolViewer.__init__(self, **kwargs) if not chimeraInstalled(): print(getChimeraError()) def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Visualization of attributes') form.addParam('attrName', params.EnumParam, choices=self._getStructureAttributes(), default=self._getAttributeIndex(self.protocol._ATTRNAME), label='Attribute to display: ', help='Display this attribute of the structure' ) group = form.addGroup('Attribute histogram') group.addParam('displayHistogram', params.LabelParam, label='Display histogram of attribute: ', help='Display a histogram with the count of the attribute.\n' 'The color palette, intervals, lowest and highest values can be chosen in the ' 'parameters below. If the highest and lowest values you input are the same, ' 'the lowest and higher values in the date are used.' ) group = form.addGroup('Visualization over sequence') group.addParam('chain_name', params.StringParam, default='A', allowsNull=True, label='Chain of interest:', help='Specify the chain of interest (e.g: A)') group.addParam('displaySequence', params.LabelParam, label='Display attribute over sequence: ', help='Display a graph witht the values of the selected attribute over the sequence.' ) group = form.addGroup('Visualization in Chimera') group.addParam('displayStruct', params.LabelParam, label='Display structure and color by attribute in Chimera: ', help='Display the AtomStruct, coloured by the attribute.\n' 'The color palette, intervals, lowest and highest values can be chosen in the ' 'parameters below. If the highest and lowest values you input are the same, ' 'the lowest and highest values in the date are used.' ) group.addParam('residuesAverages', params.BooleanParam, default=True, label='Average attribute on residues: ', help='In case the recipients are the atoms, their values are averaged on the residues.\n' ) from pwem.wizards.wizard import ColorScaleWizardBase group = form.addGroup('Color settings') ColorScaleWizardBase.defineColorScaleParams(group, defaultLowest=0, defaultHighest=2, defaultIntervals=21, defaultColorMap='RdBu') def _getOutputObject(self): '''Return the output object of the protocol (SetOfAtomStruct or AtomStruct) To change in other viewers with different output name''' return getattr(self.protocol, self.protocol._OUTNAME)
[docs] def getAtomStructObject(self): obj = self._getOutputObject() if issubclass(type(obj), SetOfAtomStructs): _inputStruct = obj.getRepresentative() if _inputStruct is None: _inputStruct = obj.getFirstItem() elif issubclass(type(obj), AtomStruct): _inputStruct = obj return _inputStruct
def _getStructureAttributes(self): '''Returns a list with the names of the attributes of the output object''' obj = self.getAtomStructObject() ASH = AtomicStructHandler() cifDic = ASH.readLowLevel(obj.getFileName()) return list(set(cifDic[NAME])) def _getAttributeIndex(self, attrName): '''Returns a list with the names of the attributes of the output object''' names = self._getStructureAttributes() return names.index(attrName) def _getVisualizeDict(self): return { 'displayStruct': self._showChimera, 'displayHistogram': self._showHistogram, 'displaySequence': self._showSequence, } def _showSequence(self, paramName=None): prot = self.protocol _inputStruct = self.getAtomStructObject() cifFile = _inputStruct.getFileName() attrName = self.getEnumText('attrName') cifDic = AtomicStructHandler().readLowLevel(cifFile) names, values, specs = np.array(cifDic[NAME]), np.array(cifDic[VALUE]), np.array(cifDic[SPEC]) recipient = getStructureRecipient(cifDic, attrName) attrValues, attrSpecs = values[names == attrName], specs[names == attrName] if recipient == 'atoms': attrValues, attrSpecs = getResidueAverage(attrValues, attrSpecs) attrPositions, attrChainValues = getResiduePositions(attrSpecs, attrValues, self.chain_name.get()) attrValues = list(map(float, attrChainValues)) xs = np.arange(len(attrValues)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1), attrValues) yloc = plt.MaxNLocator(10) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(yloc) plt.xlabel("Sequence position") plt.ylabel("{} value".format(attrName)) plt.title('{} along sequence'.format(attrName)) def _showChimera(self, paramName=None): if chimeraInstalled(): prot = self.protocol chimScript = prot._getExtraPath('') f = open(chimScript, "w") f.write("from chimerax.core.commands import run\n") f.write("run(session, 'cd %s')\n" % os.getcwd()) f.write("run(session, 'cofr 0,0,0')\n") # set center of coordinates _inputStruct = self.getAtomStructObject() _inputVol = _inputStruct.getVolume() cifFile = _inputStruct.getFileName() attrName = self.getEnumText('attrName') if _inputVol is not None: strId = 3 dim, sampling = _inputVol.getDim()[0], _inputVol.getSamplingRate() f.write("run(session, 'open %s')\n" % _inputVol.getFileName()) x, y, z = _inputVol.getOrigin(force=True).getShifts() f.write("run(session, 'volume #%d style surface voxelSize %f')\n" % (1, sampling)) f.write("run(session, 'volume #%d origin %0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f')\n" % (1, x, y, z)) f.write("run(session, 'hide #!%d models')\n" % 1) else: dim, sampling = 150., 1. strId = 2 tmpFileName = os.path.abspath(prot._getExtraPath("axis_input.bild")) Chimera.createCoordinateAxisFile(dim, bildFileName=tmpFileName, sampling=sampling) f.write("run(session, 'open %s')\n" % tmpFileName) # Open atomstruct and color it by the bfactor (which is actually the DAQ score) cifDic = AtomicStructHandler().readLowLevel(cifFile) outFile = self.protocol._getExtraPath('chimeraAttribute_{}.cif'.format(attrName)) if getStructureRecipient(cifDic, attrName=attrName) in ['atoms']: f.write("run(session, 'open %s')\n" % replaceOcuppancyWithAttribute(cifFile, attrName, outFile)) attrColorName = 'occupancy' elif getStructureRecipient(cifDic, attrName=attrName) in ['residues'] and \ getCifKeyName(cifDic, 'asym') and getCifKeyName(cifDic, 'seq'): f.write("run(session, 'open %s')\n" % replaceOcuppancyWithAttribute(cifFile, attrName, outFile)) attrColorName = 'occupancy' else: f.write("run(session, 'open %s')\n" % cifFile) defAttrFile = self.createAttributesFile(cifFile, strId) f.write("run(session, 'open %s')\n" % defAttrFile) attrColorName = attrName stepColors, colorList = self.getColors() colorList.reverse(), stepColors.reverse() scolorStr = '' for step, color in zip(stepColors, colorList): scolorStr += '%s,%s:' % (step, color) scolorStr = scolorStr[:-1] average = '' if getStructureRecipient(cifDic, attrName=attrName) == 'atoms' and self.residuesAverages: average = 'average residues' f.write("run(session, 'color byattribute {} palette {} {}')\n". format(attrColorName, scolorStr, average)) f.write(generateColorLegend(stepColors, colorList)) f.write("run(session, 'view')\n") f.close() view = ChimeraView(chimScript) return [view] else: return [self.warnMessage(getChimeraError(), 'Chimera not found')] def _showHistogram(self, paramName=None): attrname = self.getEnumText('attrName') cifFile = self.getAtomStructObject().getFileName() cifDic = AtomicStructHandler().readLowLevel(cifFile) #TODO: admit non float attributes names, values = np.array(cifDic[NAME]), np.array(cifDic[VALUE]) recipient = getStructureRecipient(cifDic, attrName=attrname) attrValues = values[names == attrname] attrValues = list(map(float, attrValues)) self.plotter = EmPlotter(x=1, y=1, windowTitle=attrname) a = self.plotter.createSubPlot("{} counts".format(attrname), attrname, "{} count".format(recipient)) low, high = self.getValuesRange() a.set_xlim([low, high]) n = 5 mult = 10 ** n stepSize = int(round((high-low) / self.intervals.get(), n) * mult) bins = [i / mult for i in range(int(low * mult), int(high * mult), stepSize)] _, _, bars = a.hist(attrValues, bins=bins, linewidth=1, label="Map", rwidth=0.9) colorSteps, colorList = self.getColors() for bar, colorS, color in zip(bars, colorSteps, colorList): bar.set_facecolor(color) a.grid(True) return [self.plotter] ###################### UTILS #########################
[docs] def getValuesRange(self): if self.lowest.get() != self.highest.get(): return self.lowest.get(), self.highest.get() else: attrname = self.getEnumText('attrName') cifDic = AtomicStructHandler().readLowLevel(self.getAtomStructObject().getFileName()) names, values = np.array(cifDic[NAME]), np.array(cifDic[VALUE]) attrValues = values[names == attrname] attrValues = list(map(float, attrValues)) return min(attrValues), max(attrValues)
[docs] def getColors(self): low, high = self.getValuesRange() stepColors = splitRange(low, high, splitNum=self.intervals.get()) colorList = plotter.getHexColorList(len(stepColors), self.colorMap.get()) return stepColors, colorList
[docs] def createAttributesFile(self, cifFile, chiEleId): cifDic = AtomicStructHandler().readLowLevel(cifFile) attrName = self.getEnumText('attrName') defAttrStr = 'attribute: {}\n'.format(self.getEnumText('attrName')) first = True for name, recip, spec, value in zip(cifDic[NAME], cifDic[RECIP], cifDic[SPEC], cifDic[VALUE]): if name == attrName: if first: defAttrStr += 'recipient: {}\n'.format(recip) first = False defAttrStr += '\t#{}/{}\t{}\n'.format(chiEleId, spec, value) defattrFile = self.protocol._getExtraPath('{}.defattr'.format(attrName)) with open(defattrFile, 'w') as f: f.write(defAttrStr) return defattrFile
[docs]def chimeraInstalled(): return Chimera.getHome() and os.path.exists(Chimera.getProgram())
[docs]def getCifKeyName(cifDic, keyBase): base = '_atom_site.{}' + '_{}_id'.format(keyBase) options = [base.format('pdbx_auth'), base.format('auth'), base.format('label')] for name in options: if name in cifDic: return name
[docs]def replaceOcuppancyWithAttribute(cifFile, attrName, outFile=None): '''Instead of defining the atribute in a defattr file, switch it with the occupancy and color by it. It notably speeds up chimera colouring''' cifDic = AtomicStructHandler().readLowLevel(cifFile) if not outFile: outDir = os.path.dirname(cifFile) outFile = os.path.join(outDir, 'chimeraAttribute_{}.cif'.format(attrName)) if not os.path.exists(outFile): names, values, specs = np.array(cifDic[NAME]), np.array(cifDic[VALUE]), np.array(cifDic[SPEC]) recipient = getStructureRecipient(cifDic, attrName) attrValues, attrSpecs = values[names == attrName], specs[names == attrName] if recipient == 'atoms': cifDic['_atom_site.occupancy'] = attrValues elif recipient == 'residues': atomValues = [] resDic = makeResidueValuesDic(cifDic, attrName) chainsStr, resStr = getCifKeyName(cifDic, 'asym'), getCifKeyName(cifDic, 'seq') for resChain, resNumber in zip(cifDic[chainsStr], cifDic[resStr]): resKey = '{}:{}'.format(resChain, resNumber) if resKey in resDic: #HOH atoms may be ignored and not appear in the cif lastVal = resDic[resKey] atomValues.append(lastVal) else: atomValues.append(lastVal) cifDic['_atom_site.occupancy'] = atomValues AtomicStructHandler()._writeLowLevel(outFile, cifDic) return outFile
[docs]def getResidueAverage(atomValues, atomSpec): resDic = {} for atVal, atSpe in zip(atomValues, atomSpec): resSpe = atSpe.split('@')[0] if resSpe in resDic: resDic[resSpe].append(atVal) else: resDic[resSpe] = [atVal] resValues = [] for resSpe in resDic: resValues.append(np.mean(list(map(float, resDic[resSpe])))) return resValues, list(resDic.keys())
[docs]def getResiduePositions(attrSpecs, attrValues, chainName): attrPositions, attrChainValues = [], [] for spe, val in zip(attrSpecs, attrValues): chain, position = spe.split(':') if chain == chainName: attrPositions.append(position) attrChainValues.append(val) return attrPositions, attrChainValues
[docs]def getStructureRecipient(cifDic, attrName): '''Returns a list with the names of the attributes of the output object''' recipDic = {} for name, recip in zip(cifDic[NAME], cifDic[RECIP]): recipDic[name] = recip return recipDic[attrName]
[docs]def makeResidueValuesDic(cifDic, attrName): resDic = {} names, values, specs = np.array(cifDic[NAME]), np.array(cifDic[VALUE]), np.array(cifDic[SPEC]) attrValues, attrSpecs = values[names == attrName], specs[names == attrName] for spec, val in zip(attrSpecs, attrValues): resDic[spec] = val return resDic